2019-2020年三年级英语下册 module8 unit2教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 module8 unit2教案 外研版Teaching aims:1. Eanble students to master the new words of this unit and make sure they can use them freely;2. Enable students to master the new sentence structures that appear in this unit and make sure them use them freely in the daily talk;3. Eable the students to talk in English as much as they can in daily life. Especially, they should make usage of the vocabulary and sentences that appear in this unit.4. make sure students enjoy themselves very much when learning this unit. Teaching importances:Its difficult for students to use the new words and sentences in daily talk.Teaching Aids:CAI, word cards, tape-recorder, etc.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 WarmerGreetingsGet four large pieces of paper. Write one season, i.e. spring, summer, autumn, winter, on each piece of paper. Place the piece of paper around the classroom.Suggested words and expressions are cool, hot, warm, cold, Happy Spring Festival, Happy Christmas.Step 2 New TeachingListen and pointLook at the pictures. Ask questions in Chinese e.g. What can Lingling see in Picture1? What is Sam doing in Picture2?Now hold up my book and point to the different pictures. Have the students name the seasons.Get the students to dose their books, play the tape.Open the students books play the tape again and have the students point to the relevant pictures.Teach the new vocabulary, Mime looking up at the sky and then hurriedly putting up an umbrella. Say “Its raining.” Get the students to repeat the sentence. Follow the same procedure for windy, snowing and sunny.Teach the nouns rain and snow.Point and say S1: Cpoints to a picture 1) Its warm today but its raining.S2: Its spring.Do some examples with the class.Act it out Have the students read the example dialogue.Now draw two columns on the board, label the columns summer and winter respectively.Divide the class into groups of three or four and have them continue the activity.Step 3 ConsolidationListen and say, then singListen, repeat and trace the letters. Step 4 The end Use the Activity Book Game: Colour game板书设计:Unit 2 Its hot and sunny today.raining windy snowing sunny 附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module8 unit2(1)教案 外研版教学目标: A. 情感目标: 培养学生学英语的兴趣。B. 知识目标: 学习介绍当天天气的句子:it s + 形容词+and +形容词+today;询问在某个季节中所做的事:疑问词+ do+ you + do+ 介词+季节名称;回答方式:I+动词+活动名称。C. 能力目标:培养学生学习英语和运用英语来表达的能力。教学重点:A. 掌握描述当天天气的句子、询问对方在摸个季节 中所做的事以及回答。B. 单词:rain, sunny, windy, snow, very C. 学习歌曲: Rain, rain, go away. D. 学习认读字母Rr, Ss, Tt并能区分大小写,并能进行临摹,笔顺、比例基本正确。教学难点:使用What do you do in summer(winter, etc)?进行询问。教学辅助资源: 挂图、单词卡片、录音机、教学录音带。教学过程:I. Warming upA. 教师与学生进行每日英语问答。B. 值日生汇报。II.RevisionA. 句型和单词的复习:将写有“spring”、“summer”、“autumn”、“winter”的卡片贴到教师四周的墙上,然后教师说出与季节相关的词语,让学生指出对应的季节名称。如教师:Hot.学生指向写有“summer”的那张纸。教师可以使用的词语有:warm, hot, cool, cold, Happy Spring Festival. Happy Christmas. B. 作业展示:将教师在上次课上布置的作业展示给大家:选出自己最喜欢的季 节,将该季节名称写在一张大纸中间,在单词的周围画上或贴上与季节相关的图画。让学生向全体同学展示他的作业,并说明最喜欢该季节的原因。C. 字母的复习:给学生们看写有字母Aa-Qq的卡片,检查他们是否还记得这部分内容。让同桌复习这些字母,并表演游戏“心有灵犀”:一个人在对方的背上写字母让他猜,看对方是否能迅速做出反应,也可以将这个活动设计成竞赛:让几桌同学一起进行,选出回答迅速且正确的一桌。IIINew teachingA教师与学生做模仿活动,教师边说一些表示天气的形容词,边做出相应的动作或表情,让学生词语中包括本课的新单词:rain, sunny, windy, snow。在做这些活动的时候教师将单词very 一并进行表演,注意借助语气帮助他们理解。让学生看课本上的图画,然后用中文问学生下面的问题:Lingling看见了什么?Sam在做什么?图3中谁在看着窗外?B指向不同的图画,让学生给出对应季节的名称。C播放录音给学生听,让他们边听边指向对应的图片。重复进行上面的活动,在听第三次录音的时候让学生跟着重复。D1. 将Aa到Qq的字母卡片贴在黑板上。让学生背字母表,背到Rr时,教师手指字母Rr请学生读出字母。请学生分别指出大写字母R,小写字母r。请学生观察字母Rr在四线格中的位置。教师在黑板上画出四线格,写出大写R,要求学生跟着书空练习。再叫几名学生在空中写大写字母R。教师在黑板上写出小写字母r,要求学生用手指在空中跟着写,然后请几名学生在空中写。请学生在自己的练习本上练习写Rr。2. 问学生是否知道以字母Rr开头的单词,鼓励知道的同学来说。告诉学生一起看一个以字母Rr开头的单词。用单词卡片出示red请学生读出。告诉学生Rr for red.3. 以同样方式学习字母Ss, Tt, 告诉学生Ss for sun. Tt for toy.4. 教师请学生从Aa说到Tt,巩固已学过的字母。E. 歌曲的教学:让学生听歌曲,问他们是否听到了雨滴的声音,问他们是否喜欢下雨,并说明理由。教师介绍歌曲:歌曲中的小朋友就不喜欢下雨天.她让雨别再下了。问他们是不是也有同样的想法。将歌词读给他们听,注意读出明快的节奏感。播放录音,让他们仔细听,然后试着跟唱。在演唱的时候还可以请学生配合表演。IV. PracticeA. 借助大挂图,让一学生描述相关内容,其他学生找到被介绍的图片,并指向它。再次做这个活动,让学生听到有关季节的介绍后说出季节的名称。请学生在活动组内或同桌进行类似的练习。B. 小组竞赛:将黑板从中间分开,成为两个区域,参加竞赛的小组通过抽签从四个季节中选出自己组将要谈论的季节,将选出的两个季节名称分别写在黑板的两边。竞赛时,除参加本轮竞赛的学生外的所有人一起提问:What do you do in summer (winter. etc)? 两组要尽可能多的设计出回答,教师将两组的回答写到黑板上,通过比较两组所说内容的多少来决定胜负。V. Summary请学生自己总结What have we learned today?VI. Homework A. 听录音,并模仿。 B. 与自己的朋友谈论有关季节和运动的内容。C. 完成Pictionary的Rr, Ss, Tt页。D. 演唱歌曲。

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