2019-2020年高考英语总复习 Unit12 强化演练知能闯关 北师大版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语总复习 Unit12 强化演练知能闯关 北师大版必修4.品句填词1You will not give _(小费) because there is no waiter.答案:tip2The secretary has already _(预订)seats on the plane.答案:booked3Last year we doubled our staff and increased our work _(工作量)by three times.答案:load4I must offer her an _(道歉) for not going to her party.答案:apology5Its bad _(礼貌)to chew with your mouth open.答案: manners6The _(大多数) of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.答案:majority7The black clouds _(表明) that it will rain soon.答案:indicate8Ill _(交换) my apple for your orange.答案:exchange9He _(低语)a word to her.答案:whispered10Her eyes _(盯,凝视)at what was left of the brothers dinner on the table.答案:stared.选词填空manner,consider,forgive,see.off,insist on,at least,bring an end to,absorb,expect,request1He _ it a great honour to be invited to the party.答案:considered2Its bad _ to talk with your mouth full.答案:manners3I have _ you for what you have done to them.答案:forgiven4My _ is that interest rates will go up.答案:expectation5He was _ in his conversation,not paying much attention to the road.答案:absorbed6He was present at the party at the _ of his manager.答案:request7The chairman finally _ the meeting.答案:brought an end to8Its cost _ 500 dollars.答案:at least9I went to the station to _ him _.答案:see;off10She kept _ her innocence.答案:insisting on.情景交际1(xx高考课标全国卷)Artistic people can be very difficult sometimes.Well,you married one._.AYou name itBIve got itCI cant agree moreDYou should know解析:选D。考察情景交际。句意:艺术家有时挺难相处的。嗯,你嫁给了一个艺术家,应该是了解的。根据题意应选D。A.You name it全部说出来;B.Ive got it我明白了;C.I cant agree more我完全同意。2(xx江苏启东中学测试)Do you mind if I close the window?_.We should let in more fresh air.AYes,go aheadBOf course notCI would like to close itDId appreciate it if you didnt解析:选D。句意:“你介意我关上窗户吗?”“如果你不关的话我会很感激你。我们应该让更多的新鲜空气进来。”go ahead“行”;of course not“当然不(介意)”;I would like to close it“我愿意关上”;均表示赞同。只有D项符合题意。3(xx安庆一模)I think the Internet is playing an important role in our daily life.Dont you think so?Yes._.AGreat minds think alikeBEarly birds catch wormsCFacts speak louder than wordsDNo pains,no gains解析:选A。考查交际用语和谚语。根据答语中的Yes可知,答话人同意对方的观点,所以用“Great minds think alike”表示“英雄所见略同”。B项“早起的鸟儿有虫吃(近水楼台先得月)”;C项“事实胜于雄辩”;D项“不劳无获”。4(xx福建厦门联考)What noise outside!_.Ill close the doors and the windows.Now,lets go on.ANot at allBThats rightCAll right DNever mind解析:选D。not at all“不用谢”;thats right“你说对了”;all right“行,好吧”;never mind“没关系”。根据上下文选D项。5I didnt do well in the last English contest.How about you?_.AIll do better next time BEven worseCA lot better DI like English,though解析:选B。句意:“我上次英语竞赛成绩不好。你怎么样?”“(我的)更糟糕。”根据上下文,只有B项符合题意。.语法专练本单元语法动词的ing形式和不定式1Do you mind _ alone at home?AJacks being left BJack leavingCJack having left DJack to be left解析:选A。mind后跟动词ing形式作宾语,且Jack和leave之间为被动关系,故用其被动形式。2After a months training of working long hours in the desert,we are made pletely used _ in the open air.Ato eat Bto eatingCof eating Deat解析:选B。句意:经过在沙漠中一个月的数小时工作训练之后,我们已经完全习惯于在户外吃饭了。used to eating是过去分词作主语补足语,意为“习惯于”。3I cant help _ sorry because I cant help _ anything for you.Afeel;do Bfeeling;doingCfeel;doing Dfeeling;do解析:选D。此题考查非谓语动词作宾语的用法区别。cant help doing意为“不禁做”,cant help(to)do sth.意为“不能帮助”。句意:我不禁感到遗憾因为我不能帮你做任何事。4He appreciated very much _ to the mittee by the vice president.Ato be appointed Bto appointCbeing appointed Dappointing解析:选C。appreciate doing sth.感激做某事;appoint sb.to sth.任命某人为,appoint和he之间存在被动关系,故应用being appointed。5I really like this song as it is often heard _ everywhere in China.Asinging BsungChaving sung Dto sing解析:选B。as引导的原因状语从句的主语为it,即歌曲,与sing构成被动关系,即“歌被唱”,故应用过去分词。6(xx西安八校联考)Most students expect _ more review classes before the exams.Ait to be Bthere to beCthat to be Dto be解析:选B。考查非谓语动词。句意:在考试之前,大多数学生期待有更多的复习课。动词expect后通常接动词不定式作宾语或接复合宾语。因此表示“期待有某种情况”就用“expect there to be sth.”结构。7If you are found _ in the schoolyard,you _ by the teachers.Asmoking;are blamedBsmoke;are punishedCsmoking;are to blameDsmoking;are to punish解析:选C。find sb.doing sth.发现某人正在做某事;be to blame应受责备,用主动形式表被动,故选C。8_ in time,little Franz was afraid _ scolded.ANot having e;of beingBHaving not e;to beCHaving not e;of beingDNot having e;to being解析:选A。现在分词完成式的否定式应用not having done结构,A项和D项可能正确。而of为介词,后应跟动词ing形式,如果选D项则后一空应用to be。9Having been attacked by terrorists,_.Adoctors came to their rescueBthe tall building collapsedCan emergency measure was takenDwarnings were given to tourists解析:选B。现在分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语就是句子的主语,被恐怖分子袭击的不可能是an emergency measure(紧急措施)或者warnings(警告),也不可能是doctors,因为医生是来救援的,只能是the tall building。10(xx南京模拟)_the working efficiency,the boss allows the employees to have a coffee break.AImproving BTo improveCHaving improved DImproved解析:选B。考查非谓语动词的用法。根据题意可知,这里应用动词不定式表示目的。句意:为了提高工作效率,老板允许职工喝杯咖啡休息一下。A卷.单项填空1(xx兖州高三检测)I found him sitting in his chair,pletely _a magazine.AabsorbingBbeing absorbed inCabsorbed in Dabsorbing in解析:选C。考查absorb的用法。(be) absorbed in (put ones heart into)专注于;全神贯注于。句意为:我发现他坐在他的座位上,全神贯注地看一本杂志。2(xx皖南八校高三联考)If it had rained even a drop,things would be much better now and the crops in the fields _.Awouldnt die Bdidnt dieChadnt died Dwouldnt have died解析:选D。句意“如果天哪怕下一滴雨,情况比现在会好些,地里的庄稼也不会死”。很明显,本题考查虚拟语气,对过去的虚拟,主句用would have done。3How about the book you are reading now?Excellent indeed.You can find many problems we have e across _ in it.Acovered BcoveringCare referred Dreferred解析:选A。句意“你现在正读的那本书怎么样?真的非常好,你会发现我们遇到的许多问题都包含其中”。we have e across是定语从句,修饰many problems。本题考查的是find sth.done结构,problems和cover之间构成被动关系。4I hadnt seen him for 10 years but I _ him at first sight.Arealized Bspotted Cwatched Dobserved解析:选B。本题考查动词辨析。realize意识到;实现;spot发现;认出;watch注视;看;observe观察。句意:虽然我已经10年没有见他了,但我第一眼就认出了他。故只有B项符合句子需要。5(xx北京东城区示范校高三模拟)To go abroad to study,you should_master the language.Aat most Bat latestCat least Dat last解析:选C。at most至多;at latest最迟;at last最终。at least意为“至少”,符合句意“到国外读书,你最起码要掌握那种语言”。6During the summer of xx,I was a maid in service at a large house_to a gentleman_Major Donthorne.Abelonged;calling Bbelongs;calledCwere belonged;calling Dbelonging;called解析:选D。第一空belong与名词house为主动关系,所以用belonging作定语;第二空call与名词gentleman为被动关系,所以用called作定语。句意为:xx年的夏季,我是佣人,在一所大房子里做事,这房子属于一位先生,叫Major Donthorne。7People have always been _ about how living things on the earth exactly began.Astrange Bamusing CcuriousDconscious解析:选C。be curious about sth.意为“ 对某事好奇”。8Is your brother going camping?Hes signed up but hes considering_.Anot to go Bnot goingCnot go Dagainst going解析:选B。consider后接动名词作宾语,在动名词前加not表示否定。9The bell_the end of the period rang,_our heated discussion.Aindicating;interrupting Bindicated;interruptingCindicating;interrupted Dindicated;interrupted解析:选A。indicating the end of the period这个现在分词短语作bell的定语;interrupting our heated discussion这个分词短语作伴随状语,起补充说明作用,这两个词与主语bell是主谓关系,所以都用现在分词形式。记住,一个句子没有and,but这种连词连接的话只能出现一个动词性质的词来作谓语,多出来的动词只能转换成分词形式,比如这里rang是中心动词,所以interrupt和indicate只能变成现在分词。10It is reported that three students were_in the unexpected accident.Ainjured BwoundedCcut Dharmed解析:选A。injure主要指意外事故中损害健康、容貌等,强调功能的损失。句意为:据报道有三名学生在突如其来的事故中受伤。11To the readers disappointment,the leading article in this issue of the magazine is_rubbish.Aa load of Ba great manyCmany a Da number of解析:选A。a load of可以修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词。其他选项只能修饰可数名词。句意为:这期杂志上的主要文章废话连篇,使读者大失所望。12Danis is_writing a new novel and has no eye for his wife and children.Aoccupied to Bbusied forCabsorbed in Dengaged with解析:选C。be absorbed in doing sth.意为“全神贯注干某事”,其他选项搭配错误。13In order to avoid_by the parents,the boy decided not to tell the truth to his parents.Ascolded Bto scoldCscolding Dbeing scolded解析:选D。avoid,admit,mind等动词用动词ing形式作宾语,又因为表示被动,所以用ing的被动形式。句意为:为了避免被父母责骂,这个男孩决定不将真相告诉他的父母。14This kind of food product is natural,with no_flavors added.Aaccurate BregularCsensitive Dartificial解析:选D。artificial人造的;regular有规律的;accurate精确的;sensitive敏感的。句意为:这种食品是天然的,没有添加人造香料。15I forgot to carry my cellphone,could I use yours?_.AI wonder how BI dont wonderCSorry,its out of order DNo wonder,here it is解析:选C。常见的拒绝请求和邀请的应答语有:Sorry,but./Id rather you./Thank you,but./No way等。.完形填空Words:272难度系数:建议用时:16分钟(xx高考大纲全国卷)It was a busy morning,about 830,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital.I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for an appointment (约会) at 930.The nurse had him take a_1_in the waiting area,_2_ him it would be at least 40 minutes _3_someone would be able to see him.I saw him_4_his watch and decided,since I was_5_busymy patient didnt _6_at the appointed hour,I would examine his wound.While taking care of his wound,I asked him if he had another doctors appointment.The gentleman said no and told me that he_7_to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his_8_.He told me that she had been _9_for a while and that she had a special disease.I asked if she would be _10_if he was a bit late.He replied that she_11_knew who he was,that she had not been able to_12_ him for five years now.I was_13_,and asked him,“And you_14_go every morning,even though she doesnt know who you are?”He smiled and said,“She doesnt know me,but I know who she is.” I had to hold back_15_as he left.Now I_16_that in marriages,true love is_17_of all that is.The happiest people dont_18_have the best of everything;they just_19_the best of everything they have._20_isnt about how to live through the storm,but how to dance in the rain.1. AbreathBtestCseat Dbreak解析:选C。护士让老人在候诊区找个座位坐下。take a seat就座。2. Apersuading BpromisingCunderstanding Dtelling解析:选D。(护士)“告诉”(telling)老人,因为他事先没有和医生预约,因此,至少要等40分钟才可能轮到医生给他治疗。3. Aif BbeforeCsince Dafter解析:选B。before“在之前”。句中含“it will be时间段before”结构,表示“过才”。4. Ataking off BfixingClooking at Dwinding解析:选C。“我”看到老人“看”(looking at)表,于是临时作出了一个决定。5. Avery BalsoCseldom Dnot解析:选D。由于和“我”预约的病人“没有”(not)在预约的时间到达,于是“我”决定先给老人诊治。6. Aturn up Bshow offCe on Dgo away解析:选A。turn up“出现,露面”。7. Aneeded BforgotCagreed Dhappened解析:选A。老人告诉“我”他“需要”(needed)去养老院。8. Adaughter BwifeCmother Dsister解析:选B。他要和老伴儿一起吃早餐。9. Alate BwellCaround Dthere解析:选D。他告诉“我”,因为老伴儿有病,已经在养老院(there)住了一段时间了。10. Alonely BworriedCdoubtful Dhungry解析:选B。“我”问他要是他晚去一会儿,他的老伴儿会不会着急(worried)。11. Aso far BneitherCno longer Dalready解析:选C。老人回答说,她再也(no longer)不知道他是谁了。12. Arecognize BanswerCbelieve Dexpect解析:选A。他说,他的老伴儿已有5年都认不出(recognize)他了。13. Amoved BdisappointedCsurprised Dsatisfied解析:选C。这种情况使“我”感到非常惊讶(surprised)。14. Aonly BthenCthus Dstill解析:选D。“我”问老人,“尽管她认不出你是谁,可是你仍旧(still)每天早晨去看她?”15. Acuriosity BtearsCwords Djudgment解析:选B。老人笑着回答:“她不认识我,可是我认识她呀。”老人执著的爱深深地打动了“我”。当老人从医院离开时,“我”不得不控制自己即将涌出的“泪水(tears)”。16. Arealize BsuggestChope Dprove解析:选A。现在,“我”终于认识(realize)到了婚姻中爱的真谛。17. Aagreement BexpressionCacceptance Dexhibition解析:选C。在婚姻生活中,真正的爱就是包容(acceptance)一切。18. Anecessarily BpletelyCnaturally Dfrequently解析:选A。最幸福的人未必拥有最美好的东西。not necessarily“未必”。19. Alearn BmakeCfavor Dtry解析:选B。最幸福的人只是善于充分利用他们拥有的一切。20. AAdventure BBeautyCTrust DLife解析:选D。生活(life)不是如何经历暴风雨,而是如何在雨中跳舞。.阅读理解Words:343难度系数:建议用时:8分钟(Mr.Jones,the owner of a farm,was one day driven out of the farm by all the animals he raised.The animals were excited to be free and independent.More importantly,they were masters of their own and,of course,their farm.The animals made seven rules of their own and Snowball painted them on the wall.)THE SEVEN MANDMENTS1Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.2Whatever goes upon four legs,or has wings,is a freind.3No animal shall wear clothes.4No animal shall sleep in a bed.5No animal shall drink alcohol.6No animal shall kill any other animal.7All animals are equal.It was very neatly written,and except that “friend”was written “freind” and one “S” was the wrong way round;the spelling was correct all the way through.Snowball read it aloud for the benefit of the others.All the animals nodded in plete agreement,and the cleverer ones at once began to learn the mandments by heart.“Now,rades,”cried Snowball,throwing down the paintbrush,“to the hayfield! Let us make it a point of honor to get in the harvest more quickly than Jones and his men could do.”But at this moment the three cows,who had seemed uneasy for some time past,let out a loud lowing.They had not been milked for twentyfour hours,and their udders were almost bursting.After a little thought,the pigs sent for buckets and milked the cows fairly successfully,their trotters(蹄子) being well adapted to this task.Soon there were five buckets of frothing creamy milk at which many of the animals looked with considerable interest.“What is going to happen to all that milk?”said someone.“Jones used sometimes to mix some of it in our food,”said one of the hens.“Never mind the milk,rades!”cried Napoleon,placing himself in front of the buckets.“That will be attended to.The harvest is more importantrade Snowball will lead the way.I shall follow in a few minutes.Forward,rades! The hay is waiting.”So the animals trooped down to the hayfield to begin the harvest,and when they came back in the evening it was noticed that the milk had disappeared.1Who is the leader of the animals?ASnowball.BJones.CNapoleon. DCows.解析:选C。Napoleon指挥动物们在Snowball的带领下去割草,并说它自己随后便会赶到,并且当它说了“Forward,rades!The hay is waiting.”这句话后,所有的动物都出发去割草了。由此可推知,它应该是动物们的头领。2When does the story take place?AIn spring. BIn summer.CIn fall. DIn winter.解析:选C。根据文章中Snowball说的“Now,rades,.to the hayfield!Let us.get in the harvest more.”可知,这是在秋天的收获季节。3What can we infer from the story?AThe animals are having a revolution.BThe animals are doing a play.CThe animals dont think they are equal.DThe animals will live a harmonious life.解析:选A。根据文章内容可知,动物们将饲养他们的主人Mr.Jones赶走,自己做了农场的主人,并制定了七条规定。因此A项正确。4Who is indicated as the animals enemy?AThe chicken. BThe human being.CThe cow. DThe pig.解析:选B。根据动物制定的七条规定可知,它们的敌人是人类。B卷.完形填空Words:314难度系数:建议用时:16分钟Sometimes,when Tom Krattenmaker and his 16yearold daughter,Holland,listen to rock music together and talk about pop culture,they both enjoy these _1_.Mr.Krattenmaker,from Pennsylvania,USA, _2_ his relationship with his parents when he was a teenager.“I would _3_ have said to my mom,Hey,this new album(专辑) is really greathow do you _4_ it?” he said,“There was just a plete gap in sensibility (情感) and _5_.”_6_ was not the only gap.From clothing and hairstyles to activities and expectations,earlier generations of parents and children often appeared to be in _7_ orbits.Today,the generation gap has not _8_,but it is being smaller in many families,according to reports.Parents today are more _9_ in appearance and attitudes.They also wear blue jeans and they have _10_ hair styles.Those who like sports also enjoy snowboarding and rock climbing with their children.The old authoritarian (权威主义的) method is giving _11_ to a more equal one.Parents will take the “e,let us _12_ together.” attitude _13_“Because I said so,thats why.”The _14_ can be a rewarding closeness among family members._15_that would have been awkward (尴尬的) on subjects _16_ sex and drugs now are fortable and mon between Western parents and children.Parents realize that children may have important thoughts or feelings that adults need to know._17_ greeting cards today carry the message,“To my mother,my best friend.”Family experts,however,worry that the new _18_ can also have downsides (不利方面) decreasing _19_ for parents as everyone has a say in the family and selfindulgence (任性) of the children as the _20_ moves to them.【解题导语】父母与孩子之间的代沟随着社会的发展正逐渐缩小,本文强调了父母与孩子相互沟通、相互尊重的重要性。1A.concertsBtalksCmoments Dcultures解析:选C。根据上下文,父女俩很享受他们在一起的时刻。2A.respected BremindedCcalled Drecalled解析:选D。根据下文Mr.Krattenmaker回想儿时与父母的关系可知答案。recall“回忆”,符合语境。3A.never BevenCalso Donce解析:选A。从第二段最后一句和第三段第一句可知答案。4A.think BlikeCreward Dvalue解析:选B。这里是询问对方的意见。“How do you like.?”意为“你认为怎么样”?5A.taste BeffortCdream Dability解析:选A。根据文章中提到的音乐可知两代人在品味方面有差别。6A.Sport BAlbumCClothing DMusic解析:选D。从第一、二段大意可知答案。7A.round BmonCseparate Dregular解析:选C。结合上下文以及单词orbits可知,以前的父母与孩子在很多方面都想不到一块儿去,就像两条永不相交的轨道。8A.existed BdiedCconfirmed Ddisappeared解析:选D。根据下文的being smaller可知,父母与孩子之间的代沟并没有消失。9A.beautiful ByouthfulCfriendly Dpractical解析:选B。从该空后的两句话可知现在的父母越来越年轻态了。10A.casual BoldCformal Dfunny解析:选A。从“wear blue jeans”可知,他们的发型也是休闲型的。11A.advice BwayCbirth Dhonor解析:选B。give way to.“为让路”,下文讲述了现在父母对待孩子不像以前那样用命令的语气了,而是越来越平等了。12A.play BworkCreason Dbehave解析:选C。文章讲的是现在父母与孩子一起商量,父母不像以前那样专制了。reason“思考”,符合语境。13A.instead of Bmore thanCin spite of Din case of解析:选A。instead of“代替”,符合文意。14A.cause BresultCfeeling Didea解析:选B。从“can be a rewarding closeness.”可知说的是一种结果。15A.Lectures BConversationsCTopics DInstructions解析:选B。从下文的subjects(话题)可知答案。16A.as well as Bapart fromCsuch as Drather than解析:选C。后面举例说明谈话所涉及的方面,故选such as。17A.No wonder BNo doubtCNow that DAs usual解析:选A。No wonder.“难怪”,指现在看到孩子寄贺卡,贺卡上写着“送给我的妈妈,我最好的朋友。”也就不奇怪了。18A.equality BfamilyCgeneration Dmessage解析:选A。这里指的是现在父母与子女之间的平等关系。19A.request BfreedomCrespect Dlevel解析:选C。从however可知,有人担心这种平等会削弱子女对父母的尊重。20A.worry BsituationCthought Dpower解析:选D。这里指子女现在拥有的权限与能力,故选power。.阅读理解AWords:364难度系数:建议用时:8分钟Mark Twain was a famous American writer.He wrote many stories and many of them were very funny.These stories are still read by many people all over the world.Besides writing,he also liked hunting and fishing very much,so one year he went to Maine (缅因州) for a holiday and spent three very pleasant weeks in the woods there.When he had to go back home,he went to the station with his baggage.There he asked a porter(搬运工)to put it into the train.Then he got into the smoking car and sat down in one of the fortable seats there.The car was empty when he got in,but a few minutes later,another man got in and sat down on the seat opposite his.Mark Twain looked at the man and thought that this man looked quite unpleasant.However,it would be impolite to say nothing in that situation,so he said good morning to the man,and they began to talk.First they talked about the heavy snow and then they talked about Maine.The stranger said,“We have some beautiful woods in Maine.It would be a pity to e to Maine without spending some time there.I suppose you have been in our woods,havent you?”“Yes,I have,”answered Mark Twai

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