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2019-2020年三年级英语下册Unit8TheRulerIsLong单元测试卷陕旅版一、根据汉语提示,补全句子。1. The tree is _ (高的).2. The ruler is _ (长的).3. The boy is _ (矮的).4. The apple is _ (小的).5. The watermelon is _ (大的).二、单项选择。( ) 1. It has big ears, but it has _ eyes.A. bigB. small C. long( ) 2. She has _ hair. A. long B. short C. small( ) 3. _ tail (尾巴) is short.A. It B. Its C. Its( ) 4. It has a _ nose. A. small B. short C. long( ) 5. It is _. A. tall B. small C. short三、情景选择。( ) 1. 如何向别人描述一头大象?A. Its an elephant.B. It has a long nose and big ears.C. Its a mouth. ( ) 2. 如何向别人描述你的妈妈? A. My mother is she.B. She is tall and her hair is long.C. She is my mother.( ) 3. 如何向别人描述你的爸爸?A. My father is tall and fat (胖).B. This is my father.C. He is my father.( ) 4. 想告诉别人你的老师眼睛很大,鼻子很小,你会怎么说?A. My teacher is tall and thin.B. My teacher is short and fat.C. My teacher has big eyes and a small nose.( ) 5. 想告诉别人你又矮又小,你会怎么说?A. I am short and small.B. I am tall and fat.C. I am me.四、把B栏的序号填在A栏题前相应的括号内。I II( ) (1) Do you like cookie?A. I like pineapple.( ) (2) What do you like?B. No, I dont.( ) (3) Have you got a bike?C. I can see a monkey. ( ) (4) Whats eight and seven? D. Yes, I have.( ) (5) What can you see? E. Eight apples.( ) (6) How many apples can you see? F. Its fifteen.五、阅读理解。My name is Bruce. Im eleven years old. I study in Yangguang Primary School (阳光小学). I like watermelon. And I have a red pet (宠物). It has two long ears and red eyes. It is white, it likes grass very much. Can you guess what is it?( ) (1) How old is Bruce?He is _ years old.A. 11B.12 C. 13( ) (2) What does Bruce like?He likes_.A. pineapple B. watermelon C. pear( ) (3) Bruces pet (宠物) has two _ ears.It is _.A. small B. long C. short( ) (4) What color are the pets (宠物的) eyes?A. blue B. yellow C. red( ) (5) Can you guess what is Bruces pet? (你能猜猜Bruce的宠物是什么吗?)A. An elephant B. A rabbitC. A monkey六、简单介绍一下你的英语老师的特点。This is my English teacher. _参考答案一、1. tall 2. long 3. short 4. small 5. big 二、1-5 BACCA三、1-5 BBACA四、(1)-(6) BADFCE五、(1)-(5) ABBCB六、略附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册lesson 13 im hungryword练习题(I)一、边唱歌边连线。1. If you are sad and you know it a. stamp your feet2. If you are hot and you know it b. go to sleep3. If you are tired and you know it c. sit and cry4. If you are cold and you know it d. fan your face5. If you are mad and you know it e. sit and frown二、写出下列单词的汉语意思。1. happy _ 2. mad _ 3. tired _4. scared _ 5. sad _三、连词成句。1. do feel you how _2. am I happy very _3. tired feel I _四、补全对话。A: Hello! How are you?B: _, thanks.A: I feel sad. _?B: I _ _, too.答 案一、1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a 5.e二、1. 高兴的 2. 生气的 3. 疲劳的 4. 害怕的 5. 难过的.悲伤的三、1. How do you feel?2. I am very cold.3. I feel tired.四、I am fineHow do you feelfeel sad

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