2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 12(1)教材教法 冀教版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 12(1)教材教法 冀教版(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 12(1)教材教法 冀教版(一起)一、教材分析:1. 本课主要讲述可数名词的单复数变化,学生在以前的学习过程中已经接触到一些可数名词在变为它们复数形式时词尾的一些变化。在本课的学习中应注意培养学生归纳总结的能力,使语言知识得到一定的升华。2. 此年龄段的小学生活泼好动、对新奇的事物很感兴趣。教师要灵活采用多种教学形式,利用多种教学媒体,图片观察等方法,调动学生求知的欲望。让学生体会英语语言的魅力。3. 本课的教学重点是: 名词复数:pencil-pencils; stamp-stampsdress-dresses; dish-dishes; bus-busesman-men; woman-women; child-children二、教学建议:1. 教师通过图片,让学生了解可数名词有单复数之分,以及可数名词单数变为复数时的各种变化。2. 关于可数名词单数变复数的规律,教师可以根据下表进行讲解:情况构成方法读音与例词一般情况加-s1.清辅音后读/s/:map-maps2.浊辅音和元音后读/z/:bag-bags; car-cars以s, sh, ch, x结尾的词加-es读 /iz/:bus-buses;watch-watches附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 12(1)教案 冀教版(一起)一教学目标:1. 知识目标:掌握可数名词复数的3种情况。(1)直接加“s” (2)以“s” “sh” “ch” “x”结尾的可数名词变复数时,在词尾后加-es(3)不规则变化,如:下列词 man, woman, child,people 等。以及句子单复数的用法,This is a/an +名词的单数形式。These are +名词的复数形式。2. 能力目标:1)可以根据教师的提问做出相应的回答。2)可以复述录音机所说的句子。3)能根据图片信息说出简单的句子。3. 过程与方法:以学生为主体,结合本课内容, 让学生用直观的方法来学习新知识, 联系学生实际情况,与学生同学同乐,使学生学到新知识又活跃了课堂气氛,提高学生的英语表达能力。4. 情感态度与价值观:通过多种活动,调动学生的积极性,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高语言的表达能力。二教学重难点:教学重点:以“s” “sh” “ch” “x”结尾的可数名词变复数时,在词尾后加-es教学难点::不规则变化,如:下列词 man, woman, child,people 等。三教学设计思路:在本课的教授过程中充分利用图片资源,通过观察比较的方法,使学生直观的明白可数名词由单数变为复数时词尾所发生的变化。从而更好,更清楚的记忆名词由单数变为复数时的3种变化情况。四、教学过程教学过程Teaching Process 教学媒体Teaching Media教师活动Teachers Activities学生活动Students Activities设计意图Design Purpose课程导入(Warm up and lead in)卡片或图片Step 1Greeting:T: Hello, everyone. How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you. How are you?T: I am fine too.Step 2教师出示图片(见图片资源)复习上节课所学的单词。For example:Teacher shows a picture of a circle. T: What is this?Ss: Circle.Teacher shows another picture of circles.T: What are these?Ss: Circle, or circles.教师板书:circle circlesSs greet with their teacher and review what they have learned last lesson.To make students be polite and review what they have learned呈现新课(Presentthe new lesson)录音机,多媒体课件。Step 1Teacher shows a picture of a pencil.T: What is this?Ss: This is a pencil.Teacher shows another picture of pencils.T: What are these?Ss: These are pencil or pencils.T: These are many pencils. How many pencils? Ss: Five.教师板书:pencil pencils Teacher shows a picture of stamp. T: What is this? Ss: This is a stamp. Teacher shows a picture of stamps. T: What are these? Ss: These are many stamps. 教师板书: stamp stamps T: What is difference between these words? Ss: T: Yes, these words get bigger with an “s”. We can see the “s” at the end of these words. Right?Ss: Yes.T: So a countable singular noun word turns to its plural, it should add “s” at the end of a singular word. 教师播放优秀课件:Lesson 12-1 (见优秀课件)。学生读课文。Step 2 T: However, not all countable words change according to this rule. Let see these words. 教师出示dress, dish, bus 的图片,然后再出示它们的复数图片。教师板书:dress dresses dish dishes bus busesT: What is the difference between these words and those words? Ss: These words get bigger with an “es” at the end.T: Why do these words get bigger with an “es” ant the end? What is end of these words?Ss: They are “ ss, sh, s”.教师告诉学生以“ ss, sh, s”结尾的名词变为复数时词尾加“es”.教师播放课件:Lesson 12-2 (见优秀课件)。学生阅读课文。Step 3T: Do you know the other special words?Ss: Yes or No. Child .T: Yes. Here are some words you know. Do they get bigger with an “es”?教师板书:man woman child Ss: No.T: Yes. Their form of plurals is special. 教师板书:man men woman women child children 教师播放课件。学生阅读课文。Step 4 教师和学生一块总结名词变复数的规则。Step 5 播放视频:My body (见视频资源)。Ss observe the different change of the words to conclude the rules and read the text.Step 1, 2, 3To make students grasp the rule of the different change when a countable words change its form of pluralsStep 4, 5To make students conclude and remember the rules of change 课堂评价Evaluate 多媒体,课件随堂练习:Write down the plural of the following words.dress pencil child woman dish bus Ss do exercise.To check students learning ability


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