八年级英语下册 Module 8 Time off Unit 2 We thought somebody was moving about基础知识回顾课时作业 外研版.doc

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八年级英语下册 Module 8 Time off Unit 2 We thought somebody was moving about基础知识回顾课时作业 外研版.doc_第1页
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八年级英语下册 Module 8 Time off Unit 2 We thought somebody was moving about基础知识回顾课时作业 外研版.doc_第2页
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八年级英语下册 Module 8 Time off Unit 2 We thought somebody was moving about基础知识回顾课时作业 外研版.doc_第3页
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Unit2Wethoughtsomebodywasmovingabout.基础知识回顾.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1.Please wake(唤醒) me up at 6:00 tomorrow morning because I have to catch the early bus.2.From my school to the hospital there is only three kilometres/kilometers(千米).3.Plenty of exercise will help you keep in shape(形状).4.The man tried his best to pull(拉) the girl out of the water.5.I saw them walk down the path(小路) hand by hand.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空eout,wake.up,pull.off,looklike,make a noise1.The girl is tall and thin,and shelookslikeher mother.2.I think it is better towakehimup,or he will be late for the meeting.3.These naughty kids havepulledall the flowersoffthe plants.4.The stars willeoutas soon as it gets dark.5.You mustntmakea noisein the reading room.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.The boy promises to study(study) hard at English from now on.2.Look!The clouds are in different shapes(shape).3.He pulled(pull) a leaf off the tree and put it into his mouth.4.I think those monkeys really look like humans(human).5.In the forest they found two paths(path).综合能力提升.单项填空(B)1.I amtoday,so I have time to have a picnic with my friends.A.onB.offC.forD.with(D)2.Jason likes the of the cake.It is a heart.A.colourB.sizeC.smellD.shape(C)3.Speakaloud,please!I can hear you.A.usuallyB.almostC.hardlyD.nearly(A)4.I like the jacket very much,but it isdear.A.much tooB.too muchC.very muchD.too many(A)5.Why not e and join us in the game?.But I must go to meet Mr Smith at the airport.A.Id like toB.Lets goC.Yes,pleaseD.Its a pleasure.补全对话Henry:Jiuzhaigou is well-known across the world.1.GBelly:Jiuzhaigou means Nine Stockades Canyon.It is a nature preserve(保护区).Henry:Oh,very interesting.2.EBelly:Well,this preserve has 60,000 hectares of primitive forest(原始森林) with species earlier thought to be extinct.Henry:3.ABelly:Yes.It is called a fair land because it is covered with green trees,carpets of flowers,lakes and waterfalls.Henry:4.CBelly:Well,its most famous for its waterscape and primitive forests.Henry:5.DBelly:Autumn.At that time,manytrees,bushes and grass turn red or yellow.It will be a sea of colours.A.It is worthy of adventures.B.You know a lot about it,dont you?C.What is the most typical scenery in Jiuzhaigou?D.Which season is the best for people to visit here?E.Can you tell me more about it?F.What was the last preserve about?G.What does Jiuzhaigou mean in Chinese?.完形填空Thousands of years ago,human didnt live in towns.Sometimes they would live in caves or build camps in the forest.Only about thirty people1in each camp.The men would go hunting while the women and children2food from the trees around the camp.All the food was3between everyone in the group.Every few weeks they moved to another place to find more food.It was a simple life,but people had to be4.They had to make everything that they needed,and they had to know a lot about plants and animals.Nowadays most people live in towns and cities,and they work in offices and factories.Life is5than in the old days.There are fewer6,but there is less excitement.Some people go7excitementsailing around the world,climbingmountains,or exploring caves.Most people look forward to the8,a time when they can enjoy a change from their normal life.For some this means going camping.But camping today is9from camping in the past.Gascookers,readymade food and air-beds mean people camp much more10than they did in the old times.(A)1.A.livedB.talkedC.cameD.danced(B)2.A.plantedB.collectedC.watchedD.bought(C)3.A.foundB.usedC.sharedD.sold(D)4.A.politeB.kindC.carefulD.clever(C)5.A.worseB.fasterC.easierD.harder(A)6.A.dangersB.storiesC.peopleD.animals(B)7.A.waiting forB.looking forC.turning onD.putting on(D)8.A.dreamsB.giftsC.mealsD.holidays(B)9.A.awayB.differentC.freeD.far(C)10.A.slowlyB.terriblyCfortablyD.hopefully.阅读理解Last summer I spent some time off with my mother in Beidaihe.We stayed there from July 15th to August 5th.It is really a wonderful place.It is one of the most famous summer resorts(避暑胜地) in China.The buildings there are tidy,with some trees and flowers around them.It is famous for its beaches,so lots of tourists from all over the world go there every year.There are many interesting places,such as the Olympic Park,theGeziwo Park and the Tiger Rock Park.In the Olympic Park,there are some athletes statues(运动员的雕像) and champions fingerprints and footprints.Everything in the park is about Olympics.TheGeziwo Park bees famous because it is one of the best places to watch the sunrise.Thousands of people go to watch the sunrise every day.People can also see different kinds of birds.We enjoyed ourselves there.Weare hoping for the next holiday.(C)1.How long did the writer stay in Beidaihe?A.A month.B.15 days.C.21 days.D.25 days.(D)2.What is Beidaihe famous for?A.Tidy buildings.B.The trees and flowers there.C.Some interesting parks.D.The beaches there.(B)3.How many places are mentioned in Beidaihe?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.(B)4.What cant people see in the Olympic Park?A.Athletes statues.B.Athletes photos.C.Champions fingerprints.D.Champions footprints.(C)5.Why is the Geziwo Park so famous?A.Because it is the symbol of Beidaihe.B.Because many people like to go there.C.Because it is a good place to watch the sunrise.D.Because there are lots of birds.

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