八年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years提优测试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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八年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years提优测试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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Unit 10 单元提优测试题 (满分100分) 姓名 得分 题 号得分单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)题 号123456789101112131415答 案1. My mother is a kind woman,and she often tells us to help people _.Ain orderBso thatClater onDin need2. Could you please help _the information about the passengers? I am busy now.Abring outBcheck outCwork outDgive out3. Mr.Fan _ this watch in xx.He _ it for 2 years.Abought;has hadBbought;hasChas bought;has hadDhas bought;had4. Are you quite _ with me?Of course.You know I never cheat you.AtruthfulBangryCstrictDupset5. _ movies,the boy likes the action movies best.AIn factBEven thoughCAs forDAt first6. Though it was hard to part _ the old clothes,she still gave them away to homeless people.AwithBawayCoutDon7. We have decided to sell things we _ use.Anot longerBno longerCnot moreDany longer8. Something _ in our hometown since xx.Now it _ very modern.Ais changed;is lookedBhas changed;looksCchanged;looksDchanges;looks9. I have had the pen _ two days.But I have had it _ three days ago.Afor;forBsince;forCfor;sinceDsince;since10. _ have you studied English? For six years.AHow longBHow soonCHow oftenDHow far11. The Browns _ London for nearly two years. They all miss their hometown very much.AleftBwill leaveChave leftDhave been away from12. _ volunteers will be needed for this sports meeting.Lets go and join them.AHundredBTwo hundredsCHundred ofDHundreds of13. I think winter is a beautiful season,_ when it snows.AspeciallyBespeciallyCprobablyDproperly14. It is a _for a young man like you not to study hard.AfeelingBshameCdealDopinion15. Jack hasnt taken his piano lessons for a long time.He is considering _ his piano course and spending more time on his study.Ato dropBto throwCdroppingDthrowing完形填空(10分)I didnt leave my hometown until I was sixteen years old.My hometown could bring back lots of sweet 1 to me.Yesterday I returned to my hometown.I have been away for three years.So many things have already 2 Before I left,there was a small pond 3 my house,but now people have filled this pond and have built a large shopping mall.The things in it are good and cheap, 4 there are many people there.There was a baseball court outside the city in the past.We used to play baseball there, 5 on weekends.Now a new stand(看台) has been 6 so that more people can sit there to watch games.It looks 7 than before.The street in front of my house looks just as it always does.People have built a public 8 in the next street.Every day quite a few people read books and magazines in it.Beside the two streets,people have built a beautiful park.Green trees and fresh flowers could be seen 9 It is really a wonderful place for people to 10 I really hope our hometo-wn will bee more and more beautiful.( )1.AvoiceBmemoriesCsongsDfood( )2.AchangedBstoppedClostDforgotten( )3.AthroughBoverCinsideDopposite( )4.AorBbutCsoDalthough( )5.AeasilyBsimplyCcarefullyDespecially( )6.AaddedBrepairedCledDmoved( )7.AolderBdeeperCbetterDworse( )8.AbankBlibraryCmuseumDhospital( )9.AsomewhereBnowhereCanywhereDeverywhere( )10.AfightBrelaxCcollectDwork阅读理解(30分) ARecently, the TV show Where Are We Going, Dad? has bee one of Chinas most popular TV shows, attracting more than 600 million viewers each week.In this program, five celebrity fathers traveled to six countryside locations across China, including some villages in Beijing, Yunnan, Shandong, Hunan, Heilongjiang and a desert in Ningxia. They took care of their kids without the help of the childrens mothers. At the same time, they also took part in different kinds of activities with their kids together, such as cooking, fishing and selling groceries.Why is the show so popular?“It reflects (折射) social reality. In big cities, fathers are always busy earning money and making achievements in their career. They dont spare more time for their kids,” said Xie Dikui, general director of the show. As the father of a 3-year-old daughter, Xie said that he found his own heart being touched as he made it.“Although these fathers are busy, they are able to spare time for their kids. We can do better than them.”This also happens in some rural areas in China. More and more men from rural areas are now working in big cities, leaving their kids at home under the grandparents care.“I have a son and a daughter in my hometown,” said Xu Canyong, a 33-year-old man working in Shantou, Guangdong Province.“They e to live with me only during summer and winter vacations. I miss them very much. I want to have them live with us in Shantou, but the cost of living here is too high.” said Xu.( )1Five celebrity fathers have ever traveled to_ with their kidsABeijing, Hunan and HeilongjiangBHunan, Heilongjiang and TibetCYunnan, Ningxia and Hong KongDYunnan, Shandong and Gansu( )2The TV show Where Are We Going, Dad ? is popular mainly because_Athe five fathers are all famous starsBthere are many beautiful sights in itCXie Dikui is a popular director in ChinaDit reflects the problems about family education( )3The underlined word This in Paragraph 4 refers to_Athe TV show Where Are We Going, Dad ?Bthe fact that fathers have less time with their kidsCthe trip of five celebrity fathers with their kidsDthe relationship between Xie Dikui and his daughter( )4Xu Canyong cant live with his two kids in Shantou be-cause_Ahe cant afford to live there togetherBhe has no time to look after his kidsCShantou is too far from his hometownDhis kids are used to living with their grandparents( )5From this passage, we may infer(推断)_Afathers will raise the kids instead of mothersBthe five celebrity fathers will give up their own jobsCin some rural areas, more and more kids live with their grandparentsDMrXu often goes back to his hometown during summer and winter vacationsBIt was yard sale time again,and everyone in the Jones family was getting ready.Billy,the youngest,was clearing out his old toys.He put several old robots and games in his yard sale box.He also found some clothes that didnt fit.Suzy,the middle child,decided to part with some stuffed animals(毛绒玩具) from her collection.She also found some old books.Regina,the eldest,had music CDs and some clothes to sell.She had the most clothes to sell among the children.Dad had many things he could part with: some tools,some records he didnt listen to,some puter parts and a few old jackets and suits.Mom had a few things to sell.She chose some handbags,some shoes and some clothes.She also found some old dishes.Together,the five of them set up their tables and the sale began at 7:30 am.People came early and the buying and selling was fierceThey hardly had time to take a rest.Many people brought young children,so Billy did well.He sold out his toys quickly.Girls liked Suzys stuffed animals,and a few teenagers bought most of Reginas music CDs.Mom and Dad had the most things,so it took them longer to sell them,but they also made more money.In the end,Billy made $22,Suzy made $18 and Regina made $43.Mom and Dad made a bit more.Dad made $143 and Mom made $97.It was quite a good day.( )6. Who didnt bring clothes to the yard sale?ABilly.BSuzy.CRegina.DDad.( )7. Mom didnt bring _ to the yard sale.AshoesBdishesChandbagsDmusic CDs( )8. The underlined word “fierce” in the passage means“_” in Chinese.A仓促的B悠闲的C激烈的D惨淡的( )9. It took Mom and Dad longer to sell their things because they _Awere bad at sellingBhad the most thingsChad to prepare food and drinksDhad to take care of their children( )10. How much did the three children make at the yard sale?A$83.B$180.C$240.D$323.CI have been very lucky to make many trips to China. Though I have had some trouble with the language, I have never had a problem I couldnt solve. As a native English speaker (土生土长的说英语的人), I can go almost everywhere in the world and find someone to municate with. I never thought that someone who speaks only Chinese would have a lot of trouble in my country.Recently, the King family that I had met in China moved to Canada. I met them at the airport. My wife and I made meals for them and showed them around where we live. Everything seemed to go smoothly for the first two days as we looked for a car for them, showed them the way to different stores and the nearest city, Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. King had a two-year-old son and soon we became Nainai (grandmother) and Yeye (grandfather). We had a good time but we didnt realize Mr. King cant speak English.Luckily, Mrs. King can speak very good English. Many people with Chinese background live near us. In fact, none of them speak Chinese. Mr. King cant even buy a mobile phone without his wifes help. He cant talk to me, of course. By the third day, he felt lonely and worried. And on the fourth day, we decided to take them to a large Chinese munity.Now, we often visit them and they visit us too. Sometimes Mrs. King would still like to live near us but Mr. King cannot. I feel bad because he seems very nice and smart but I cant talk with him. It seems that neither of us will learn the others language because of our ages, maybe we will never have a friendly conversation. But we will think of each other as friends.( )11. The writer doesnt have any trouble in traveling around the world possibly because .A. hes very luckyB. he speaks very good EnglishC. hes good at speaking ChineseD. he is good at municating with others( )12. How did the two families feel on the first two days?A. Sad.B. Happy.C. Worried.D. Lonely.( )13. Who cant speak English in the passage?A. Mr. King.B. Mrs. King.C. The writer.D. The writers wife.( )14. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. How the King family came to Canada.B. How old Mr. and Mrs. Kings son was.C. Why the King family moved to Canada.D. Why the writer feels bad when he is with Mr. King.( )15. What can we infer (推断)from the passage?A. Mr. King is not clever at all.B. The writer has never been to China before.C. Both the writer and Mr. King are quite young.D. The two families live a little far away from each other now.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(5分)1The old things in my grandparents room bring me many m (记忆)2Mandy is cleaning the floor in her b (卧室)3Mr.Chen is from Henan and his h (家乡) is Zhengzhou.4Is there a c (音乐会) hall in your town?5I like vegetables,e (尤其) carrots and potatoes.用所给单词的适当形式完成句子 (5分)1Amys brother (have) the toy bear for six years.2For (certainly) reasons,Mr.Li left there without saying anything.3You and I must be (truth) with each other.4He (sleep) next to the monkey when he was a child.5The park has been here for at (little) 50 years.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 (10分)1李先生捐赠了一些钱给那些处于困境中的人。Mr. Lee _ some money _ to the people _ _2我们将会离开几天。We will be away for _ _ _ days.3我已经踢了一会儿足球。I have played football _ _ _4与朋友们分开我感到很伤心。 I felt very sad _ _ _ my friends.5至于我,我不再用这些旧东西了。_ _ me,I _ _ use these old things.选择适当的句子补全下列对话,有两项多余(5分)A:Hi,Bill.What a nice basketball! 1 B:Ive had it for less than ten days.A: 2 B:Oh,my father bought it for me.A:Do you often play basketball?B: 3 I have been a member of our school basketball club for more than six years.A:Really? 4 B:I began to play basketball when I was seven years old.A: 5 B:Oh,I have bought over twenty basketballs,but I have given away ten of them to others in need.A:You are great!AWho bought it for you?BHow many basketballs have you bought?CNo,I dont like playing basketball at all.DHow long have you had it?EYes,I do.FHow often do you play basketball?GWhen did you begin to play basketball?1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 书面表达(20分)在初中即将毕业之际,请你以张明的名义给英国笔友Brian写一封感谢信,要点提示如下:三年前你来到新的班级,没有朋友,感到孤独三年中Brian多次给你写信,他在信中:鼓励你多交朋友;告诉你学好英语的方法;和你分享快乐;你变得.近年来天津发生很大变化,你邀请他来天津游玩参考词汇:分享快乐 share happiness要求:(1)词数:80100个 (2)信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数 (3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥Dear Brian,How time flies! We have been friends for three years. Im writing to thank you for your help!Three years ago, _ Hope to see you soon!Yours,Zhang Ming感谢大家下载我上传的八年级英语单元测试卷 全套第110单元共10份试卷之前已上传的9份单元测试卷资料代码分别为:人教版新目标八年级英语单元提优测试卷(一):7429495 (二):7429510 (三):7510299 (四):7611001 (五):7622048(六):7856536 (七):7911850 (八):8026897 (九):8048288以上可供下载全套单元,后续还会上传期末调研试题,感谢大家对上传资料的认可,谢谢!人教版新目标八年级英语下册 Unit 10 单元提优测试题参 考 答 案单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)题 号123456789101112131415答 案DBAACABBCADDBBC完形填空(10分) 15 BADCD 610 ACBDB阅读理解(30分) 15 ADBAC 610 BDCBA 1115 BBACD根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(5分)1. memories 2. bedroom 3. hometown 4. concert 5. especially用所给单词的适当形式完成句子 (5分)1. has had 2. certain 3. truthful 4. slept 5. least根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 (10分)1. gave away in need 2. a couple of 3. for a while4. to part with 5. As for no longer 选择适当的句子补全下列对话,有两项多余(5分)15 DAEGB 书面表达(20分)Dear Brian,How time flies! We have been friends for three years. Im writing to thank you for your help! Three years ago, I came to a new class, and I had no friends, so I felt lonely. You wrote to me many times. In your letter, you encouraged me to make more friends and told me how to learn English well. During these three years, you shared happiness with me. And I became happy. In recent years, great changes have happened in Tianjin. Could you e and go on vacation in Tianjin? Hope to see you soon!Yours,Zhang Ming

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