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2019-2020年高考英语二轮总复习阅读理解精选(09)I remembered that when I was a little child, I used to looking for Sunday of the week. Yes, I was so looking forward for an adventure.Now, I still have a strong affinity for buses. I used to wonder where those gigantic buses finally stopped at. On sunshine Sundays, thats my adventure times. He took me to the bus stop. Time passed, while I was growing impatient, he was smiling, as he always does. It was really not that easy to get on a bus as often as we do today. I was so worried that the bus driver would have missed us. I waved my hands so high with all my strength. I looked hopefully at him. He didnt move at all. He was still standing. It seemed that the late and infrequent ing of the bus wasnt any trouble to him at all. He took my hand. We managed to find seats on the upper deck. I was so excited. Only sitting besides the windows made me happy. Looking at the rewinding buildings, streets and people through windows from a higher ground were so much fun. Then, he was sitting peacefully by me and whispered to me where the bus finally would stop, I was curious about what would be the next stop of our destination as much as what really means something to him. That is me. I know now. I am all he cares. He wants me to happy, as he always does. Thats the strong bond between father and son. Childhood, nave and precious, you showed me the world and the way I look at the world. I am so grateful for your presence in my life. Thanks, you are so wonderful! 56Who is “he” throughout the text? AThe brother of the writer.BThe son of the writer.CThe father of the writer.DA bus driver.57In the second paragraph, what is the probably meaning of “affinity”?AHate.BDisappointment.CLiking.DConfusion.58Where does this text probably e from?AA bus guide.BA students diary.CAn adventure story.DA transportation report.B 59According to the text, the film Forrest Gump is aimed at improving the viewers . AteamworkBself-confidenceCimaginationDfriendship60How much do they have to pay if eight-year-old Jason goes to see the film Dumbo with his parents?A$ 10.B$20.C$30.D$45.61What do the two films Lion King and Finding Nemo have in mon?ATheyre about the same theme.BThey share the same ticket price.CTheyre directed by the same person.DTheyre produced by the same pany.62Who are the main target audience of the movies mentioned in the text?AParents.BTeachers.CChildren.DClerks.CPsychologists have discovered that even the most independent-minded of us will conform to social pressure when we are with a group of people. In one classic experiment, people were shown a vertical(垂直的) line and asked to find a line of identical length from a selection of three.You might think that this is an absurdly easy task, and when people perform it by themselves they do very well. However, psychologists have discovered that we are very easily swayed by the opinions of other people when we do this task in a group. In one study, a group of three people was set up, where two of the people were confederates(同伙) of the experimenter. When the confederates deliberately gave wrong answers, people were often swayed to give the wrong answer also. In fact, 75% of people gave at least one wrong answer, with some people conforming to peer pressure on every occasion.But why do people conform in this way? In an easy task like this, it seems that people do not want to step out of line with the prevailing opinion of the group. On more difficult tasks, people also conform because they lose confidence in their own ability to make decisions and prefer to trust the majority opinion instead.A typical example of this kind of conformity arises when we e across people in distress. Would you help a woman who has been attacked in the street? It turns out that you are much more likely to go to her assistance if you are alone. When other people are also around, a diffusion of responsibility occurs. People are paralysed into inaction, because everyone assumes that someone else will go to the womans assistance.63In Paragraph 1, the underlined word “conform” probably means “ ”. Aseek independenceBdisobey ordersCfollow what others doDseek pleasure64What is the purpose of the experiment described in Paragraph 2?ATo explain why would people be influenced by the opinions of others.BTo prove that people are easily influenced by the opinions of others.CTo train the confederates of the experimenter as independent minded.DTo describe how people would be influenced by the opinions of others.65In the last paragraph, accoriding to the author, why wouldnt one help the woman?AHe thinks he has no responsibilities to give a hand.BHe thinks he has nothing to do with it.CHe is too shy to give his helping hand.DHe thinks someone else will offer assistance.66What method does the author mainly use to develop the text?AGiving examples.BCause-effect analysis.Cparative analysis.DProcess analysts.DBook reviews can be a great foot in the door if youre looking to get your writing published somewhere. Most magazines, whether online or print, will include book reviews about books that tackle the topics the magazine discusses. Also, most editors and staff writers are usually too busy to read books and review them themselves (unless they are specifically assigned to a book review column). Therefore, writing book reviews can be a great way to get started with a writing career.Many people that are reading your review may not know anything about the book youre reviewing. Instead of making them go find information on their own by searching for the book title, start out with a little description of the book. Make sure you avoid too long of a summary, though, because if too much of your article is a summary of the book, it wont be interesting. Start with a short paragraph or so that hits all the major points but doesnt give too much away. You dont want to tell your reader everything about the book, because then they wont have to read it at all. Just give enough information so your reader is interested in reading the book.Some magazines like to publish book reviews that are pletely objective(客观的). This means that they want a review of the book that doesnt share your opinion and that in which your opinion isnt obvious from reading what you wrote. If you hated a book, it might not be a great book to review. You probably want to review books that you enjoyed. This will give your review a positive spin. Avoid gushing about how much you loved the book, however. You should not include your personal reaction to the book until the very end, where you include a sentence or two about whether or not you would remend a book and to whom you would remend it.A great way to get your review noticed is to look at a book through a specific lens. Read the book as a feminist(女权主义者) would, for example, and talk about what a feminist might say to applaud or criticize the book. You can choose any number of lenses, and feminism is just one option. An economic lens, a family lens, the lens of a different nationality, or the lens of a child could all be interesting ways to look at a book. If you look at a book in this way, instead of just reading it and forming your own opinion, it will be much more interesting and marketable. This is especially the case if you look at a lens that relates to the subject of the magazine to which you are submitting. Feminist magazines love book reviews about books read through a feminist lens, for example, because it pertains to their readership.Another great way to write a book review is to talk about the writers style. Anyone can pick up a book and read for the plot, but it takes an experienced writer to note interesting things about another writers style and write about them intelligently.67Whats the first paragraph mainly about?AStandards of good book reviews.BBenefits of writing book reviews.CWays to get your writing published.DTopics usually discussed in magazines.68Which of the following is a characteristic of a good book review?AIncluding much information on a major point of the book.BStating clearly the writers opinion of the book.CGiving a brief summary of the book.DAvoiding describing the book.69The fourth paragraph is developed mainly by .Agiving examplesBtelling personal experiencesCmaking parisonsDanalyzing causes70According to the text, only a skilled writer can .Alook at a book through a specific angleBgive an objective description of bookCfind a book and understand its plot easilyDpay close attention to another writers style参考答案

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