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非谓语动词解题解析刘宏斌 1 1 Theyoungmansatathisdeskandlistenedtotheradio 2 Theyfiredattheenemyandkilledfive 3 Hewasabouttoleavewhenthebellrang 4 Theyoungmansatathisdesk listeningtotheradio 5 Theyfiredattheenemy killingfive 6 Walkinginthestreettheotherday Iranacrossanoldfriend 7 Hegotupearlyinordertogetthereearly 8 Footballisplayedinmorethan80countries thusmakingitthemostpopulargameintheworld 9 Givenmoretime wecouldhavedoneitbetter 非谓语动词 4 5 6 7 8 9 连词是否出现是判断非谓语动词的先决条件 非谓语与主句主语之间的关系 一 二 三 主谓关系 1 todo tobedoing tohavedonetohavebeendoing2 doing havingdone3 sb s doing havingdone 动宾关系 1 done2 beingdonetobedonehavingbeendonetohavebeendone3 sb s beingdone sb s havingbeendone 无关系 1 generally frankly honestly roughlyspeakingsupposing judgingby from2 With的复合结构3 独立主格 主谓关系 1 据说他曾经 正在美国学习过 呢 1 2 2 Tomwasmade theworkbefore5o clock finish 3 Thisisavery filmwhichmadeeveryonecry move 4 HeissaidtohavestudiedinAmerica HeissaidtobestudyinginAmerica tofinish moving 1 Whathesaidsetme alot think 2 Thesalesmancaughtthegirl steal 3 Whoonearthleftthewater run thinking stealing running Exercise 1 WIthalotofdifficultproblems thenewly electedpresidentishavingahardtime A settledB settlingC tosettleD beingsettled2 Don tleavethewater whileyoubrushyourteeth A runB runningC beingrunD torun3 Acookwillbeimmediatelyfiredifheisfound inthekitchen A smokeB smokingC tosmokeD smoked4 VIctorapologizedfor toinformmeofthechangeoftheplan A hisbeingnotableB himnottobeableC hisnotbeingableD himtobenotable5 Theoldman abroadfortwentyyears isonthewaybacktohismotherland A toworkB workingC tohaveworkedD havingworked6 withadifficultsituation Arnolddecidedtoaskhisbossforadvice A TofacedB HavingfacedC FacedD Facing c B B C D C 其他方面 1 asleepingboy car 现在分词与动名词定语区别 2 Burning steaming boiling blazinghotfreezing biting piercing cold3 比较下面的句子 Hesatthere lookingintothesky Hesatthere lostinthought Hesatthereandwaslostinthought Facingaserioussituation thepresidentistryinghisbesttofindsomegoodpolicies Facedwithaaserioussituation thepresidentistryinghisbesttofindsomegoodpolicies 通常情况下 系表结构看作是主谓关系 而不是一种被动的概念 动宾关系 1 比较 1 THewindowwasbroken 2 Thewindowwasbrokenbyhim 3 Theteacupbrokoenbymybrotherwasmade300yearsago 2 1 withotherboys Ithink Jackisbetter compare 2 Thebuliding lastyearisnowusedasapubliclibrary build 3 Thebuilding atpresentwilbeusedasapubliclibrary build 4 Thebuilding nextmonthwilbeusedasapubliclibrary build 5 You dbetterkeepthewindow foritisverydustyout close 6 His atthemeetingmadehisparentsfeelproud praise compared built beingbuilt tobebuilt closed beingpraised Exercises 1 When themuseumwillbeopentopublicnextyear A completedB completingC beingcompletedD tobecompleted2 Havingatripabroadiscertainlygoodfortheoldcouple butitremains whethertheywillenjoyit A toseeB tobeseenC seeingD seen3 Thediscoveryofnewevidenceledto A thethiefhavingcaughtB catchthethiefC thethiefbeingcaughtD thethieftobecaught4 Helenhadtoshout abovethesoundofthemusic A makingherselfhearB tomakeherselfhearC makingherselfheardD tomakeherselfheard5 intouseinApril2000 thehotlinewasmeantforresidentsreportingwaterandheatingsupplybreakdowns A PutB PuttingC HavingputD Beingput6 WhatisthematterwithTim Oh Tim scellphonewasleftinataxiaccidentally never again A tofindB tobefoundC findingD beingfound A B C D A B 无关系 1 分词或介词短语 1 generally frankly honestly strictly roughly exactlyspeaking 2 judgingby from talkingof supposing cosidering puttingitmildly 3 tobehonest withyou tobeexact tobefrankwithyou totellyouthetruth 4 given that providingthat2 With out 的复合结构 1 with out 宾语 todo 表示将来 2 with out 宾语 doing 同时发生或稍微前一点时间 3 with out 宾语 done 完成并且表示被动的概念较多 4 with out 宾语 adj 表明宾语的状态 5 with out 宾语 adv 表明宾语的情况 6 with out 宾语 介短 表明宾语的情况或是状态 3 独立主格 没有with out 的复合结构逻辑主语 todo doing done adj adv 介短 n 介 n exercise 1 Withnorainforthreemonthsandfoodsupplies out thesituationhereisgettingfrombadtoworse A runB runningC torunD toberun2 hisage hediditquitewell sodon t himanymore A Given blameB Considered sayC Toregard scoldD Considering speak3 wefailagain whatshouldwedo A TosupposeB SupposedC SuppoingD Havingsupposed4 Thesun everythingseemedtobemoreactive A risesB risenC raisingD rose5 1 Withtheoldman theway wefoundthevillageeasily 2 Withtheoldman theway wewillfindthevillageeasily 3 Theoldman theway wefoundthevillageeasily 4 Theoldman theway wewillfindthevillageeasily 5 bytheoldman wefoundthevillageeasily A leadB toleadC ledD leading B A C B D B D B C 综合训练 1 Suddenly atallmandrivingagoldencarriage thegirlandtookheraway intothewoods A seizing disappearedB seized disappearedC seizing disappearingD seized disappearing2 Thedisc digitally inthestudio soundedfantasticatthepartylastnight A recordedB recordingC toberecordedD havingrecorded3 Havingbeenillinbedfornearlyamonth hehadahardtime theexam A passB passC passedD passing4 When help oneoftensays thankyou or itiskindofyou A offeringB toofferC tobeofferedD offered5 inawhiteuniform helooksmorelikeacookthanadoctor A DressedB TodressC DressingD Havingdressed6 Icouldn tdomyhomeworkwithallthatnoise outside A goingonB goesonC wentonD togoon7 Youcan tcatchme Janeshouted away A runB runningC torunD ran D A D D A A B


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