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Unit 4 The Internet connects USLesson 23 The Internet-Good or Bad同步练习 根据汉语意思填空1. This is a s_ problem. We can solve it easily.2. Too much rain may c_ a flood. Do you think so?3. Can you finish the work with l_ time than before?4. The policeman caught the thief when he was s_ a bike.5. Danny has two a_ of learning Chinese well. 选词填空they need do trouble good with change high use easyThere is bad news about Internet Explorer. A pany has (1) _ a lot of studies (研究) about IQs, and found people (2) _ Internet Explorer have lower IQs.This study has found an important thing. People using Internet Explorer 6 on the puter have an IQ only (3) _ than 80. But for Firefox and Google, it is at around 110. Users of Opera or Camino are top (4) _ an IQ of around 120. But about 10 percent of puter users like to use software of Internet Explorer on (5) _ home or office puters.Internet Explorer has long been in (6) _ with its mistakes. Earlier this year Microsoft said that all the users of Internet Explorer were (7) _ being hacked(被入侵). All of 900 million users around the world (8) _ patches (补丁) to make the puter work (9) _.From the results of this study, people with lower IQ dont like (10) _ their software. What will they do with their puters if Internet Explorer has too much trouble? 英汉互译1. 计算机在很多当面得到了应用。 puters are used _ _ _.2. 花费太多的时间上网有害健康。 _ _ _ time online is bad for health.3. 咱们约个时间再谈这个问题吧。 Lets _ _ _ _ to talk about this problem again.4. 他的家距离学校很远。 His home is _ _ _ school.5. 使用这种计算机很容易。 Its very easy _ _ this kind of puter. 句型转换1. The Internet has changed the world.(对划线部分提问) _ _ the Internet changed?2. Spending too much time on line is harmful to peoples health. (改为同意句) _ _ _ to peoples health if they spend too much time on line. 3. Please take care when using the Internet.(改为同义句) Please _ _ when using the Internet.4. Every coin has two sides.(改为一般疑问句) _ every coin _ two sides?5. Internet makes our life simpler.(改为否定句) Internet _ _ our life simpler. 阅读理解 When I take a walk around Washington Square Park, I often see many people walking with their dogs. It is still true that the dog is the most useful and faithful animal in the world, but the reason why people keep dogs have changed. They used to keep dogs in order to keep safe, but now they keep them as friends, because the city can be a lonely place. For a child, a dog is a playmate (玩伴) when he has no little friends to play with. For young couples, a dog is their friend when they feel lonely at home. For old couples, a dog is their child when their real children have grown up. Now you can see the reason why people keep dogs.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(10分)1. Does the writer think a dog is the most useful and faithful animal? _2. Do many Americans keep dogs as pets? _3. Why did people keep dogs before? _4. Why does a child like keeping a dog? _5. Why do seniors (年长) love to keep dogs? _答案和解析 根据汉语意思填空1. simple 2. cause 3. less 4. stealing 5. advantages 选词填空1. done 2. using 3. higher 4. with 5. their 6. trouble 7. easily 8. needed 9. well 10. to change 英汉互译 1. in many ways 2. Spending too much 3. set up a time 4. far away from 5. to use 句型转换1. What has 2. It is harmful 3. be careful 4. Does, have 5. doesnt make从1. Yes, he / she does. 2. Yes, they do. 3. They kept dogs to keep safe before. 4. Because a dog is a playmate when he has no little friends to play with. 5. Because dogs are their children when their real children have grown up.

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