福建省2019年中考英语总复习 第14课时 九上 Unit 2练习 (新版)仁爱版.doc

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第14课时九年级上册Unit 2.选择填空1(xx山西中考)Reading the first of each paragraph before you read the whole text helps you get the main idea quickly. Aletter Bword Csentence 2(xx广东汕头龙湖模拟改编)The story is so amazing! Its the most interesting story Ive ever read. But Im afraid it wont be liked by . Aeverybody Bsomebody Canybody3(xx山西中考)If one of your friends sends you a message to borrow money on the Internet, youd better phone him first to make sure of that.Arecently Bdirectly Cfinally 4(2019原创)We are required our cars outside the park and walk into the park.Apark Bparking Cto park5(xx江苏丹阳模拟改编)The three cities have reached a(n) on Ningzhenyang Integration.What exciting news!Aagreement Bdevelopment Ctreatment 6(xx山西中考)Except for working hard, we should give more attention to proper exercise and enough sleep. , health always es first.AFor example BAfter all CSo far 7(2019原创)Hello everyone! Im your today. I will show you around the Mount Huangshan.Aactor Bwaiter Cguide8(xx山东东营中考改编)The government is trying to protect the environment now.Yeah. It is reported that some factories will be soon.Aset up Bshut off Cgiven up9(xx山东青岛李沧一模改编)Nowadays some made in China are both good and cheap, such as Xiaomi mobile phones, Haier fridges and Lenovo puters.Atools Bproducts Cmaterials10(2019原创)Its difficult for us to find the place where my mother lived 30 years ago, because it has changed.Aslowly Bpletely Cluckily .完形填空(xx福建中考)Jadav Payeng is a forestry worker from Jorhat, India. Over the past 38 years, he has planted trees on a sandbar(沙洲) of the Brahmaputra River and has 1 it into a forest.One day in 1979, 16yearold Payeng was walking 2 the bank of the Brahmaputra River. He saw many snakes on the sandbars. These snakes died in a few days time 3 the heat and the absence of trees. Payeng felt very 4 when he saw this. He decided to plant some trees. Singlehandedly, he started planting bamboo trees, as only bamboo trees could survive(存活) in the sandbars.To water the trees was a difficult 5 for one man. With his hard work and great effort, day by day the 6 bamboo trees grew into a forest. His tree planting has changed the soil(土壤). Now the sandbar is a thick forest and 7 to thousands of plants and animals. A large group of around 100 elephants visit the forest every year and 8 there for a few months.Payeng is now in 9 fifties. He has planted close to 1,400 acres(英亩) of forests and is 10 as the Forest Man of India. In xx, he was honored with Padma Shri, one of the top awards in India.1A.divided Bput Cturned2A.along Bthrough Cacross3A.according to Bbecause of Cas for4A.lonely Bsad Ctired5A.task Bjourney Ccondition6A.wild Btall Cyoung7A.way Bguide Chome8A.stay Blie Csit9A.her Bhis Cits10A.invited Bserved Cknown.阅读理解(xx福建泉州质检)Dont throw away your old phones. You are actually throwing away real gold! Smart phones contain many useful metals. People can recycle them to make new electronics(电子器件)But many people may not know this. In Australia there are more than 25 million unused mobile phones lying around, Sydney morning Herald reported. The gold in these phones can add up to a value of more than $80 million. There are about 2 billion smartphone users around the world, and they change their phone once every 11 months on average(平均). So in China, 80 million old phones e along every year.Smartphones contain not only useful things, but also harmful materials. Guiyu, a small town in Shantou, Guangdong, is one of the worlds biggest dumping grounds for electronic waste. Many recycling centers in Guiyu simply break the old electronics by hand and dont think about the pollution it causes. According to a local government report, 81 percent of the children in Guiyu are harmed by lead(铅) poisoning.However, its not very easy to get the useful things out of the phones. Smartphones contain not only useful things, but also harmful materials. Guiyu, a small town in Shantou, Guangdong, is one of the worlds biggest dumping grounds for electronic waste. Reuter reported. Many recycling centers in Guiyu simply break the old electronics by hand and dont think about the pollution it causes. It is reported that 81 percent of the children in Guiyu are harmed by lead poisoning(铅中毒)Veena Sahajwalla, a professor at an Australian university, has made a mini factory. It makes smartphone recycling cleaner and easier. The mini factory is very small and easy to move around. It breaks the phones and automatically(自动地) removes the phones useful things. In that way, humans do not get poisoned.Well, have you ever wondered what happens to the old phone after its no longer yours? A part of your old smartphone could soon be proudly worn around the neck of one of the worlds top athletes. Organizers of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics say that medals for the event will be made from recycled phones. They will also be made out of peoples thoughts for avoiding waste. They think there is an important message in this for the future. 1The underlined word “this” refers to the fact that .Aold phones can be recycled Bpeople change phones often Cfew people can afford smartphonesDmany old phones are thrown away every year2From paragraph 3, we know a dumping ground is a place where people .Acare for childrenBsell smartphonesCkeep the wasteDproduce electronics 3Why do many children in Guiyu get poisoned by lead? AThere are a lot of smartphone users in Guiyu. BGuiyu is polluted by electronic waste.CPeople in Guiyu use machines to recycle electronics.DGuiyu has the worlds biggest smartphone factory.4Which is TRUE about Veena Sahajwallas factory?AIts so big that it cant be moved around.BIt produces 80 millions smartphones every year. CSmartphone recycling there is cleaner and easier.DThe workers there break the old electronics by hand. 5What does the writer want to tell us in the last paragraph?AThe top athletes will get smartphones in the 2020 Olympics. BThe people in Tokyo will be proud of 2020 Olympics. CThere are many harmful materials in smartphones. DIts significant to recycle electronic waste. .情景交际根据情景提示,完成下列各题。1(2019原创)医生想知道你这种情况持续多久了,可以这样问: .2(2019原创)爸爸告诉你,并不是每个人都喜欢看电视,可以这样说: .3(2019原创)你号召同学们成为更环保的人,可以这样说: !4(2019原创)你想告诉朋友破坏规则的人会受到惩罚,可以这样说:People .5(2019原创)你想让朋友和你一起去捡垃圾,可以这样问: ?参考答案.15 CABCA610 BCBBB.15 CABBA610 CCABC.ACBCD.1.How long have you been like this2Not everybody likes watching TV3Lets be greener people4who break the rules will be punished5Shall we pick up rubbish together

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