安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 七下 第4课时 Units 7-12习题.doc

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安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 七下 第4课时 Units 7-12习题.doc_第1页
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安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 七下 第4课时 Units 7-12习题.doc_第2页
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安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 七下 第4课时 Units 7-12习题.doc_第3页
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第4课时.单项选择。(C)1.(原创题)I plan to spend some hours_ sports with my friends this weekend.AplayBplayedCin playingDto play(B)2.(xx淮北二模)Little Marc got_milk for his breakfast,did he?AfewBlittleCa fewDa little(C)3.(改编题)The number of people in the city_about six million now.AareBhasCisDhave(C)4.(改编题)How long may I _these books?For a week.AborrowBtakeCkeepDlend(C)5.(原创题)When I passed by,I heard a boy_the piano in the room.AplayBplayedCplayingDto play(D)6.(改编题)_He is a little tall with short black hair.AWhat is he like?BWhat does he like?CWhat is he like doing?DWhat does he look like?(C)7.(预测题)Molly is_lovely a girl that many of her classmates love her.AveryBquiteCsoDsuch(A)8.(原创题)We cant enter the room.I cant find my key.Is it possible that you_ it at home?AleftBfixedCmanagedDdesigned(C)9.(原创题)Our teacher often tells us_time.Anot wasteBdont wasterCnot to wasteDdoesnt waste(D)10.(原创题)He got up to get some hot water but found there was_left in the bottle.Aa fewBfewCa littleDlittle.(改编题) 完形填空。Long ago,there was a man who lived a happy life.Everything could make him feel excited,_1_its a piece of grass.He always had a big_2_on his face. One day,suddenly he wanted to bow his head to find_3_his happiness lived.However,the happiness was_4_when he bowed down.“Why did this happen?” he said to himself,“It was living just now.It seemed to_5_into the earth.” So he went to_6_his happiness all over the mountains,rivers,forests and fields.He had found all kinds of happiness that belonged to others.He_7_ couldnt find his own happiness.He bowed down his head all day and all night.He was always looking for his joy and pleasure.He had looked everywhere_8_he thought his joy might be,but he couldnt find it.He decided to give up_9_.So he stood up straightly and talked to himself,“Dont look for it any more.I cant bow down to look for it for all my life.” But he was very_10_to feel happy when he stood up.Why did it e back? He didnt know the reason at all.(C)1.Aas ifBso thatCeven ifDwhat if(B)2.AangerBsmileCsadnessDmadness(D)3.AthatBwhatCwhereDif(C)4.ArisingBdeadCmissingDsleepy(A)5.AdropBkeepCescapeDpush(C)6.Afind outBwatch outClook forDshow off(B)7.AneverBstillCalwaysDever(C)8.AwhichBwhatCthatDwhere(C)9.AsearchesBsearchedCsearchingDto search(A)10.AsurprisedBtiredCinterestedDavailable.(预测题)补全对话。A:Daming! This is a photo of my new classmate. He is from the countryside.B:From the countryside? 1.DA:Yes. He gave a talk about his life in the countryside yesterday.B:How was his life in the countryside? A:2.B And he had to go to a small shop that was far away to buy things. B:3.EA:Its true. But he liked living there because he enjoyed himself. Now he feels lonely because he has few friends.B:4.CA:Yes. Because his parents set up a pany here.B:5.AA:Of course! Oh, he is over there. Lets go to meet him.ACan you introduce him to me? BHe said he lived in a small house with just one room. CDo you know why he came here to study? DHave you heard something about his life in the countryside?EI think its hard for him to live there. FI have no idea.GIs he very lonely?.(原创题)单词拼写。1These kinds of plantsgrow(生长)in the northern part of our country.2Why are you all wet? Itsraining(下雨)heavily.I forgot to take my umbrella!3My chemistry teacher isnt tall or short.Hes of mediumheight(身高)4People in some countries eat manypotatoes(土豆) as their main food.5My cousin Lily has longstraight(直的) hair.(原创题)书面表达。假如你是李刚,你的澳大利亚笔友Maria想了解你在学校的兴趣和爱好,以及你的学习生活和一些其他的校园生活。请根据以下内容要求,写一封电子邮件。内容要求:1你的主要兴趣和爱好是绘画,喜欢上美术课和喜欢听音乐。2你比较擅长电脑,能在电脑课上学习很多知识,也能用电脑设计各种图画和游戏。3你的性格很开朗、友好,能经常帮助同学解决他们的各种困难。4你一直在学校的护理中心(care center)做志愿工作,也曾为城市运动会做过志愿者。写作要求:1以邮件的形式写,可适当发挥,以使行文连贯。2邮件的开头已给出,不计入文章总词数。3文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和班级名。4词数80100。Dear Maria,You ask me to tell you something about my school life and other information.Now let me introduce everything about me to you.I have many hobbies,such as painting,listening to music,traveling,puter games and so on.I especially like to have art lessons of all the subjects.Im good at puter.I often learn a lot from the puter and sometimes I can use it to design all kinds of pictures and games.Im outgoing and friendly,so I often help my classmates to work out all kinds of problems.In fact,I always work as a volunteer in our school care center.At the same time,I have ever volunteered in our city sports meeting,because I think helping others is also a kind of happiness.Do you think so? I hope to receive your letter back soon.With my best wishes!Yours,Li Gang

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