九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Stories and Poems Lesson 22 The Giant(I)教案 (新版)冀教版.doc

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九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Stories and Poems Lesson 22 The Giant(I)教案 (新版)冀教版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Stories and Poems Lesson 22 The Giant(I)教案 (新版)冀教版.doc_第2页
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Unit 4 Stories and PoemsLesson 22 The Giant (I)同步教案Navigation of the course(课程导航)Teaching aims(教学目标) 1. 词汇(1)掌握单词及短语:loud, board, awake, musician, perhaps, once upon a time, run away, no longer, pass by(2)认知词语:frightened2. Enable to retell the fairy taleTeaching important points(教学重点)Grasp mastery words and patternsTeaching difficult points(教学难点)Enable to retell the fairy taleTeaching Preparation: picturesTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, picturesType of lesson: new lessonTeaching steps(教学过程设计)Step 1. e to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Let the students talk about the questions in groups. Then encourage them to talk about in class.Do you like reading fairy tales?Do you know any famous fairy tales? What are they?Step 2. Learning new words and phrases of the text.Use pictures as many as possible. Try to let students grasp them in class.loud adj. 大声的awake adj. 醒着的musician n. 音乐家perhaps adv.也许frightened adj. 害怕的Step 3. Listening tasks. Listen to the tape the tape and tell it is true or false. 1. The children liked to play in the park.2. A giant frightened the children and they ran away.3. The giant build a high wall to protect the children.4. When spring es, the garden was still covered with snow.Step 4. Reading tasks. Read and finish Exercise 1 on Page 57. Encourage students to finish it independently. Then check answers as a class. After finishing it, ask students to try to retell the story.Step 5. Explain the language notes to the students.1. “What are you doing here?” the giant cried in a loud voice. “你们在这儿干什么?”巨人大喊到。辨析:loud, aloud/loudlyloud常用作形容词,意为“大声的”,in a loud voice大声的。也可作副词,意为“响亮地”,侧重音量大,传得远。They are talking too loud. 他们说话的声音太大了。aloud副词,强调发出的声音能被听见,而不是默默地说,常与read,call等连用。Read the lesson aloud.大声读这一课。loudly副词,可用于修饰人声、敲门声等,强调喧闹、不悦耳。Suddenly the bell rang loudly. 突然,铃声高响。2. When spring came, flowers blossomed and the birds began to sing across the land. 春天到了,花开了,鸟鸣叫着飞过大地。across此处意为“越过”,表示经过某一地方或区域。across也可表示“横过”,或“在对面”。A boy walked across the square, singing happily. 一个女孩快东地唱着走过广场。(越过)Be careful when you go across the street. 过大街时小心。(横过)Across the river, there is a small island.河对面,有一个小岛。(在对面)3. He thought it must be the kings musicians passing by. 他认为可能是国王的乐师经过。1) must此处表示猜测,意为“一定”,must表示猜测时,只能用于肯定句。That man must be a teacher.那个人一定是一位老现。2) pass by意为“经过,路过”,相当于go by, go past。I passed by your house last night at about 10. 昨晚十点我经过你家。Step6e to “LETS DO IT”.Do Exercises 2 and 3 on Page 55. Let students work it out in pairs. Then check answers as a class.Homework(作业)Try to retell the fairy tale in your own words.

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