七年级英语上册 Unit 1 School and Friends测试题3 (新版)冀教版.doc

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Unit 1.单项选择(15分)()1.My good friend is Li Ping.He is in_. Aclass eight B. eight classC. Class Eight D. Eight Class()2.There is a new_ in the school. We can buy some things there. A. office B. store C. classroom D. lab ()3.This is Mrs. White. _ is an English teacher.AHe BHisCShe DHer()4. I have four _ and one _Apencil; eraser Bpencils; erasersCpencil; erasers Dpencils; eraser()5.How many _ do you have?Aa pen BpencilCpens Dwater()6.May I have your pencil?Sure. _AYoure here BHere is the pencilCGive you DHere you are()7.Lets_ out for a walk(散步)OK. Lets go.Ato go BgoCto e De()8.It isnt _ ruler. Its_ eraser.Aa; a Ban; anCa; an Dan; a()9.I _ in Class Six. Jim _ in Class Eight. We _ in different classes.Aam; is; are Bam; is; isCam; are; are Dis; is; is()10.Do you have _ new pens, Dick?Yes, I have _Asome; some Bsome; anyCany; some Dany; any()11._ is that girl?She is Toms sister.A. What B. WhichC. Who D. How()12.Hello, Jack. Wele_ our city.Ato Bat Cin Dwith()13.Its a nice day today!What about _ a walk after supper?OK.Ahave Bto haveChas Dhaving()14.Can I _ your pen?Yes, you can. But you cant _ it to others.Aborrow; borrow Blend; lendCborrow; lend Dlend; borrow ()15.This is my new school. Let me_ you _. A. show; at B. show; aroundC. take; at D. take; around .完形填空(10分)My name _16_ Jenny. _17_ am nine. I _18_ from Canada. Im _19_ China now. This is _20_ school. It is Luguan Middle School. My teachers_21_ is Li Ping. At school _22_ have two good _23_. They _24_ Li Hong and Miaomiao. My QQ _25_ is 4985226. ()16.A.am BisCare Dbe()17.A.I BMyCShe DHe()18.A.am BareCis Dbe()19.A.at BonCof Din()20.A.I ByouCmy Dher()21.A.name BbeeCcat Dnumber()22.A.my BICyou Dyour()23.A.friend BapplesCcats Dfriends()24.A.am BareCis Dhave()25.A.book BletterCnumber Dname.阅读理解(10分)Good afternoon, my dear friends. I am Jenny. I am a girl. I am eight years old this year. I am from the UK., but I live and study in China now. I have four pencils and five crayons. I often write with my pencils and draw with my crayons. I have a good friend in my class. Her name is Li Jing. She is also eight. We often do our homework together.()26.Where is Jenny from?A. America. B. The UK.C. China. D. Canada.()27.How old is Jenny?A. 7.B. 8. C. 9.D. 10.()28.Who is Jennys friend? A. Li Ting. B. Li Ming.C. Li Jing. D. Li Feng.()29. How many crayons does Jenny have?A. 3. B. 4.C. 5. D. 6.()30.Where does Jennys friend live now?A. In America. B. In England.C. In China. D. In Canada.任务型阅读(10分)Hello! Im Sue. Im from Canada. I live in Shijiazhuang with my father, John. I have some new friends here. They are Jane, Amy, Joe and Rose. We are in the same class. Our playground is very big. We_play_sports_there_after_class. This is our classroom. Miss White, our English teacher, is in the classroom now. She is very nice. We all like her. Miss White loves reading very much. She has many books in her house. 3132题完成句子;3334题简略回答问题;35题将文中画线句子译成汉语。31Sue lives in _ with her father. 32Jane, Amy, Joe and Rose are Sues _. 33Who is John?_34Where is Miss White now?_ 35_ .根据句意及汉语提示完成句子(10分)36Can you _(猜测) what it is in my hand?37This is Lucy and this is Lily. They are my _ (同班同学)38_(首先), lets look at a picture.39We need a good _(计划)for our class meeting.40See you _(以后), boys and girls!.根据汉语意思完成句子(10分)41. 她叫詹妮。_ _ is Jenny.42. 你的新同学们怎么样?_ _ your new classmates?43. 那边的男孩是杰克。The boy_ _ is Jack.44. “我可以借你的英语书吗?”“当然可以!”_ I _ your English book?Sure!45. 这件物品在墙上。The thing is _ the _.连词成句(10分)46two, I, erasers, may, have_?47go, the, lets, library, to_.48. your, is, this, pencil box_?49you, is, the, with, who, boy_?50. from, Tom, are, Ted, Canada, and_?.根据短文内容及首字母或所给词提示完成短文(10分)This is my classmate.51._ (he) name is Tom. Tom and I 52._ (be) also good friends. This year we are in Class 53._ (two), Grade Seven.Today we need to buy some school 54.t_: one eraser, two 55._ (ruler), four crayons and so on.书面表达(15分)假如你是Mary,请根据以下信息,写一篇50词左右的英语短文,介绍一下自己。Name: MaryCountry: CanadaAge: 12Class: 2Sex(性别): girlThings: two pencils, a ruler, ten crayonsFriends: Li Ming and Zhang HongHello, boys and girls. My name is_.1.C2.B3.C4.D5.C6.D7B8.C9.A10.C11.C12.A13D14C本题考查borrow与lend的区别。borrow与lend都有“借”的意思。borrow意为“借(入)”,是主语向别人借东西,常与介词from搭配;而lend意为“借(出)”,是主语借给别人东西,常与介词to搭配。根据第二个空格后的介词to可知,此处应填lend,表示“可是你不能把它借给别人”;再根据语境可知,问句句意为“我可以借你的钢笔吗”,是向别人借东西,所以第一空格处应填borrow。故选C。15B.1620BAADC2125ABDBC.2630BBCCC.31.Shijiazhuang32.new friends33He is Sues father.34In the classroom.35下课后我们在那里进行体育运动。.36.guess37.classmates38First39.plan40.later.41.Her name42What/How about43over there44May; borrow/have45on; wall .46.May I have two erasers47Lets go to the library 48Is this your pencil box49Who is the boy with you50Are Tom and Ted/Ted and Tom from Canada.51.His52.are53.Two 54things55.rulers.One possible version:Hello, boys and girls. My name is Mary. Im from Canada. Im 12 years old. Im a girl. I have two pencils, a ruler and ten crayons. And I have two good friends. They are Li Ming and Zhang Hong. We are all in Class Two.


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