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Unit 3(P17) 1.获得一些这个镇的信息_ 2.买一份报纸 _3.买一双鞋子 _4.你能告诉我怎样到达书店妈?_5. 沿着主街走_ 6.在你的左边/右边 _7.在银行的旁边_ 8.你知道书店今天什么时候关门吗?_9.请问你能告诉我洗手间在哪儿吗?_(P18)1.去三楼/在三楼 _2. 在第二个路口左拐/右拐_3.经过书店(2种)_ 4.最大的娱乐公园 _5. 做某事是兴奋的_6.开始 _7.我会快点儿。_8.你没有必要慌。_(P19)1. 早点到那儿吃晚饭_2.我想知道接下来我们应该去哪儿。(2种)_3. 看上去可怕_4.加油_5.抓住我的手_6. 起初我很害怕,但是大声喊的确管用。_7. 有些事你不去尝试,永远都不会知道你能行。_8. 建议做某事/建议. _9.它提供美味的食物。_10.在去.的路上_11.开始做某事_12.忙于(做)某事_13.早点儿来占个位子_14.用不同的方式_(P20)1.你知道我能在哪儿买些药吗?_2.我不确定如何到那儿。_3.(它)晚上八点开始。_4. 买一些吃的_5.劳驾 _6.到达一个附近的餐馆 _7.你知道这附近是否有餐馆吗?_ 8. 邮寄一封信 _9.购物中心_ 10.你能告诉我最近的银行在哪儿吗?_11. 沿着这条街向东走_(P21)1.做某事是方便的_2.去.的拐角 _3.在角落里_4.请问你能告诉我在哪儿有一个吃东西的好地方?_(P22)1.外国/一个外国人_2.怎样有礼貌的寻求帮助_ 3.类似的问路请求_4. 听起来不够礼貌/听起来礼貌的多_5.改变他们说话的方式_ 6. 优秀的说话者在不同的情境中会改变他们的说话方式 _7. 取决于他们正在和谁说话 _8.他们互相有多了解 _9.包括(v.)_ (prep.)_10.你的邮件地址_ 11.花时间导入一个请求/花时间做某事/花时间在某事上 _12我很抱歉麻烦你,不过. _ 13.寻求帮助之前/之后_ 14.礼貌地说话 _15.和别人更好的交流_ 16. 请问你能告诉我把车停在哪儿吗?_17.一个地下停车场_ (P23)1.换钱 _2请问你能告诉我刚刚发生了什么吗?_3.准备好做某事/为某事做准备_ _4.想象一下未来你的生活会是什么样。_(P24)1.介绍你自己 _2.礼貌地询问信息 _3.感谢这个人帮助你/感谢某人做了某事_4.想知道关于 _5.盼望你的回复/盼望做某事 _6. 早点儿醒来 _7.匆匆忙忙做某事 (2种)_8. 按时到校。_ 9.一个做某事的好选择 _10.你能告诉我去哪个地方对我来说会是个不错的选择吗?_11.第一次遇见某人_九上英语 Unit 3(P17) 1.获得一些这个镇的信息get some information about the town 2.买一份报纸 buy a newspaper 3.买一双鞋子 buy a pair of shoes 4.你能告诉我怎样到达书店吗?Could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?6. 沿着主街走go along Main Street 6.在你的左边/右边 on your left/right7. 在银行的旁边beside the bank/next to the bank 8.你知道书店今天什么时候关门吗?Do you know when the bookstore closes today? 9.请问你能告诉我洗手间在哪儿吗?Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?(P18)1.去三楼/在三楼 go to the third floor/ on the third floor 2.在第二个路口左拐/右拐turn left / right at the second crossing 3.经过书店(2种)go past the bookstore/pass the bookstore4.最大的娱乐公园 the biggest amusement park9. 做某事是兴奋的be excited to do sth. 6.开始 start with/ begin with7. 我会快点儿。Ill be quick. 8.你没有必要慌。You dont need to rush. (P19)1. 早点到那儿吃晚饭get there early for dinner 2.我想知道接下来我们应该去哪儿。(2种)I wonder where we should go next. / I wonder where to go next. 3.看上去可怕look scary 4.加油e on 5.抓住我的手hold my hands10. 起初我很害怕,但是大声喊的确管用。I was scared at first, but shouting did help.11. 有些事你不去尝试,永远都不会知道你能行。You never know until you try something.12. 建议做某事/建议. Suggest doing sth. /suggest +that 从句13. 它提供美味的食物。It serves delicious food. 10.在去.的路上on the way to. 11.开始做某事start to do /doing sth. 12.忙于(做)某事be busy with sth./ be busy doing sth. 13.早点儿来占个位子e a little earlier to get a table 14.用不同的方式in a different way (P20)1.你知道我能在哪儿买些药吗?Do you know where I can buy some medicine?2. 我不确定如何到那儿。Im not sure how to get there. 3.(它)晚上八点开始。It starts at eight p.m. 4.买一些吃的get something to eat 5.劳驾 excuse me /pardon me 6.到达一个附近的餐馆get to a nearby restaurant 7.你知道这附近是否有餐馆吗?Do you know if there is a restaurant near here? 8.邮寄一封信 mail a letter 9.购物中心in the shopping center10.你能告诉我最近的银行在哪儿吗?Could you please tell me where the nearest bank is?12. 沿着这条街向东走go east along the street(P21)1.做某事是方便的Its convenient to do sth. 2.去.的拐角 go to the corner of 3.在角落里in the corner 4.请问你能告诉我在哪儿有一个吃东西的好地方?Could you please tell me where theres a good place to eat?(P22)1.外国/一个外国人foreign countries/ a foreigner 2.怎样有礼貌的寻求帮助how to ask for help politely 3.类似的问路请求similar requests for directions5. 听起来不够礼貌/听起来礼貌的多sound less polite / sound much more polite5.改变他们说话的方式change the way they speak8. 优秀的说话者在不同的情境中会改变他们的说话方式。 Good speakers change the way they speak in different situations. 7.取决于他们正在和谁说话 depend on whom they are speaking to 8.他们互相有多了解how well they know each other9. 包括(v.)include (prep.) including 10.你的邮件地址your e-mail address 11.花时间导入一个请求/花时间做某事/花时间在某事上 spend time leading into a request / spend time doing sth. / spend time on sth. 12我很抱歉麻烦你,不过. Im sorry to trouble you, but. 13.寻求帮助之前/之后before/after asking for help 14.礼貌地说话speak politely 15.和别人更好的交流municate better with other people 17. 请问你能告诉我把车停在哪儿吗?Could you please tell me where to park my car?18. 一个地下停车场an underground parking lot (P23)1.换钱change some money 2.请问你能告诉我刚刚发生了什么吗?Could you tell me what just happened? 3.准备好做某事/为某事做准备be ready to do sth. /be ready for sth. 4.想象一下未来你的生活会是什么样。Imagine how your life will be in the future? = Imagine what your life will be like in the future?(P24)1.介绍你自己introduce yourself 2.礼貌地询问信息politely ask for information 3.感谢这个人帮助你/感谢某人做了某事thank the person for helping me / thank sb. for doing sth. 4.想知道关于would like to know about .5.盼望你的回复/盼望做某事 look forward to your reply / look forward to doing sth. 6. 早点儿醒来wake up earlier 7.匆匆忙忙做某事 (2种)rush to do sth./ be in a rush to do 9. 按时到校 get to school on time 9.一个做某事的好选择a good choice to do sth.10.你能告诉我去哪个地方对我来说会是个不错的选择吗?Could you tell me which place would be a good choice for me to go to?11.第一次遇见某人meet someone for the first


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