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安乡三中2013届高考英语复习资料语法教学摘要及练习 第4章英语动词的时态 编制人 何新武 第4章动词的时态 4 0什么是时态先看下面三个句子 Mikeoftengoestoschoolbybike 迈克常骑自行车去上学 Butyesterdayhewenttoschoolonfoot 但昨天他步行去上学 Tomorrowhewillgotoschoolbybus 明天他乘公共汽车去上学 都是讲Mike去上学 英语中谓语动词采用不同的形式 goes went和willgo 为什么呢 这牵涉到英语的时态问题 谓语动词用来表示动作发生或状态存在时间的各种形式称为时态 时态与时间相关 但并不总是一致 如过去时可表现在 现在时可表将来 为正确运用动词的时态 我们既要熟悉它们的构成形式 前面已复习 又要掌握它们的基本用法 并了解一些特殊用法 建议大家结合讲解和例句用心地体会 然后通过练习加以巩固 千万不要死记标志词和时态的对应关系 在我们对各时态的用法进行分析之前 再复习一下时态的构成形式 英语16种时态的名称 以ask为例 其16种时态的构成形式 构成 动词用原形或第三人称单数形式 be动词用现在式am is are 只列肯定式 以下同 用法指点 一般现在时是最基本的也是用得最多的时态 其用法似乎很多 难以把握 为便于理解 可以把它归结为两个主要用法 一般 用法和 现在 用法 4 1一般现在时 一般 用法请不要和 表现一般 中的 一般 混淆 那是 不好也不差 的意思 这里的一般是指 通常的情况 即动作发生的规律性 从不 偶尔 一次 多次 经常 总在某时或每相隔一段时间 包括目前在内的一段时间或任何时间 永远 都是如此 现在 用法即表示现在的动作或状态 也许是因为一般现在时 英文SimplePresent 简单现在式 的谓语动词简单 肯定式不用助动词 表达很简洁 所以常被用来作现场解说和其它说明 状态动词也常用这种简单的形式表示现在的状态 至于一般现在时表将来可看作是 一般 用法的延伸 表过去是让往事重现在眼前 此时态也叫presentindefinite 另外 须注意正确理解第三人称单数 弄清其强调句 否定句和疑问句中助动词 do does 的正确使用及主动词要用原形 下面按照语法书通常介绍的用法 结合练习或例句来加深理解 1 表示经常性 反复性和习惯性的动作和行为 一般 用法 注意频度副词或短语 练习1用动词的正确形式填空 1 OnMondayshe go tothegym 2 Younever arrive ontime 3 Iseldom go tothezoo 4 Francisoccasionally drink coffee 5 Ronseldom do hishomework 6 They not often sing songs 7 Pierre not play tenniseveryweek 8 I not usually watch TVinthemornings 9 they spend theirholidaysinCanadaeveryyear 10 he always wear ahat 1 OnMondayshe go tothegym 2 Younever arrive ontime 3 Iseldom go tothezoo 4 Francisoccasionally drink coffee 5 Ronseldom do hishomework 6 They not often sing songs 7 Pierre not play tenniseveryweek 8 I not usually watch TVinthemornings 9 they spend theirholidaysinCanadaeveryyear 10 he always wear ahat goes arrive go drinks does donotoftensing doesnotplay donotusuallywatch Dotheyspend Doeshealwayswear 练习1用动词的正确形式填空 2 表示客观事实 包括目前的 较长时间的 甚至永久的 和普遍真理 一般 用法 练习2用动词的正确形式填空 1 Paris be thecapitalofFrance 2 Hamlet be aplaybyShakespeare 3 MountEverest reach aheightof8848metres 4 Water boil at100 C 5 Ice melt at0 C 6 TheriverThames flow pasttheHousesofParliament 7 TheOlympicGames takeplace everyfouryears 8 Awaiter work inarestaurant 9 Theearth travel aroundthesuninapproximately365days 10 Myfather speak English is is reaches boils melts flows takeplace works travels speaks 3 表示固定的安排或肯定要发生的将来动作 一般 用法的延伸 动作的发生是按表格或计划的安排进行的 练习3用动词的正确形式填空 1 Theplane arrive inLondonat11 45 2 Thelesson start infiveminutes 3 Thefilm begin at8o clock 4 Mybrother sbirthday be onWednesday 5 Thetrain leave Manchesterat7 23 6 Thefestival end onSunday 7 Thenextbus come in35minutes 8 Whichday open theexhibition 9 Whatday be ittomorrow 10 Whattime close thezoo arrives starts begins is leaves ends comes doestheexhibitionopen is doesthezooclose 如存在 be cost fit mean suit 拥有 have belong 感官 feel hear see smell taste touch 情感 hate hope like love prefer regret want wish 心理活动 believe know think understand 现在 用法 4 表示现在的状态动词 练习4用动词的正确形式填空 1 Theboy be unhappy He have nopennyinhispocket 2 He hate garlic 3 Mysister prefer teatocoffee 4 I want togetawayfromhere 5 She not understand me 6 I not believe it 7 I not know whyyouaresomean 8 We not think thatthisisright 9 What mean it 10 you hear themusic is has hates prefers want doesnotunderstand donotbelieve donotknow donotthink doesitmean Doyouhear 5 用于时间 条件 让步状语从句等 表示将要发生的动作 有主句表示了将来 从句用现在式更简洁 例如 I lltellherwhenshecomestomorrow 时间 Ifhedoesnotcomeinaminute Iwillfirehim 条件 Evenifitrainsthisafternoon I llmeetyou 让步 Whateverhappens youshouldkeepcool headed 让步 I llberightherewaitingforyouwhereveryougo 让步 Anyonethatcomes 定语从句 willbewarmlywelcomedHissuccesswilldependuponhowhestartstheplan 名词从句 6 其它用法 用于现场 比赛 实验操作 仪式等 解说 小说 戏剧 电影等情节介绍 新闻标题或小说章节标题 以及剧本舞台 幻灯 图片等的说明 还可用于描述发生在过去或将来的情景 祈使句也用现在式 现在式简洁生动 广播人员现场报导说话时发生的情况 NowthebandisplayingandtheKingentersthehall Thespectators 观众 raiseacheer 发出欢呼 Hestops greetsthespectatorsandthentakeshisseat 说话时发生的情况 Ihandyouthisletter Icometoseeyou HerecomesAdam Adamiscoming Theregoesthebus Thebusisgoingthere 在剧本中描写角色的动作 Bob Hello HestandsupandgreetsHelen Helen Hello Bob AssoonassheseesJimmy whositsatadistance shewishestoturnback butistoolateto 讲述过去情况 AssoonasIarriveattheinn twostrangerscomeandgreetme andaskmeifIhavemurderedawoman Whatareyoudoing sheasks IamwatchingTV hesays 想像的未来的情况 Nowimagineyourselfinaschoolroom Itislargeanddingy 昏暗的 肮脏的 Thepupilssitonlongbenches 长凳 Theyrecite 背诵 theirlessons Howhardtheywork 祈使句 Tom Don tlookoutofthewindow Lookattheblackboard Trytopointoutthemistakesinthesentence 一般现在时的用法一览 构成 am is are V ing用法指点 现在进行时的谓语动词通常是动作动词 因为它主要用来描述说话的时刻正在进行的动作 即真正的 现在进行 但它还有与之相关的多种用法 我们结合实例来谈 4 2现在进行时 1 表示说话时刻正在进行或发生的动作 a Whatareyoudoing Iameatingadinner 说话时 我正在吃饭 b Look Thelittlegirliscrying 说话时 可看到那小女孩在哭 2 表示现阶段正在进行而说话时刻不一定在进行的动作 Twogoodfriendschatinabar Iamwritinganovel Whataboutyou Iamreadingyourlastnovel 说话时 他们不是在写或读小说 而是在聊天或喝酒 3 表示将来的动作 A 表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作 主语是人 常带将来的时间状语 动词不限于位置移动的动词 TheyareleavingforBeijingtomorrow Wearemeetinghimnextweek B 用在时间条件状语从句中表示将来正进行的动作 Iwilltelephoneyouthisafternoon whileIamwaiting Ifyouarelookingforthatnewbook youwillfinditonmydesk 4 表惊讶 不满等感情态度 与always continually forever连用 Johnisalwaysaskingstupidquestions Sheiscontinuallycomplainingabouteverything Sheisforeverchangingherclothes Motherisalwaysthinkingofus 赞扬 5 表动作的反复或持续性 用短暂动词 Someoneisknockingatthedoor 反复 Ourcountryisgettingricher 持续 Thebusisstopping 持续 6 暗含动作的暂时性 主要用持续动词 注意和一般现在时比较 Heworksintherestaurant 一般现在时 指长期的工作 Heisworkingintherestaurantthisweek 现在进行时 表示这周在餐馆工作 以后有可能去别处 Tomispolite 一般现在时 指性格特点 Tomisbeingpolite 现在进行时 暂时的表现 现在进行时用法一览 练习5用动词的正确形式填空 一般现在时或现在进行时 A 1 JoeandDennis be bestfriends 2 Theyoften meet intheafternoon 3 What do they atthemoment 4 They play football 5 They love football 6 Joe practise withhisfathereveryweekend butDennis not play footballveryoften are meet aretheydoing areplaying love practises doesnotplay B 7 These be LindaandJeff 8 Linda be Jeff slittlesister 9 Atthemoment thetwokids sit onthefloor 10 Jeff hold abookrightnow he read astorytoLinda 11 Look Linda listen carefullyandshe look atthebeautifulpictures 12 Linda love Jeff sstories 13 He read astorytohereveryday 14 Jeffsometimeseven write hisownstories are is aresitting isholding isreading islistening islooking loves reads writes C 15 It be earlyinthemorning 16 Sally get outofbed open thewindowand go intothebathroom 17 Thenshe have breakfast 18 Afterbreakfast Sallyusually cycle toschool 19 Afterschool she go backhome 20 Sallyusually eat herlunchathome 21 Intheafternoons shefirst do herhomeworkandthenshe meet herfriendsinthepark 22 What do she now 23 She play theguitar 24 Herfriends listen andsomeofthem sing along 25 WhenSally come homeintheevening she have dinnerandthenshe watch TV 26 She go tobedatabout8o clockeveryday is gets opens goes has cycles goes eats does meets isshedoing isplaying arelistening aresinging comes has watches goes D 27 Look Jenny go toschool 28 She wear araincoatandwellies 长统雨靴 andshe carry anumbrella 29 Jennyusually cycle toschool buttodayshe take thebusbecauseit rain 30 Thebus leave at7 35and arrive atJenny sschoolat7 45 31 Thefirstlesson begin at8o clock isgoing iswearing iscarrying cycles istaking israining leaves arrives begins E 32 Sue be astudentfromSouthKorea 33 She live inSeouland study medicine 34 Atthemoment however Sue live inLondon 35 She do asix monthspracticalcourseinaLondonhospital 36 Infivedays Sue go backtoSouthKoreabecausethenexttermatuniversity start intendays is lives studies isliving isdoing isgoing starts 4 3一般过去时 构成 动词的过去式 be的过去式是was were用法指点 理解一般过去时的关键是抓住过去二字 一是时间在过去 包括最近的过去 aminuteago twohoursago lastnight thedaybeforeyesterday theotherday lastmonth 和遥远的过去 in1949 alongtimeago whenIwasachild agesago acenturyago in841B C 5 000yearsago 二是动作或状态 无论是短暂的一刹那 还是漫长的时间 都已发生了或完成了 而且过去了 与现在没有联系 看例句 Johncuthisfingerlastweek 割破手指是上周的事 现在可能好了 IlivedinNewYorkfor10years 在纽约住了十年 现在不住那儿了 Hewroteacompositionlastnight 他昨晚写了一篇作文 作文写完了 如没完成 就要用其他时态 一般过去时的用法大体上可比照一般现在时推出 1 表示过去的动作或状态Hecamein tookoffhiscoatandsatdown IsawmyunclewhenIwasachild WhenIwashavingbreakfast thephonesuddenlyrang HewasinthefactorylastSunday 另外 须弄清其疑问句 否定句和强调句中助动词 did 的正确使用及主动词要用原形 Helivedthere 肯定句 Didhelivethere 疑问句 Hedidnotlivethere 否定句 Hedidlivethere 强调句 2 表示过去习惯的动作 和一般现在时一样 可使用频度副词 Hetookawalkeverymorning Marylearnedcookingtwiceaweek Johnseldomwrotetome Iswamintheevening JohnlivedinCalcutta NobodytaughtJapaneseinthiscity 注意下列句子不用频度副词 因为usedto和would含有 过去常常 的意思 Heusedto 表示过去习惯 drinkcoffeeatnight Hewoulddrinkcoffeeatnight Heusedtobefat 不能用Hewouldbefat usedto和would表过去习惯的用法差别 would只用于过去的动作 usdto对过去的动作和状态都可用 3 表过去将来 用在表示时间 条件的状语从句中 表示一个从过去看来将发生的情况 Hepromisedtogivemefivedollarswhenhegothispay HesaidhewouldrewardmeifIworkedhard WeknewDadwouldpunishusunlesswebehaved 4 表虚拟条件或婉转客气 IfIhadalotofmoney Iwouldshareitwithyou 表现在或将来的虚拟 Ihopedyouwouldgivemeahand 比Ihope婉转客气 Iwonderedifyou dlookaftermychildwhileIgoshopping 比Iwonder婉转客气 练习6看故事 用动词的过去式填空 1 Onceuponatimethere be threebears hugePapaBear ordinaryMamaBearandtinylittleBabyBear They live inagreatbigwood 2 Oneday ordinaryMamaBear cook adeliciousporridgeforherfamilyand put itintobowls ahugebowlforhugePapaBear anordinarybowlforordinaryMamaBearandatinylittlebowlfortinylittleBabyBear 3 Togivetheporridgesometimetocooldown thethreebears go forawalk 4 Nearthegreatbigwood there live alittlegirlcalledGoldilocks5 She be notallowedtogointothewood Butoneday she sneak outofthehouseand run intothegreatbigwood 6 Afterawhile she come tothehouseofthethreebears 7 She knock atthedoor She look throughthewindows Butnobody seem tobethere 8 So littleGoldilocks step inside were lived cooked put went lived sneaked was ran came knocked looked seemed stepped 9 InthekitchenGoldilocks smell theporridge 10 She get veryhungryand try theporridgeinthehugebowl toohot 11 Thenshe taste someoftheporridgefromtheordinarybowl toocold 12 Buttheporridgeinthelittlebowl be justrightandGoldilocks eat itallup 13 Inthesitting room there be threechairs 14 Goldilocks sit downinthehugechair toohard 15 She not like theordinarychaireither toosoft 16 She love thelittlechair however Butshe not sit onthatoneverylong assoonit break intopieces 17 So Goldilocks go onexploring smelled got tried tasted was ate were sat didnotlike loved didnotsit went broke 18 Inthebedroom there stand thethreebears beds 19 Goldilockssuddenly feel verytired 20 She climb ontothehugebed toohard 21 Thenshe crawl intotheordinarybed toosoft 22 Thelittlebed however be justright 23 So Goldilocks lie down 24 Andinnexttonotime she fall asleep 25 Afterawhile thethreebears return home 26 Onelookattheirbowlsandchairsandthey start wondering Something not be right stood felt climbed crawled was lay fell returned started wasnot 27 They come intothebedroom Andtherethey see littleGoldilocksinBabyBear sbed 28 Thethreebears watch herforawhileandthenthey wake herup 29 Goldilocks open hereyes 30 She see thebears begin toscreamandasfastasshe can Goldilocks run outofthebears house 31 Thethreebears follow her 32 Butattheedgeofthewood thebearssuddenly stop 33 FrightenedlittleGoldilocks however not stop 34 She hurry hometoherparents 35 Andshenever visit thebears houseagain came saw watched woke opened saw began could ran followed stopped didnotstop hurried visited 4 4过去进行时 构成 were was V ing用法指点 参照现在进行时的用法 用法基本一样 只是时间由现在推移到过去 注意过去进行时常作为 背景 和一般过去时使用 还常用来描述两个过去同时发生的动作 1 表示过去某一时刻或阶段正在发生的动作 Theyweredoinghouseworkthistimelastweek 时刻 Iwasplayingchessat8yesterdayevening 时刻 Iwastravellingduringtheweek 阶段 Betweentwoandfouro clockIwasplayingbasketball 阶段 IwastalkingwithJameswhenthetelephonerang 和一般过去时 WhenIarrived theywerewatchingTV 和一般过去时 IwaswatchingTVandBarbarawasreadingabook 同时发生的动作 WhenBobwaspaintingwindows Marywasworkinginthekitchen 2 过去某时将发生的事 TheytoldmethattheywereleavingforNewYork HewasgoingoutwhenIarrived 3 用于时间或条件状语从句中表示过去将来进行的动作 Hepromisednottomentionthiswhenhewastalkingtoher Shetoldmetowakehimupifshewassleeping 练习7用动词的正确形式填空 一般过去时和过去进行时 1 WhenI get upyesterday thesun shine 2 It is abeautifulmorning 3 SoI decide tocyclearoundalittle got wasshining was decided 4 I go totheshedand take outmybike 5 WhileI cycle pastsomevillages I see somepeopleintheirgardens 6 Oneman mow割草 thegrasswhilehiswife pick strawberries 7 Afteronehourofcyclinginsunshine abigfatraincloudsuddenly appear andit start torain 8 Luckily afarmer notice meand tell metocomein 9 Whileit rain outside I sit inthefarmer shouse 10 Afterawhile thesun come outagain 11 I thank thefarmerforhishospitality 热情好客 and move on went took wascycling saw wasmowing waspicking appeared started noticed told wasraining wassitting came thanked moved 4 5现在完成时 构成 have has 过去分词用法指点 分析时 一看联系 二看时间 现在完成时是用来表达过去和现在的一种联系 这种联系可以是一种因果关系 也可以是一种时间的连续 所以现在完成时的句子或者不用时间状语 或者用与现在相关的时间状语 绝对不用确定的过去时间状语 为便于理解 可把现在完成时概括为三种用法 1 表示影响 2 表示延续 3 表示经历 1 表示影响 过去所发生的动作对现在产生的影响或结果 即过去和现在是因果联系 常与just yet already before recently lately 最近 ever never等表时间的副词搭配使用 Hehasfinishedhiswork Sohecannowrest Ihavealreadyeatenthedinner SoI mnothungry Hehashadacaraccident That swhyheisinthehospital Hehasjustgoneout Hehasn tseenherlately Ihaven tfinishedthebookyet Ihaveworkedhardthisweek Ithasrainedalotthisyear Wehaven tseenhertoday 这种用法可能和哪些表时间的词搭配使用呢 2 表示延续 一个动作或状态从过去某个时间开始 延续到现在 也有可能持续下去 即过去和现在有时间联系 常与表示一段时间的时间状语连用 sofar 迄今为止 uptillnow 直到现在 since foralongtime 很长时间 uptopresent 直到现在 inthepast inthelastfewyears 在过去的几年里 thesedays 目前 Hehasworkedherefor15years IhavestudiedEnglishsinceIcamehere TheforeignerhasbeenawayfromChinaforalongtime Sofar Ihaven treceivedasingleletterfrommybrother Hehasbeenheresincetenyearsago 这种用法可能和哪些表时间的词搭配使用呢 注 某些非延续性动词 在现在完成时的肯定句中不能与表示一段时间状语搭配 常见的非延续动词 die arrive 到达 join 加入 leave 离开 go refuse 拒绝 fail 失败 finish buy marry divorce 离婚 awake 醒 borrow lend 但在否定句中 非延续动词可以与一段时间的状语连用 例如 Ihavenotbuyshirtsfor3years Ihaven tseenmyuncleforalongtime 点击此处返回幻灯片43 3 表示经历 表示从过去某时到现在动作发生的次数 含因果和时间双重联系 常和频度状语一起搭配使用 见下面例句的斜体词 Ihavenever ornotyet hardlyever seldom rarely occasionally sometimes often frequently always seenhimintheoffice Theyhaveseenthatfilmsixtimes Ithashappenedseveraltimesalready Shehasvisitedthemfrequently Wehaveeatenatthatrestaurantmanytimes 4 和现在完成时相关的问题 现在完成时表将来 和一般现在时一样 可在时间和条件状语从句中表将来 Iwillgoshopping iftherainhasstopped 此处不能用一般现在时 现在完成时的回答 Haveyouseenmystamps Yes Ihave No Ihaven t orYes Isawthemonyourdeskaminuteago Haveyouhadbreakfast Yes Ihave orNo Ihaven thadityet orYes Ihaditatseveno clock orYes IhaditwithMary 注意回答中过去时的句子是完整的 比较下列句子的不同含义 ShehasbeentoBeijing 她去过北京 表经历 ShehasgonetoBeijing 她去北京了 表影响 Shehasbeentheretwice 她去过那儿两次 表经历 Shehasbeenthereforfiveyears 她来这里五年了 表延续 itis 一段时间 since 一般过去时或现在完成时非延续动词不能和一段时间状语用于现在完成时的肯定句 但下面的不同说法都是可以的 ItisthreeyearssinceI last sawBill 特定句式 自从我 上次 和比尔见面到现在已经三年了 ItisthreeyearssinceIhaveseenBill 特定句式 自我和比尔那次见面以来已经有三年了 IlastsawBillthreeyearsago 一般过去时 我最后一次见到比尔是在三年以前 Ihaven tseenBillforthreeyears 现在完成时的否定句 我已经有三年没见到过比尔了 ItistwomonthssinceTom last smokedacigarette 汤姆最后一次抽烟到现在已有两个月了 ItistwomonthssinceTomhassmokedacigarette 汤姆已经两个月没抽烟了 Helastsmokedacigarettetwomonthsago 他最后一次抽烟是两个月以前 Hehasn tsmokedacigarettefortwomonths 他已经有两个月没有抽烟了 点击此处参看幻灯片38 用于下列句型的定语从句中 其先行词有形容词最高级或序数词等修饰 ThisisthebestwineIhaveeverdrunk 这是我喝过的最好的葡萄酒 ThisistheworstbookIhaveeverread 这是我读过的最糟的书 ItistheeasiestjobIhaveeverhad 它是我干过的最容易的工作 去掉ever 不用形容词的最高级形式 和thefirst thesecond theonly等连用 It ThisisthefirsttimeIhaveeatenmutton 这是我第一次吃羊肉 Itisonlythesecondtimehehasbeeninacanoe 这才是他第二次乘独木舟 Thisistheonlybookhehaswritten 这是他写的唯一的一本书 现在完成时用法一览 练习8用动词的正确形式填空 一般过去时和现在完成时 1 He leave just hishouse 2 We build atreehouselastweek 3 Twoyearsago Fiona break herleg 4 I wash already thedishes 5 Theotherday ourcat bring homeamouse 6 She be not thereanhourago 7 He lose not anygamesofar 8 Mybrother pick not meupat8o clock 9 I make not upmymindyet 10 you see Bobrecently 11 Who switch offthelightsaminuteago 12 When she become ateacher 13 you ride ever anelephant 14 you hurt yourkneewhenyouwereplayingfootball hasjustleft built broke havealreadywashed brought wasnot hasnotlost didnotpick havenotmade Haveyouseen switched didshebecome Haveyoueverridden Didyouhurt 练习9用动词的正确形式填空 LastweekI be verybusyandI havenot thetimetodoalotinthehousehold OnMondayI work threehoursovertimeand come homeverylateintheevening FromTuesdaytoThursdayI be onabusinesstrip OnFridayI go toafriend sbirthdaypartyandattheweekendI visit mygrandparents Tomorrowsomefriendsarecomingover I see not themforagesandthey be never atmyplacebefore I clean just myhousesoIcanshowthemaround Noweverythingisperfect havejustcleaned was didnothave worked came was went visited havenotseen haveneverbeen Myfriend be toEdinburgh edinb r n 爱丁堡 threetimes Someyearsagohe study Englishthere Lastmonthhe visit somefriendsinEdinburgh Unfortunately I can not gotoEdinburghwithhim Thisisapity Theyaremyfriends too andI see not themforages 练习10用动词的正确形式填空 hasbeen studied visited couldnot havenotseen 4 6过去完成时 构成 had 过去分词用法指点 现在完成时强调的是与现在联系 过去完成时强调的是和过去的联系 即必须以某一过去时间为参照 或谈论 过去的过去 或 从较早的过去延续到某一过去时间 这一过去时间可以用by at before until assoonas等引起的短语或分句表示 也可以通过主句或上下文表示 1 表示过去之前已完成的动作或状态 过去的过去 Bytwelveo clock wehadhadlunch JohnhadstudiedChinesebeforehecametoChina Herecalledthattheyhadmet twoyears before Mr Bushsaidhehadbeentherethenightbefore Themanthatcameyesterdayhadtravelledinfiftycountries Thisman whowassuccessfulnow hadfailedahundredtimesThatmorningshedidnotfeelwell Shehadcaughtabadcold 2 表示过去某时已开始的动作或状态延续到过去的另一个时间 延续到某一过去时间 Bysixo clocktheyhadworkedfortwelvehours JohnandJanehadknowneachotherforalongtimebeforetheirmarriage Uptothattimeallhadgonewell Hehadlivedheresincehegotmarried Hewasstillhere 3 表示过去没有实现的希望 打算或意图 A 适用于intend mean hope expect want plan suppose think等动词过去完成时 不定式的一般式Ihadintendedtocallonyouyesterday butsomeonecametoseemejustwhenIwasabouttoleave 原 本想昨天去看你 Theyhadplanedtoholdafootballmatchlastweek buttheyhadtocancelitbecauseofthebadweather 原计划上周举行一场足球赛 这一用法可看作是 过去的过去 的特例 其译文常在那些动词前加原 本 Ihadintendedtogo Iintendedtohavegone Iintendedtogo butIdidnotgo Hehadhopedtohelpyou Hehopedtohavehelpedyou Buthedidnothelpyou B 适用于intend mean hope expect want plan suppose think等动词一般过去时 不定式的完成式 Ionyouyesterday butsomeonecametoseemejustwhenIwasabouttoleave 原 本想昨天去看你 hadintendedtocall intendedtohavecalled Theyafootballmatchlastweek buttheyhadtocancelitbecauseofthebadweather 原计划上周举行一场足球赛 planedtohaveheld hadintendedtocall Haveago 试一试 A B 4 表示虚拟 关于过去 IfIhadhadenoughmoneythen Iwouldhaveboughtthehouse IfMaryhadstudiedharder shewouldhavepassedtheexam IwishIhadgotthereintime IfonlyIhadknowntheanswertothatquestion 5 过去完成时常用于hardly scarcely when nosooner than等固定句型结构中 意为 一 就 Shehadhardly scarcelygonetobedwhenthebellrang Hardly Scarcelyhadshegonetobedwhenthebellrang Hehadnosoonerarrivedattherailwaystationthanhemetherparents Nosoonerhadhearrivedattherailwaystationthanhemetherparents 过去完成时在特定的情况下它也可用一般过去时代替 如果所用连词或状语已表示了时间的先后 Hewenttoschoolassoonas orafter he had dressedhimself Theaudienceapplaudedwhenhe had finishedhisspeechHespokeafterhe had studiedhisspeech Hefoundhiswatch He had lostittwodaysbefore HesaidhecamefromCanada 在追叙时 如果一连串动词全都用过去完成时会显得很累赘 Finallytheygotmarried TheyhadfalleninloveinTokyo Theyhadloved lovedeachothertenderly Theirparentshadbeen wereopposedtotheirmarriage andtheyhadtried triedtwicetocommitsuicide 为了避免累赘 可以把追叙部分第一句中的hadfallen保留 后面句子中的过去完成时全可以用一般过去时代替 按动作发生的时间顺序连续写一段话时 Iborrowedabookandreaditatnight Aweeklater Ireturnedittothelibraryandborrowedanother 按时间顺序叙述 但 IreadatnightabookwhichIhadborrowed Aweeklater afterIhadreturnedittothelibrary Iborrowedanother Whenhecourted 向 献殷勤 her sheturnedhimdown Buttwoyearslater theywerehusbandandwife Shefounditqueer 奇怪的 indeed 按时间顺序叙述 但 Shefoundthematterqueerindeed Sheandhewerenowhusbandandwife Butonlytwoyearsbefore whenhehadcourtedher shehadturnedhimdown 后面一句追叙更早的事 如果主句中包含了过去完成时 从句中的过去完成时常以一般过去时代替 Iknewhehadlostmoneywhenhe had gambled HesaidJimhadbeencaughtbecausehe had solddrugs 另外 历史事实通常应用一般过去时表示 HesaidHitler 不用had killedmillionsofJews IlearnedthatColumbus 不用had discoveredAmerica 练习11用动词的正确形式填空 一般过去时和过去完成时 1 Whenhe wake up hismother already prepare breakfast 2 We go toLondonbecausetheQueen invite usfortea 3 He hear thenews go tothetelephoneand call afriend 4 Whenshe start tolearnEnglish she already learn French 5 Jane already type tenpage

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