2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 1(1)教案 外研版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 1(1)教案 外研版(一起)课题Module9教学内容Unit1 I dont like meat.教学目标a)能听懂、会读、会说noodles, meat, fish, rice, soupb)能听懂、会读、会说What do you like?教学重点用What do you like? 询问你的爱好能理解并用HeShe likes表达别人喜欢的食物。教学难点能理解并表达别人的饮食爱好。He likes She likes让学生在具体的语境中理解、听懂He doesnt like She doesnt like教学准备单词卡片多媒体课件板书设计Module 9 Unit 1 I dont like meat. What do you like? Lingling (食物的图片) He likes Sam She likes Amy 具体教学过程一、Warming up1. Greeting: 2. Have a chant: Mum, mum, mum, a mango please3. Sing a song: Whats your favorite food? 二、Lead in1. T: Whats your favorite animal? colour? fruit?sport?(老师唱问,学生唱答)2. T: Whats your favorite food? Look, they are so much food. Cakes, meat,chicken. Mm. How nice. I like food very much. Do you like food? (课件出示food的图片)3. Show the topic: Module 9 Food三、Present the task: T: Today were going to talk about the topic about “food”, so Miss * wants to know what kind of food you like? Then lets join in the game, the games name is“真心朋友,了解喜好”。OK? (今天我想了解一下我们班的小朋友喜欢什么食物,然后我们一起来玩一个有趣的游戏,游戏的名字叫“真心朋友,了解喜好”,通过这个游戏让小朋友进一步了解自己的好朋友喜欢什么食物呀,OK?)四、New lessons and activities1. Watch CDROM (教食物名称)T: 有一群你们非常熟悉的老朋友正在聚餐呢,Lets go and have a look. 小朋友仔细看,注意听。Then tell me (1) who are eating food? (2)What are they eating?(回答对的小朋友奖励soup的贴贴纸) (学生边回答老师边贴Lingling ,Sam, Amy, Daming, Tom的头饰、食物的图片)2. T: Look at these food, what are they? (带读板书上的单词)3. T: Who likes meat, stand up please and say: I like meat. Who likes fish, stand up please and say: I like fishWho likes noodles, stand up please and say: I like noodles.Who likes rice, stand up please and say: I like rice.Who likes soup, stand up please and say: I like soup.4. T: I like meat. What do you like? S1: I like meat. S2: I like soup. (指着图片引导五、六个学生回答,让学生将所喜欢的食物表达出来, 老师拿着话筒, 然后将话筒拿给一个同学,引导全班学生用What do you like?问,老师也可用口型提示,之后带读,贴板书)5. T: Shall we play a chain game?(学生在chain game中练习句型)6. T:小朋友想知道你同伴喜欢什么食物吗?Now you can talk about with your partner.7. Ask some students to talk S1: What do you like? S2: I like fish. T: HeShe likes fish. S1: What do you like? S2: I like meat. T: HeShe likes meat. (再请四组同学说,全班介绍HeShe likes) 8. Lets have a chant: Like, like, I like meat. Likes, likes, he likes fish.(出示男孩笑脸) (将男孩笑脸、女孩笑脸贴在食物旁,说绕口令) Likes, likes, she likes soup. 9. Lets play a game: Among these food, 我还想了解一下你们喜欢哪些食物,不喜欢哪些食物。Ill ask some students to e here. For example: I say noodles, if you like it, show me the happy face. If you dont like it, show me the sad face. (请三组同学上来) The whole class introduce: HeShe likes T: HeShe doesnt like 10. Listen to the tape and find out: (第一遍听,第二遍读,我们的老朋友都喜欢哪些食物? T: What does Lingling like? S1: She likes noodles. (老师边把食物图片贴在相应的人物旁) What does Sam like? S1: He likes fish. What does Amy like? S1: She likes meat. What does Daming like? S1: He likes rice. What does Tom like? S1: He likes soup. T: Does Tom like noodles? Yes or no. Ss: No. T: Yes, he doesnt like noodles. T: Does Tom like fish? Ss: No. T: Yes, he doesnt like fish. T: Does Tom like soup? Ss: Yes. T: Yes, he likes soup.11. T: Lets have a petition: T: There are five children. 他们也有自己喜欢的食物和不喜欢的食物。小朋友能不能用你们手中的笑脸、哭脸替他们表达?他们喜欢的请你们举笑脸、他们不喜欢的请你们举哭脸,比一比哪一组小朋友最快? Listen and show the happy face or the sad face.五、“真心朋友,了解喜好”的游戏( Ill send you the sticker of hamburgers, 老师示范,再请同学上来做游戏,依时间安排几组同学做游戏)T: Whos your good friend? S1: My good friend is T:老师请他的好朋友S2上台,并挑出他所喜欢的食物S1: My good friend is he likes fish.Ss: What do you like? S2: I like noodles. (拿出刚才的图片验证)T: Are they good friends? Ss: I think maybe youre good friends. But you must get to know each other deeply.六 Asses them(通过小熊猫爬竹腾进行评价)七 HomeworkListen and repeat Module 9 Unit 1 Listen and repeat Listen and repeat , then act it out2. 了解你爸爸妈妈喜欢吃的食物并能介绍。3. 了解别人不喜欢的食物,下节课学会介绍。设计意图附送:2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 1(2)教案 外研版(一起)Title课题NSE Book 2 Module 9 Unit 1 I dont like meat.Aims教学目的1. 运用所学知识掌握运用主要句型“I dont like”2. 能运用所学自如的谈论对事物的喜好。3. 通过形式多样的活动使学生乐于使用英语交流。Focus教学重难点重点句型:“I dont like” “.for you.”三会单词:rice noodles meat sweetAids教学准备(1)CAI (2) picture (3)task-based teaching method Teaching Process教学过程Teachers ActivityI: Warming-up and Revision1.Sing a song 2. Review the words about colour sport animal The sentences “I like” II. Leading-inPlay the CAI about food then ask” what can you see?”III. Listening & reading Activities1.Show the new words Drills and practice (If the answer is right then Ill say: for you)2. Show the action and the new sentence “I dont like” this sentence. Drills and practice Play the tap.Show the text then ask ”What are they doing?”4. Play the tap again :“Listen point and repeat inspect the question” Play the tap again (Imitate the intonation and act it out) IV. Further Development 1. Get class to act the dialogue. 2.Do the Activity Book 3.Play the game “ Dub the cards” petition4. Activity :”statistics” V. Homework Make a picture about “like” or dont like .Then talk about this picture with your parents.Students ActivitySing a song Review the words and sentences.Try to answerLearn the new wordsGame:Whats missing?Guess: Whats the meaning about this sentence?Listen point and try to answerThen Listen point and repeat. Inspect the questions.Work in pairs(Carry on my advice with their partners.)Act the dialogue.Do some exercises.Draw the “happy face or sad face” and sayRe-preparationFeed Back教学反馈

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