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2019-2020年三年级英语上册期末测验卷一、我会填:写出下列字母的左邻右舍。 C_E_ _M_ h_ _k w_ _z _ P_R二、 我会填:补全下列单词。 era e ju e b k g r yel o tig lep nt pl e p own三、快乐连线我会做。 ( ) 1. What color are these? A. I have cars. ( ) 2. Goodbye! B. Me, too. ( ) 3. How are you? C. They are ships. ( ) 4. Good night! D. Yes, they are. ( ) 5. What are these? E. They are blue. ( ) 6. What is it? F. Im fine. ( ) 7. Are those apples? G. Its a rabbit. ( ) 8. What do you have? H. Its green. ( ) 9. What color is it? I. Good night! ( ) 10. Nice to meet you. J. Bye-bye!四、做选择,我最棒。 ( )1.I have a and some_. A. pencil crayons B. pencils crayons C. pencils crayons ( )2.Do you have a pen ? -No, I . A. do B. have C. dont ( ) 3. I have_ eraser and _ ruler. A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a ( ) 4. Show me _ bag. A.I B. you C. your ( ) 5.How many _ do you have? -I have two planes. A. toy B. toys C. pens ( ) 6._ this? A. Its B. Whats C. Im ( ) 7.This _ Colin. A. are B. is C. am ( ) 8. are white and black. A. They B. The C.This ( ) 9. B is _ “boy”. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 10.I am fine, _ you. A. Thank B. thanks C. thank五、根据情境选择最合适的表达法。 ( )1.你想问他有蓝色蜡笔吗,你会说: A. Do you have a blue crayon? B. Do you have a green crayon? ( )2.你想问李珊的兔子是什么颜色的,你会说; A. How many rabbits? B. What color is your rabbit? ( )3.你想问远处那个东西是什么时,应说: A. Whats this? B. Whats that? ( )4.客人和妈妈道别时,他们会对妈妈说: A. Hi! B. Goodbye! ( )5.爸爸下班回到家,你会对他说: A. Good night,Dad! B. Good evening,Dad! ( )6.你喜欢红色的苹果,该怎样表达? A. I like apples. B. I like red apples. ( )7.刚认识了新同学,你会说: A. Nice to meet you. B. How are you? ( )8.你想知道大力的书包里有什么,可以怎么问他呢? A. Whats in your bag? B. Is this your bag? ( )9.你怎样赞美好朋友的书包漂亮呢? A. How many? B. How nice! ( )10.你想给好朋友展示自己的漂亮铅笔,可以怎么说呢?A. Here is my nice pen. B. Here is my nice pencil. ( )11.早晨,当你向别人打招呼时,应该说: A .Good morning! B.Good afternoon! ( )12.当你向别人问好时,应该说: A .How are you? B. How old are you? ( )13.你想知道这是什么,应该说: A .Whats this ?B .Whats that ? ( )14.你想知道别人的姓名,应该说: A . What class are you in ? B . Whats your name ? 六、给下列单词归类。 two bag lion book bear eraser one five panda three Morning apple rabbit boy Orange afternoon pear cat Girl lion dog fish evening 1.表示水果的单词有: 2.表示动物的单词有: 3.表示人物的单词有: 4.表示时间段的单词有: 七、给词宝宝排队。注意标点符号及大小写 ( )1. is your what name ( )2. I books some have ( )3. at toys look my ( )4. monkeys are these( )5. pear is a this 排序 ( )1, Im in Class One. ( )2, Good afternoon! ( )3, Good afternoon! Whaats your name? ( )4, What class are you in? ( )5, My name is Li Shan.附送:学 校听力部分1 2 32019-2020年三年级英语上册期末综合测试题班 别姓 名座号 听力部分1 2 3 4 、 5. A B A B二、听一听,辨一辨(根据录音内容,判断相应的图片是否与录音相符,相符的打,不相符的打) (10分) 1、 2、 3、 ( ) ( ) ( ) 4、 5、 ( ) ( )三、听音,选出所读单词(10分) ( ) 1. A bag B dog C duck ( ) 2. A bird B bear C bread ( ) 3. A face B foot C finger ( ) 4. A blue B blown C black ( ) 5. A ear B arm C cat 五、听音涂色(10分) 六、听一听,排一排(根据录音,将下列图片排序,将序号填在图片下的括号里)(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )七、听录音,连线。(10分)1 2. 3. 4. 5. 八、听问句,写答句。(10分) ( )1. A. Sure B. Great! C. Thank you ( )2. A. Thank you B. Sure C. Very well ( )3. A. OK B. Me too C. Great ( )4. A. OK B. Sure, here you are C. Thank you ( )5. A.Hello, Im sarah. B. My names sarah. C. Nice to meet you .笔试部分九、给下列单词分类。( 把单词前的数字写在横线上)(10分) 1.book 2.cake 3.arm 4.orange 5.panda 6.juice 7.yellow 8.face 9.dog 10.eraser 11.rabbit 12 chicken 13.blue 14.foot 15.chicken 文具 _食物_ 颜色 _动物_身体部位_十. 选择合适的句子填在对话的横线上,只写阿拉伯数字。(10分) (1) How are you ? (2) No,thank you. (3) Very well , thanks. (4) Can I have some chicken ? A: Hello! B: Hi! A:_ B:Fine,thank you. A:How are you? B: _ A: Have some juice. B:_I like Coke . A: Here you are B: Thank you . B:_ A: Sure.Here you are . B: Thank you .一,听一听,选一选(根据录音内容,选出符合录音内容的图片,并画一圆圈将该图片下方的字母圈住)(10分)1 Show me the ruler 2 mouth 3 close your book4 cake 5 head 二、听一听,辨一辨(根据录音内容,判断相应的图片是否与录音相符,相符的打,不相符的打) (10分)1 show me the sharpener 2 climb like a bear 3 touth your head 4 open your pencil case5 go to school 三、听音,选出所读单词(10分)1 duck 2 bread 3 foot 4 black 5 arm 四、听音涂色(10分)1 colour the bird yellow 2 colour the cat brown 3 colour the elephant blue 4 colour the duck orange 5 colour the dog pink 五、听一听,排一排(根据录音,将下列图片排序,将序号填在图片下的括号里)(10分)1 touth your mouth 2 show me your ruler 3 go to school 4 touch your ear 5 touch your mose 6 carry your bag 7 hello!Im an eraser . 8 open your pencil-case9 Goodbye ,miss white ! Goodbye ! 10 open your book.六、听录音,连线。(10分)1 Hello!Im sarah .I like hot dog .2 My name is bai ling . I like hamberger .3 Hello ,Im mike . I like coffee4 Hello! Im john , I like French fries .5 Hello! This is chen jie . I like chicken .七、听问句,写答句。(10分)1 Have some juice 2 How are you ?3 I like hot dog 4 May I have a look ?5 Whats your name ?G


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