七年级英语上册 Module 2 My family Unit 2 These are my parents(第1课时)教案 (新版)外研版.doc

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七年级英语上册 Module 2 My family Unit 2 These are my parents(第1课时)教案 (新版)外研版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Module 2 My family Unit 2 These are my parents(第1课时)教案 (新版)外研版.doc_第2页
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Unit 2These are my parents.Teaching modelReading and writing.Teaching aims1To learn and understand the words about jobs2To talk about family members jobs.Teaching aidsTape recorder,multimedia.Teaching steps第一课时(Activity 1Activity 3)Step 1:Warming up and leadin1Show a picture of a family or a family tree,each family member wearing a different working uniform.2Ask students to introduce the family by using the expressions in Unit 1.3Ask students some questions about family members jobs.What does he/she do?Jobs :doctor,nurse,hotel manager,teacher,driver,actor4Show the pictures of different jobs and working places and ask students to match.Places:hospital,hotel,school,bus station,theatreStep 2:Prereading1Ask students to read the words and expressions in Activity 1.2Ask students to label the places with words and expressions.3Check the answers.Keys:ahospital;bbus station;ctheatre;dschool;epolice station;fhotel4Have the students read the words and expressions in Activity 2 and look at the pictures,and then label the people with the words and expressions in Activity 1.5Check the answers.Keys:anursesbbus drivercactordteacherepolicemanfmanagerStep 3:Reading1Play the recording of Activity 3 and let students listen to the tape carefully.2Play the tape,ask students to listen and repeat.Pay attention to the pause and intonation.3Ask students to read the passage,work in pairs and find out the difficulties.4Explain the difficulties to the students.5Ask students to read through the passage.6Read and answer:(1)Bettys parents work in a _.(2)Linglings mother and Damings mother are_.(3)Tonys father is a _,his mother is a _.(4)Damings father is a _.(5)Linglings father is a _.Keys:(1)theatre(2)nurses(3)manager(4)teacher(5)policeman(6)bus driver7Let students write the letters of the pictures in Activity 1 to finish Activity 3.8Check the answers:(1)These are Bettys parents._(2)These are Linglings mother and Damings mother._(3)This is Tonys father._(4)This is Tonys mother._(5)This is Damings father._(6)This is Linglings father._Keys:c a f d e bStep 4:Homework1Learn the new words by heart.2Read the passage in groups.3Finish off the workbook exercises.Blackboard DesignUnit 2These are my parents.(Activity 1Activity 3)hospital(doctor,nurse)hotel(manager)theatre(actor)school(teacher)bus station(bus driver)police station(policeman)

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