九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark导学案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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课题:Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.第1课时学习目标:1、重点单词humorous(adj.)有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的;silent(adj.)不说话的;沉默的;(adj.)有用的;有帮助的;score(n.&v.)得分;进球2、重点词组 used to过去曾经;be afraid of the dark惧怕黑暗;wear glasses戴眼镜;from time to time时常;有时;such a good idea如此好的一个主意;get good scores取得好的分数3、重点句式(1)1.You used to be short, didnt you?你过去个子矮,是吗?Yes, I did.是的,我是。(2) Whats he like now?他现在是什么样?Hes tall now.他现在很高。(3)Paula used to be really quiet. She was never brave enough to ask questions.葆拉以前很文静,她从来不够勇敢来问问题。(4)Its been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates.自从我们上次见到我们的小学同学以来已有三年了。(5)Its interesting to see how people have changed.看到人们怎样的变化真是很有趣。重点难点:重点:used to do的用法。难点: be used to do sth, be used to doing sth.和used to的区别。导学设计:1. humorous adj. 有幽默感的; 滑稽有趣的 The man is a humorous writer. 那个人是一个幽默的作家。 This story is full of humor. 这个故事很幽默。【归纳】humorous与humor的异同humorous 作_, 意为“有幽默感的; 滑稽有趣的”, 在句中作定语或表语humor 作_, 意为“幽默(感); 诙谐” 【现学现练】 (1)D(2)humorous(1)Many students think their English teacher isbecause he often tells jokes. A. boredB. awfulC. quietD. humorous (2)Toms mother is very _ (humor). 2. silent adj. 不说话的; 沉默的 She was always silent in class. 她总是在课堂上保持沉默。 They are doing homework in silence. 他们在默默地做作业。【归纳】 silent与silence的异同silent 用作_, 意为“不说话的; 沉默的” silence 用作_, 意为“寂静; 沉默” 【现学现练】 (1)Why did you keepat the meeting? A. silentB. silentlyC. silenceD. quietly (2)I felt strange about his _ (silent)at the party as he used to be very outgoing. 3. helpfuladj. 有用的; 有帮助的 My mother is very helpful. 我的妈妈乐于助人。 Do you often help your classmates? 你经常帮助你的同学吗? 【归纳】helpful为 , 意为“有用的; 有帮助的”, 它是由help + -ful构成的形容词。help为动词或名词, 意为“帮助”。类似的词还有 (有用的), (小心的)等。【现学现练】 Mary is soshe es to you whenever youre in trouble. A. useful B. careful C. thankful D. helpful 4. used to过去常常 I used to be afraid of the dark. 我过去怕黑。 Did Mario use to be short? 马里奥过去矮吗? I didnt use to be very outgoing. 我过去不是很外向。 You used to wear glasses, didnt you? 你过去戴眼镜, 不是吗?【现学现练】 (1)Paula used to be thin. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ Paula _ _ be thin? _, she _. (2)Her brother used to get to bed late. (改为否定句)Her brother _ _ _ get to bed late. 5. Its been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates. 从上次见到我们的小学同学到现在时间已经过去三年了。【归纳】 此句为现在完成时, 其谓语基本构成是“_”, 表示动作发生在过去, 但对现在有影响或者某一动作从过去开始, 一直持续到现在。“It has been +一段时间+since+一般过去时的句子”意为“自从以来已经过去了多长时间”。例如: _ since we moved here. 自从我们搬到这里, 时间已经过去10年了。【现学现练】 How time flies! Three yearssince Iyou last time. A. have passed; metB. has passed; metC. passed; have met 知识巩固:. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friend Wang Lei is _ (humor). He often makes me laugh. 2. Jack is such an honest and _ (help)boy that all the neighbors like him. 3. No matter what I ask, he is _ (silence)and doesnt say anything. 4. John gets good _ (score)in his tests every time. 5. After she watched the soccer match, now she is more _ (interest)in playing soccer. . 句型转换1. Peter used to play the piano. (改为一般疑问句)_ Peter _ _play the piano? 2. My brother is big and strong now! (改为感叹句)_ _and _my brother is now! 3. Mikes parents have been married for twenty years. (改为同义句)It _ _twenty years _Mikes parents got married. 4. Lucy used to wear glasses. (完成反意疑问句)Lucy used to wear glasses, _ _? 5. There used to be a night zoo here. (改为否定句)There _ _ _be a night zoo here. 参考答案:导学设计:1. 形容词;名词【现学现练】 (1)D(2)humorous2. 形容词;名词(1)A(2)silence3. 形容词;useful;careful【现学现练】 D4. 【现学现练】(1)Did; use to; No, didnt(2)didnt use to5. have/has +动词的过去分词;It has been ten years【现学现练】 B知识巩固:. 1. humorous 2. helpful 3. silent 4. scores 5. interested . 1. Did; use to 2. How big; strong 3. has been; since 4. didnt she 5. didnt use to 课题:Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.第2课时学习目标:1、重点单词background(n.)背景;.interview(v.)面试;采访(n.)面试;访谈;Asian(adj.)亚洲的;亚洲人的(n.)亚洲人;dare(v.)敢于;胆敢;private(adj.)私人的;私密的;guard(n.)警卫;看守(v.)守卫;保卫;require(v.)需要;要求;European(adj.)欧洲的;欧洲人的;African(adj.)非洲的;非洲人的;British(adj.)英国的;英国人的;speech(n.)讲话;发言;public(n.)民众(adj.)公开的;公众的2、重点词组 take up singing从事歌唱;deal with对付,应对;in front of crowd在众人面前;get tons of attention得到大量的关注;fight on坚持;a small number of people很小一部分人1.read books on European history阅读有关欧洲历史的书;African culture非洲文化;teach American English教美式英语;enjoy country music享受乡村音乐;be alone独处;give a speech in public作一个公开演讲3、重点句式(1) Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.坎迪告诉我她以前真的很害羞并且用唱歌来应对她的害羞。(2)I didnt use to be popular in school, but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go.我以前在学校并不出名,但现在我无论到哪都受到广泛地关注。(3)You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is.你可能永远也想象不到通向成功的道路有多么的艰难。(4) She didnt use to watch a lot of movies.她过去没有看许多电影。(5)Emily didnt use to eat a lot of vegetables, but now she loves carrots and tomatoes.埃米丽过去不吃许多蔬菜,但是现在她喜爱胡萝卜和西红柿。(6)I used to be afraid of flying, but now I am still afraid of high places.我过去害怕飞行,现在我仍然恐高。学习重难点:重点:学会使用宾语从句来介绍问路和指路的方法。难点:通过交流表达和阅读训练,进一步巩固used to do sth.句型。导学设计: 1. interview v. 采访; 面试n. 面试; 访谈 For this months Young World magazine, I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang. 为了给这个月的青年世界杂志撰稿, 我采访了19岁的亚洲流行歌手王坎迪。 Your interview for the job is tomorrow. 你的求职面试定在明天。Jack gave an interview on TV last night. 杰克昨晚在电视上接受了采访。 The interviewer is from CCTV. 采访者来自中国中央电视台。【归纳】 (1)作为动词, 意为“面试; 会见, 采访”。其名词为 , 意为“面试者; 会见者; 采访者”。 (2)作为名词, 意为“接见, 会见; 面谈, 面试; 采访”。【现学现练】 (1)Next week, the reporter willSpielberg about his latest movie. A. interview B. discuss C. expect D. imagine (2)上周, 玛丽参加了一个经理职位的面试。 Last week, Mary had _ _ for the managers job. 2. dare v. 敢于; 胆敢 As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class. 当情况有所好转的时候, 她敢在班里的同学面前唱歌。 She doesnt dare(to)meet her teachers eyes. 她不敢与老师对视。 How dare she do things like that to me? 她怎么敢对我做那种事? Dare you catch the mouse? 你敢去抓那只老鼠吗? 【归纳】(1) dare用作实义动词, 此时其后的动词不定式可带to也可不带to, 且dare有人称和数以及时态的变化。(2)dare用作情态动词, 后跟动词原形, 主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中。 【现学现练】 (1) Are you crazy? How do you _ (胆敢)to do so? (2)I dont dare _ (jump)into the river to catch some fishes because it is very deep. (2)dare用作情态动词, 后跟动词原形, 主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中。 3. public n. 民众adj. 公开的; 公众的 I used to be afraid of giving a speech in public. 我过去害怕在公众面前做演讲。 The public want(s)to know the truth. 民众想了解真相。 Its impolite to talk loudly in public(places). 在公共场合大声讲话是不礼貌的。【归纳】 (1)public作名词, 意为“公众; 民众”。the public作主语时, 谓语动词既可用单数, 也可用复数。 (2)public作形容词, 意为“公共的; 公众的”。in public places相当于in public, 意为“当众, 公开地; 在公共场合”。【现学现练】 (1) It seems unusual for women to smoke. A. in personB. in private C. in public D. in mon (2) 不要在公共场合大声说话。 Dont talk loudly _ _. 4. deal with应对; 处理 Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness. 坎迪告诉我她过去非常害羞, 她开始唱歌是为了应对她害羞的毛病。 She has learned to deal with all kinds of problems. 她已经学会了应对各种困难。 What have you done with the milk? 你是怎么处理那些牛奶的? 【归纳】deal with与do with的异同 deal with 常与 连用, 强调处理问题的方式、方法do with 常与 连用, 侧重于对某事物的利用我不知道他们如何处理这个问题。I dont know how they deal with the problem. =I dont know they the problem. 【现学现练】Weve been trying hard, but cant solve the problem. I think you canit in another way. A. share withB. deal withC. keep up with D. point out with5. private adj. 私人的; 私密的 And I dont have much private time anymore. 而且我再也没有很多私人的时间了。 Can you talk with your parents privately? 你能和你父母单独谈谈吗? Is there anywhere we can discuss this in private? 有没有什么地方能让我们单独谈谈这件事? 【归纳】(1)private形容词, 意为“私人的; 私密的”。例如: These are my fathers private papers. 这些都是我父亲的私人文件。 (2)privately副词, 意为“私人地; 秘密地”。例如: They held the meeting privately. 他们秘密举行了会议。 (3)in private意为“私下地”。例如: Although he was happy with friends, he was often sad in private. 虽然和朋友在一起是愉快的, 但他私下却常常很悲伤。【现学现练】 (1)Candy waited behind to have a word with her _ (private). (2)They want to talk with their teachersprivate. They think it is the best way. A. inB. onC. atD. with (3)Local people can create theirspace by talking about things you dont know about. A. public B. strange C. unusual D. private 6. used to用法 根据要求补全下列教材中的句子, 体会used to的用法。 (1)Paula _(过去是)really quiet. (2)She _(过去不喜欢)tests. (3)You used to be short, _(不是吗)? Yes, I did. /No, I didnt. (4)_(他过去戴)glasses? Yes, he did. /No, he didnt. 【归纳】I used to get up late in the morning. 我过去早上起床很晚。(事实上, 我现在起床较早了)There used to be a factory. 那儿曾有一家工厂。(暗示工厂现在已不存在)We used to go to the English Corner. 我们过去常常去英语角。(暗指现在不去了)【现学现练】 (1)Jerry used to. But now he is much quieter. A. outgoingB. is outgoingC. be outgoing D. was outgoing (2)youto watch TV? Yes. But now I enjoy watching movies. A. Did; used B. Did; useC. Are; used D. Were; use (3)You used to have straight hair, you? Yes, I did. A. dont B. arentC. didnt D. wont (4)He used to wear funny glasses. (改为否定句)He _ _ to wear funny glasses. (5)My brother used to be short and thin. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ your brother _ _ look like? 知识巩固. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Nobody dares _ (jump)down from the top of the wall. Its too dangerous. 2. India is an _ (Asia)country. It is on the southwest of China. 3. There is a _ (Europe)girl in the international school. 4. My sister took up _ (collect)stamps when she was five years old. 5. Jenny is going to give a _ (speak)next week. . 阅读3a, 补全下面短文Candy Wang is an Asian pop star now. She was a 1. _ girl before. She didnt 2. _ to sing in public. But now she is not shy anymore and loves 3. _ in front of others. She wasnt 4. _ before she became famous. Others didnt pay much 5. _ to her. But she had a lot of 6. _ time. She 7. _ out with her good friends after school, because there were never any 8. _ around her. Now she isnt so free as she was before. Her life has 9. _ greatly because she is a famous person. Although she is more popular than before, she doesnt feel as 10. _ as before. 参考答案:导学设计:1. interviewer【现学现练】(1)A (2)an interview2. 【现学现练】 (1) dare(2) (to)jump3. 【现学现练】 (1) C (2)in public4. how; what; what;do with 【现学现练】B5. 【现学现练】 (1) privately (2)A(3)D6. (1)C(2)B(3)C(4)didnt use (5) What did; use to知识巩固:. 1. to jump 2. Asian 3. European 4. collecting 5. speech . 1. shy 2. dare 3. singing 4. popular 5. attention 6. private 7. hung 8. guards 9. changed 10. happy课题:Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.第3课时: 学习目标:1、重点单词ant(n.)蚂蚁;.insect(n.)昆虫;influence(n.& v.)影响;2.seldom(adv.)不常;很少;proud(adj.)自豪的;骄傲的;absent(adj.)缺席;不在;fail(v.)不及格;失败;未能(做到);examination(n.)考试;审查;exactly(adv.)确切地;精确地;pride(n.)自豪;骄傲;grandson(n.)孙子;外孙2、重点词组 A “problem child” 一个问题小孩;influence his way of thinking影响他的思维方式;be proud of/take pride in为感到骄傲;cause problems for sb.给某人制造麻烦;be absent from classes逃课;fail the examinations 考试不及格;make a decision下决心;talk with sb. in person亲自找某人谈话;to one surprise使某人惊讶的是;feel good about oneself对自己充满信心3、重点句式(1)We used to play every day after school, but now we study all the time.我们过去每天放学后就是玩,但是现在我们一直学习。(2)I used to be nervous about tests all the time. What about you?我以前对考试一直感到紧张,你呢?Yes, me too. And I used to是的,我也是。 并且我过去还(3)It is hard to believe that he used to be a “problem child” until a conversation with his parents influenced his way of thinking.很难相信他以前曾经是一个问题小孩直到一次和父母的谈话影响了他的思维方式。(4)He was no longer interested in studying.他不再对学习感兴趣。(5)There were so many rules, and he used to break them all the time.那儿有如此多的规矩,他曾经一直不停地违反它们。(6)It was exactly what I needed.这正是我所需要的。(7)Its very important for parents to be there for their children.对父母来说,陪伴自己的孩子很重要。重点难点:重点:学会描述关于场所的词和给理想的场所指路。难点: 通过交流表达和阅读训练,在不同的场合使用不同的语言。导学设计:1. worry about对担心; 忧虑 I dont worry about tests. 我不担心考试。 Dont worry about Tom. Hell be back soon. 不必为汤姆担忧。他马上就回来。【归纳】(1)worry可作及物动词, 意为“使烦恼, 使焦虑”, 常接sb. 作宾语。 What so much? 什么事使你这么担心? (2)worry也可作不及物动词, 意为“烦恼; 担心”, 后常跟介词about。 Our teacher often our safety. 老师经常担心我们的安全。2. all the time总是; 一直 I used to be nervous about tests all the time. 我过去总是考试紧张。 Look! The monkeys jump up and down all the time. 看! 猴子们一直在上蹿下跳。 My grandparents always take a walk after supper every evening. 爷爷奶奶总是在每天晚饭后散步。【归纳】 always与all the time两者都可意为“总是, 一直”, 但其用法有所不同。具体用法见下 always 侧重于频率, 表示周期性的规律, 含有“每逢都是”的意思通常位于实义动词之前, 助动词或连系动词之后all the time 侧重于一段时间内连续的动作, 或时间上的不间断, 表示始终如一、没有停止通常位于句末【现学现练】 (1)她总是很喜欢钓鱼。 She enjoys fishing _ _. (2)睡觉前他总是洗个澡。 He _ takes a shower before going to bed. 3. influence v. & n. 影响 Li Wens unhappiness began to influence his schoolwork. 李文的不开心开始影响他的学业。 What is the influence of the puter on children? 电脑对儿童的影响是什么? The teachers words had an influence on her. 老师的话对她有影响。【归纳】(1)influence作为动词, 意为“影响; 对起作用”。 (2)influence作为名词, 意为“影响; 作用”。常用搭配: have an influence on sth. /sb. 意为“对某事/某人有影响”。【现学现练】 (1)The noise outside our house canour sleep very much. Yes. I agree with you. A. suggestB. create C. spread D. influence (2) 我们的饮食习惯对我们的健康有影响。 Our eating habits _ _ our health. 4. proud adj. 自豪的; 骄傲的 I know my parents love me and theyre always proud of me. 我知道我父母爱我, 他们总是为我感到骄傲。 It is the pride of Chinese people. 这是中国人的骄傲。 They were always thinking of me and would take pride in everything good that I did. 他们总是会想起我并且会为我所做的每一件好事而自豪。【归纳】proud与pride的异同proud 形容词, 意为“自豪的; 骄傲的”。be proud of意为“以为自豪”, be proud of doing sth. =be proud to do sth. 意为“因做而自豪” pride 名词, 意为“自豪; 骄傲”。take pride in意为“以为自豪” 【现学现练】 (1)Mum. I did best in our group discussion today. Well done! Iyou. A. am mad at B. am patient with C. am proud of D. am pride of (2)Mr Green is proud of his creative research results. (改为同义句)Mr. Green _ _ _ his creative research results. 5. absent adj. 缺席的; 不在的 Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations. 有时他旷课, 考试不及格。 Why did you absent yourself from class yesterday? 你昨天为什么没来上课? 【归纳】 (1)用作形容词, 意为“缺席的”; 要表示“做某事缺席”, 其后常接介词 。be absent from还可表示“缺少; 没有; 无”。 (2)用作动词时, 只用作及物动词, 意为“缺席”, 只接 作宾语。表示“做某事缺席”, 其后也接介词from。【现学现练】 (1) Good morning, class. Is everybody here? No, sir. Tom is. He hurt his leg yesterday. A. present B. absent C. known D. helpful(2) 经理因为出差而缺席了会议。 The manager _ _ _ the meeting because he was on business. 6. fail v. 不及格; 失败; 未能(做到)Our plan has failed. 我们的计划失败了。 He did very well, but failed to break the record. 他做得很出色, 但未破记录。【归纳】fail作为动词, 意为“不及格; 失败; 未能(做到)”, 其主要结构有以下两种: (1)fail sth. 或fail in sth. 意为“做某事失败或不及格”。 (2)fail to do sth. 意为“未能做某事”。【现学现练】 (1)My sister failed _(lose)weight because she likes eating sweet food. (2)Johnthe test again, because he didnt study hard and always forgot to do his homework. A. failed B. passed C. took D. joined 知识巩固:.用所给词的适当形式填空1. The English dictionary is _ (exact)what I need. 2. Ming Yang studies in a famous university and he is the _ (proud)of his family. 3. They failed _ (arrive)on time because of the bad weather. 4. I have made my _ (decide)to be a teacher in the mountain village. 5. My father advised me _ (do)eye exercises every evening. II.用方框内所给词的适当形式填空hate, paint, ant, insect, wear1. Peter used to like _ and spiders. He often plays with them. 2. My sister _ pictures every day and she wants to be an artist one day. 3. They didnt use to _ their school uniforms to go to school because they thought they are ugly. 4. Jim can say the names of many kinds of _. He thinks they are very interesting. 5. Lucy thinks chemistry is boring, so she _ it. III. 完成句子1. 史密斯叔叔过去每天早上八点去上班。Uncle Smith _ _ _ to work at eight oclock in the morning. 2. 我的父母很友好, 他们总是帮助别人。My parents are kind and they help others _ _ _. 3. 你不需要担心我, 我不再是个孩子了。You neednt _ _ me. I am not a child anymore. 4. 这对双胞胎每天步行去上学。The twins _ _ school every day. 5. 这个害羞的女孩对她的演讲很紧张。The shy girl is _ _ her speech. 参考答案:导学设计:1. worries about; worried you 2. 【现学现练】 (1)all the time (2)always3. have an influence on sth. /sb【现学现练】(1)D(2)had an influence on4. be proud of;take pride in【现学现练】 (1)C (2)takes pride in5. from;反身代词【现学现练】(1)B(2) was absent from6.【现学现练】 (1)to lose (2)A知识巩固:. 1. exactly 2. pride 3. to arrive 4. decision 5. to do . 1. ants 2. paints 3. wear 4. insects 5. HatesIII. 1. used to go 2. all the time3. worry about 4. walk to 5. nervous about课题:Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 第4课时 【单元写作目标】能从外貌、性格、爱好等方面描述一个人的变化。1. 能用“used to”句型描述一个人过去的外貌、性格、爱好等;2. 能用“still, not any more, no longer, always, really, quite, so, never, seldom”等词来表达变化(不变)程度;3. 写作微技能:“1+n (n3)”在写作中的运用。一、语言积累()Changes in appearances:请在空白处填上合适的动词或动词短语,每空一词.1. My brother used to very short, but now he pretty tall.2. Meimei used to long straight hair, but now she short curly hair.3. Peiling used to jeans, but now she skirts.4. 1 used to really thin, but now I so fat.5. Mike used to weak, but now he very strong because he sports every day.6. Dapeng used to glasses, but now he contact lenses.(二)Changes in personalities:根据语境及首字母或中文提示完成句子.请用“1+n (n 3)”策略,在空白处填写符合逻辑的句子,增加细节。 1. Chen Bin used to be really shy. He was always (沉默)in class. He wasnt (积极)at all. He was never b enough to ask questions. Now he has changed a lot. He bees more o . Whats more, he bees very (幽默). He often makes people laugh and happy. Sometimes he (给予)a speech in (公共场合).He didnt u to be (受欢迎),but now he gets lots of a everywhere he goes.2. Emily used to be so shy and q . Her face _. But she always got good scores on her exams. Thats because she . Then she dealt w her (害羞)by meeting new people. Now she isnt s a . She bees quite o . . 3. Betty used to help others. She was really h . So . She s_ helps people now. .(三)Changes in hobbies:根据语境及首字母或中文,完成句子。请用“1+n (n3)” 策略,在空白处填写符合逻辑的句子,增加细节。1. Ye Qian used to p basketball. . But now he is m interested in p table tennis.2. When Li was a little girl, she used to (讨厌)playing the piano because it was too hard to play it well. But she didnt g up because of her mothers encouragement. Now she e (喜欢)playing not only the piano b also the violin. She often p them for the w (整个)school. She dreams of being a f musician. Although she knows only a very small number of pe

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