九年级英语全册 Unit 4 Space Lesson 12 The Spaceship教案 (新版)北师大版.doc

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Unit 4 SpaceLesson 12 The spaceshipv 教材分析本课是北师大版初中英语九年级教材第四单元12课,是一节阅读课,本课是一篇科幻类文章,本课围绕着“太空的生活”这一话题,文章描述了一个外星人想要控制整个星球,通过对小狗Oscar的控制,想要攻击主人公Billy, 而Billy在无意之中打掉了小狗Oscar耳朵里的外星人,使Oscar不再受控制。这是一篇关于星球的小故事,情节的设定较为简单,便于学生理解,从而也可以激发学生学习英语的兴趣。通过阅读训练学生的推断能力,理解这个故事的真正含义。 教学目标【知识目标】通过阅读获取有关外星人的信息。【能力目标】根据获取的信息,运用学到的词汇和语言复述故事。【情感目标】勇于探索科学和未知事物。 教学重难点【教学重点】1. 根据课文内容给图片排序。2. 从阅读的篇章里推断文中信息。【教学难点】根据获取的信息,运用学到的词汇和语言复述故事。 课前准备1.课前准备:调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等; 2.教具学具:光盘、大卡片等。 教学过程Step1. Warm-up1. Show the students two pictures and ask two questionsHave you ever read these books?Do you believe there are aliens or not?2. Ask students questions.Do you think :We will go to another planet?We will ever meet alien life?You will go into space?Step2. Reading1. Introduce the two main characters in the story, Billy and Oscar. 2. Guide students to look through 4 pictures and talk about the pictures with the students. Teach the new words and phrases relevant with the 4 pictures.3. Let the students read the text and put the pictures in the correct order. Ask students find out and underline the message in the text supporting the order.4. Teach students the concept of inference with detailed explanation.infer: to figure out something based on context or clues when its not directly said.5. Read the reading help. Then answer the questions on the right. Underline the clues in the text.6. Let students answer the questions about the information of the story. Get students to find the clues in the text supporting their answers.7. Read again and choose the best answer according to the text.8. Read loudly after the recording.9. Let students retell with the help of key words and pictures.Step3. Language points1. un-前缀加在名词,形容词,副词之前,unfinished(未完成的)undoubted(无疑的)unemployment(失业) 2. attack vt.& vi.攻击,进攻,抨击;n.攻击; 抨击; (队员等的)进攻;(疾病)侵袭e.g. Government planes attacked the town.be under attack 受到攻击3. wag vt.& vi.摇动,摇摆e.g. The dog was biting, growling and wagging its tail.wag the tail 摇动尾巴4. knock vt.(心)怦怦跳; 把撞击成(某种状态); 批评e.g. She accidentally knocked the tea tin off the shelf.knock sb. to the ground 把某人撞到地上Step4. Speaking1. Let students make a discussion about aliens.Do you think people on Earth will be controlled by creatures from other planets one day? Why?2. Students imagine they can see some aliens in a spaceship. Then discuss in small groups.Students:ask them how they came to Earth.ask them about life on their planet.tell them about Earth and what life is like here.Example:A: I think Ill ask them how they came to Earth.B: Thats a good idea. / I dont think its a good idea. I think its better to tell them where we are from.3. Role-play aliens and people on Earth with another group.Example:People: Hello! Can you speak English?Aliens: Yes, we can. Where are we?People: Youre on Earth. How did you get here?Step5. Homework1. Read the text at least 3 times.2. Write down your dialogue.略

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