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Unit 1 Whats the matterUnit1Whatsthematter?第一课时SectionA(1a-2d)基础知识回顾.英汉互译1.喉咙痛have a sore throat2.lie down and rest躺下休息3.喝一些热茶drink some hot tea4.get an X-ray 拍X光片5.给某人量体温take ones temperature.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1.There are some important matters(问题) we need to discuss.2.Fred is careless,so he often hurts(弄伤) himself.3.As usual,Mike went to school on foot(脚).4.I didnt take an umbrella that rainy day,so now I have a bad cold(感冒).5.You look very tired.Why not take a rest(休息)?.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.My little brothers teeth(tooth) are white and good.He brushes them twice a day.2.Doctor,my body feels(feel) very hot and Im so tired.3.Before the sun sets,he needs to get(get) to the top of the mountain.4.Man cant live without(with) air or water.5.I saw an old man lying(lie) on the road just now.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.你怎么了?我头痛得厉害。Whats the matter with you?I have a bad headache.2.如果你长时间坐着,你的脖子会出问题的。If you sit for a long time,there will be somethingwrongwith your neck.3.你应该少用手机。你的眼睛需要休息。You should use your mobile phone less.Your eyes needrest.4.医生给他量了体温,还开了一些药给他。The doctor took his temperature and gave him some medicine.5.听起来你不像是发烧。It doesntsoundlike you have a fever.综合能力提升.单项填空(A)1.I have a bad cold.Sorry to hear that.Youd better go to see a at once.A.doctorB.cookC.writerD.farmer(D)2.He on the sofa and soon fell asleep.A.liesB.lies downC.liedD.lay down(B)3.What should I,doctor?this medicine and drink more water.A.do;To takeB.do;TakeC.to do;HaveD.to do;To eat(B)4.He should more hot water when he has a fever.A.drinksB.drinkC.to drinkD.drinking(C)5.Dont get into the cold rain.You may a cold.A.takeB.makeC.catchD.want(B)6.I ate some cold things and now my stomach feels .A.goodB.badC.wellD.badly(C)7.If you want to stay healthy,you shouldnt eat junk food.A.much tooB.many tooC.too muchD.too many(D)8.David needs a good rest.A.hasB.haveC.havingD.to have(A)9.If your head still after sleeping tomorrow,you should the doctor.A.hurts;go toB.hurt;seeC.hurt;look atD.hurts;to see(C)10.Thank you so much.your help,I cant get good grades.A.WithB.ForC.WithoutD.At.补全对话A:Whats the matter?B:1.C A:How are you feeling now?B:2.A A:Let me take your temperature.You have a cold.Nothing serious.B:Really?3.D A:4.B B:No.I didnt feel like eating anything.A:5.G Have a good rest and drink more water.B:OK.Thank you!A.Im feeling even worse.B.Did you eat anything for breakfast?C.This morning I had a headache.D.But I dont feel any better now.E.It doesnt matter.F.Whats wrong with you?G.Well,take this medicine three times a day.完形填空If you have the flu,its very important to stay home from school.Because it is a(n) 1 that could make some people ill.We should 2 it spreading(蔓延) around.The flu is a fever 3 one or more of these:cough,sore throat or headaches.If you have the flu,home is the best place to stay.If you stay at home,you wont make other people ill.And if you have the flu,4 at home to get better.Take these steps if you feel 5 : Tell your parents.They will call the 6 to talk about whether you have the flu or some other illness. Stay home from school and other 7 places.Also,try not to make other people in your family ill.Do that by washing your hands 8. Get rest,drink more water and youll feel better fast.Be sure to tell your parents how youre feeling 9 they can take good care of you. Go back to school only when youre 10 better.(A)1.A.illnessB.happinessC.hopeD.way(B)2.A.letB.stopC.keepD.have(D)3.A.forB.onC.aboutD.with(D)4.A.eatB.playC.studyD.rest(C)5.A.hungryB.angryC.illD.bored(C)6.A.teacherB.workerC.doctorD.singer(D)7.A.niceB.importantC.differentD.crowded(B)8.A.hardlyB.oftenC.seldomD.never(A)9.A.so thatB.such thatC.even ifD.as soon as(C)10.A.workingB.livingC.feelingD.staying


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