七年级英语下册 Module 8 Story time(语法篇)试题 (新版)外研版.doc

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Module 8_一般过去时(2)规则动词的一般过去时一般过去时表示过去某一时间发生的动作或存在的状态、过去的特征、过去的行为等。和一般过去时连用的时间状语有:last.yesterday.agoin the pastthe other dayat that timejust nowin 1990等。如:I was born in 2000.He went to the museum yesterday.We climbed the mountain last week.规则动词过去式的变化规则 变化规则 原形 过去式一般动词词尾加-edwalk lookwalked looked以“元音字母+一个辅音字母结尾”的重读闭音节动词,双写辅音字母再加-edstop stepstopped stepped以“辅音字母+y结尾”的动词, y变为i,再加-edhurry marryhurried married一般过去时的肯定、否定、疑问和回答方式的变化如下: 肯定 否定 一般疑问句 回答I started school at five.I didnt (didnt)start school at five.Did I start school at five?Yes, I did.No, I didnt.You took a walk this morning.You didnt (didnt) take a walk this morning.Did you take a walk this morning?Yes, you did.No, you didnt.HeShe moved to London.HeShe didnt (didnt) move to London.Did heshe move to London?Yes, heshe did.No, heshe didnt.It rained heavily.It didnt (didnt)rain heavily.Did it rain heavily?Yes, it did.No, it didnt.We played football yesterday.We didnt (didnt) play football yesterday.Did we play football yesterday?Yes, we did .No, we didnt.They played basketball last week.They didnt (didnt) play basketball last week.Did they play basketball last week?Yes, they did.No, they didnt.单项选择1. I _tennis yesterday.A. playB. will playC. played D. are playing答案:C解析:考查一般过去时,根据yesterday可知答案是C。2.-What did you do last night? -I _a report. A. wroteB. writeC. will writeD. have written答案:A解析:考查一般过去时的用法,根据last night 可知用一般过去时,故选A。3. Did you _the film last Monday?A. seeB. sawC. seesD. seeing答案:A解析:本题考查一般过去时一般疑问句的用法,动词用原形,故选A。4. Mary _do her homework just now. A. doesntB. didntC. dontD. isnt答案:B解析:本题考查一般过去时否定句的用法,根据just now可知是一般过去时的否定故选择B。5. -Did you finish your work? -No, I_.A. didntB. dontC. doesntD. wasnt答案:A解析:考查一般过去时一般疑问句否定回答形式,故选择A。基础演练单项选择1. Tom _a blind man cross the street yesterday.A. helpB. helpedC. helpsD. will help2. Did your father _home late last night?A. goB. wentC. goes D. will go3. They didnt _football last week.A. playB. playedC. plays D.is playing4. -When _you _here?-Two days ago.A. did, eB. have, eC. will, eD. do, e5. -Why didnt you buy any bread?- Sorry, I_.A. forgetB. forgotC. remember D. remembered答案:BAAAB巩固提高根据要求改写下列句子1. Tony noticed her brother on the playground.(改为否定句)Tony _ her brother on the playground.2. David bought some books.(改为一般疑问句)_ David _any books?3. I washed clothes.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_?_4. He had thirty books.(就划线部分提问)_?5. My sister went shopping yesterday. (就划线部分提问) _your sister _yesterday?答案:1. didnt notice2. did, buy3. Did you wash clothes? No, I didnt4. How many books did he have5. Where did, go单项选择1. -Did your mother _clean the room?-Yes, she did.A. cleanB. cleanedC. cleans D. cleaning2. My teacher_ the room just now.A. enteredB. enterC. entersD. entering3. What did they decide_?A.to doB.do C. doing D. did4. _your brother like English two years ago?A. DidB. DoC. DoesD.Is5. Where did you _last night?A. goB. wentC. goesD. going6. -_did Tom e from? -America.A. WhoB. WhatC. WhenD. Where7. -Did they know Lilys brothers? -No,_A. they arent B. they werentC. they didntD. they dont8. -Did you behave well at school? -_.I was naughty.A. No, I wasnt B. Yes, I wasC. No, I didntD. Yes, I did9. -_did Lucy get up? -At 6:00.A. WhoB. What C. When D. Where10. Did they often go for a walk? -_.A. Yes, they did B. No, they arentB. Yes, they didnt D. No, they werent完形填空 What is the best way to study? This is a very important question. Some Chinese students often_1_very hard_2_long hours. This is a_3_habit(习惯),but it is not a better way to study. A good student must_4_enough sleep, enough food and enough rest.Every_5_you_6_to take a walk or play basketball or Ping-Pong or sing a song. When you_7_to your studies, youll find yourself_8_than before and youll learn more.Perhaps we can_9_that learning English is like taking Chinese medicine. We mean that like Chinese medicine, the effects(效果)of your study_10_slowly but surely. Learn every day and effects will e just like Chinese medicine.1.A.playB.study C.sleepD.think2. A.atB.in C.forD.with3. A.bestB.betterC.goodD.bad4.A.haveB.do C.wantD.make5.A.month B.weekC.hourD.day6.A.wantB.hopeC.needD.wish7.A.beginB.return C.goD.are8.A.stronger B.weakerC.strongD.weak9.A.sayB.guessC.talkD.know10.A.return BeC.give D.get答案:单项选择 1-5ABAAA 610DCCCA完形填空 1-5 BCCAD 6-10 CBAAB_西城区期末1. The little boy cant find his mother. Lets help _. A. him B. you C. her D. me2. The foreign friends will e to our school _ October 8th, xx.A. at B.in C. toD. on 3. Its raining heavily, the workers have to stop working. A.so B. or C. but D. for4. Tom is _ than Jack. He can carry this big box.A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest5. is the book? Its $ 6.95.A. How oldB. How long C. How high D. How much答案:ADABD 单项选择:1. I didnt know_.A.Where I was B.Where was IC.Where I am D.Where am I2. She_ in the small village. A.liveB.dont liveC.didnt liveD.didnt lived3.-_you born_February2, 1994?A. Were, onB.Were,in C.Was,onD.Was,in4. I decided_a birthday cake_my mother on her birthday.A. to buy, forB.to buy, toC.buying,toD.buying,for5. Your pen is on the floor.Please_.A. pick out itB. pick it outC. pick up itD. pick it up6. I have to wear my glasses. I cant see that picture clearly _them.A. withB. withoutC. onD.by7. I_but found_.A. looked at, nobodyB. looked for, anybodyB. looked around, nobodyD. looked in, anybody8. Dont let anybody_ the room.A. to eB. e C.to enterD. enter9. -Does the panda eat meat? -_.A. No, they arent B. No, it doesntB. Yes, it doesntD. No, it didnt10. Who is knocking _the door?A. inB.toC. of D. on完形填空: Amy and Helen are in the same class and they often go home together.“Im _1_,” said Amy when she and Helen _2_ home from school. “Youre always hungry,” said Helen. “Well have _3_ when we get to my house.” When they got to Helens _4_, no one was at home. Oh, her cat was _5_ at home. “Do you want to _6_ a hamburger?” asked Helen. “Thats OK,” said Amy. “Well, you are unlucky. There is nothing in the _7_,” said Helen. At that time the phone rang. “Hi, Mom,” Amy _8_ Helen say, “all right, Ill _9_ myself(我自己). Bye.” “Oh, my parents are working in the hospital. I have to make dinner by myself,” Helen said to Amy.“Oh, I have to go home _10_ Ill be late for dinner. See you.” said Amy. Then she left Helens house. 1. A. excitedB. hungryC. sad D. busy2. A. walkedB. gotC. arrivedD. entered3. A. somewhereB. nothingC. somethingD. anywhere 4. A. restaurantB. hospitalC. houseD. school 5. A. interestingB. dramaticC. noisyD. alone61. A. playB. eatC. makeD. draw 7. A. puter B. bowlC. bridgeD. fridge 8. A. listenedB. heardC. lookedD. read9. A. look atB. look forC. look afterD. look like10. A. orB. andC. butD. with 阅读理解 AIt was the first of April. Lisa got up and looked out of the window. It was all white and there were no tracks (足迹) in the snow. “Wonderful! Lets walk in the snow,” Lisa called to her family. “Sorry. Im doing my homework, Lisa,” said her brother Joe. “Breakfast will be ready soon,” said Mrs. Black in the kitchen. “Dont stay out too long,” said Lisas elder sister, Betty.“I wont,” said Lisa. She went out and took twenty big steps to the end of the walk(散步的小路) and stopped. Five minutes later, Mrs. Black said to Joe, “Call Lisa. Its time to eat breakfast.” Joe went to the door, “I didnt see her outside.”Betty went out and then came back, “Lisas tracks stop at the end of the walk. There are no tracks ing back to the house.”“Where can she be?” Mrs. Black said.“Oh, dont worry, Amy. Let me go out and look for her.” said Mr. Black. “APRIL FOOL!” called Lisa, jumping from the hall closet (壁橱). “Lisa!” said Joe. “How did you get here?” 1. We know from the passage that _ before Lisa got up.A. rainedB. snowedC. was windyD. was sunny 2. When Mrs. Black was in the kitchen, Joe was _.A. listening to music B. helping clean the house C. doing his homework D. watching TV3. What does the underlined word “steps” mean?A. 脚步B. 车站C. 台阶 D. 空间4. There are _ people in Lisas family.A. twoB. threeC. four D. five5. Which of the following is TURE?A. Joe found Lisa in the hall closet. B. Lisas father wasnt at home on April 1st. C. Lisas mother was Amy.D. Joe made a snowman outside.B Gabi just finished her third year of high school. However, at the beginning of June, she received her report card in the mail, she learned that she failed a term of algebra(代数). This meant she had to go to summer school this vacation.Gabi was glad she had the chance to make up the class. She cant move on to the next level in math if she doesnt pass algebra. Summer school isnt easy though. Gabi has to learn the material in 6 weeks instead of the 20 she had during the regular school year.Summer school also meant that Gabi would stay in a hot classroom while most of her friends were at the beach or parks. Her friends passed algebra, so they had most of June, July, and August free from school work. Going to summer school also meant that Gabis family had to change their summer vacation plans.Gabi had to be in summer school from 9 a.m. to noon. She couldnt stay up late at night. She had to catch the early bus in the morning to school. The classrooms were hot since the school building was old and did not have air conditioning. After Gabi took the bus home from school, she couldnt do what she wanted. She had to do her homework.This was the first time Gabi had to go to summer school. She wanted it to be the last time. Gabi made a promise to herself. In the new term, when regular classes begin again, she will try her hardest to pass. Studying hard without air conditioning in summer in a classroom while your friends are out having a good time is not fun. Summer break is not so much of a break when you have school.1. Gabi received her report card at the beginning of_.A. August B. July C. June D. May 2. Why did Gabi go to the summer school in the vacation?A. Because she received a report card. B. Because she failed a term of algebra.C. Because her parents werent at home. D. Because her friends were at the beach. 3. How long does Gabi have to learn algebra this summer vacation?A. For four hours. B. For twenty days. C. For six weeks. D. For two months.4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Gabi went to summer school in the evening. B. Gabi decided to work harder in the new term.C. Gabis family put off their summer vacation plans.D. Gabis summer school was old but had air conditioning. C Water is a limited natural resource that must be protected; it is limited in many places. Even if you live in an area with enough rainfall, using water uses energy to process(加工) it. Here are some tips on saving water at home. Install a water meter(安装水表). You might be very surprised to find out how much water you are actually using. By installing a water meter you can raise your attention so that you will reduce your water use. Many water meters have a small wheel that turns quite rapidly if any water at all is running. If you are sure all your water is turned off and you see this wheel moving at all, you have a leak(漏水). Take shorter showers. Take showers rather than baths. By taking a bath you are using up to 100 liters of water! Showering will generally use less than a third of this amount. Catch the cold water that es out of the tap or shower while you are waiting for the hot water. Use it to water plants or pour into your toilet reservoir. Turn the tap off while you are brushing your teeth, shaving, washing your hands, doing dishes, and so on. Turn the tap off when you shower, too. Get wet, then turn off the water while you soap up. Turn it back on for long enough to wash. Look for a twist vale that is installed behind your shower head to keep the water temperature where you set it while the water is off. Wash full loads. Wait until you have a full load of clothes before you wash a load. Dont wash a pair of pants just because you want to wear the same pair of pants the next day! When washing your clothes, be sure to use the economy mode and this will save you both water and electricity!1. If you install a water meter, you can_. A. keep the water running B. stop the water running C. save both water and electricityD. raise attention to use less water 2. By taking a shower you can save about _water. A. 30 liters B. 60 liters C. 100 liters D. 300 liters3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. You have a leak if the wheel of the water meter is moving. B. You should wait to have as many clothes as possible before washing.C. When showering, you should soap up while the water keeps running.D. You are encouraged to use more water in the area with enough rainfall.4. The writer writes this passage to_. A. explain to us how valuable water is B. tell us the ways of using water at homeC. ask us to do what he says in the passage D. give us some advice on saving water at home答案:单项选择15ACAAD 610BCDBD完形填空 1-5 BACCD 6-10 BDBCA阅读理解:BCADC CBCB DBBD

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