高考英语一轮复习课时跟踪检测52 试题解析

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课时跟踪检测52(B8Unit 3).单项填空1In preparation for the 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Games, our government has _ a series of measures to improve the citys air quality.A. set out B. set asideC. set down D. set up答案与解析:C考查动词短语辨析。set down制定,规定(规则、原则等)。句意:为了准备2014年南京青奥会,政府制定了一系列措施以改善城市的空气质量。2Some miners were trapped when the local mine was flooded, but luckily, 400 kilograms of milk _ to them during the rescue.Agot through Bbrought downCgave away Dgave out答案与解析:A句意:当地的矿井被洪水淹没时,一些矿工被困井下,幸运的是,在救援过程中输送给了他们400公斤的牛奶。get through“到达;通过”,符合句意。bring down“降低;击落;打倒”;give away“泄露;分发;出卖”;give out“分发;用尽;发表”。3She always _ the smell of fresh bread with her grandmother, who loved baking.Aassociated BrememberedCacknowledged Dattributed答案与解析:A考查动词辨析。句意:她总是把新鲜面包的香味和她喜欢烤面包的祖母联系在一起。associate.with“把与联系起来”,符合句意。acknowledge“承认”;remember“记得”;attribute“把归因于”,常和to搭配构成attribute.to.。根据题意可知选A项。4Now please have a cup of tea while I _ these people and make a schedule.Acall up Btake upCcall off Dtake off答案与解析:A句意:请先喝杯茶,我来给他们打个电话确定时间。call up“给打电话”,符合句意。5The silent girl _ herself in the English Speech Competition, which attracted the attention of the whole school.Arecovered BdistinguishedCcompared Doccupied答案与解析:B句意:那个安静的女孩在英语演讲比赛中表现出色,引起了整个学校的关注。distinguish oneself in sth.“使杰出;因而出名,使自己出名”,习惯用法。recover“恢复”;compare“比;对照”;occupy“使忙碌;占领”。6Have you decided which house to buy?No, not yet. I must find a house that is _ for all kinds of transportation.Aconvenient BappropriateCavailable Dcontent答案与解析:Aconvenient“方便的;便利的”,其主语通常是物,符合题意。appropriate“适当的,适合的”;available“可得到的”;content“满足的;满意的”。7Teachers pay more attention to the _ skills and show students the way to catch the main ideas.Ameaningful BcarefulCpractical Dacceptable答案与解析:C句意:教师们更侧重教授学生实用的技巧,告诉他们怎样弄明白文章大意。practical“实用的”,符合句意。meaningful“有意义的”;careful“仔细的”;acceptable“可接受的”。8What can I do now?_ the chance, otherwise youll regret it.AArrest BSeizeCCatch DHold答案与解析:B句意:我现在该做什么呢?抓住这个机会,否则你会后悔的。seize“抓住”,强调突然的猛烈动作,语气比catch强。arrest“逮捕,拘留”;catch“抓住”;hold指一般的“手持,握住”。9Anyone in my position would have been ruined if he had attempted to _ depths which not even a lifetime of study could plumb (探索)Adive into Blook upCagree on Ddate back答案与解析:A句意:任何一个处于我这样地位的人,要想深入钻研这种穷毕一生之力也无法钻透的问题时,一定会累死的。dive into“一心投入”,符合句意。look up“向上看;查阅”;agree on“达成一致”;date back“追溯”。10I call him _, even there is not much to say.Anow and then Bby and byCstep by step Dmore or less答案与解析:Anow and then“不时,偶尔”。句意:我不时给他打个电话,尽管也没有太多的话要说。by and by表示“不久,马上”;step by step表示“逐步地”;more or less表示“大约”。11Water can absorb and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature, thus creating a _ environment.Apeaceful BsensitiveCcommon Dstable答案与解析:D考查形容词词义辨析。peaceful“平静的”;sensitive“敏感的”;common“普通的”;stable“稳定的”。句意:水能吸收和放出大量的热而不会引起太大的温度变化,这样营造了一种稳定的环境。12Nobody knows exactly how many years it will be _ the Chinese football team enters the final stage of the World Cup.Awhen BbeforeCsince Duntil答案与解析:B“It will be时间段before从句”结构表示“要过多长时间之后才”。13I always take something to read when I go to the doctors _ I have to wait.Ain case Bso thatCin order Das if答案与解析:A句意:我去看病时总是带些能读的东西,以防不得不等待。由句意可知用in case“以防”最佳。14Most air pollution is caused by the burning of _ like coal, gas and oil.Afuels BarticlesCgoods Dproducts答案与解析:A句意:大部分空气污染是像煤、燃气、油等燃料的燃烧造成的。由题干中的“coal, gas and oil”可知这里指的是燃料,故选A项。article“物品”; goods“货物,商品”; product“产品”。15She _ great importance _ regular exercise.Aties; to Bputs; toCattaches; to Dlays; on答案与解析:C句意:她非常重视定期锻炼。attach importance to“重视”,符合句意。.完形填空 In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. These things have come to represent, in fact, what I call _16_ and love.I dont remember my father ever getting into a swimming pool. But he did _17_ the water. Any kind of _18_ ride seemed to give him pleasure. _19_ he loved to fish; sometimes he took me along.But I never really liked being on the water, the way my father _20_. I liked being at the water, moving through it, _21_ it all around me. I was not a strong _22_, or one who learned to swim early, for I had my _23_. But I loved being in the swimming pool close to my fathers office and _24_ those summer days with my father, who _25_ come by on a break. I needed him to see what I could do. My father would stand there in his suit, the _26_ person not in swimsuit. After swimming, I would go _27_ his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk, where he let me _28_ anything I found in his top desk drawer. Sometimes, if I was left alone at his desk _29_ he worked in the lab, an assistant or a student might come in and tell me perhaps I shouldnt be playing with his _30_. But my father always _31_ and said easily, “Oh, no, its _32_.” Sometimes he handed me coins and told me to get _33_ an ice cream. A poet once said, “We look at life once, in childhood; the rest is _34_.” And I think it is not only what we “look at once, in childhood” that determines our memories, _35_the person who, in that childhood, looks at us.16. A. desire B. joy C. anger D. worry17. A. avoid B. refuse C. praise D. love18. A. boat B. bus C. train D. bike19. A. But B. Then C. And D. Still20. A. expected B. desired C. wished D. did21. A. having B. leaving C. making D. getting22. A. swimmer B. rider C. walker D. runner23. A. hopes B. faiths C. fights D. fears24. A. spending B. saving C. wasting D. ruining25. A. should B. would C. had to D. ought to26. A. next B. only C. other D. last27. A. away from B. out of C. by D. inside28. A. put up B. break downC. play with D. work out29. A. the moment B. the first time C. while D. before30. A. fishing net B. office things C. wooden chair D. lab equipment31. A. stood up B. set out C. showed up D. turned out32. A. fine B. strange C. terrible D. funny33. A. the student B. the assistant C. myself D. himself34. A. memory B. wealth C. experience D. practice35. A. as B. but C. or D. and答案与解析:本文讲述了作者在孩提时代与父亲之间的一些故事。浓浓的父爱使作者对童年有着美好的回忆。16B并列连接词“and”暗示空格处的词语应与后面的“love”同属褒义词,所以可先排除C项和D项;再结合文章开头和下文可知文章讲的是美好的回忆,所以答案为B项。17D下文“Any kind of _18_ ride seemed to give him pleasure.”和“he loved to fish”暗示父亲非常喜欢水上活动,故选love。18A根据上文可知应选A项,与水有关的活动是乘船。19C上句提到乘船能给父亲带来乐趣,后面提到父亲喜欢钓鱼,所以用and表示递进关系。20D前文谈到父亲喜欢水上活动,“the way my father did”相当于“my father liked being on the water”。“我”喜欢在水中嬉戏而父亲喜欢水上活动。21A句子的主干是“I liked being at the water”,后面的moving through it和having it all around me为现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随。have后带介词短语作宾语补足语,表示使某人或某物处于某种状态。22A由语境可知,这里指“我”并不十分擅长游泳,故选A项。23D前文提到“我”没有很早地学游泳,根据常理推测小孩子害怕水。24A句意:“我”喜欢在离父亲办公室很近的那个游泳池里游泳,与父亲一起度过夏日。25B这里would表示“过去常常(做某事)”。should意为“应该”,had to“不得不”,ought to“应该”。26B通常出现在游泳池里的人都穿着泳装,而“我”父亲则穿着西服,因此他是唯一(only)不穿泳装的人。27D由下文“我”在父亲办公室里玩耍可知应选D项。游泳结束后,“我”总是到父亲的办公室里玩耍。28Cput up“张贴,搭建,为某人提供食宿”;break down“机器出故障,身体垮掉,感情失去控制,分解”;work out“计算出,想出”;play with“与一起玩,玩弄”。由下文“.I shouldnt be playing with his.”可知此处应选C项。29Cthe moment“一就”;the first time“第一次”;while“在期间”;before“在之前”。在父亲去实验室工作期间,“我”就一个人呆在他办公桌旁。30B上文提到“我”从父亲的办公室抽屉里找东西玩,故选B项。31Cstand up“站起来”;set out“出发,开始”;turn out“结果是,被证明是”;show up“出现,到场”。只有C项符合语境。32A“Oh,no,its fine.”表示“没关系”,由句首的but可知父亲允许“我”玩他办公室的东西。33C此处指父亲给“我”钱,让“我”给自己买冰淇淋吃。34A文章开头的“my memory”和下文的“our memories”暗示这里应填memory。35B此处构成not only. but (also)结构,且最后一句为强调句。.阅读理解I stole your dog. No, I didnt set foot in your house, but from the condition of your dog, I can imagine what it looks likethe word “rubbish” comes to mind.I found her along a road, with a heavy chain wrapped around her neck, still attached to rotten boards from her doghouse. Not only did I know that most of the towns people had already ignored her, judging by the place where I found her, but I knew that if she had gotten into the woods, the “cross” that she dragged behind her would have wrapped itself around a tree until starvation or thirst killed her.She has a beautiful name now. Already in the first week she has come to look more like what she should. Her eyes sparkle and she has learned to wag her tail in greeting. She has stopped flinching (畏缩) when I make a sudden movement, because she knows now that I wont beat her. In fact, she rarely leaves my side. Shes even become brave enough to bark at a cat and today as I looked out of the window she attempted to play with other dogs. No, its clear that she does not miss you or her former life on a chain.Its not clear yet whether shell remain here or whether Ill find her a loving home where she can count on more individual attention than I can give her, but one thing is certain, this is a bit of stolen “property” which is never returning to you. So sue me, accuse me, and plead with the court that she is rightfully yours. Im convinced that this is the best “crime” Ive ever committed. Hardly anything has pleased me more than the day when I stole your dog. I need only look into her beautiful brown eyes to know that shed defend my decision with her life. If we have one prayer, it is that you will not replace her, and if we have one special day to celebrate together, it is the day I stole your dog and the day she stole my heart.36Whats the authors attitude towards the former owner of the dog?APuzzled. BAngry.CShocked. DSatisfied.37It can be inferred from the passage that _.Athe dog is not lovelyBthe dog tried to find a kind masterCthe dog was treated badly by its former masterDthe author will be charged with stealing the dog38What did the author think of his theft?AHe was afraid of being punished.BHe thought he had to do it.CHe believed that the law would allow him to do so.DHe did it with pride.答案与解析:作者用愤慨的口吻指责了一只流浪狗的主人,因为这个狗的主人经常虐待他的狗。36B推理判断题。由文中对小狗的遭遇的描述和最后一段第一句话可知,作者对小狗的前主人的行为感到很气愤。37C推理判断题。由第二段中对小狗遭遇的描述可知,小狗的前主人对小狗非常不好。38D推理判断题。根据最后一段倒数第四句话“Im convinced that this is the best crime Ive ever committed.”可知答案。6

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