四川省南充市2019中考英语二轮复习 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 九全 Units 7-8知识梳理+精练 人教新目标版.doc

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四川省南充市2019中考英语二轮复习 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 九全 Units 7-8知识梳理+精练 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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四川省南充市2019中考英语二轮复习 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 九全 Units 7-8知识梳理+精练 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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四川省南充市2019中考英语二轮复习 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 九全 Units 7-8知识梳理+精练 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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人教九年级(全)Units 78单元重点回顾类别课标考点要求重点单词1.license(licence)(n.)证;证件2.safety(n.)安全;安全性3.smoke(v.)吸烟;冒烟(n.)烟4.field(n.)田野;场地5.hug(n.& v.)拥抱;搂抱6.lift(v.)举起;抬高(n.)电梯;搭便车7.regret(v.& n.)感到遗憾;懊悔8.poem(n.)诗;韵文9munity(n.)社区;社团10.chance(n.)机会;可能性11.society(n.)社会12.support(v.& n.)支持13.choice(n.)选择;挑选14.truck(n.)卡车;货车15.picnic(n.)野餐16.rabbit(n.)兔;野兔17.noise(n.)声音;噪音18.policeman(n.)男警察19.wolf(n.)狼20.laboratory(n.)实验室21.suit(n.)西服;套装(v.)适合22.circle(n.)圆圈(v.)圈出23.leader(n.)领导;领袖24.purpose(n.)目的;目标25.energy(n.)力量;精力26.position(n.)位置;地方27.victory(n.)胜利;成功28.enemy(n.)敌人;仇人29.period(n.)一段时间;时期30.tiny(adj.)极小的;微小的31.awful(adj.)很坏的;讨厌的32.valuable(adj.)贵重的;很有用的;宝贵的33.sleepy(adj.)困倦的;瞌睡的34.medical(adj.)医疗的;医学的35.enter(v.)进来;进去36.manage(v.)完成(困难的事);应付(困难局面)37.attend(v.)出席;参加38.land(v.)着陆;降落39.express(v.)表示;表达40.receive(v.)接待;接受;收到41.prevent(v.)阻止;阻挠42.educate(v.)教育;教导词性转换1.safety(n.)安全safe(adj.)安全的safely(adv.)安全地2.hug(n.& v.)拥抱;搂抱hugged(过去式/过去分词)3.regret(v.)感到遗憾;懊悔regretted(过去式/过去分词)4.educate(v.)教育;教导education(n.)教育5.manage(v.) 完成;应付manager(n.)经理6.choice(n.)选择choose(v.)选择chose(过去式)chosen(过去分词)7.valuable(adj.)贵重的;很有用的;宝贵的value(n.)价值8.noise(n.)噪音noisy(adj.)嘈杂的9.policeman(n.)警察policemen(复数)10.wolf(n.)狼wolves(复数)11.laboratory(n.)实验室laboratories(复数)12.sleepy(adj.)疲惫的;困倦的sleep(v.) 睡觉13.express(v.)表达expression(n.)表达方式14.leader(n.) 领袖lead(v.)带领15.medical(adj.)医疗的;医学的medicine(n.)药16.victory(n.)胜利victories(复数)17.enemy(n.)敌人enemies(复数)18.cry(v.& n.)cried(过去式/过去分词)重点短语1.允许某人做某事allow sb.to do sth.2.一个15岁的男孩a fifteenyearold boy3.担心be worried aboutworry about4.对做某事感到兴奋be excited about doing sth.be excited to do sth.5.在田间奔跑run through the field6.待在我身旁stay by my side7.避免接近;远离keepaway from8.给某人一个拥抱give sb.a hug9.顶嘴;回嘴talk back10.遗憾做过某事regret doing sth.11.遗憾去做某事regret to do sth.12.自己做决定make ones own decision13.设法做成某事manage to do sth.14.有机会做某事have a chance/chances to do sth.15.挡的路;妨碍get in the way of16.感到疲倦的feel sleepy17.睡着了fall asleep18.追逐;追赶run after19.同时at the same time重点句子 1.I _dont_think_ sixteenyearolds _should_be_allowed_to_drive_.我认为十六岁的青少年不应该被允许开车。2.Do you think teenagers should be encouraged to _make_their_own_decisions_?你认为应该鼓励青少年自己做决定吗? 3.Teenagers are _too_ young _to_ make their own decisions.青少年太年轻不能自己做决定。4.Teenagers should not be allowed to _have_parttime_jobs_.青少年不应该被允许做兼职。5.When I was two _running_through_ the field,she made sure I was safe and _kept_ me _from_ danger.当我两岁在田间奔跑时,她确保我的安全,并让我远离危险。6.Do you think we _may_be_allowed_to_ take photos if we dont use a flash?你认为如果我们不用闪光灯有可能被允许拍照吗?If you dont use a flash,then it may be OK.如果你们不用闪光灯,那么也许可能被允许。7._Only_then_ will I have a chance to achieve my dream.只有那样,我才有机会实现我的梦想。8._Whose_ volleyball is this?这是谁的排球?It must be _Carlas_.She loves volleyball.肯定是卡拉的。她喜欢打排球。续表类别课标考点要求重点句子9. Whose hair band is this?这是谁的发带?It could be Meis hair band.Or it might _belong_to_ Linda.They both have long hair.可能是梅的发带。也可能是琳达的。她们都留长发。10.What did you see that night?那晚你看到了什么?I am not sure,but _it_cant_be_ a dog.It was bigger.I think _it_might_be_ a bear or a wolf.我不确定,但肯定不是一只狗。它比狗大。我想可能是一只熊或狼。11.My friends and I think _it_must_be_teenagers_having_fun_.我的朋友和我都认为一定是少年们在打闹。12.Why do you think the man is running?你认为那个人为什么要跑呢?He _could_be_running_ for exercise.他可能在跑步锻炼身体。语法1.含有should的被动语态(详见第二编P137)2.must,might,could及cant表推测(详见第二编P140P141)3.赞同与反对的表达话题Unit 7 Rules(规则)Unit 8 Mysteries(神秘的事物)单元重难点突破allow (九全册Unit 7 P49)【举例透析】My mother allows me to take the dog for a walk every weekend.我的妈妈允许我每周末遛狗。(允许某人做某事: allow_sb.to_do_sth.)Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke.青少年不应该被允许吸烟。(某人(不)应该被允许做某事: sb.should_(not)_be_allowed_to_do_sth.)(C)1.Hurry up! Once the concert starts,nobody _ to enter the concert hall.A.allows B.allowedC.is allowed D.is allowing(B)2.(xx云南中考)Our parents wont allow us _ in the river alone.A.swim B.to swimC.swimming D.swamprevent (九全册Unit 8 P62)【举例透析】They made these rules to prevent accidents.他们制定这些规则是为了防止事故的发生。(prevent为及物动词,其后常接名词或代词作宾语。)Nothing can prevent us from achieving our dreams. Nothing can stop/keep us from achieving our dreams.没有什么能阻止我们实现梦想。(阻止/防止某人做某事:prevent_sb.(from)_doing_sth.stop_sb.(from)_doing_sth.keep_sb._from_doing_sth.)1.健康饮食能帮助我们预防疾病。A healthy diet can help us _prevent_ _diseases_.2.我们必须防止孩子们吸烟,因为吸烟对他们的健康有害。We must _prevent/stop/keep_ children _from_ _smoking_ because its bad for their health.against (九全册Unit 7 P54)【举例透析】Most people are against the plan.大多数人反对这个计划。Were against cutting down too many trees.我们反对滥伐树木。(be against(doing) sth.意为“ 反对(做)某事”。)Its raining heavily outside and the rain was beating against the window.外面雨下得很大,雨水敲打着窗户。(此句中,against 意为“碰;撞”。)Our school basketball team is playing against a team from No.2 middle school.我们校篮球队正在与来自第二中学的一支球队打比赛。(此句中,play against意为 “对抗;与打比赛”。)1.尽管他反对我的观点,但他没有提出自己的观点。Although he _was_ _against_ my opinion,he didnt e up with his own.(C)2.(xx安徽中考)Our class are much sure to win the basketball game _ Class Three.A.of B.in C.against D.fromonly开头的倒装句 (九全册Unit 7 P54)【举例透析】Only then will_I have a chance to achieve my dream.只有那样,我才有机会实现我的梦想。(其正常句序为: I will have a chance to achieve my dream only then.)Only when you leave school will_you realize the importance of study.只有当你离开学校时,你才会意识到学习的重要性。(其正常语序为:You will realize the importance of study only when you leave school.)Only Jack was absent from school yesterday.昨天只有杰克没来学校。(注意在此句中,only修饰的是主语Jack,故不需要倒装。)总结:当only 位于句首,其后接副词、介词短语或状语从句时,句子要用部分倒装(助动词/be动词/情态动词主语其他)。1.只有用这种方式,你才能理解你的父母挣钱多么困难。Only in this way _can_ _you_ understand how hard your parents make money.(C)2.(xx兰州中考)Only yesterday _ find out that his purse was lost.A.he was B.was heC.did he D.he did高频话题写作指导做文明少年话题解读近年来,我国各地各学校以培养中学生“讲文明、懂规则、守秩序”为目的而举办的各种活动如雨后春笋般不断出现,全国各地中考也都关注到了这一现象,并融入到中考写作当中,既考查了学生的动笔写作能力,同时也从另外一个角度强化了学生在初中生活中遵守规则,行为文明的重要理念。在这个话题的写作中,主要从下面几个方面进行考查:1.遵守规则的倡议(如xx年湖北恩施);2.个人素养(如xx年内蒙古呼和浩特);3.各种活动(如xx年湖南邵阳“创卫活动”;xx年湖北随州“告别陋习,走向文明”);4.介绍一位模范人物(如xx年湖北黄冈“诚信”)等。多视野、多角度地围绕这个话题进行写作,学生们可以受到思想道德方面的良好教育。写作素材包常用作文开头语:1.As middle school students,we should know and obey the basic rules of the society.2.Yibin is our home,and we should do something good to show its beauty rather than something bad to make it dirty.(rather than宁可也不愿)【试一试】今天我想待在家而不去看电影。_Today_I_would_stay_at_home_rather_than_go_to_the_movies.3.My good friend Wang Ning is the most honest boy I know.常用作文中间语:1.First,when we are in a library,we should keep quiet.2.The rules are for every one of us.3.Then,we shouldnt speak loudly in public,especially on a bus.Some students often speak very loudly and that makes other people unfortable.(make sb./sth.adj.使某人/某事怎样)【试一试】这本书让我很感动。_This_book_makes_me_touched._4.Its not polite to spit in public places.5.He always keeps his promise so he is trusted by many people around.6.We are supposed to try our best to help others when they are in trouble.(be supposed to do sth.应该做某事)【试一试】即使在周末你们也不应该回家得太晚。_You_arent_supposed_to_get_home_too_late_even_on_weekends._7.Do not jump the queue.Its bad manners.常用作文结束语:1.If everybody can do these,we will have a much better life.2.Lets do it together to make the world bee more and more beautiful.3.As long as we obey these rules,we can have a happier life.典例剖析(原创题)中学生应该具备良好的文明素养,才符合社会发展的需求。作为东方市的一名小公民,我们应该做些什么,才能给城市增光添彩呢?请写一篇短文,说一说你的看法。短文应包含以下几个方面的要点:1.遵守交通规则,如过马路、上下公交车守秩序;2.公共场合爱护清洁卫生,不乱扔垃圾;3.礼貌待人,文明用语;4.合理补充其他内容。注意:词数90左右;语意通顺,意思连贯。【审题指导】这是一篇介绍规则的作文。写作时必须包含要求中提到的前三点,且要适当发挥,即要点共有4条。全文在写作时以一般现在时和含有情态动词的句式为主,以第一人称的口吻进行叙述。【写作导图】【参考范文】East City is our hometown.It is beautiful but still needs our caring.To make our city better,I think we should follow the traffic rules.Now some people often cross the streets with the red lights on.I think its very dangerous.We shouldnt do that any more.We should get on and off the bus in order.It is necessary.Also we must keep our city clean and tidy.We mustnt litter here and there.Its bad manners.We should speak politely to each other,and we can help others when they have trouble.If we can do all of the above,our society will be better and better.【名师点评】本文的亮点之处有:1.段落清楚,要点落实到位;2.情态动词使用准确,should(应该),must(必须)mustnt(不准)这几个词运用恰到好处;3.用词严谨,语言丰富多彩,如to make our city better(动词不定式作目的状语),with the red lights on(介词短语作伴随状语),notany more(不再)等等,使整篇文章生动形象。模拟写作(2019预测)诚信是社会进步的基石。我们需要更多讲诚信,重信誉的人和事,更要从自己做起,从现在做起。你的学校团委和德育处共同开展了一个评选学校诚信团员和诚信模范的活动。请你根据下面表格的提示,代表初三(2)班向学校申报赵杰同学的优秀事迹。热心公益乐于助人信守承诺成绩优异要求:1.短文应条理清楚,行文连贯,90词左右。2.短文中不能出现真实的姓名、学校名和地名。A_Model_StudentZhao Jie is a student from Class 2,Grade 9.He is known as a model student in our class.He often serves the public.Last Saturday,he took some of his friends to the old peoples home to clean the yard.He does this every month.Its helpful to the old people. In Class 2,he often helps us with our schoolwork.If he promises something,he will keep it.He works hard and gets very good grades.So everybody in our class likes him,including the teachers.We are proud to have such an excellent classmate!直 击 中 考一、 单项选择。(A)1.(xx通辽中考)Where are you going for your summer holidays?I _ go to Dalian.I havent decided.A.may B.need C.must D.have to(C)2.(xx乌鲁木齐中考)Can you go to the movies with me tonight?I have to ask my mum.If I _,I will go with you.A.allow B.allowedC.am allowed D.allowing(C)3.(xx玉林中考)Its said that the best way to relax is _ exercise.I see.But you should keep away _ dangerous sports.A.with;from B.for;offC.through;from D.through;by(C)4.(xx达州中考)Final exam is ing,Tom.Dont watch TV for too long.Im not a child any more.I _ what to do.A.should always be toldB.should always tellC.shouldnt always be toldD.shouldnt always tell(A)5.(xx乌鲁木齐中考)Look! Is the young lady wearing a blue dress Grace?No,it _ be her.She is picking up my sister at the airport.A.cant B.mustnt C.can D.must二、 完形填空。Rose was telling her granddaughter Lily stories about how she had written a bestselling _1_ in her early 30s.“Did you always know you wanted to be a _2_,Grandma?” asked Lily.Rose smiled at her granddaughter.“ I _3_ knew it on my first day of primary school.”“I felt like that on my first day of primary school too! It was singing.I used to be sure that I would be a singer,” said Lily.“Why used to,Lily?” Rose asked.“Well,” began Lily,“I _4_ be the best singer in the class.But there was a new girl ing to my class,and she was better at singing than I was.What was the point(意义) of _5_ as she was much better than me?”“You know,Lily,” Rose said,“Although I was the best at writing in primary and middle school,when I got into high school,I met a girl in my English class.She was always the best writer.I used to _6_ because of it,thinking that I was no longer the best writer:I was _7_.”“So what did you do?” Lily asked.“I did what any person would do.” said Rose.“I did everything to be better than her.”“Did you ever write better than her in your class?” Lily asked.“No.But I realized that it wasnt about being the best out of everyone,it was about being the very best that I could be.So I _8_ my love for writing,and look where I am now” Rose _9_.“Wow!” said Lily in surprise.“But whats that girl doing now?” “Who knows,but theres one thing I am _10_:she hasnt written a bestselling book yet.”(C)1.A.magazine B.newspaperC.book D.dictionary(B)2.A.singer B.writer C.teacher D.doctor(B)3.A.hardly B.already C.once D.get(A)4.A.used to B.tried toC.wanted to D.hoped to(D)5.A.working B.thinking C.making D.trying (C)6.A.change B.imagine C.cry D.smile(A)7.A.nobody B.somebodyC.anybody D.everybody(B)8.A.broke B.followed C.started D.ended(B)9.A.shouted B.smiled C.agreed D.cried(A)10.A.sure B.worriedC.satisfied D.interested三、(xx枣庄中考改编) 还原句子。阅读下面短文,把A、B、C、D四个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。Susie Sunbeam was not her real name,that was Susan Brown.But everyone called her Susie Sunbeam because of her such a sweet,smiling face.1._C_Her grandfather first gave her this name,and it seemed to fit the little girl so nicely that soon it took the place of her own.Even when a baby,Susie laughed from morning till night.2._B_When she had learned to walk,she loved to go about the house and get things for her mother,and in this way save her as many steps as she could.She would sit by her mothers side for an hour at a time,and ask her ever so many questions,or she would take her new book and read.3._A_ She never used an unkind word,but tried to do whatever would please her playmates best.One day,a poor little girl with a very ragged dress was going by and Susie heard some children teasing her and making fun of her.She at once ran out to the gate,and asked the poor little girl to e in.“What are you crying for?”Susie asked.“Because they all laughed at me,”she said.Then Susie took the little girl into the house.She cheered her up with kind words,and gave her a nice dress and a pair of shoes.This brought real joy and gladness to the poor child.4._D_A.Susie was always pleasant in her play with other children.B.No one ever heard her cry unless she was sick or hurt.C.She always brought brightness with her when she came.D.And she thought that Susie was rightly called Sunbeam.四、(xx天津中考改编)综合填空。阅读下面短文,根据单词、首字母、汉语和语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词,要求意义准确、拼写正确。How do we know the time? A clock,a watch or a cell phone can help us.However,many years ago there were no clocks and knowing the time was not so easy.Over the centuries people have developed different 1.ways_ of telling the time.About 5,500 years ago,the Egyptians 2._invented_(invent) the sun clock.This was a tall stone structure.Its shadow(影子) showed the movement of the 3.sun_.They were able to determine(测定) midday.About 3,500 years ago,the Egyptians made a sundial.It was smaller than the sun clock and could measure(测量) the time for half a day.On 4._cloudy_(cloud) days or at night it was impossible to tell the time with a sun clock or a sundial.Water clocks were the 5._first_(one) clocks not to use the sun.The idea is simple.Water flows(流动) from one container(容器)to 6._another_(另一个).When the water reaches a certain level it moves a lever(控制杆) and this shows the hours.The Egyptians used water clocks about 3,400 years ago.These clocks were 7. _popular_(流行的) in the Middle East and China but they failed to keep accurate(精确的) time.In the 13th century,the mechanical clock was invented.This was more accurate,8._but_ was expensive to make.Over the next few centuries it was developed.For example,springs(发条)were added around 1,500.This improved accuracy and allowed clocks to be 9._smaller_(small) than before.In 1927,the first quartz clock was developed.Clocks became cheaper to build and own.People began depending on them more and more to run businesses,markets and so on.More recently,in 1956,came the digital clock.And nowadays satellites(人造卫星)send our cell phones the time to the exact second.There has been a lot of progress in timekeeping but some things never 10.change_.Many of us still have trouble getting out of bed on time and not missing appointments.五、(xx重庆中考B卷改编)完成句子。阅读下面短文,根据题后要求完成句子。Reading is fun.When you read,would you like a paper book or an ebook(电子书)? Some people choose ebooks,some love paper books,and others prefer reading both.(B)Li Ming,a university professor(教授),is busy doing_some_research.So he is often on business.(A)When_he_is_at_the_airport_or_on_the_train,he_especially_loves_reading_ebooks. He also likes reading paper books in the library for the research work.Besides,he enjoys the smell of the paper books.Whats more,Li Ming would like to read with his family.There is a reading time from 8:00 to 9:00 each Friday evening at home.Everyone reads and shares what they learn from the books.One Friday evening,Grandma took out an old paper book and said to her grandson,“Li Lei,this is the first book your grandpa gave me.(C)front,there,is,name,_his,_on,_the,_page. Whenever I read it,I can get something new from his notes.And I can still remember the happy life we lived together.” Li Lei said,“But I enjoy reading ebooks.Ebooks need no paper.Many forests will be saved.” Grandma advised,“Dont read for a long time,or your eyes will get sore.”Different people have different ideas about ebooks and paper books.No one knows whether ebooks can replace(代替) paper books or not.Somehow,books are our friends.(D)无论你选择读哪种书,你能通过它们更多地了解这个世界。1.英译汉。请将(A)句译成中文。_当他在机场或火车上,他特别喜欢阅读电子书。_2.句子提问。请就(B)句的画线部分提问。_What_ _is_ Li Ming busy doing?3.连词成句。请将(C)处的单词连成意义完整的句子。_There_is_his_name_on_the_front_page._4.汉译英。请根据(D)处中文提示写出英语句子。(每空一词)_No_ _matter_ which kind of books you choose to read,you can learn more about the world through them.5.根据文章内容,回答下面问题。Do all the people prefer reading ebooks?_No,they_dont._


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