2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 12 Lesson 72(1)教案 人教版新起点.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 12 Lesson 72(1)教案 人教版新起点教学内容:A. Look, listen and chooseB. Lets find the way and talkC. Read, label and writeD. Group the words教学目的:1. 通过练习,检测第9至 11单元所学习的内容,了解学生的掌握情况;2. 让学生通过对自己知识的检测对自己树立自信心,激发他们的学习积极性。教学重点:通过各个练习检测学生对功能句的理解和掌握,根据自己的爱好和医院填写自己的计划和打算。课前准备:第9至11单元的教学挂图,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,主线人物图片,英语字母Aa、Ee、Ii的卡片教学过程:一、师生对话,复习有关课程、学校、星期和课外活动的知识:1. 教师出示学校设施的单词,教师提问学生回答:T: Whats this? S: Its a library.T: Do you have a library in your school?S: Yes, we have.T: Where is it?S: Its on the second floor.2. 教师就实际情况提问,学生回答:T: What day is it? S: Its Wednesday.T: What classes do you have today?S: We have Chinese, math, English, art and PE.T: What class does you like best? S: I like art best. Its interesting.T: What are you going to do after school?S: I am going to play the drum after school.二、说一说、练一练,检测前三个单元所学的内容掌握情况:1. 先让学生仔细看书上的图片,对图片的内容进行简单地描述,理解图画内容,为听力检测做铺垫;2. 教师播放录音,请学生仔细听录音,根据听到的顺序给图片排序将序号写在图下的括号里;做完后教师请学生读出答案序号,大家判断对错,教师给出正确答案后让学生互相进行评价并给出等级成绩;3. B项练习:教师先带领学生看图并读出八个问句Do you have a gym in your school? Where is the teachers office? Do you like PE? When do you have English? What class do you like? What are you going to do after school? 让学生说出每句话的中文含义,并想一想该句子的回答,为游戏的进行做好准备;然后教师解释要求,使学生了解活动的开展;4. 开展游戏活动:两人一小组,通过剪刀、石头、布决定谁先进行游戏,赢的一方先回答对方的问题,回答正确后得一分才开始走迷宫,走错后回到原点保有原来的一分,换人进行回答问题并前进;回到原点后想继续走的可以用得到的一分换取一次继续走的机会,如果又走错了再次回到原点,换另一名同学进行游戏;游戏结束后比一比谁先走到终点并且得分最多;5. 在学生进行游戏活动的时候,教师巡视进行指导和评价;6. C项:先让学生自己读两段短文,之后请部分学生进行朗读,教师适当进行讲解帮助学生理解语段的意思;7. 请学生看五个问句,并指读第一句让学生从右边的答句中找出左边第一句的答语,让学生了解该题的操作方法;然后让学生独立完成练习:找出其余四句的答语,将其标号写在左边问句前面的括号里;然后请学生读出问句和答语,其他学生进行评价并给自己写出等级得分;8. 让学生根据上述对话,将下面的句子补充完整,然后请学生到黑板上写出填写的单词,再让学生读出完整的句子,其他同学进行评价,然后同桌同学互相给出等级得分:全对的五颗星,对三个的四颗星;依次类推。三、读写单词,体会元音字母Aa,Ee,Ii在单词中的发音:1. 教师先请学生读一读D项中的单词,注意红色字母的发音,然后根据自己的印象将单词按照发音分类,用铅笔将单词写在相应的横线上;2. 让学生代表朗读单词,教师和其他学生帮助一起进行纠正,并进行简单地讲解;3. 让学生根据刚才朗读单词,对自己的单词分类进行检查并改正,然后请学生说出单词分类的情况,教师和其他同学进行判断是否正确,然后自己给自己评价分数,全对或错一个的同学得A,错两个到四个的同学得B,错五个到七个的得C,错八个到十个的得D,其余得E;4. 教师带领学生按照读音分类读单词,注意正确的发音,然后让学生说一说还学过什么发这些音的单词教师板书并领读单词。四、课堂小结:Today we reviewed the knowledge about our school, classes and activities. Then we did the exercises in lesson seventy-two. You did the good jobs.五、作业:Write the words of unit 9 to 11in the memory and correct the wrong words one line each one.板书设计:Lesson 72 Aaei make train birthday black have fat Eei: e please we she red bed bread Iiai i white like five pig clinic English课后反思:附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 12第一课时 第二课时 第三课时教案 广东版开心一、Objectives and Requirements:1. LanguageTarget: What time is it? Its eleven oclock. Is it twelve oclock? Yes, it is. How many cherries are there? There are twenty. Look! There are thirteen strawberries. Does she have napkins? No, she doesnt. She has glasses. Do you have forks? Yes, we do.Sounds and words: / ai /, / v /, / p / 2. Vocabulary Key: one oclock, two oclock, three oclock, four oclock, five oclock, six oclock, seven oclock, eight oclock, nine oclock, ten oclock, eleven oclock, twelve oclock thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty forks, napkins, spoons, glasses, knives, tissues, chopstick, bowlsSounds and words: ride, kite, bike, rice, white, light, five, twelve, glove, dove, above, wave, cap, ship, map, sleep, rope, soap 3. Materials: Picture cards49-76, Picture Cards Tony and Jenny from Picture Card 1, chalk / makers二、Procedure:The first periodPart 11) Getting ready A) T:(Point to the pictures on the page.) How many forks are there?B) Continue with other pictures.2) Using the booka) T: Now, lets listen.b) Play A, then pause.c) T: Which picture is it? Is it this one? d) Model drawing a line from the letters to their corresponding pictures.e) Play the tape and have Ss match.Part 2 1) Getting readyA) Write three words bike, cap and kite at the top of the board.B) Invite three Ss to do quick sketches of those objects on the board.C) Invite another three Ss up, have them each say one word and draw a line from the word to the sketch.D) Continue with other Ss and other words. 2) Using the bookE) T: Look at the three words in each group. Circle one word and then match it to its picture.F) Put Ss in pairs to help each other.Part 31) Getting ready A. Put the Picture Cards Tony and Jenny on the board.B. Write the number seventeen and thirteen to the right of the Picture Cards.C. Write the words tissues and napkins to the right of the written numbers.D. Ask two Ss to e to the board. T: Tony has thirteen napkins. Jenny has seventeen tissues.E. They draw the line accordingly.2) Using the book a) Point to Gogo, Tony and Jenny and the written words.b) T: Listen and connect the pictures and words.c) Stop after each sentence and let Ss repeat.Part 41) Getting ready A. Draw a clock face on the board. B. Have S1 e up. C. Dictate a time and have S1 draw.3) Using the book A. Have Ss listen and draw in the time they hear.B. Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to let Ss draw in the time.C. When finished, let Ss exchange books with partners and check one anothers answers.Part 51) Getting readya) Have Ss look at the pictures around the word search.b) Go over the words orally.2) Using the book2)Ss find and circle the words in the word search.3)Teacher models an example: Fifteen! I can see the word “fifteen”.4)Have Ss find the other words and circle them.5)Circulate around the classroom to help Ss.The second period1. Finish the exercises in Unit 12 in Workbook and Writing book.2. Talk about the picture of Bonus 3.The third periodHave a test from Units 9-12.

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