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2019-2020年三年级第二册Module6测试题及答案听力部分一、听音,选出你所听到的单词,听2遍。( )1.A.go B.do C.to( )2.A.short B.skip C.sleep( )3.A.Saturday B.Monday C.Sunday( )4.A.class B.Chinese C.colour( )5.A.has B.have C.home二、听音,判断下列图片与你听到的内容是()否()一致,听2遍。1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( )三、听音,选出正确答语,听2遍。 ( )1.A.I go swimming. B.She plays football.( )2.A.No,he doesnt. B.Yes,I do.( )3.A.No,I dont. B.I have Music.( )4.A.He has Art and PE. B.Yes,he doesnt.五、听音,找出每位小朋友上午要上的课程,在下面打“”,听2遍。EnglishChinesePEArtMusicMathsScienceLinglingXiaoyongAmy笔试部分一、看图,写单词。Music二、将单词与图片连线。1. A. Art2. B. Chinese3. C. Maths4. D. Science5. E. 三、根据图片,圈出正确的短语。1. A.watch TV B.play football2. A.go shopping B.go swimming3. A.play basketball B.play football4. A.go to school B.go to work5. A.have Science B.have Maths四、看图,补全对话,将序号写在横线上。A.No,I dont.B.What do you do on Saturdays?C.I sleep in the morning.D.I ride my bike on Sundays.E.I have Music.1.A:What do you have at school today? B: 2.A:What do you do on Sundays? B: 3.A: B:I go swimming.4.A:Do you ride a bike on Mondays? B: 5.A:What do you do in the morning? B: 五、阅读对话,判断正()误()。Lingling:Hi,Amy.What do you do on Sundays?Amy:I sleep in the morning.I watch TV in the afternoon.What do you do on Sundays?Lingling:I ride a bike.Do you ride a bike on Mondays?Amy:No,I dont.I go to school on Mondays.Lingling:What do you have at school today?Amy:I have English,PE and Maths.What do you have today?Lingling:I have Chinese,Art and Music. ( )1.Amy sleeps in the morning on Sundays. ( )2.Amy plays football in the afternoon on Sundays. ( )3.Lingling rides a bike on Sundays. ( )4.Amy has English,PE and Maths at school today. ( )5.Lingling has Chinese,Science and English today.附:听力材料及参考答案听力部分:一、1.do 2.sleep 3.Sunday 4.class 5.have (答案:1-5 BCCAB) 二、1.What do you do on Sundays,Amy?I ride my bike. 2.What do you do on Mondays?I go to school. 3.Do you go swimming on Mondays?Yes,I do. 4. What do you do at school?I have classes.5. What does Lingling have in the morning?She has English in the morning.6. What do you have at school today?I have Science.(答案:1-6 ) 三、1.What do you do on Sundays? 2.Do you ride a bike on Mondays? 3.What do you have at school today?4.What does Sam have in the afternoon?(答案:1-4 ABBA)四、Amy:What do you have in the morning,Lingling?Lingling:I have Chinese,Art and Maths.Amy:What does Xiaoyong have in the morning?Lingling:He has English,Music and Science.What do you have today,Amy?Amy:I have Maths and PE.(答案:Lingling:Chinese,Art,Maths Xiaoyong:English,Music,Science Amy:Maths,PE)笔试部分:一、1.lion 2.monkey 3.noodles二、1D 2A 3E 4B 5C 三、ABBAB四、EDBAC 五、 附送:2019-2020年三年级第二学期口算竞赛试题102= 7247= 205= 2715=202= 633= 275= 5103=409= 2330= 844= 153=124= 5139= 4815= 999=755= 2055= 4610= 2420=872124= 27127= 7005= 35070= 5913= 8122= 1782= 3080=8008= 26585= 11035= 9013=0245= 0245= 0245= 2455=3000300= 6055= 5050= 3063=702199= 4803= 12080= 278=6215= 8604= 195= 4020=520430= 5117= 1561= 873=9131= 8010= 4655= 8708=40020= 2107= 45009= 580=30030= 88112= 3807= 368=867= 2790= 333= 8808= 4808= 2222= 1650= 1939=27030= 927= 3860= 144=1304= 8103= 7224= 164= 876= 676= 3632= 554=50244= 999= 8008004= 897=72726= 8210= 90303= 68020=1233= 588= 5730= 86862=827= 24156= 1834= 5060=45555 70(4032) 30025= 96042=51463 30006408= 5004124=(400394)706= 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10=1+11+111+1111+1111= 1+12+123+1234+12345= 100001000100101=

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