七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Having Fun词汇精讲精练 (新版)仁爱版.doc

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Unit 4 Having Fun词汇精讲精练词汇精讲 1. shop shop可用作动词,意为“购物”,也可用go shopping“去购物”或do some shopping。【拓展】go swimming去游泳 go skating去滑冰 go fishing去钓鱼 go boating去划船do some reading阅读 do some washing洗涮 do some cooking做饭 do some swimming游泳 do some speaking多说 do some listening多听2. try try是动词,意为“尝试”,其后接名词或动名词。try on意为“试穿”。例如:I tried the pen. 我试过那支钢笔。Try on the shoes, please. 请试穿一下这双鞋。3. just (1)just可以作副词,意思是“正好,恰好”;也可以表示“刚才,刚刚”,常用于肯定句。例如:Thats just what I wanted. 那正是我所要的。 Im just out of hospital. 我刚刚出院。(2)just 还可以作形容词,意为“公正的,正义的,公平的”。例如: This was a just decision, so everyone accepted it. 这是一个公平的决定,所以大家接受它。4. mean (1)mean作及物动词,表示“意思是;打算,意味着”,后接名词,动词不定式短语或从句。例如: The red light means “Stop”. 红灯表示停止。 I mean to go shopping. 我的意思是去购物。 The sign means that the road is blocked. 这个标志表示此路不通。 (2)mean的名词形式是“meaning”,表示“意思、涵义”。例如: Whats the meaning of the word? 这个单词的是什么意思?(3)What do / did you mean by.? 该句型的意思是“你是什么意思?” 例如: What do you mean by acting like this? 你这样做是什么意思? 5. save(1)save 动词,在本单元意为“拯救,救助”,后接名词或者代词作宾语。save ones life意为“挽救某人的生命”。 例如:He saved the boys life. 他救了那个男孩的命。 (2)save 还可意为“储蓄,储存”。 例如:He saved a lot of money to buy a house. 他存了很多钱为了买房子。 (3)save 还可以意为“节约,节省”。 例如:Please save water. 请节约用水。6. free free 意为“空闲的,有空的”,反义词是busy,意为“忙碌的”。be free= have time, 意为“有空”,free time= spare time, 意为“业余时间,空闲时间”。例如: Are you free this Sunday? 这周日你有时间吗? 【拓展】free的其他用法: (1)free 形容词,意为“免费的”。例如: All the books are free. 所有的书免费。 Now the children from country get free textbooks. 现在农村的孩子免费得到了课本。 (2)free 形容词,意为“自由的”,名词形式是freedom。例如: He will be free soon. 他很快就会得到自由。 You are free to do as you wish. 你想怎么做都可以。7. past(1)past作介词,意为“经过,穿过”。例如:Go past the hospital, and you will see the post office. 经过医院,你就会看到邮局。(2)past作名词,意为“过去”。例如:Alice has traveled a lot in the past. 爱丽丝在过去旅游了许多地方。(3)past作形容词,意为“过去的,前任的”。例如:Great changes have taken place in the past 20 years.在过去的20年里发生了巨大的变化。8. call call意为“给打电话”。例如: I called my mother just now. 我刚才给妈妈打了一个电话。 【拓展1】给某人打电话的表达方式: call/ring/phone/telephone sb call/ring/phone sb up give sb a call/ring make a telephone/phone call to sb【拓展2】 call的其他用法:(1)call意为“叫喊”,动词。例如: Why didnt you e out when I called your name? 当我喊你名字的时候,为什么不出来?(2)call意为“给取名;称呼”,动词。例如: Dont call me Lucy, Im Lily, we are twins. 别叫我Lucy,我是Lily,我们是双胞胎。(3)call on sb意为“拜访某人”。例如: He wasnt in when I called on him yesterday. 昨天当我去拜访他的时候,他不在家。(4)call at some place意为“去某地拜访”。例如: Lets call at Johns house. 咱们去约翰家吧!9. have to have to意为“不得不,必须”,表示客观情况要求某人必须做某事,有人称和时态的变化,后接动词原形。例如: She isnt very well these days and she has to stay at home. 她这些天身体不太好,不得不待在家里。You dont have to tell me this. 你不必告诉我这件事。Do you have to do everything? 什么事都得你做吗?She doesnt have to e this afternoon. 今天下午她不必来。【拓展】 must与have to的辨析: have to侧重于客观需要,含有“不得不”或“被迫”之意,有多种时态形式;否定式为dont have to意为“不必”。 must侧重于说话者的主观看法,认为有必要或有义务去做某事;只有现在时一种形式(在宾语从句中可以表示过去);否定式mustnt 意为“一定不要;不允许”。例如: You must do your homework first. 你必须先做作业。 Its raining. I have to stay at home. 正在下雨,我不得不待在家里。口诀:“主观职责”说“必须”,must赶紧用上去;若是“环境”“不得不”,赶紧换用have to。10. time(1)time可以做不可数名词,意为“时间”。此时,不能用many, few或 a few来修饰, 而用much, little 或 a little 等来修饰。例如:There is a little time. Please hurry up. 还有一点时间,请赶快些。(2)time 作可数名词,意为“倍,次数”,常用复数形式。例如: His house is three times bigger than hers. 他的房子比她的大三倍。 How many times have you read the book? 这本书你读了多少遍了? 【拓展】有关time的常用短语:at that time 在那时 at the same time 同时by the time 到为止 have a good time 玩得高兴 in time 及时 on time 按时 every time 每次11. quarter (1)quarter 作名词时,可以译为“四分之一”或者“一刻钟”。例如:A quarter of the apples are green. 有四分之一的苹果是青的。Its a quarter past seven. 七点一刻了。(2)quarter作动词时,可以译为“把四等分”。例如:We should quarter the pineapple.我们应该把这个菠萝分成四等份。12. later later作副词,意为“后来,以后”。例如:I arrived in Beijing on Sunday, two days later I left for Shanghai.我星期天到了北京,两天后出发去了上海。Later, I found my lost bike. 后来,我找到了我丢失的自行车。【拓展】in; after和later的辨析:词语词性特点用法in介词以现在时间为起点的“一段时间以后(之内)”。将来时接一段时间after介词以过去时间为起点的“一段时间之后”。也可用于将来的时间点之后。 过去时并接一段时间 将来时间点之后表将来later副词一段时间 + later 一段时间 + later,常用过去时 later单独用,可用于过去时或将来时例如: He will get there in three days. 他将在三天后到那里。 He started on Monday and arrived in Beijing after three days. 他星期一出发,三天后到达北京。 Ill be free after Friday. 我星期五之后有空。 Ten years later, the old man died. 十年后,那位老人去世了。词汇精练I. 英汉互译。 1. try on _ 2. 给某人打电话_ 3. have to _ 4. go swimming _ 5. 好价钱_ 6. e on_ 7. what about_ 8. 少数的,有一些_ 9. All right _ 10. pick up_ II. 根据句意及首字母和汉语提示写出所缺单词。 1. The s_ is open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. . 2. He is j_ 10 years old, but he can wash himself. 3. We must s_ the animals in great danger. 4. Lets meet at h_ past ten.10:30? OK. 5. A q_ of sixty is fifteen. 6. What t _ is it?Its 11:20.7. Are you f_ tomorrow morning?Yes. I have time.8. Forty and sixty is a h_.9. Do you like m_ for lunch?Yes. I often eat chicken and fish.10. You can see many a_ here, like elephants and monkeys.III. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.Dont be (worry) about it.2. What are they over there? They are _(mouse).3. What can I do for you, madam? I want three _(kilo) of sugar.4.I need _(buy) some books.5. How many _(bottle) do you want? Four. 6. I will be back ten minutes _ (late). 根据短文意思及首字母提示,写出相应单词。Hey, boys and girls! W 1 you like new clothes? We have jeans(牛仔裤) a 2 T-shirts at a very good price(价格). These nice T-shirts with yellow, green and white a 3 only 20 yuan. Do you n 4 jeans? For girls, we have jeans with white blue and black foro 5 40 yuan. For boys, we have nice jeans in all colors. We also have caps, shoes and bags for only 30 yuan. e to see for yourself.1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _参考答案I. 英汉互译。 1. 试穿 2. call sb. up 3. 必须 4. 去游泳 5. good price 6.来吧,过来 7.怎么样 8. a few / a little 9. 好吧, 行10. 拾起,捡起 II. 根据句意及首字母和汉语提示写出所缺单词。 1. shop 2. just 3. save 4. half 5. quarter 6. time 7. free 8. hundred 9. meat 10. animalsIII. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. worried2. mice3. kilos 4. to buy 5. bottles 6. later. 根据短文意思及首字母提示,写出相应单词。 1. Would 2. and 3. are 4. need 5. only

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