(新人教版选修6)英语:unit 3《a healthy life》单元同步测试

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(新人教版选修6)英语:unit 3《a healthy life》单元同步测试_第1页
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(新人教版选修6)英语:unit 3《a healthy life》单元同步测试_第3页
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Unit3 A healthy life单元同步测试I. 单项选择 1. Once you have become _ to cigarette smoking or alcohol, it is hard to _it even though you try hard. A, used; get away with B. addicted; get rid of C. adapted; get down to D. accustomed; get off 2. You have really _ our trust and expectation. How come that you have got yourself involved in family and child abuses? A. let down B. disappointed C. abused D. broken 3. AIDS virus is said _ through blood transfusion and direct sexual contact. It is important and necessary _ organizations to offer healthful advice on sex to adolescents. A to spread; set up B . to be spread; put up C. spreading; found D. being spread; build up 4. _ the thick fog hanging around the airport, his plane which was _ at 11:30 landed two hours late. A. Thanks to; believed to arrive B. Owing to; about arriving C. Because of; supposed arriving D. Due to; due to arrive 5. For the benefit of nonsmokers, the Mayor stressed the importance and urgency to _ in public places. A. rid smoking B. stop smoking C. ban smoking D. prevent smoking 6. She is so accustomed to _ around all the time that his sudden withdrawal from her world caused her great panic. A. him being B. being C. him to be D. have him around 7. It is generally believed that constant reading and comprehending can _ our mental ability of comprehension while physical exercise can help build up our body. A. stress B. effect C. strengthen D. decide 8. Though many of the heavy smokers have realized the serious effect that smoking has _ their health, they continue to smoke instead of _. A. for; giving it up B. on; leaving C. to; abandoning D. on; quitting 9. _the fact that there was great prejudice against women entering mens profession then, she succeeded as a manager of a big company. A. While B. In spite of C. Despite of D. As 10. _ as the patients lung structure was, the doctors still decided to _to perform the operation on him. A. Imnormal; take a chance B. Unnormal; take a risk C. Abnormal; take risks D. Disnormal; take chances 11. It is _of you to make your teacher _ in front of so many students on purpose. A. shameful; embarrassed B. ashamed; embarrassed C. a shame; embarrass D. ashamed; embarrassing 12. Even though he knew he would put his own life _, he still felt _the newly discovered herb to find out what it would _. A. at a risk; like to try; feel like B. at risks; like trying; feel C. at risk; like to try; feel as D. at risk; like trying; feel like 13. When a desperate man becomes desperate _ money, love or sex, he will stop at nothing to get what he wants, turning to illegal means or even risking _his own life A. for; to lose B. for; losing C. with; to lose D. at; losing 14. If a chemist _guilty of selling drugs unfit for youngsters, his qualification will automatically cease, according to regulation 34 in the administrative section. A. approves B. appeals C. proves D. turn out 15. I have seen so many advertisements advertising so much about having invented something _ all kinds of diseases that I have become _ it. A. curable of; interested in B. curing of; bored with C. treating; tired with D. immune to; immune to 16. The female patient lay _on her bed in the ward and her family watched her with breathless anxiety, wondering _ of her survival was from her operation. A. breathless; how much B. breathlessly; how many C. breathless; how much D. breathlessly; how many 17. The date for the next round six-party talk _ but whether progress will be made remains _. A. has agreed; to be seen B. has been decided on; to be seen C. has been reached; being seen D. has been determined on; being seen 18. It is _ for a girl to become pregnant before marriage in China but in some developed western countries it is a quite _and acceptable behavior. A. embarrassed; normal B. disappointing; ordinary C. awkward; common D. embarrassing; general 19. If one or both of the parents _ into the habit of smoking, they are likely to _ their children into the habit, which gets them into a lot of health problems. A. have got; get B. has got; get C. have fallen; fall D. has formed; get 20. The male sales director felt very _ when his judgment on the market situation, which was _ all the time, proved wrong A. upset; changed B. frustrated; flexible C. let down; reliable D. disappointed; changeable 21. The human rights situation in China is still very tough, one aspect of which _ abortion. A. the Chinese government is accused of B. is closely related with C. is charged with D. is based on 22. Yesterday afternoon, I _a parcel on my way here, which _a packet of chocolate, a bundle of needles and a box of sleeping pills. A. picked up; contained B. took up; included C. found; there was D. collected; there were 23. One should not make flattery an _ part of ones behavior in life. A. natural B. normal C. automatic D. genuine 24. _a book attached at the back are worth _ A. Contents of; reading B. Entries to; looking C. Indexes to; reading D. Appendices to; consulting 25. Essential services(ie the supply of water, food, electricity, _ will be maintained in time of emergency. A. and so on B. and so forth C. as well D. etc. II. 完形填空Christmas is over. And I got my wanted radio-controlled truck. But you would not believe the_26_ and work that went into getting this holy toy.For over a month I stared at _27_ magazines I received from my friend until I had made up my _28_: I wanted a Pumpkin truck. I _29_ to work immediately, dropping hints to my father about it.My first job was to tell him about how the steering(操纵杆) on my old car didnt _30_, but he just blamed the problems on my bad _31_.My next plan would have to be more _32_. “Look at this, Dad, the truck with controller and battery packall for only US$250!” You cant _33_ to miss out on this bargain!”His _34_ was that he certainly could afford to miss this _35_ and for US$250 you could buy _36_ educational like a telescope. “A telescope? To look at the moon? Ill look at it when Im 97 years old and living in a _37_ home! This is my youth! I am supposed to run about.”I went to my room, _38_ at how mean(吝啬的) my father was. It was obvious that he didnt _39_ that I would die if I did not get the Pumpkin radio-controlled truck.When I _40_ on Christmas morning I wasnt excited. I had been _41_. I opened all my presents until there was just one big package _42_. “The telescope,” I thought. I _43_ the packaging and looked at the top of the boxit was a Pumpkin truck. I had _44_! I loved my parents! I felt like I could do anything! I could _45_ get an A+ in English class.26. A. painB. attemptC. joyD. shyness27. A. housingB. fishingC. carD. fashion28. A. mindB. ideaC. opinionD. head29. A. getB. setC. searchedD. went30. A. operateB. runC. startD. work31. A. ridingB. drivingC. thinkingD. keeping32. A. strongB. practicalC. idealD. obvious33. A. affordB. payC. allowD. stand34. A. talkB. expressionC. faceD. response35. A. truckB. telescopeC. chanceD. bargain36. A. oneB. somethingC. everythingD. nothing37. A. heatingB. lovingC. nursingD. finding38. A. pleasedB. goodC. expertD. angry39. A. sayB. believeC. careD. learn40. A. went offB. woke upC. rang upD. found out41. A. worriedB. instructedC. warnedD. defeated42. A. openedB. wrappedC. leftD. faded43. A. recoveredB. refusedC. reopenedD. removed44. A. wonB. doneC. beatenD. failed45. A. everB. alreadyC. stillD. evenIII 阅读理解 第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AHaving reached the highest point of our route according to plan, we discovered something the map had not told us. It was impossible to climb down into the Kingo valley. The river lay deep between mountain sides that were almost vertical(垂直).We couldnt find any animal tracks, which usually show the best way across country, and the slopes were covered so thickly with bushes that we could not see the nature of the ground. We had somehow to break through to the river which would give us our direction out of the mountains into the inhabited lowlands.Our guide cut a narrow path through the bushes with his long knife and we followed in single file. Progress was slow. Then, when we thought we had really reached the river, we found ourselves instead on the edge of a cliff with a straight drop of 1,000 feet to the water below. We climbed back up the slope and began to look for another way down. We climbed slipped, sweated and scratched our hands to pieces and finally arrived at the river. Happily we came downhill along its bank without having to cut our way. However, after a few miles the river entered a steep-sided gap between rocks and suddenly dropped thirty-five feet over a waterfall. There was no path alongside it and no way round it.Then one of the guides saw a way of overcoming the difficulty. There was a fallen tree lying upside down over the waterfall with its leafy top resting on the opposite bank below the falls. Without hesitation he climbed down the slippery trunk to show us how easy it was. Having got to the fork of the tree, he moved hand over hand along a branch for four or five feet with his legs hanging in space, then he dropped onto the flat bank the other side, throwing his arms in the air like a footballer who has scored goal, and cheerfully waving us on.46Having reached the highest point on their route, the travelers expected to be able to .Atrack animals to the river Bput away the maps they had been using Ccome near to the river from a different directionDget down to the river without much difficulty.47The travelers wanted to get to the river because .Ait would lead them to the waterfall Bit would show them which way to goCit was the only possible way out of the mountainsDit was a quicker way than going over the mountains48One reason why the travelers took so long to get to the river was that .Ait was too hot to move quickly Bthere was no proper pathCthey all tried to go different ways Dthey could not follow the animal tracks49To get past the waterfall the guide had to .Ause a fallen tree as a kind of bridge Bcross the river above the waterfallCslide down a steep river bank Dswing across the river from a high branchBAnxiety is the appropriate(适当的)emotion when the immediate personal terrorof a volcano, an arrow, a stab(刺伤)in the back and other disasters, all directed against ones self-disappears.The kind of world that produces anxiety is actually a world of relative safety, a world in which no one feels that he himself is facing sudden death. The anxiety exists as an uneasy state of mind, in which one has a feeling that something unspecified(不具体的)and indeterminable may go wrong. If the world seems to be going well, this produces anxietyfor good times may end. If the world is going badlyit may get worse. Anxiety tends to be without focus; the anxious person doesn t know whether to blame himself or other people. He isnt sure whether it is the current year of the administration or a change in climate or the atom bomb that is to blame for this undefined sense of unease.It is clear that we have developed a society which depends on having the right amount of anxiety to make it workWhile we agree that too much anxiety is harmful to mental health, we have come to rely on anxiety to push us into seeing a doctor about a symptom(症状)which may indicate cancer, into checking up on that old life-insurance policy which may have out-of-date provisions in it, into having a conference with Billys teacher even though his report card looks all right.People who are anxious enough keep their car insurance up, have the brakes checked, dont take a second drink when they have to drive. People who are too anxious either refuse to go into cars at alland so complicate the ordinary course of lifeor drive so tensely and carefully that they help cause accidents. People who arent anxious enough take chance after chance, which increases the terrible accidents of the roads.50According to the author, anxiety is the emotion when .Aone is filled with a sudden sense of uneasiness Bone sees no immediate dangerCone has a vague sense about his life Done feels that the world may go badly51The author holds that .Aanxiety is a good thing Banxiety is a symptom of mental illnessCsome anxiety can lead to changes for the better Dno anxiety is bad for society52According to the author, accidents of the road tend to be caused by .Aall those who are too anxiousBall those who have anxietyCthose who have no anxietyDthose who are not anxious enough53The best title for the passage would be .AOne Mans Thought about AnxietyBThe Right Amount of AnxietyCAnxiety versus SafetyDDifferent Attitudes to Anxiety第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项Here is a piece of news from a newspaper two years ago.English courses will be offered to primary school students in cities and in country schools beginning next year, said the director of the Department of Basic Education of Ministry of Education, Li Lianning.Primary school students will be required to take the English course beginning in Grade Three. 54_. And in some country primary schools, the program wont be started until 2002.55_. More emphasis will be placed on students speaking and reading abilities, instead of the traditional grammar and pronunciation teaching method.It is expected that students will learn more in a certain environment. Therefore, a situational method will be used during the class. 56_. The lessons could be short, 20 or 30 minutes, but at least two lessons among the four should be 40 minutes.An eight-level test system will be used to cover all level of English from primary school students to senior highs. This would be the first official English assessment(评定)introduced into the high school education system.A junior high student is required to pass Band Five and a senior high should pass Band Seven. Students will not be required to pass Band Eight. 57_. The programme is one of the key parts of the education reform started by the Ministry of Education in the spirit of helping quality education.58 _. The first five years of the ten-year plan is to introduce new teaching materials. These materials will be used by schools over the country in the following five.A. A new teaching method will be used for this English courseB. Four English periods each week will be requiredC. The reform is aimed at improving students comprehensive(理解)and lifelong learning abilitiesD. In cities some primary schools may open the course for Grade One studentsE. This requires a large vocabulary of 4,500 wordsF. different lessons have different teaching methods.G students like proper teaching methodsIV. 短文改错:A thirst bee went to a river to drink, and was carried away by the run water. A kind bird picked a leave off a tree and threw into the water in front of the bee. The bee was able to climb onto the leaf, and brought safely to the land. The bee thank the bird for its kindness and then flew away. Not long after, the bird was sitting in a branch while a man was aiming his gun at it. But the bee saw what the man was doing. So it flew into the man eye and hurt him. The pain was so great that he was not able to shoot at the bird, and the bird flew away. In the way, the bee whose life had been saved by the bird, and was able to save the life of the bird.V. 书面表达假定你是李华希望通过外籍教师Peter找一位英语笔友。请写一封短信描述一下你理想中笔友的条件,并说明为什么选这样的笔友。具体条件包括:1年龄 2性别 3爱好(旅游、运动、宠物等)。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2可以适当增加细节以使行文连贯; 3开头语已为你写好。_Unit three A healthy life 答案I 单项选择 125 BCADC ACDBC ADBCD ABCAD BACDD II 完形填空26-30ACABD 31-35BDADD 36-40BCDCB 41-45DCDAD III 阅读理解4649 DCB A 5053 BCDA 5458 DABECIV 短文改错:1. thirstthirsty 2. runrunning 3. threw 后面加it 4. brought 前面加was 5.thank-thanked 6. inon 7.manmans 8.at 去掉 9. In the wayIn this way 10. and 去掉V 书面表达Dear Peter,I am writing to ask whether you are able to do me a favor. Best regardsLi HuDear Peter,I am writing to ask whether you are able to do me a favor.I want to have a pen friend, hopefully a girl in her early twenties, and with interests similar to mine. In my mind, she is someone who is interested in traveling, swimming, and playing table tennis. Besides, it would be better for her to have a pet dog as I have kept one at home for some time. With such a pen friend, I hope I can share with her our experience in traveling, taking care of pets or whatever we have in common. And I believe I will improve my English by doing so and learn more about her country.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Best regardsLi Hua第 8 页 共 8 页


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