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Unit 2 We thought somebody was moving about课题: Module 8 Unit 2 We thought somebody was moving about . 第二课时自主学习:一、根据课文或学习资料找到并翻译下列词组和句子。1. 承诺做某事_2. 和 呆在一起_3. 玩得开心_4. 一块神奇的陆地_5. 平方千米_6. 因 而著名_7. 奇怪的形状_8. 看起来像_9. 一些 另一些_10.小河旁_11.在夜间_12.四处走动_13.出来_14.寻找_15.沿着向下走_16.摘下树叶_17.第二大淡水湖_18.这是一块拥有高山,森林和河流的神奇的土地。_19.我们没有制造任何噪音悄悄地走了出去。_20.玲玲的叔叔说从植物上摘下树叶是错误的。_21.明天我们要去中国的第二大淡水湖-洞庭湖_学习重点能够感知宾语从句,并用宾语从句表达自己的旅行经历和观点。学习难点用宾语从句表达自己的旅行经历和观点。学习过程(学案)合作探究:I. Activity5 plete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.II. Activity 6 work in pairs.III. Write a short passage according to Activity7.点拨引导:1. square kilometre, 表示“平方公里” 练一练: (1) Our school is about one _ _(平方公里), its very large. (2) The city is about 360_ _ (平方公里). 2. wake的过去式为woke,过去分词为 woken。wake up是固定短语,意为“叫醒”。当wake up的宾语是名词时,宾语可放在wake和up的中间或up的后面;当wake up的宾语是代词时,宾语只能放在wake和up的中间。练一练: (1)不要叫醒那个婴儿。Dont _ _ the baby. = Dont _ the baby _. (2) 让我们现在叫醒他。Lets _ _ _now.3. “Its a pity that + 从句”,表示“很遗憾 .”。练一练:很遗憾他考试失败了。_ _ _ _ he failed the exam.4.pull 作动词时,可意为“拉,拖,拔”。pull相对应的词是push,意为“推”。练一练: 不要推门,请拉门。 Dont _ the door. _ it, please. pull sth. off 表示“从.拉下.”。练一练: 孩子从植物上摘下了一朵花。The child _ a flower _ the plant. 课堂检测(10分钟)I. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。1.刚才一个奇怪的声音唤醒了我。 A strange noise _ _ _ just now.2.刚才,我看见一名学生在操场四处走动。 I _ a student _ _ on the playground just now.3.我希望去看小河,我也希望你去看小河。 I hope _ _the river , and I _ you to see it as well.4.我们不应该从树上摘下叶子。 We shouldnt _ the leaves _ the trees.5.真可惜,他昨天丢了一块手表。_ _ _ _ he lost a watch yesterday.III.根据短文内容选词填空,并注意适当形式。million, tired, climb, real, one, palaceLast summer holidays my parents took me to Beijing. We stayed at a hotel. On the (1)_ day, we went to the Great Wall. We could see (2)_ of bricks (砖) there, big and heavy. Lots of visitors from different countries like (3)_ the Great Wall. We also like it. We felt very (4)_ when we succeeded (成功) in climbing to the top of the Great Wall. During the travel, we also went to the Palace Museum. The Palace Museum has a lot of (5)_. I bought a lot of postcards of the Palace Museum. I felt excited after visiting it.The following days, we went to the Summer Palace, Tiananmen Square, Beihai Park and so on. I know more about the history of China now. I (6)_ enjoyed the trip to Beijing.备注

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