2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit3 Lesson19教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit3 Lesson19教案 冀教版一、教学目标:知识:1)四会掌握单词coat、hat 2)口头运用单词scarf、gloves和boots 3)初步学会使用句型Whose is this?Is this your ?能力:正确的用英语来描述人们的穿着。 情感:进一步培养学生学习英语的积极性形成持久的学习兴趣。二、教学重、难点: 重点:掌握和运用new、old这对反义词,口头运用单词scarf、gloves和boots 难点:学会使用本课句型Whose is this?Is this your ?三、教具、学具:各种衣服的课件、教师词卡、录音机和教学磁带。四、教学过程: Step1. 开始上课和复习 1师生互致问候 2唱歌,让学生挑选一首他们喜欢唱的英文歌曲 3操练,用Whats this?What are they? Its a_.They are_ _.句型来复习有关衣服、颜色的词汇。告诉学生回答时应该说出衣服的颜色和名称。练习一段时间后变换一下方式,用Whats heshe wearing. HeShe is wearing (a)_ _. Step2. 新授 1coat hat scarf gloves boots 1)示范:老师出示上述衣物的词汇卡片,在和学生反复说出这些衣服名称时举起相应的卡片并将单词写在黑板上,然后老师指着这些单词与学生反复朗读。 2)播放录音,学生看书跟读 3)老师让一名穿着比较新的衣服的学生到前面做角色表演 T:(指这名学生的衣服)I like your_. S:Thanks. T:Is it new?(Is it old?) S:Yes its new.No its old. T:Its nice. S:Thanks. 让学生两人一组到前面仿照老师与这名学生所做的对话,任选衣服用他们所掌握的词句相互称赞对方的衣服。 4)做活动手册 2Whose_is this? Is this your_? 1)老师从学生桌子上拿起一件物品装作不知道这个物品是谁的,向全班提问 T:Is this your_? S1:No. T:Is this your_? S2:No. T:Is this your_?(领读) Ss:Is this your_? T:(指物主)Is this your_? S3:Yes(its my_). 2)老师拿起学生的另一物品装作找它的主人 T:Is this your_? S1:No. T:(装作很困惑)Whose_is this?(领读) Ss: Whose_is this? T:Very good!(指物主)Whose_is this? Is this your_? S2:Yes(its my_). 3)播放录音,在播放录音之前先让学生猜测在Miss Zhang和Danny之间的对话中发生了什么事,老师注意提醒学生,提问问题时语调要用升调。播放录音,让学生看书跟读。 4)练习 学生自由结伴大声朗读书上Miss Zhang和Danny的对话,每个学生扮演一个角色,然后轮换。 Step3. 检查理解情况 1老师提问:Is this Dannys hat? Are these Dannys gloves? Why do you know? 2让几对学生朗读Miss Zhang和Danny的对话 Step4. 结束课堂教学 1布置课外作业 2Say“Goodbye!”to the students.五、板书:Lesson19 Coat and Scarfcoat hat scarf gloves bootsWhose_is this? Is this your_?Is this Dannys hat?Are these Dannys gloves?Why do you know?六、课后反思:附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit3 Lesson19(2)教案 冀教版I教学内容:冀教版小学英语Unit 3 Lesson 19 II教材分析:本课主要学习:coat, scarf ,hat ,gloves, boots 五种衣物的单词,并要求学生能用Whose _ is this? Is this your _? 进行对话。课上利用多种游戏练习重点单词,同时通过情景对话解决教学难点,即新句型。III学生分析:学生活泼好动,特别喜欢游戏话剧表演。利用这一点课上可以充分调动学生的积极性集中他们的注意力。IV教学目标:1知识目标:要求学生熟练掌握重点单词:coat, scarf, hat, gloves, boots学生能听懂、会说主要句型Whose _is this ?Is this your _? 并在各种情境中得体运用。2能力目标:培养学生的综合运用能力。3情感目标:通过各种游戏,激发学生的兴趣,通过对话小组训练等活动培养学生的合作参与精神。V教学方法:游戏教学法 情景教学法 愉快教学法VI教学媒体:卡片、实物、录音机。VII教学过程:Step1. Warming up1. Free talk2. Review old word with a game. Whats missing?Step2. Presentation1. Demonstrate new words.Show the picture in student book N1.Dissuss the picture with the class. What is the girl wearing?Say the right words of the clothes and let the students follow to say some times.2. Listen and follow the tape.Step3. Drill1. Play “High and low” game to practice the new words .2. Game “Say with fingers”.Step4. New pattern teaching1. Teacher holds up a very small hat. Lead the class through a dialogue as follows;T: Is this your hat?S1: No.T: Very good. Is this your hat?S2: No.T: Is this your hat? Say it, please, class.T: Whose hat is this? Whose hat is this? Whose hat is this? Ss: Whose hat is this?T: Whose hat is this? Its my little sons hat.2. Listen to the tape and guess what happened between Danny and Miss Zhang. Then listen to the tape again and follow.Step5. Practice Make up a dialogue with new pattern Whose _ is this/are these? Is this your _? Teacher gives individual help. Act their dialogues.Step6. Game Help teacher to find the owner of the clothes. Use Whose _ is this? Is this your _?Step7. Class closing1. Sing the song “ Whats she wearing?”2. HomeworkDraw a picture of themselves or their friends. Try to say something about their clothes.


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