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2019-2020年三年级英语上学期期末复习卷一、 听录音,排序。( )book ( )elephant ( )panda ( )ETC ( )ruler ( )rabbit ( )mouth ( )monkey ( )ear ( )eye ( )bag ( )green二、 听录音,圈单词。1. bear bird 2. pencil box pencil3. AFL DBG 4. black play5. white rice 6. foot book三、听录音,看图,判断。判断你所听到的单词的首字母是否相同,用或表示。 1.() 2.()3.() 4.()5.() 6.()四、 听录音,写字母。大写:小写:五、 听录音,选择正确的答语。1. A. Its a panda. B. That is a panda.2. A. Great! B. Me too.3. A. OK. Here you are. B. Thanks.4. A. Four. B. Very well.5. A. This is a bear. B. My name is Zoom.6. A. OK. B. Im fine.六、听录音,判断图片与你听到的内容是否相同,用或表示。1. ( ) 2. ( )3. ( ) 4. ( )5. ( ) 七、 听录音,写中文。1. a funny bear.2. ? 3. Lets .4. some milk.5. , Miss White.6. Mike.八、 听录音,选择填空。A. monkey B. the zoo C. Good D. hungry E. black F. Id like G. Lets H. paint 1. Are you , John.2. I see a on the log.3. This is a pencil box.4. afternoon.5. play!6. Lets go to !7. Lets !8. some juice.笔试部分一、 圈出下列单词中不用类型的单词。1. monkey pig jump bird2. head hand foot queen3. two six fine four4. orange apple pear milk5. milk dog juice water二、填色。Color the cat red. Color the panda white.Color the cake blue. Color the face orange.Color the egg brown. Color the fish green.Color the gift yellow. Color the duck yellow, too.三、 选择填空。A. How are you? B. Here you are.C. Lets play! D. My name is Mike.E. Me too! 1. Whats your name? .2. .Im fine, thanks.3. Can I have some cake? .4. I have an English book. .5. . Great!四、 单词闯关。 o e a i s g l f zo e r ey b ue ace r ce ix pi 写出中文意思。cake ( ) bread ( )milk ( ) ruler ( )dog ( ) noodles ( )五、填空。 A. bread B. bag C. have D. books E. name My is Amy. Im five years old. I a , two and a pencil. Im hungry now. Id like some . 附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上学期期末练习题一、 听一听,选一选。根据录音内容,选出你所听到的图片,并用圆圈将图片下面的字母圈住。(10分)(1) (2) (3) A B A B A B(4) (5) A B A B 二、 听一听,判一判。听录音,判断下面的图片是否正确,符合的请在括号里打“”,不符合的打“”。(10分)(1) (2)(3) ( ) ( ) ( )(4) (5) ( ) ( )三、 听一听,排一排。根据你听到的内容,按顺序用数字15标号。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、 听一听,涂一涂。根据你所听到的内容给下列图片涂上相应的颜色。(10分)1 2 34 5 五、 听一听,写一写。把你所听到的数字在相应的空格里用阿拉伯数字110写出来。(10分)AndyJohnSarahMikeWuyifan六、听一听,选一选。根据录音内容,在下列的表格里勾出每个人所喜爱的食物。(10分)MikeChenjjieSarahBailingJohn七、听一听,选一选。根据录音,把你所听到的单词选出来,将其字母标号填在前面的括号里。(10分)( ) 1. A. blue B. balloon( ) 2. A. what B. water( ) 3. A. red B. bread( ) 4. A. foot B. leg( ) 5. A. head B. hand八、 把下面人物的各个身体部位和表示该部位的单词用线连起来。(20分)foot armlegear BodyfingereyeMouth nose hand 九、 情景反应,请根据问句找出正确的答句,并用笔把该答案左边的小星星涂黑。(10分)1. How old are you? A. Im five. B. Im fine, thank you.2. Whats your name? A. Hello, Sarah. B. My name is Sarah.3. How many balloons? A. Eight balloons. B. Im eight.4. May I have a look? A. Sure, here you are. B. Me too.5. Have some French fries. A. You are wele. B. Thank you.

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