2019-2020年八年级英语下册Unit 4 He said I was hard-working1.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册Unit 4 He said I was hard-working1一、学习目标:1.掌握直接引语与间接引语的意义、功能及用法;2.进一步熟练过去时态(一般过去时、过去进行时)。二、学习重点难点:1.直接引语(Direct Speech)是指原封不动的引用原话,把它放在引号内,例如:Mother told me, “You should finish your homework first, then you can go out and play with your friends.”They said, “We want to have a rest.”间接引语(Reported Speech,又叫Indirect Speech)即用自己的话加以转述,被转述的话不放在引号内。上面两个例句变成间接引语应该是:Mother told me that I should finish my homework first and then I could go out and play with my friends.They said they wanted to have a rest.2.当我们把直接引语变成间接引语时,由于引述动词(said,told等)一般都是过去时形式,因此间接引语中的动词时态、人称代词、限定词、时间状语、地点状语等一般都要做相应的变化。有下面几种情况:1)现在时间推移到过去时间所谓现在时间推移到过去时间指一般现在时变为一般过去时,现在进行时变成过去进行时,现在完成时变成过去完成时。例如:She said, “I am hungry.” She said (that) she was hungry.He said, “The family are fighting among themselves.” He said (that) the family were fighting among themselves.Tom said, “I have found whats wrong with the puter.” Tom said he had found what was wrong with the puter. 在下列场合,尽管陈述动词为过去时形式,间接引语中的动词时态却不必改变,即:a)当引述的是客观事实、科学真理、现在习惯工作以及格言等内容时:He said, “The word laser is an acronym(首字母缩略词).” He said the word laser is an acronym.b)当动词所表示的状态或动作在引述时仍在继续时:“Im forty,” he said. He said he is forty.c)当谓语动词包含无过去时形式的情态助动词时:He said, “It must be pretty late. I really must go.” He said it must be pretty late, and he really must go.He said, “You mustnt smoke in the room.” He said I mustnt smoke in the room.2)过去时间推移到过去的过去这里需要注意以下几点:a)当强调动作或状态先于引述动词时,一般过去时要变成过去完成体。例如:He said, “I didnt know you.” He said he hadnt known me. 当“过去的过去”已经不言自明,或者通过其他词汇手段予以体现,或者侧重于强调所转述的事实本身时,一般过去时形式可以不变。例如: Ann said, “She was born in 1981.” Ann said she was born in 1981.b)过去进行时可以变成过去完成进行时,也可以不变。例如:Robert said, “I was joking with Mary.” Robert said he had been joking with Mary. Robert said he was joking with Mary.c)过去完成时仍为过去完成时,不需改变。例如:He said, “We hadnt returned to the store when she came.” He said they hadnt returned to the store when she came.d)时间状语分句中的一般过去式或者过去进行时可以不变。例如:John said, “When I lived in London I often saw Jane.” John said when he lived in London he had often seen Jane.John said when he lived in London he often saw Jane.3)将来时间推移到过去将来时间最常见的是把表示将来时间的助动词由现在时形式变为过去时形式。例如:He said, “Were spending next weekend at home.” He said they were spending the next weekend at home.She said, “The milk will go off(变质)if you dont drink it today.” She said the milk would go off if I didnt drink it that day.They said, “Were going to Hawaii this summer vacation.” They said they were going to Hawaii that summer vacation. 但是,在引述时,如果原话中的动作或者状态属于尚未到来的将来时间,那么,可以不推移到过去将来时间。例如:He said, “Ill be waiting for you tomorrow.” He said he will be waiting for me tomorrow.4)人称代词、限定词、时间状语、地点状语的变化由上面的例子可以看出,当直接引语变成间接引语时,除动词时态变化外,人称代词、限定词、时间状语、地点状语等通常也作相应的变化。a)人称代词,除引述本人原话外,通常第一、二人称变为第三人称,或者第二人称变为第一人称;限定词也作相应的变化。例如:He said, “We love our country.” He said they love their county.b)指示代词this,these分别变成that/it,those/they或them;指示限定词this,those通常变为that,those或the。例如:“This house is very expensive,” she said. She said that house was very expensive.The children came back with two wallets and said, “We picked these up on the pavement.” The children came back with two wallets and said they had picked them up on the pavement.c)时间状语在间接引语中的变化有三种情况:i) 时间状语和动词时态两者都变。例如: He said, “It was pletes a year ago.” He said it had been pleted a year before.ii) 时间状语不变,动词时态可变可不变。例如:She said, “ We left Paris at 8 a.m.” She said they had left Paris at 8 a.m. She said they left Paris at 8 a.m.iii) 时间状语变与不变需视具体情况而定,如果引述时间和说话时间(如同一年、同一月、同一天等),时间状语可不变。例如: Mr. Black said, “We started learning Chinese last month.” Mr. Black said they had started learning Chinese last month. (同一月引述) Mr. Black said they had started learning Chinese the previous month. (可在同一月引述,也可不在同一月引述)时间状语在间接引语中的变化规则如下:直接引语 间接引语today that day this morning/afternoon, etc. that morning/afternoon, etc.yesterday the day before, the previous day(the) day before yesterday two days beforetomorrow the next day, the following day(the) day after tomorrow two days after, in two days timenext week/month, etc. the next week/month, etc.last week/month the week/month beforenow thend)地点状语here通常变为there;但若说话人所在地也就是引述人所在地,可仍用here,也可用具体地点代替here。例如:She said, “I first met your brother here.” She said she first met my brother there.“Are the children here?” Father asked. Father asked whether the children were here. 好了,让我们来检查一下这些知识点的掌握情况。一、请将下面的直接引语变成间接引语:1.The plumber said, “I cant fix the bathtub today because Im sick”_2.Grandma said, “Grandpa is feeling much better today.”_3.Mr. and Mrs. Davis said, “We wont be able to e to dinner this Saturday night.”_4.The landlord said, “I havent received this months rent yet.”_5. Cousin Sue said, “Im sorry I didnt have time to e over and visit last Saturday.”_6. Uncle Harry said, “Ill call back later.”_7.The neighbors across the street said, “We were robbed last night!”_8.Sally said, “Im at my friend Juliets house now.”_9.Mother said, “Your sister and brother-in-law are going to have a baby.”_10.Aunty said, “There was a big fire at the high school.”_二、请用第三人称转述下面三封电子邮件。1.Subject: Mothers DayIn Italy we celebrate the Mothers day on the 2nd Sunday of May, thats why students dont go to school and adults are not at work. Sons and daughters usually give their mother a little present like flowers, chocolates or a piece of costume jewelry. Elisabetta from Italy2.Subject: Fathers DayI believe Fathers Day occurs on the third Sunday of June. We use it to give our fathers a chance to rest and relax, and do things they enjoy, such as fishing, golf, etc. They need a break!Usually my family will buy Dad a card, take him to eat and play.From the United States by Melissa3. Subject: Christmas On the Christmas eve we dance around the Christmas tree and Saint Nicolaus. In my family we eat Porridge in the evening and we have a Christmas tree in the living room. In the Christmas tree we have candles and other decorations like red golden balls and red hearts. From Sweden by Gresa参考答案:一、1. The plumber said he couldnt fix the bathtub that day because he was sick.2. Grandma said Grandpa was feeling much better that day.3. Mr. and Mrs. Davis said they wouldnt be able to e to dinner that Saturday night.4. The landlord said he hadnt received that months rent yet.5. Cousin Sue said she was sorry she hadnt had time to e over and visit the previous Saturday.6. Uncle Harry said he would call back later.7. The neighbor across the street said they had been robbed the night before.8. Sally said she was at her friend Juliets house then.9. Mother said my sister and brother-in-law were going to have a baby.10. Aunty said there had been a big fire at the high school.二、1. Elisabetta from Italy said in Italy they celebrated the Mothers Day on the 2nd Sunday of May, and that was why students didnt go to school and adults were not at work. She said sons and daughters usually gave their mother a little present like flowers, chocolates or a piece of costume jewelry. 2. Melissa from the United States said she believed Fathers Day occurred on the third Sunday of June. She said they used it to give their fathers a chance to rest and relax, and to do things they enjoy, such as fishing, golf, etc. She said they needed a rest. Melissa also said usually her family would buy her father a card, take him to eat and play. 3. Gresa from Sweden said on the Christmas eve they danced around the Christmas tree and Saint Nicolaus. She said in her family they eat Porridge in the evening and they had a Christmas tree in the living room. She also said in the Christmas tree they had candles and other decorations like red golden balls and red hearts.

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