2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Lesson 2(2)教案 教科版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Lesson 2(2)教案 教科版一、教学目标1熟悉和掌握早晨问好的英语表达;2通过对话和歌曲熟悉和巩固所学;3激发学生英语学习的兴趣,锻炼学生的表达能力。二、教学重点和难点教学重点:熟悉和掌握早晨问好的英语表达。教学难点:以对话或表演形式呈现所学。三、教学准备录音机 磁带 单词卡 图片四、板书设计Lesson 2 Nice to Meet You (2)good 好的 Good morning , class.morning 早晨 I am Miss Wang . Nice to meet you .class 同学们 Good morning , Miss Wang .Miss 小姐 Nice to meet you ,too .五、教学过程(一)组织教学(The organization of the class)T: Hello,boys and girls!Ss: Hello,teacher.T: Shall we listen to a song together ?Ss: OK .播放歌曲Good Morning,Tutu,活跃气氛,吸引学生注意力。(二)复习(Revision)T: If I say “How are you?” You can say Who can?S1:I am fine,thanks.T: We have some new friends. Can you introduce?(教者出示书中人物图片)S2:This is Tutu.S3:This is Xiaolan.S4:T:(人一拿出两个人物图片)What would they say ?S4:Nice to meet you .S5: Nice to meet you ,too .(反复练习,巩固所学。如果学生掌握的比较好可以让学生分组表演。)(三)讲授新课(Teaching the new lesson)T: Now open your books at page 18 ! Listen to the tape and then tell me what they say , understand ?Ss: Yes !(要求学生听录音回答老师的问题,学生可以用汉语回答。)T: What they say?Ss: 在打招呼说早晨好。T: Good job !(Learn the sentence : Good morning , class.)T: Now fellow me , please : Good morning , class.Ss: Good morning , class.T: Look!(出示图片,讲解good morning , class的汉语意思,纠正个别同学的发音。) T: Now fellow me , please : I am Miss Cao .(讲解Miss 的意思和如何使用。)T: Listen to the tape again .(学生尝试着和录音一起学习,跟说、跟读。)以师生对话的形式练习所学新知,教者注意学生的发音。(四)巩固练习(Consolidation)T: Who can act as a teacher ?Ss: Me (学生饰演小老师,巩固学习本节新知。教者注意对学生的激励性评价。)T: Now lets learn a song , OK ?Ss: OK!(跟随录音学习歌曲Good Morning,Tutu的前半段,鼓励学生跟着音乐尽情歌唱,做动作。)(五)布置作业(Setting homework)T:Oh, it is late .Homework for todayIt is time to say :“Goodbye”! Goodbye! Have a nice day !Ss: Goodbye!Miss Cao !附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Lesson 2(3)教案 教科版教学目标:1知识与技能:通过本课的学习,使学生了解一些道别时的用语,能听懂,会说日常交际用语 Good_bye .See you .Bye.Have a nice day.2过程与方法:使用呈现法和循环法是学生能熟练朗读课文对话,理解对话,并以此初步培养学生的语音语调,建立语感,逐步发展学生运用语言的能力。营造和谐的学习环境,利用多媒体创设情景激发学生学习兴趣。利用多种评价方式激发学生学习的热情。3情感态度与价值观:培养学生良好的学习态度和学习习惯。教学过程:Step 1 warm up T:Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,teacher. T:How are you,today? Ss:Were fine.thank you,And you? T:Im very well.thanks a lot. T:Nice to meet you . S1:Nice to meet you ,too.T: Whats your name ?S2:Im_.T:Oh ,goood .Now please look at the puter ,whats this ?S1:ant T:spell it .S2:a-n-t(bear cat dog elephant fish)Step 2 Presentation 1T:Listen to the tape carefully.who can tell me? Whats meaning of good-bye and see you. 2T:Good ,please look at this card who can read it ? S1: Good_bye .T:So smart !Please read after me .Let me see who an memorize it first ,I will give you a star. T:Now ,please read it one bye one. (利用同样的方法学习See you,Bye)3T:Please look at the card.(have) Please read after me .look at this sentence “Have a nice day.”Now ,please read it one bye one.T: Whats meaning of this sentence?S1:祝你渡过愉快的一天。T:Good !you are so smar!T:Please practice in pairs.4T:Please read this text carefully. 5T:Please make dialogs in pairs .Step 3 Practice 1T:Listen to the tape and repeat. 2T:So smart. 3T:Lets act out the dialogue.Ill give you a star. Step 4 Production 1T: lets learn s song 2T : Lets play a game.Ask 、 answer and write. 3T : Lets make a new dialogs.( 四人一组并表演对话 ) Step 5 Homework 1给你们当一次老师的机会,把所学的内容教给你的亲朋好友。 2背课文 师生共唱“Good Morning,Tutu.” 结束此课 . 教学资源:多媒体、图片、录音机。

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