2019年七年级英语上学期寒假作业练习八 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019年七年级英语上学期寒假作业练习八 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019年七年级英语上学期寒假作业练习八 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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新目标七年级英语上册寒假作业练习八一、重点单词1大量;许多 (pron.& adj.) _ 2.短袜 (n.) _ 3.T恤衫 (n.)_ 4短裤 (n.)_ 5.毛衣 (n.)_ 6.裤子 (n.)_ 7鞋 (n.)_ 8.裙子 (n.)_ 9.美元 (n.)_ 10大的 (adj.)_ 11.小的 (adj.)_ 12.短的 (adj.)_ 13长的 (adj.)_ 14.女子 (n.)_ 15.需要 (v.)_ 16看 (v.)_ 17.一双;一对 (n.)_ 18.买下;拿 (v.)_ 19十 (num.)_ 20.十一 (num.)_ 21.十二 (num.)_ 22十三 (num.)_ 23.十五 (num.)_ 24.十八 (num.)_ 25二十 (num.) _ 26.三十 (num.) _ 27.衣服 (n.)_ 28商店 (n.) _ 29.出售 (n.)_ 30.卖;出售 (v.)_ 31所有的 (adj.)_ 32.很;非常 (adv.)_ 33.价格 (n.)_ 34男孩 (n.)_二、重点短语1多少钱 _ 2.8美元_ 3服装店_ 4.大促销_ 5一双_ 6.白色的包_ 7对于男孩_ 8.以非常优惠的价格_ 9买某物给某人_ 10.出售某物给某人_三、重点句子1这件T恤多少钱?_ 2这些短袜多少钱?_ 3您要买点什么吗?_ 4它看上去很漂亮。_ 5我要买下它们。_ 6给你。_ 7不用谢。_ 8我需要买一件毛衣上学穿。_ 9我们在甩卖,快来买衣服吧!e and _ your clothes _ our great sale! 10对于女孩子,我们有紫色的裙子,仅售20美元。_ girls,we have skirts _ for only $20.四、单项选择( )1.Jane, is _ Tshirt on my bed yours?Yes, it is.AaBanCtheD/( )2.They have Tshirts _red,green and white _only 15 dollars.Ain,for Bfor,for Cfor,on Din,in( )3.The socks are four dollars for one pair. So I need _dollars to buy three pairs.Aeight Btwelve Ctwenty Dthirty( )4.Please call me when you _my help.OK,thanks.Afind Bthink Cknow Dneed( )5e to Mr. Kings Clothes Store! It _all kinds of clothes.Abuys Bsells Cneeds Dtakes( )6.How about the sweater?Its_. I want a big one.Aold Bbig Clong Dsmall( )7.What about this jacket?It _nice.Asees Blooks Csounds Dsays( )8.Look! These yellow skirts are on _ for $12.Asell Bsale Cborrow Dbuy( )9.How much is the book?Sorry,I dont know the_.Acolor Bprice Cnumber Dclothes( )10.Shoes _ $3_ two pairs.Aare,in Bis,of Care,for Dare,of( )11.Hou much _the blue socks?_three dollars.Ais,They is Bare,TheyreCis,Its Dare,Its( )12.My trousers _green.But this pair of trousers _black.Ais,is Bare,are Cis,are Dare,is( )13._?Yes,please. I want a Tshirt.AHow much is it BCan I help youCExcuse me DWhat will you take( )14.Do you like these yellow shoes?Yes,_.AI want shoes BThanksCIll take them DIts 5 dollars( )15.Lucy, this is your baseball. _.Thank you.AI like baseball BLets goCIts not mine DHere you are五、完形填空Hello!Im Lucy.Im an English girl.Now Im in Beijing with _1_ parents.Today is Sunday.I _2_ to Mingren Clothes Store.Wow!I see lots of _3_ clothes in it.They have sweaters at a good _4_They have some bags _5_ sports.They have hats _6_ red,black and yellow.The brown _7_ are on sale.They _8_ only 15 dollars.I think they are cheap (便宜的),so I _9_ a small one for myself and a large one for my _10_( )1.A.yourBmyChisDtheir( )2.Ae Bsee Chelp Dplay( )3.A.long Bshort Cnice Dsmall( )4.A.color Bname Cphoto Dprice( )5.A.for Bunder Cwith Dof( )6.A.at Bin Con Dabout( )7.A.skirts Bshirt Chat Dsock( )8.A.do Bdoes Cis Dare( )9.A.bring Blook Cbuy Dsell( )10.A.father BmotherCbrother Dgrandfather六、阅读理解Mrs. Smith is Jims mother.She loves her family very much. She often goes to the store. She often buys food, fruit and clothes for her family.Now many clothes are on sale at Fashion Clothes Store.They are at very good prices.Mrs. Smith es to the store and she wants to buy some clothes for her family.There they have sweaters in all colors for $15 each, and sports shoes for only $18. Mrs. Smith likes the red sweater and she buys one for herself.She buys a pair of sports shoes for her son. The great Tshirts in the store are just $16! She buys a white one for Mr.Smith.And thats not all.The socks,in all colors,are $ 2 each. She buys the socks in many colors for her family.( )1.Mrs. Smith often buys _for her family.Aballs,vegetables,fruit,clothesBfruit,coffee,clothes,shoesCclothes,fruit,foodDclothes,vegetables,school things( )2.Mrs. Smith buys_for her son.Aa red sweater Ba pair of shortsCa pair of shoes Da white Tshirt( )3.How much are the red sweater and the white T-shirt?A$15. B$16. C$18. D$31.( )4.Who does Mrs. Smith buy socks for?AHer son. BMr. Smith. CHerself. DHer family.( )5.Whats the best title for the passage?AToms Family BShoppingCFashion Clothes Store DMrs. Smith七、词汇运用 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1The Tshirt is only eight _ (dollar)2The three _ (boy) always play soccer after school.3How much _ (be) this pair of socks?4Uncle Li has two food _ (store) on this street.5I think they know those _ (woman)八、完成句子. 根据汉语意思完成句子。1There are _ (三十) students in our class.2This skirt is too _ (短的) for me.3_ (所有的) her friends like to eat bananas.4This pair of _ (长裤) looks nice.5My brother is _ (十五) years old this year.九、任务型阅读.根据所给材料内容,完成下列各题。Do you want any clothes? e and buy your clothes at Mr. Cools Clothes Store! We (A)_clothes at very good prices! Anybody can afford (买得起) them! e and see for yourself!Things,Colors,Pricesbags,white,$12black,$8Tshirts,white,$15green,$9shorts,all colors,$12socks,all colors,$2 (pair) 1在(A)处的横线上填入一个适当的单词。_2The prices of the _ _ and the _ are the same (一样)3What does the store sell?_4What color of shorts does the store have?_.5How much are two pairs of socks and one green Tshirt?_.十、书面表达. 假如你经营一家名为Dales Store的文具店,请根据下表内容提示用英语写一则促销广告。70词左右,可适当发挥。School thingsColors,Pricesrulerswhite2 yuanpencil boxesBlue,red1 yuannotebookspurple3 yuanerasersyellow1 yuan for two参考答案一、重点单词1 much 2 sock 3 T-shirt 4 shorts 5 sweater 6 trousers 7 shoe 8 skirt 9 dollar 10 big 11 small 12 short 13 long 14 woman 15 need 16 look 17 pair 18 take 19 ten 20 eleven 24 twelve 25 thirteen 26 fifteen 24 eighteen 25 twenty 26 thirty 27 clothes 28 store 29 sale 30 sell 31 all 32 very 33 price 34 boy二、重点短语1 how much 2 eight dollars 3 clothes store 4 great sale 5 a pair of 6 white bag 7 for boys 8 at very good prices 9 buy sth. for sb. 10 sell sth.to sb.三、重点句子1 How much is this T-shirt? 2 How much are these socks? 3 Can I help you? 4 It looks nice. 5 Ill take them. 6 Here you are. 7 Youre wele. 8 I need a sweater for school.9 buy,at10 For,in purple四、单项选择1-5 CABDB 6-10 DBBAC 11-15 BDBCD五、完形填空1-5 BACDA 6-10 BADCB六、阅读理解1-5 CCDDB七、词汇运用1 dollars 2 boys 3 is 4 stores 5 women八、完成句子1 thirty 2 short 3 All 4 trousers 5 fifteen 九、任务型阅读1 have2 white bags ,shorts3 It sells bags, Tshirts, shorts and socks.4 It has shorts in all colors./All colors.5 They are 13 dollars.九、书面表达e and buy school things at Dales Store!We have white rulers for 2 yuan.For girls,we have pencil boxes in red.For boys,we have pencil boxes in blue.They are only 11 yuan.Do you need notebooks?We have purple notebooks for only 3 yuan.We also have yellow erasers at a very good price1 yuan for twoe to Dales Store now!

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