2019-2020年三年级英语上册 unit2 Lesson12Pink Orange Purple Gree教案1 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 unit2 Lesson12Pink Orange Purple Gree教案1 冀教版1.知识目标:a正确听、说、读、用pink orange purple green.b练习说和写,并能口头应答单词:scissors pencils markers.c能够理解、应答和运用What colour is it?Where is it?2.能力目标:能把所学的应用到日常交际生活中去,在适时环境中能够灵活运用。3.情感、态度、价值观:能交流个人信息,乐于参与小组活动,积极参与。教学重难点:重点:pink purple orange green的掌握。难点:cut with scissors ,draw whit markers ,write with pencils句型的运用。教具学具:带有各种颜色的图片、单词卡片、剪刀,彩笔,和铅笔的实物教学过程:Class opening and reviewGreeting用学生熟悉的用语进行问候。2 、Game教师:Lets play a game “Race and Do”.把学生分成两组,每组选出一名自告奋勇的学生到前面,教师说出从A到B的任何一个字母并说明大写或小写,第一个正确写出字母的学生为本组得一分,再让两名学生继续进行下去。Drill教师出示图片和颜色。Whats this?Is this a_or a _?What colour is this ?Do you have any/a _?How many _do you have?New Concept1、pink, orange, purple, green 电脑出示有这些颜色的花朵图。教师:Look,there are many flowers in the garden.How beautiful! (point to purple)This is purple. This colour is purple.学生跟读Drill 教师:What colour is this ?/What colour are they?学生:Its _/They are _.教师:Is this _or _?/Are they_or _?学生:It is _/They are _.2 Scissors, pencils, markers./cut ,write, draw.示范教师举起一把剪刀,说几遍scissors学生跟读,用汉语讲明scissors有两个臂,因此在英语中被视为两物单词,尾部常加S。教师用剪刀剪下一片纸同时应说cut学生跟读。再读cut whit scissors 学生跟读。利用电脑课件讲解markers /draw/ draw with markers;pencils/write/write whit pencils.学生跟读。Drill 利用教室内的物品进行问答:教师:Where is /are my /your/ his /her_?学生:There it is /There they are小组内进行对话练习,教师给出提示。屏幕出示:1 Where is it ?/Where are they?There it is ./There they are.2 What colour is it ?/What colour are they?3 What is it ?/what are they?Its_./They are _.小组进行表演,对优胜小组教师进行奖励。看电脑屏幕做练习。Song “This is the way we walk to school”师:I am very happy with you.Are you happy?Now lets sing a song. Stand up please.先带领学生边做动作边说,walk to school /write with pencils /draw with markers /cut with scissors /open the window /close the door.教唱这首歌。作业把这首歌唱给爸爸妈妈听。板书:Lesson 12: Pink Orange Purple Greenpink orange purple green scissors pencils markers附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 unit2 lesson13Black white and brown教案1 冀教版知识目标:1、学生应争取把握(说、熟悉和口头运用)下列词汇: in ,on,under 2、要求学生练习并能熟悉下列词汇:black,white,brown 能力目标:理解并能口头应答下列句子 What colour is it ? Its_. Where is it ? Its in/on/under_. 情感态度:通过游戏的设计让学生体会英语学习中的乐趣,同时培养学生的能力,提高学生的交际能力和综合素质。 教学预备:单词卡片,不同颜色的手工折纸鱼,文具,课件教学过程:(一)歌曲导入,情景创设 T:今天有老师和我们一起来学英语。Are you happy?S:Yes.T:那咱们用学过的英文歌曲来How are you表达对老师们的问候,好不好?S:好。(学生以男、女、合唱的形式分段唱)T:Very good .(二)开始上课和复习T:(手拿一条折纸鱼)Whats this ?S:Its a fish .T:Yes , its a fish .(左右两手各拿一条不同颜色的鱼,如:黄色和绿色) Which is the green fish ? The green fish?S:左手拿的那个。T:Well done .What colour is it ?S:Its yellow . T:这些鱼漂亮吗?S:漂亮。T:想要吗?S:想要。T:做个游戏好不好?S:好。(Showing the picture of the sea that has many different colour fish .)假如你们能正确地指出或回答老师所说的,那么你就可以赢得一条鱼。Are you ready?S:Yes.(Questions like this: Which is the_fish? What colour is it?) (三)新授1、What colour is it?T:(最后只剩下黑、白、棕三种颜色的鱼,这时教师手指黑色的鱼)What colour is it? S:黑色。T:Yes,Its black. b-l-a-c-k(即时板书), black. Read after me, b-l-a-c-k black. S:b-l-a-c-k ,black .T:Who can read ? Who can spell?(叫多个学生,并适时指导发音。之后以同样的方式教授white 和brown。)T:(出示单词卡片)This time ,read one by one .T:(手指黑板) What colour is it?Which is the_fish?S:学生回答正确后,将相应的鱼奖励给他们。 2、Where is it ?T:This is my pencil .(放在书里)Where is it ?S:在书里。T:Yes,Its in the book .(课件,板书in the book)Read after me i-n, in, in the book S:i-n, in, in the book(以同样的方式教授on ,under )T:(课件)咱们做个小练习,看图回答问题。Where is the book ?3、Where is Danny ?T:This is (课件)S:Danny.T:(课件)Where is Danny ,?S:I dontt know .T:(课件)Lets look.让我们找找看。(课件)Danny is _the desk. S:underT:Yes,Danny is under the desk. Now ,read after me Danny is under the desk S:Danny is under the desk.T:下面的活动,有我来说,你来做。Put your pencil in the desk .Put your eraser under the book .Put your pencil case on the desk .T:好了,今天我们所学得能容就是 (课件)Now read after me S:(四)Home work完成活动手册 33页 4.

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