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2019-2020年三年级上册期终练习卷同步练习一、 口算10%382128 245= 254= ( ) 60=4220040= 731258= 756( )=498992= 868686= 88( )=97二、竖式计算7%58060= (验算)91859=二、 横式计算6%5896= 17063=三、 递等式计算(能巧算就巧算)18%376+589-489 4155556 119-9444+888+456 874-286-214 9648四、 列式计算8%1、甲数是504,是乙数的3倍,甲数和乙数相差多少?2、2个4相乘的积和比81少多少?概念部分(25分)一、填空17%1、40dm=( )m 2.4m=( )m( )cm 8kg50g=( )kg=( )g 6.4km=( )km( )m2、估算:1478的商更接近( ),298的积更接近( )。3、475要使商是2位数,里可填( ),要使商是3位数,里可填( )4、用3、4、0、6、7、9、5这些数卡摆出2个三位数,求两个数的差,你能得到最大的差是( ),最小的差是( )。5、5348中,8去乘百位上的5结果是( )。6、两数相除,商是28,余数是7,除数最小是( ),当除数为最小时,被除数是( )。7、今年的二月有( )天,xx年的二月有( )天。8、用4、1、9造减法塔,最后一层的算式是( )二、 选择4%1、5个同样的小正方形可以搭成( )种不同的五连块。A、 5种 B、1种 C、12种2、用一根长40米的铁丝围成一个最大的正方形,这个正方形的面积是( )A、 100米B、 40平方米C、100平方米3、一根200厘米长的木条,要锯成10厘米长的小段,需要锯( )次。A、20 B、19 C、18 4、849连续减去7,最多减( )次。 A.122 B.120 C.123 D.121四、判断4%1、三角形是轴对称图形。 ( )2、每年下半年的天数都是相等的。 ( )3、 左图中有4个三角形。 ( )4、红、白色的球各2个,必须摸出3个,才能保证其中有一个红珠子。( )应用部分(30分)1、虎妈妈的体重是147千克,刚好是虎宝宝体重的7倍,虎妈妈和虎宝宝的体重一共有多重?2、小胖要配一块长方形玻璃,它的长是18厘米,是宽的3倍,它的面积是多少?3、张明从家到学校要步行600米,这天他往返了2个来回,共行多少千米?4、一本书共200页,小明看了8天后还剩下32页,小明平均每天看多少页?5、炼铁厂第一次运来铁矿石320吨,是第二次运来的5倍,第二次比第三次少运32吨,三次共运来多少吨?6、 教学楼的走廊长72米,如果在走廊上等间隔地摆放9盆花,并且走廊两端都摆花,每盆花间隔多少米?错题订正:再次作业:单元评价:学生自评: 教师评价: 家长评价: 附送:2019-2020年三年级上册测试题I. Listen and circle. (听录音,圈出你听到的字母组合)10%1. bd db 2. l j j l 3. p q q p 4. x s s x 5. h a a h 6. e c c e 7. E F F E 8. G C C G9. I A A I 10. I L L I II. Listen and write.(听音, 填入所学字母,将单词补充完整)8%1. _lephant2. _pple3. ins_ct4. han_5. _ive6. do_7. th_nk8. _irdIII. Listen and tick. (听录音,圈出你听到的内容前的序号)10%1. A. girl B. good2. A. you B. your3. A. name B. nine4. A. pencil B. pen.5. A. my rulers B. your rulers6. A. yellow kites B. yellow cats7. A. green lemons B. green melons8. A. Im Danny. B. Im Kitty.9. A. Youre Miss Zhu. B. You are Mr Zhu.10. A. My name is Bill. B. Your name is Bill.IV. Listen and number. (听录音,在括号内根据听到的顺序用1、2、3为下列句子排序)5%( ) Im seven years old.( ) I like to read stories.( ) Here I am!( ) I can read.( ) Hi, my name is Tony.V. Listen and judge.( 判断下列句子与听到的内容是否一致, 一致用“”,不一致用“”表示)5%1. ( ) How old are you? Im ten years old.2. ( ) Whats your name? My name is Kelly.3. ( ) Are you Alice Wang? No, Im Kitty Li.4. ( ) Hello, Kitty. Is it a bag?5. ( ) A pen? Yes, a pen.VI. Listen and circle the best answer.( 根据听到的句子圈出正确的应答句前的序号 )5%1. A. Im Kitty.B. Yes, Im Kitty.2. A. Yes, Im Alice.B. No, Im Alice.3. A. Im Peter.B. Im seven.4. A. Is it a bag?B. Its a bag.5. A. Yes, I see.B. I see a book.VII. Listen and write the words.( 写出你听到的词组或句子 )7%1. _2. _3. _4._5. _Part 2 Reading and writingI. Look and write. (在横线上写出给出字母的相邻字母,注意保持大小写于给出字母的一致)6%1. _ B _ 2. D _ _ 3. _ H _4. _ c _ 5. e _ _ 6. _ h_II. Copy the sentences.( 抄写下列句子 )4% 1. Please e to the blackboard, Linda. 2. Whats your name?III. Write the sentence.( 正确抄写句子,注意大、小写和标点符号 )6% 1. goodbye miss fang 2. how old are you dotty fiveIV. Read and choose. (看下列句子,把正确选项前的序号填写在括号中)5%1. ( ) I _ a girl. A. am B. is C. are2. ( ) You _ Tom. A. am B. is C. are3. ( ) My name _ Alice. A. am B. is C. are4. ( ) Your name _ Paul. A. am B. is C. are5. ( ) I _ Kitty Brown. A. am B. is C. areV. Look and write. (看图片,在横线上写出适当的词完成下列句子,一格一词)5%1. I can see _ _. 2. I can see _ _.3. I can see _ _. 4. I can see _ _. 5. I can see _ _. VI. Look and write. (根据给出的例示改写句子)8%A. e.g. You are Kitty. Youre Kitty.1. I am a fireman. _ a fireman.2. I am seven years old. _ seven years old.3. You are Danny. _ Danny.4. You are young. _ young.B. e.g. My name is Sam. Im Sam.1. My name is Jane. _2. _ Im Peter. 3. Your name is Lily. _4. _ Youre Jack.VII. Read and write.( 连词成句 )4%1. your, name, is, what_2. morning, miss, fang, good_3. am, I, years, ten, old_4. I, a, blue, see, on, rubber, the, desk_VIII. Read answer the questions.(根据实际情况回答问题)6%1. Are you Miss Wang?_2. How old are you?_3. Whats your name? _4. Are you a boy?_5. Are you in the classroom now?_6. What do you see in the classroom?_IX. Read and do T or F. (下列句子如与给出的短文意思一致,在括号中用T表示,不一致在括号中用F表示)6% Hello. My name is Rose. Im five. I can read and write. I like summer. I eat ice-creams in summer. I have got a bicycle. I like to ride in the park. 1. This is Rose. ( )2. Rose is five years old. ( )3. Rose can read and draw. ( )4. Rose can eat ice-creams in spring. ( )5. Rose has got a bicycle. ( )6. Rose can ride on the road. ( )参考答案Part 1 Listening I. Listen and circle. (听录音,圈出你听到的字母组合)1. bd 2. j l 3. p q 4. s x 5. a h 6. e c 7. F E 8. G C 9. A I 10. I LII. Listen and write (听音, 填入所学字母,将单词补充完整)1. elephant 2. apple 3. insect 4. hand 5. five6. dog7. thank 8. birdIII. Listen and tick. (听录音,圈出你听到的内容前的序号)AABBABABBAIV. Listen and number. (听录音,在括号内根据听到的顺序用1、2、3为下列句子排序)24531V. Listen and judge ( 判断下列句子与听到的内容是否一致, 一致用“”,不一致用“”表示)1. How old are you? Im ten years old.2. Whats your name? My name is Kitty.3. Are you Alice Wang? No, Im Kitty Li.4. Hello, Kitty. Is it a book?5. A pencil?No, a pen.VI. Listen and circle the best answer ( 根据听到的句子圈出正确的应答句前的序号 )1. Whats your name?2. You are Alice.3. How old are you?4. Yes, its a bag.5. What do you see?AABABVII. Listen and write the words ( 写出你听到的词组或句子 )1. a red apple2. a small bag3.Whats your name? Kitty Li.4. How are you? Im fine.Part 2 Reading and writingI. Look and write. (在横线上写出给出字母的相邻字母,注意保持大小写于给出字母的一致)1. AC 2. EF 3. GI4. b d 5. f g 6. g III. Copy the sentences ( 抄写下列句子 )1. Please e to the blackboard, Linda.2. Whats your name?III. Write the sentence ( 正确抄写句子,注意大、小写和标点符号 )1. Goodbye, Miss Fang.2. How old are you, Dotty? Five.IV. Read and choose. (看下列句子,把正确选项前的序号填写在括号中)ACBBAV. Look and write. (看图片,在横线上写出适当的词完成下列句子,一格一词)1. four books2. two rulers3. one bag(a bag )4. three rubbers5. six pencilsVI. Look and write. (根据给出的例示改写句子)A. 1. Im a firemen.2. Im seven years old.3. Youre Danny. 4. Youre young.B. 1. Im Jane.2. My name is Peter.3. Youre Lily.4. Your name is Jack.VII. Read and write ( 连词成句 )1. What is your name? 2. Good morning, Miss Fang.3. Im ten years old.4. I see a blue rubber on the desk.VIII. Read answer the questions (根据实际情况回答问题)1. No, I am not. 2.Im years old. 3. Im (My name is )4. Yes, I am. / No, I am not.5. Yes, I am.6. I see IX. Read and do T or F. (下列句子如与给出的短文意思一致,在括号中用T表示,不一致在括号中用F表示) TTFFTF

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