2019-2020年高中英语北师大版版必修3教学案:Unit 8 Section 3(含答案).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语北师大版版必修3教学案:Unit 8 Section 3(含答案)Marco Polo and His TravelsMarco Polo was born in Italy in 1254. When he was 17 years old, he travelled across Europe and Asia with his father, who wanted to do trade with the Chinese. Eventually, they arrived in Beijing. At that time, China was ruled by the Yuan Dynasty Emperor, Kublai Khan.Kublai Khan weled Marco and his father. He was very happy to meet two foreigners and wanted to learn all about Europe. Marco and his father were guests at the Emperors Palace. Although Marco was young, he was very clever and could already speak four languages. The Emperor was impressed by him and they became friends. He asked Marco to serve in his court and sent him to do many important tasks across the country.Marco, in turn, was amazed by how beautiful and powerful China was. He was very impressed by Beijing and the Emperors Palace, especially the Summer Palace which he described as“The greatest palace that ever was . The walls were covered in gold and silver and the Hall was so large it could easily seat 6,000 people for dinner.”There were inventions and developments in China which were not available in Europe at that time. Marco was surprised to see Chinese people using paper money in the markets. In Europe, people paid forgoods with gold or silver. He could not understand how people could pay for food and valuable things with paper! He was also confusedby the black stones people used to burn for fuel. The black stones were coal, but Marco had never seen coal before!trade v做买卖 n买卖,交易trade with sb. in sth.同某人做某方面的生意who引导非限制性定语从句,修饰his father。eventually adv. 最终,终于emperor/empr/n. 皇帝impress vt. 给以深刻印象be impressed by . 对印象深刻serve vt.&vi.为服务;任职court/kt/n宫廷;法庭in turn轮流;相应地by turns 轮流take turns 依次,轮流in return 作为回报amaze/meIz/vt.使惊愕(惊奇)amazed adj.吃惊的,惊异的amazing adj.令人惊异的,了不起的be amazed at/by . 对感到惊奇especially adv.尤其,特别地specially adv.特别地,专门地which引导定语从句,修饰the Summer Palace。describe . as 把 说成/描述成seat vt.使某人就座,容纳该句为“so .that”结构,句中省略了that,补充为so large that it could .available adj. 可获得的;可找到的which引导定语从句,修饰inventions and developments。goods/dz/n. 商品,物品confuse/knfjuz/vt. 使困惑be confused by 对感到困惑confuse A with B把A与B混淆fuel/fjl/n燃料马可波罗和他的旅行第14段译文马可波罗1254年出生于意大利。他17岁时,由于父亲想和中国人做生意,他就和父亲一起游历欧洲和亚洲。最后,他们到达北京。当时元世祖忽必烈正统治着中国。元世祖忽必烈欢迎马可和他的父亲。他很高兴见到两位外国人,想向他们了解欧洲的全部情况。马可和他的父亲成了皇宫里的贵客。尽管马可很年轻,但他聪明伶俐,并且会讲四种语言。他给皇帝留下了深刻的印象,两个人成了朋友。皇帝让马可留在朝廷服务,派他到全国各地完成了多项重要使命。马可也相应地被中国的美丽和强大所震撼。北京和皇宫给他留下了深刻的印象,尤其是夏宫,他称它为“迄今最伟大的宫殿它的墙用黄金和白银装饰,大厅大到可以轻易地容纳6 000人同时进餐。”那时,中国的许多发明和发展水平是在欧洲见不到的。马可惊奇地发现中国市场上流通的是纸币。而在欧洲,那时人们还是用金、银买货物。他不理解人们怎么可以用纸来买食物和值钱的物品!他也不明白为什么人们用黑色的石头作燃料。这种黑色的石头就是煤,但是马可以前从没有见过煤!In 1291, after 17 years of service to the Emperor, Marco returned to Italy. He was now a very wealthy man. Not long after his return, a local warbroke out near his town. During the war, Marco was the captain of a warship but was caught by the enemy and put into prison. However, Marco was lucky enough to meet another prisoner who enjoyed listening to his stories about China. The prisoner was an author and he took dictation while Marco told all his stories to him. The prisoner then wrote the stories in a book called TheDescriptionoftheWorld, which became one of the bestselling books in Europe.Although people enjoyed reading his book, many of them thought that Marcos stories about China were too fantastic to be true. But Marco always stood by his tales. Just before he died, aged 70, Marco was asked the question,“Was it all true?”, to which he replied,“I have only told a half of what I saw!”,wealthy/weli/adj. 富有的,富裕的wealth n财富;大量;丰富break out (坏事)突然发生,爆发happen vi. 发生put . into prison 把关进监狱be in prison 被监禁author/n. 作者dictation/dIkteIn/n. 口述,听写过去分词短语called . 作定语,修饰 a book。bestselling adj. 最畅销的bestseller n. 畅销书或唱片which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰TheDescriptionoftheWorld。fantastic adj.富于想象的;无法实现的stand by 坚持(某种说法)stand out 显眼,引人注意aged adj. 岁的to which引导定语从句,修饰the question;reply to回答。 第56段译文1291年,在中国为皇帝效力17年后,马可回到意大利。那时,他已经很富有了。他返回之后不久,一场区域性的战争在他家乡附近爆发了。在战争中,马可成为一艘战舰的舰长,但(不幸)被俘入狱。然而在狱中,马可幸运地遇到了一个喜欢听他讲关于中国的故事的囚犯。那个囚犯是一位作家,马可把自己所有的故事讲给他听,他做笔录。然后那个囚犯把故事写成一本书,名为马可波罗游记,这本书成为当时欧洲最畅销的书之一。虽然人们爱读他的书,但许多人认为马可关于中国的故事太离奇而不可信。但马可总是坚持他所讲的故事是真的。马可70岁去世,临终前,有人问他:“你讲的故事都是真的吗?”马可回答道:“我讲的只是我所看到的一半!”PrereadingPlease match the words with their proper meanings.1extremeA冒的危险2similarity B兴奋,激动3risk C相似性,类似性4excitement D不同的,各种各样的5various E极度的,极端的 6exactly F较喜欢的东西,偏爱7equipment G确切地,精确地 8preference H配备,设备9emperor I使惊愕(惊奇)10amaze J皇帝11dictation K旅行者,旅客12statement L. 作者13quantity M猎人14traveller N陈述15author O口述,听写16confuse P富有的,富裕的17hunter Q量,数量18wealthy R使困惑15_610_1115_1618_答案:15ECABD610GHFJI1115ONQKL1618RMPLeadinLook at the explorers in the following pictures and answer the following questions.1Who are they?Magellan;Xu_Xiake.2Which one impresses you most and can you say something about him?Xu Xiake impresses me most. He was a Chinese travel writer and geographer of the Ming Dynasty, best known for his famous geographical treatise named the TravelDiariesXuXiake.He travelled throughout China, documenting (记事) his travels extensively (到处), which would be piled (编辑) later into his book, and his work was translated by Ding Wenjiang.WhilereadingTrue (T) or False (F)1At the age of seventeen, Marco Polo travelled across Europe and Asia on his own._F_2Marco was very young when he came to China, but he was very clever and could speak four foreign languages._F_3The Emperor and Marco became friends._T_4Paper money was used both in Europe and China at that time._F_5Marco had never seen coal before he came to China._T_6Marco Polo wrote all his stories in his book TheDescriptionoftheWorld._F_Read the text again and fill in the chart with the information in the text.Title: Marco Polo and His TravelsBeforeingto ChinaMarco travelled across Europe and Asia with his father, who wanted to 1. trade with the Chinese.They eventually arrived in China which was then 2. ruled by the Yuan Dynasty Emperor, Kublai Khan.Marcos stay in ChinaThe Emperor was impressed by Marcos 3. cleverness and asked him to serve in his 4. court.Marco was amazed by the 5. beauty and power of China.Marco was 6. confused by such Chinese inventions and developments as the use of 7. paper money and coal.After returning to ItalyAfter 17 years 8. service to the Emperor, Marco returned to Italy, where a local war broke out.Marco was put into 9. prison where he met another prisoner who enjoyed listening to his stories about China.The prisoner was an author. He took dictation and wrote a book, which became a 10. bestseller in Europe.阅读理解AExactly a decade has passed since a man called Oxygen first threw himself across America. Known for his jumping ability, Oxygen, a Czech, who jumped a nearly 10footwide abyss (深渊). Today, Petr Kops, 21, is wearing Oxygens pants. “I did not know Oxygen personally, but my sister did,” Kops said. “I wear his trousers for good luck.” Minutes later, Kops was standing at the edge of a 70foot abyss called Broken Bones.While it may seem suicidal (自杀的), jumping across a gap is actually an extreme sport that is gaining in popularity. Called rock jumping, or simply jumping, this activity is taking place in the AdrspachTeplice Rocks, a remote nature preserve in the northeast part of the Czech Republic. Known for its 11 square miles of sandstone, the region has been loved by lifelong rock climbers. “The aim is to get to the top of as many towers as you can.” said Vladimir Prochazka, known as June Bug, a 59yearold climber and a collector of Czech rock climbing histories.Jumping is often the most possible way to get to the tower. In most cases, climbers jump with a rope tied around their waist. If they miss the landing which is not unmon they will fall into the wall of the base tower. “Jumping requires fearlessness,” Prochazka said. “Broken or damaged bones are fairly mon.” Still, there are those who prefer to experience by jumping without a rope. Among the most wellknown of these adventurers are Petr Prachtel and his wife, Zorka, who helped create the sport in the 1960s. They pioneered countless jumps, sometimes without the safety of a rope.语篇解读:文章介绍了起源于捷克共和国的跳岩运动。文章介绍了该运动的起源和在该运动中几个关键的人物。1What does “pants” probably mean in the first paragraph?AShoes.BTrousers.CJackets. DShirts.解析:选B词义猜测题。根据下文中的“I wear his trousers for good luck.”可知他穿的是Oxygen的裤子。故该题的正确答案为B项。2Why did Petr Kops wear Oxygens trousers?ABecause he knew Oxygen very well.BBecause Oxygen was good at wearing.CBecause he wanted to be lucky.DBecause Oxygen had poor jumping ability.解析:选C推理判断题。根据文章第一段的“I wear his trousers for good luck.”可知他是为了好运,故该题的正确答案为C项。3Rock jumping is _.Abeing less and less popular for it is so far awayBtoo dangerous to attract any peopleCappeared in the southeast part of the Czech RepublicDloved by people who can face the danger解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句“While it may seem suicidal (自杀的), jumping across a gap is actually an extreme sport that is gaining in popularity.”可知该运动类似“自杀”,故一定为一些喜欢冒险的人所钟爱。故该题的正确答案为D项。BSome people say, “Extreme sports are so dangerous. Why would anyone want to do them?” But the danger is what makes them so exciting. Keep reading to find out the most popular ones.Bungee jumping: People on some South Pacific islands have been bungee jumping for hundreds of years. In 1979, some people bungee jumped off a bridge in England and made the sport popular around the world. Bungee jumping came to China in 1996.Skateboarding: At first, this sport was called “sidewalk surfing”. Skateboarders often jump high into the air, go down steps or slide (滑行) down rails on their boards. They wear baggy trousers so they can move more freely.Skydiving: This is probably the scariest (最惊险的 ) extreme sport. Skydivers jump out of airplanes about four kilometers up in the sky. They usually free fall for a while and then open a parachute to slow down for a safe landing.Snowboarding: This became a Winter Olympic sport in 1998. People tied their feet to the board with special shoes. They dont use any ski sticks. Then they ride down hills, jump high and do tricks.4What made bungee jumping popular all over the world?AA history of hundreds of years.BJumping over a river in America.Cing to China in 1996.DJumping off a bridge in England.解析:选D细节理解题。由第二段的“. some people bungee jumped off a bridge in England and made the sport popular around the world”可知答案为D项。5In which sport do people jump from a plane or from a high place?ABungee jumping and skydiving.BSkydiving and skateboarding.CBungee jumping and skateboarding.DSnowboarding and skateboarding.解析:选A细节理解题。由相关信息“some people bungee jumped off a bridge”及“Skydivers jump out of airplanes about four kilometers up in the sky.”可知,bungee jumping和skydiving都是从高处起跳的。6Why do some people like to do the extreme sports?AIts easy to learn.BIts exciting and safe.CIts scary but safe.DIts dangerous but exciting.解析:选D细节理解题。由第一段中的“the danger is what makes them so exciting”可知,人们喜欢极限运动是因为它虽危险但刺激。CToyotas new robot HSR is devoted to a single task: picking things up. HSR is short for“human support robot”. It es with a single mechanical arm that can hold objects of various shapes and sizes and pick up smaller items with a tiny cup. It doesnt have other tricks, except for a puter panel on its head for surfing the Internet. A person can also access the robot from another puter and use it like a cameraphone.HSR will first be used for people with disabilities and then for the elderly in general. Picking up is especially challenging for people with spinal (脊柱的) disorders and other illnesses. Although it can only do one simple task of picking up, its already making disabled people quite happy. “Were just getting started, but eventually it will enter peoples homes,” the engineer Kouichi Ikeda said. Nearly 40 percent of Japans population will be 65 or older by 2060 and the rest of the developed world and some developing nations will follow it. “People feel more fortable asking a robot to pick up after them than asking a human helper,” said Ikeda.Toyota came up with the idea of HSR in xx. The model should be ready to enter universities, research facilities and businesses next year, where it can get more applications. One disadvantage is that mass (大规模的) production is needed for the price to e down. The robot has several cameras, including two on its head that look like its eyes and sensors (感应器) on its body. It runs quietly around in all directions. Unlike other robotic arms, HSRs hold and bumps are designed to be soft so they cant hurt anyone. But it can pick up items that weigh up to 2.6 pounds.7What do we know about HSR?AIt can fulfill various needs.BIt can help get different things.CIt can be made into different sizes.DIt cannot be used to surf the Internet.解析:选B细节理解题。由第一段“It es with a single mechanical arm that can hold objects of various shapes and sizes and pick up smaller items with a tiny cup.”可知,此机器人可以帮助拿不同的东西。8In the eyes of Ikeda, the robot _.Afaces many problemsBwill have a bright futureCis intended for the disabledDworks best in hospitals for patients解析:选B推理判断题。由第二段可知,老龄化社会即将到来,Ikeda认为其机器人将进入到千家万户,有光明的未来。9What is the problem with HSR from Toyota now?AIts size.BIts shape.CIts cost. DIts function.解析:选C细节理解题。由第三段“One disadvantage is that mass (大规模的) production is needed for the price to e down.”可知,这个机器人目前存在的问题是成本很高。10What is special about HSR pared with other robots?AIt is safe to use. BIt moves quickly.CIt works by sensors. DIt has many cameras.解析:选A推理判断题。由最后一段“Unlike other robotic arms, HSRs hold and bumps are designed to be soft so they cant hurt anyone.”可知,HSR比起别的机器人来很安全,不会伤人。.阅读七选五The stress of everyday life cannot be avoided. Schoolwork, responsibilities at home, busy schedules, others expectations, disappointments, etc. all of these can create pressure._1_ Adding these simple actions to your regular routine can help you feel less stressed. You need to make sure that you keep doing these to enjoy the benefits:_2_ Its true that all work and no play is bad. But if your schedule is so full of activities that theres no time for homework, thatll stress you out too.Manage responsibilities. Use a calendar to keep a record of tasks, chores, practices, and other duties. _3_ Thus, managing stress also means regular studying and keeping on top of tasks. Take time every day to think about how things are going. What do you need to work on or make time for?Make time to exercise every day. Its hard to feel anxious when youre taking a deep breath on a run, feeling the rush of a downhill bike ride, or playing a pickup game with friends. Exercise can take our mind off stress. _4_Eat healthy food. What you eat affects your mood, energy, and stress levels. Eating healthily doesnt mean avoiding all treats (美食). _5_ Its OK to treat yourself to ice cream occasionally, but if ice cream and sweets are your main source of fuel, youre likely to feel stressed.AIt goes back to that balance thing again.BBalance responsibilities with activities you enjoy.CWed better learn to deal with everyday challenges.DPlanning is no good if you dont actually do what you plan.EGetting the right amount of sleep is what we need to focus on.FIt also releases chemicals in our brains that make us feel better.GThese daily stressors will pile up if we dont keep them under control.答案:15GBDFA

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