八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling词汇精讲精练2 (新版)仁爱版.doc

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Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling词汇精讲精练句式精讲 1. Its too far to cycle. tooto意为“太而不能”。它在结构形式上是肯定的,但意义上却表示否定含义,所以动词不定式符号to前不能再加not,只接动词原形即可,too后接形容词或副词原形。例如: The book is too difficult to understand. 这本书难于理解。【拓展】 (1)在tooto句型中,当动词不定式的动词是不及物动词,其后所跟的介词不能省略。例如: The room is too small to live in. 这房间太小了不能住。 (2)在tooto句型中,当动词不定式的宾语实际上就是这个句子的主语时,动词不定式后面不能再加代词作宾语。例如: The question is too difficult to answer. 这个问题太难了,无法回答。 (3)在tooto句型中,当动词不定式能确切说明动作执行者时,可以在动词不定式前面加上逻辑主语,即for sb.形式。例如: The box is too heavy for him to carry. 箱子太沉了,他搬不动。 (4)含tooto的句子可以改写成sothat句型,意为“如此以至于”。例如: He is too old to do hard work. =He is so old that he cant do hard work. 他年纪太大而不能干重活。 (5)含tooto的句子也可以用“not + 形容词/副词 + enough to do sth.”句型来替换,但注意要用原句中形容词或副词的反义词。例如: He is too old to do hard work. =He is not young enough to do hard work. 他年纪大了,不能做重活。2. I have some exciting news to tell you. to tell you由to+动词原形构成的动词不定式,在句子中作定语,放在所修饰的名词之后。例如:Do you know the best way to learn English well?你知道学好英语的最佳方法吗?【注意】动词不定式作定语时,总是后置,不定式与其所修饰的词构成逻辑上的动宾关系,而该不定式为不及物动词时,其后须加上适当的介词,构成及物动词短语。 例如:I am looking for a room to live in. 我正在找一间屋子住。I need a piece of paper to write on. 我需要一张写字用的纸。【拓展】不定式还有以下用法:(1)作主语。例如:To see is to believe. 眼见为实。(2)作宾语。这样的动词有:want; hope; ask; decide等。例如:I want to be a football player. 我想成为一名足球运动员。(3)作宾语补足语。这样的动词有:ask; teach; want; tell; allow等。例如:He asked me to e here in time. 他叫我及时到达这里。(4)作表语。例如:My wish is to bee a famous pianist. 我的愿望就是成为一名著名的钢琴家。3. Why dont we go out for the day? “Why dont +主语(名词或代词)+动词原形+其他?”相当于“Why not+动词原形+其他?”并不表示疑问,而是征求意见和提出建议。例如: Why dont you go swimming? = Why not go swimming? 为什么不去游泳呢? Why not play football with us? 为什么不和我们去踢足球呢? That sounds like a good idea. 这是个好主意。4. While Jane was singing, I was reading a book. while 作连词,意为“当时候”,引导时间状语从句,并且是主句和从句动作同时发生,从句中的动词必须是延续性动词或表状态,且常用进行时态。例如: He came in while I was watching TV. 当我在看电视时,他进来了。 【拓展】while; when与as的辨析:(1)while强调动作同时进行,从句常用进行时,其动词必须为延续性动词或表状态。例如:He was watching TV while she was cooking. 她做饭时,他在看电视。(2)when既可指动作同时进行,也可指先后发生,从句中的动作既可是延续性动词,也可是非延续性动词。若是同时发生且为延续性动词,则可与while互换;若when作并列连词,表示“就在那时,这时候”则只能用when,并且when引导的从句只能放在后面。例如:When the alien got out, the girl was shopping. = While the girl was shopping, the alien got out.当外星人出来时,小女孩在购物。We were watching TV when there was a knock at the door. 我们在看电视,这时有人敲门。(3)as多指主句从句两动作同时发生,常翻译为“一边一边”。例如:They talked as they walked. 他们边走边谈。5. Bicycle riding is good exercise. bicycle riding为动名词短语,在句子中做主语。动名词作主语时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。例如:Swimming is good for our health. 游泳对我们的健康有益。【拓展】动名词和不定式都可以作主语,但在用法上有区别:(1)不定式作主语通常表示一次性、未来的且具体的特指动作,而动名词作主语通常表示习惯性、经常性和不具体的泛指动作。例如:Walking is a good form of exercise for both the young and the old. 步行对年轻人和老年人来说都是一种好的锻炼形式。To carry the heavy box is not easy for the boy. 对这个男孩来说,搬这个箱子是不容易的。(2)动名词作主语和不定式作主语有时可以互换。例如:Playing with fire is dangerous. = To play with fire is dangerous. 玩火是危险的。6. If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents. if做连词,意为“如果”。本句是含有if引导的条件状语从句的复合句,要注意:if 条件状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。遵循“主将从现”原则。另外,主句也可以用祈使句或含有情态动词的句子。例如:We will go to the park if it doesnt rain tomorrow.如果明天不下雨,我们就去公园。Dont wait for me if I am late.如果我晚了就不要等我。If you want to lose weight, you must eat less bread. 如果你想减肥,你必须少吃面包。7. We should never ride too fast. should作情态动词,意为“应当,应该”。表示义务、责任,可用于各种人称,无人称和数的变化,也不能单独作谓语,只能和动词一起构成谓语,表示说话人的语气和情态;否定形式为should not,缩写为shouldnt。其主要用法有: (1)表示责任和义务,意为“应该”。例如: You should take your teachers advice. 你应该听从你老师的建议。 You shouldnt be late for class. 你不应该上课迟到。 (2)表示推断,意为“可能,该”。例如: The train should have already left. 火车可能已经离开了。句式精练I. 补全对话。根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hello! May I speak to Rita?B: This is Rita. 1. _?A: Hi, Rita. This is Candy. Would you like to go to Xian ping Park(咸平公园)tomorrow?B: Great! Id like to. What time shall we start?A: 2. _?B: All right, 8 oclock is fine. Oh, 3. _? A: It will be sunny. So please bring your sunglasses. By the way, do you have Jacks telephone number? Hell go with us.B: 4. _. Ill call him later. But where shall we meet together tomorrow?A: At our school gate.B: OK. 5. _?A: We can take NO. 2 bus to there.B: See you tomorrow.A: See you.II. 句型转换,每空一词。1. Why dont you go to school earlier?(改为同义句)_ _ go to school earlier?2. Get up early, or you will be late.(改为同义句)_ _ _ get up early, you _ be late.3. Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.(改为同义句)Shanghai is _ _ _ in China.4. The train ticket cost him ¥120. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ the train ticket _ _?5. It often takes about 16 hours to go from Beijing to Shanghai by train. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ it often _ to go from Beijing to Shanghai by train?6. Tony doesnt know which book he should choose. (改为同义句)Tony doesnt know which book _ _.7. I would like to e to China for my vacation. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ like to e to China for _ vacation.8. Its very hard to work out the math problem.(同义句)_ _ _ the math problem is very hard.9. Tom gets a letter from his father every month. (改为同义句)Tom _ _ his father every month.10. Lucy will give a phone call to her friend. Lucy will get off the plane. (用as soon as合并为一句)Lucy will give a phone call to her friend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.III. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1. 你收到李伟的来信了吗?Did you _ _ Li Wei?2. 他们在盼望着游览北京。They are _ _ _ _ Beijing.3. 我想只有Peter能想出这些奇怪的主意。I think only Peter can _ _ these strange ideas.4. Jane 经常在星期天帮她妈妈打扫房间。Jane often _ her mother _ the room.5. Michael建议我们筹钱。Michael _ us _ _ _. 6. 看!康康正在看电视而明明正忙着做作业。Look!Kangkang TV while Mingming is busy his homework.7. 你能帮我们做个参观长城的计划吗?Would you help us to visit the Great Wall?8. 我很高兴收到你的明信片。 Im to your postcard.9. 走路大约需要两个半小时。 Its about _ _on foot.10. 那个男孩看起来不同意妈妈的意见。 The boy seemed to his mother.参考答案I. 补全对话。 1. Who is that (speaking)? 2. What/How about 8 oclock?3. How will the weather be tomorrow? 4. Yes, I do. 5. How can we get there? II. 句型转换, 每空一词。1. Why not 2.If you dont; will 3. the largest city 4.How much did; cost him 5. How long does; take 6. to choose 7. Would you; your 8. To work out 9. hears from 10. as soon as she gets off the planeIII. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1.hear from 2.looking forward to visiting 3.think of 4.helps; clean 5.advised to raise money 6. is watching; doing 7. make a plan8. glad/ happy; receive 9. two and a half hours / two hours and a half 10. disagree with


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