九年级英语全册 Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth第六节 完形填空练习 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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九年级英语全册 Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth第六节 完形填空练习 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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第六节完形填空Leigong Mountain is wellknown for its plants and animals.Every year, 1 from all over the country and even abroad e to visit it.It has bee one of the most popular sights in Qiandongnan.Visitors 2 us a lot of businesses,jobs and money.If its 3 ,visitors can see many kinds of 4 in the tree singing and some rare animals like monkeys climbing up and 5 Last Saturday,several of my friends and I went there 6 After about onehour ride,we arrived there.To our 7 ,some visitors didnt pay attention to protecting the environment.Plastic bags and bottles were thrown 8 We had to 9 the rubbish and put it into the dustbin.I think we should protect Leigong Mountain from being 10 ,or the pollution will keep the visitors away.Lets take actions to make Leigong Mountain more and more beautiful.1A.foreigners Bfriends Cvisitors Ddrivers2A.take Bbring Ccarry Dlend3A.cloudy Brainy Cfoggy Dsunny4A.birds Bsnakes Ctigers Drabbits5A.on Boff Cdown Daway6A.on foot Bby bus Cby a car Dby bikes7A.happiness Bsurprise Cfun Dinterest8A.everywhere Banywhere Cnowhere Dsomewhere9A.turn up Btake up Cplay with Dpick up10A.polluted Bmade Cbuilt Dthrown参考答案1C解析:根据后面信息词visit,可以推测句意为“每年来自于国内外的游客来参观”。故用C项visitors(游客)。2B解析:句意为“游客带给我们很多商机、工作和钱”。故应用B项bring(带来)。3D解析:鸟儿在枝头唱歌,猴子在树间来回穿梭,都是晴天应该有的情景。故选D项sunny(晴朗的)。4A解析:根据后面关键信息词trees和singing,可以推测是“鸟儿在树上唱歌”。故选A项birds(鸟)。5C解析:up and down“上上下下”,为固定短语,故选C。6B解析:根据后面的one hour ride可排除A;by后直接跟交通工具的单数形式,故选B。7B解析:由下文知:看到垃圾满地,当然会吃惊。to ones surprise“使某人吃惊的是”。故选B。8A解析:由上句“一些游客不注意保护环境”可知“塑料袋和瓶子被扔得到处都是”,everywhere“处处,到处”。故选A。9D解析:根据后面的put it into the dustbin(放到垃圾箱里)可以判断是他们将地上的垃圾“捡起来”。故用pick up。10A解析:根据后句“or the pollution will keep the visitors away”可以判断此句是“我们应该保护雷公山避免被污染”。故选A。


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