2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 8 Period 3(2)教案 上海新世纪版.doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 8 Period 3(2)教案 上海新世纪版教学说明本课时是Unit 8的第三课时,在前两课时学生已经完成了本单元主要句型Are you a ?Yes./No.及四个人物和他们的四种职业的词汇教学。本节课主要是让学生一方面复习前两课时的内容,同时学习Sports Club中的两句指令和Disneyland的内容。教学内容复习巩固前两课时的主要词汇和句型。能对教师在课堂上发出的Clap your hands 和 Shake your head.指令做出正确的反应。能根据节奏正确朗诵Disneyland中的Babies.教学步骤Task 1利用图片和游戏,复习Are you a ? Yes./No.的句型及回答。建议:1教师出示 (milkman, milkwoman, postman, postwoman, teacher, policeman, nurse, doctor) 八张图片,组织学生读出单词。2教师将八张图片分发给八位小朋友,让他们自己先看一看,然后每人做动作,全班猜他们所扮演的职业,八个小朋友用点头或摇头表示。3组织全班学生闭眼,让一个小朋友变怪声说一英语单词,全班用“Are you ?”猜猜说话者是谁。目的: 借助图片,复习所学的八种职业名称。借助游戏复习词汇与句型,猜一猜说话者是谁,可以激发学生的学习热情。Task 2听录音做动作,复习以前学过的指令。建议:1教师播放自录录音带,学生听到后根据指令做出正确的反应,可分全班的或个人的。2教师做动作,学生说出指令。目的: 通过播放录音,可使学生的复习变得有趣,可增强学生学习时效性,由老师做动作,学生发布指令,可让学生变为主动,积极性倍增。Task 3学习操练新指令Clap your hands和Shake your head.建议:1教师让学生把双手平放在课桌上,告诉学生老师要检查他们的手是否干净,若干净老师就说指令:Clap your heads.全班拍手表扬。2若哪个小朋友的手很脏,老师就摇摇头,同时命令所有学生: Shake your heads.目的:检查小朋友的双手是否干净,并进行表扬批评,然后借此引出句型,比较贴近生活。如此还可让学生知道讲卫生光荣,要从小养成讲卫生的好习惯。句型的操练也更自然,实用。Task 4结合游戏“眼力大考验”操练句型建议:教师将学生分成四大组,每组按顺序看教师口型做出反应,全组都对将获得一面红旗,游戏结束评出优胜组,每位学生奖五角星。Task 5创设情景,学习Disneyland中的Babies.建议:1教师请获胜的那组学生起立,表扬他们是好孩子,然后出示Babies,学生跟读。2展示一张公园的场景的图片,许多小小孩儿坐在草地上玩耍,老师引导学生一起数How many babies?3学生模仿跟读little,baby, babies 教师帮助学生理解含义。Task 6利用课文音带,通过模仿,配合动作,进行表演。建议:1组织学生听录音,教师解释含义。 2分组跟读数遍。 3教师示范,加以动作。学生模仿。 4学生表演,评选最佳小演员。目的:抓住一年级学生好动,模仿力强的特点,通过模仿,表演,增添学习的乐趣。教学提示一 、教学媒体准备:人物图片,场景图片,录音机,录音带(配套和自制),小红旗,红五角星及课文音带。二 、教育关注点:要让学生读准单词 hand,hands,并了解其不同含义。单词 hand, head 学生容易混淆读音,教师应注意加以区别,引导学生比较音,形和义 ,能正确发音。三 、设计思路:在整个教学过程中,力求抓住低年级学生的年龄特点,利用游戏,符合儿童特点的教具(人物图片,录音带,小红旗,五角星)来突破教学重点与难点,引导学生在快乐,真实中学习新知。附送:2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit1 Hello period1教案 (新版)沪教牛津版Tasks in this unit:1. Beginning and interaction by greeting someone politely2. Beginning and interaction by introducing oneself briefly3. Ending and interaction with simple expressions of farewellLanguage focus:1. Using the key words in contexte.g., morning, afternoon2. Using formulaic expressions to greet people and bid farewelle.g., Hello. /Good morning./Good afternoon./Goodbye.Language skills:Listening1. Identifying the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciatione.g., morning, afternoon2. Understanding formulaic expressions of greetings and farewell in context, and responding appropriatelye.g., Hello./Good morning./Good afternoon./Goodbye.Understanding a simple story with the help of pictures, puppets or the teachers body languageSpeakingUsing formulaic expressions to greet people and bid farewell in the appropriate contexte.g., Good morning./Goodbye.Pre-task preparationsActivity 1Greet the students and introduce yourself to theme.g., T: Good morning! Hello! Im Miss/Mr. (surname).Activity 2Use the puppets and flashcards to elicit the formulaic expressions Good morning! and Good afternoon!e.g., Puppet 1: Good morning! (Present the flashcard morning)Puppet 2: Good afternoon! (Present the flashcard afternoon)Puppet 3: Hello!Puppet 4: Hi!While-task proceduresActivity 1Have the students practice the words and the greetings.e.g., morning, afternoon, Good morning!/Good afternoon!/Hello! /Hi! /Goodbye!Activity 2Use the puppets to imitate the characters that appeared in Unit 1.e.g.,Puppet 1: Good morning! (Background: Present the flashcard morning)Puppet 2: Good afternoon! (Background: Present the flashcard afternoon)Puppet 3: Hello!Puppet 4: Hi!.Activity 3Have the students listen to the recording on pages 2 and 3. Illustrate the meaning of the dialogues with the help of pictures, puppets and your body language. The students are only required to understand the general meaning of the dialogues.Then have the students try to plete the dialogues with you. You may use the puppet and the flashcards.e.g., T: Hello!Ss: Hi!T: Goodbye!Ss: Goodbye!.Activity 41 Tell the story on pages 2 and 3 slowly and clearly to the class with the help of pictures, puppets or your body language. The students are only required to understand the general meaning of the story.1) In the morning, Kitty and Ben are going to school. Alice and Tom are going to school, too. They meet at the school bus stop.Ben and Kitty say, “Hello!”Alice, Alices mum and Tom say, “Hi!”2) The school bus is ing. They get on the school bus. “Goodbye!” Alice says to her mum.Mum says, “Goodbye!”3) Kitty, Ben, Alice and Tom arrive at school.They see Miss Wang.Ben, Kitty, Tom and Alice say, “Good morning!”Miss Wang says, “Good morning!”4) In the afternoon, Kitty, Alice, Danny and Eddie are in the classroom.Miss Wang says, “Good afternoon!”Kitty, Alice, Danny and Eddie say, “Good afternoon!”5) School is over.Teachers Book 3Kitty, Alice, Danny and Eddie say, “Goodbye!”Miss Wang says, “Goodbye!”2 Tell the story to the class again. Then ask the students to plete the story with you.e.g., T: In the morning, Kitty and Ben are going to school.Alice and Tom are going to school, too. They meet at the school bus stop. Ben and Kitty say, “Hello!” Alice and Tom say.Ss: Hi!T: The school bus is ing. Alice gets on the school bus. Alice says “Goodbye!” Mum says.Ss: Goodbye!Post-task activitiesActivity 1Ask the students to act out the story “A school day” on page 4. Then have the students listen to the song “Good morning” on page 5 and sing along using hand motions.Activity 2Ask the students to make short dialogues in groups.Then have the students listen to the song “Good morning” on page 5.Activity 3Have the students do “Look, listen and say” on Workbook page 2.Activity 4Have the students do “Listen and tick” on Workbook page 3. Then check the answers. Have them act out the short dialogues.


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