八年级英语上册 Module 7 A famous story知识点归纳总结 (新版)外研版.doc

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八年级英语上册 Module 7 A famous story知识点归纳总结 (新版)外研版.doc_第3页
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Module7 A famous storyUnit1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.1. a girl called Alice 2. sit by the river a table of four by the window 靠窗的四人座的桌子3. a white rabbit with pink eyes a lovely girl with big eyes4. run past/by (后可接宾语)5. follow sb./sth.(1) go after 跟着某人 A man is following / going after her. (2) 听从;遵循规则、章程 follow ones advice/school rules (3)理解 Dont speak quickly, or I cant follow you. 6.fall- fell -fallen 跌倒 fall down/into the hole掉到洞里fall down from= fall off从某地跌倒 昨天她从自行车上跌下来。She fell down from / fell off the bike yesterday. Look!The falling leaves are like butterflies.The ground is covered with fallen leaves. feel- felt-felt感觉,感到;摸起来7.注意区分介词 in 和on 1)There is a huge hole in the ground. 2)There is a dog lying on the ground. 3)Please put up the clock on the wall. 4)There are four big windows in the wall of the classroom.教室的墙上有四扇大窗。 5)There are plenty of apples on the tree. 6)My kite is high in the tree. Can you help me?8. smile at sb. 朝某人微笑 laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人 9.arrive at/in =get to= reach后接地点不接地点的时候用arriveThey were fighting when we arrived. 10. have/go to a tea party at a party/meeting11. play a strange game strange= unusual stranger n.12.Alices Adventures in Wonderland 爱丽丝梦游奇境 take/have adventures 去冒险adventure stories 冒险故事character krkt(r) n. 角色the Mad Hatter疯帽匠 the March Hare 三月兔 the White Rabbit the Cheshire Cat 柴郡猫 the Queen of Hearts 红桃王后 13. if “如果”,引导条件状语从句(主将从现) “是否”,引导宾语从句(陈述句语序)1) 如果明天不下雨,我去逛街。 If it doesnt rain, Ill go shopping.= Ill go shopping if it isnt rainy tomorrow.2) 我想知道今天你是否上班迟到了。 I want to know if you were late for work today. 14. do an interview 做一个采访15. a place where rabbits live一个兔子居住的地方Unit 2 She was thinking about her cat.1. get tired/bored/excited/frightened(害怕的)2.have nothing to do 3. once or twice 偶尔;不时的 sooner or later迟早If you dont listen to me, youll regret sooner or later.如果你不听我的,迟早会后悔。4. look into 往里看;浏览;调查The government promised to look into the matter.5. what for=why What do you study hard for ? = Why do you study hard ?6. a book without pictures or conversations Without air or water, men cant live on Earth.= Men cant live on Earth without air or water.7. think of sb./sth.想念某人或某物 think of/about doing sth. think hard 使劲想 think it over仔细考虑 Think twice before you leap.三思而后行。8. nothing strange 没什么奇怪的事情 someone famous 名人somewhere warm 暖和的地方(形容词修饰不定代词,位置放后面)今天的报纸没什么新内容。There is nothing new in todays newspaper. 9.区分hear/see sb. do sth. 听到或看到某人做了某事全过程或经常做某事hear /see sb. doing sth. 听到或看到某人正在做某事类似的动词还有feel/ watch / look at / listen to/notice/find 1) 我经常听到小鸟在树上唱歌。I often hear little birds sing in the tree.2) 我爷爷经常看我弹琴。 My grandpa often watches me play the piano. 3) 昨天当我到家时,我看见妈妈在用萝卜喂兔子。When I got home yesterday, I saw my mum feeding the rabbit with a carrot. 4) She heard some kids _ (sing) when she returned to the school. (singing)5) I saw his wallet _ (fall) onto the ground. (fall)10.She thought it was strange.(否定句) She didnt think it was strange.(否定前移)我认为他是不对的。I dont think he is right.11. take sth. out of / from 从拿出He took some coins out of/from his pocket quickly. 他快速地从口袋掏出几个硬币。12.get up 起床;起身13. run across the field/square/river/road/street run through the forest/city/gate/hole注意 across 横穿;穿过平面 go across=cross through穿过一个空间run after=chase追赶她正追着那个男人横过马路。She is running across the road after the man. 一只鸟追着一只蜜蜂从窗子飞出去了。A bird flew through the window after the bee. 15. go down a hole16. It was too dark for her to see anything. 太黑了.什么都看不见 结构: too +形、副(for sb.) + to do sth.= enough to do sth.= so/suchthat(句子用否定形式) 对动物来说,这水太脏了不能喝。The water is too dirty for animals to drink =The water is so dirty that animals cant drink it.这问题对我来说太难回答。This question is too difficult for me to answer.This question is so difficult that I cant answer it.这件外套对他来说太大不能穿。This coat is too large for him to wear.= This coat is so large that he cant wear it.It is such a large coat that he cant wear it.17. She never thought about how she was going to get out again. how 引导的句子作宾语从句时,用陈述句结构。 如: 我不知道他在哪里。 I dont know where he is. 转换成 She never thought about how to get out again. how+动词不定式 做about的宾语 18. think about 考虑 (thought- thought) think of 想起,认为 What do you think of? think over 仔细考虑 think it over 考虑再三19. land n. vi. The elephant is the largest land animal. =The elephant is the largest animal on land. The plane landed safely at last. land on some dry leaves 落在一些干树叶上20.with 用She opened the door with the key.He bought himself a suit with his pocket money.21. go off (灯) 熄灭22. call sb. up = ring sb. (up) = telephone/phone/call sb.= give sb. a ring/ phone 给某人打电话23. when和 while的区分延续性动词和瞬间动词:延续性动词指一个可以持续一段时间的动作,比如:work, study, swim, walk, run, wait, stay, sleep等。瞬间动词指一个动作一开始就结束了,常见的如:open, close, go, e, get +短语, leave, arrive, borrow, buy, die,等。跟在while后面的从句中的动词必须是延续性动词;Please look after my cat while were away.I fell asleep while I was reading a novel.when后面从句中的动词一般是瞬间动词的,有时也有延续性动词。Breakfast was ready when I got up.When I left home, it began to rain.24.区分 Thats because那是因为 Thats why 那就是的原因。1) He was ill. Thats why he didnt e to school yesterday.2) He didnt e to school yesterday. Thats because he was ill.25. 祈使句,or (否则)/and 1) Work hard, or you wont pass the exam.= Work hard, and you will pass the exam.2) Be quick, or you will miss the train.= Be quick, and you wont miss the train.26. before its done= before it is done27. knock on/at the door/window knock over the milk 把牛奶打翻28.take place 发生 take the place of=take ones place代替He is busy. Ill take his place.29. This is the stupidest/ the most stupid tea party Ive ever been to in all my life.30. The stories passed from generation to generation. 这些故事代代相传。 generation gap 代沟31. entertain 招待,款待 entertainment n. 招待,款待; 娱乐 entertaining adj.


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