七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Sports and Good Health Lesson 39 Danny’s Report课后作业B 冀教版.doc

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Lesson 39:Dannys Report基础巩固练. 根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子1. Failure(失败) is the mother of s_. 2. Do you know the w_ of the petition?3. How many _(竞赛项目)do the Olympic Games have ?4. He has ten _(队友) in the football team. 5. Dont _(扔)things on the floor. . 单项选择6. There _ two dictionaries on the bookcase. You can use either of them. A. isB. was C. areD. were7. I won first place in the English petition. _A. Im sorry.B. Excuse me. C. Well done!D. How silly!8. They succeeded _ the exam. A. passingB. in passing C. passD. passed9. Many young people took part in _ trees on Tree Planting Day. A. plantingB. plants C. to plantD. plant10. Some parents might worry that their childrens hobbies can_ their studies. A. get the way ofB. get on the way ofC. get on well withD. get in the way of. 根据汉语完成句子11. 你参加你们学校的运动会了吗?Did you _ _ _ the sports meet of your school?12. 你认为xx年里约热内卢奥运会很成功吗?Do you think the xx Rio Summer Olympics were _ _ _?13. 王先生经常早晨锻炼。Mr. Wang often _ _ _ in the morning. 14. 布鲁斯, 你得挪一挪, 你挡路了。Bruce, youll have to move. You are _ _ _. 15. 马林在跳远中获得了第一名。Ma Lin won _ _ in the long jump. 综合提升练. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. How many _(event) does the sports meet have?2. She has a great success in _(swim). 3. There _(be)an English Summer Camp next month. e and join us. 4. I think _(win) is not everything. 5. Jenny _(throw)the ball to her teammates just now. . 用方框中所给词(组)的适当形式填空report, two, success, win, get some exercise 6. He was the _ of the butterfly stroke(蝶泳). 7. I wrote a _ about the sports meeting. 8. Jack had great _ in the long jump. 9. We should _every day. 10. She won _ place in the running event. . 单项选择11. Kids have fun _ with water by the sea. A. playingB. to play C. playD. played12. I hope _ you soon. We will have a great time together. A. meetB. to meet C. metD. meeting13. Tom got _ place in the exam. A. threeB. third C. oneD. two14. When did your father _ the army(军队)?A. join inB. joinC. take partD. take part in15. _ studied very hard in my class and we all got good grades. A. EveryoneB. Someone C. NobodyD. No one. 连词成句16. sad, feel, little, I, a_. 17. bird, tree, is, in, a, the, there_. 18. job, mother, way, in, of, his, his, got, the_. 19. got, exercise, they, good, last, year_. 20. important, which, winning, having, fun, or, more, is_?. 完形填空(词数:约120;建议用时:5分钟)Kate is my good friend. She had a (n) _21_ lifestyle before. She hardly(几乎不)_22_ up before 7 oclock in the morning. After supper, she always played puter games before she did her homework. She didnt like drinking milk and she ate a lot of _23_ every day. Then one day, she got very ill. She had to be in hospital _24_. It made her feel that she must _25_herself well. Now Kate_26_ every morning. Usually she runs before breakfast. She only plays puter games _27_. She has good _28_habits, too. She drinks milk every morning. She likes junk food very much, _29_she only eats it once a week. A good lifestyle helps her _30_. 21. A. usualB. healthyC. unhealthyD. good22. A. gotB. stoodC. lookedD. ended23. A. fruitB. junk foodC. vegetablesD. healthy food24. A. in a weekB. two weeks agoC. in two weeksD. for three weeks25. A. look afterB. look forC. look atD. look like26. A. exercisesB. gets upC. sleepsD. has lunch27. A. at schoolB. on weekendsC. all dayD. in the morning28. A. sleepingB. readingC. eatingD. writing29. A. andB. orC. becauseD. but30. A. eat moreB. feel sadC. put on weightD. stay healthy答案基础巩固练. 1. success2. winner3. events4. teammates5. throw. 6. C7. C8. B9. A点拨:考查固定搭配。take part in doing sth. 参与做某事。句意:许多年轻人在植树节那天参加了植树。故选A。10. D. 11. take part in12. a great success13. gets some exercise14. in the way15. first place综合提升练. 1. events2. swimming3. will be4. winning5. threw. 6. winner7. report8. success9. get some exercise10. second. 11. A12. B13. B14. B15. A. 16. I feel a little sad17. There is a bird in the tree18. His mother got in the way of his job19. They got good exercise last year20. Which is more important, winning or having fun. 21. C点拨:根据后句句意:早上她在7点前几乎不起床。可知她从前有不健康的生活方式。故选C。22. A23. B点拨:junk food意为“垃圾食品”, 她吃许多垃圾食品, 这是不健康的生活方式, 故选B。24. D25. A点拨:look after“照顾”;look for“寻找”;look at“看”;look like“看起来像”。句意:这使她感到她必须照顾好自己。故选A。26. A点拨:句意:现在凯特每天早上锻炼, 通常她在早饭前跑步。exercise, 动词“锻炼”, 故选A。27. B28. C点拨:根据后一句句意“她每天早上喝牛奶。”可知“她也有好的饮食习惯”, 故选C。29. D点拨:句意:她非常喜欢垃圾食品, 但是每周只吃一次。前后表转折, 用but, 故选D。30. D

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