高考英语一轮复习课时跟踪检测42 试题解析

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课时跟踪检测42(B7Unit 1).单项填空1Did he say anything that _ you especially?Not really. Actually I slept through his speech.Aadapted toBattached toCreferred to Dappealed to答案与解析:D句意:他讲了些使你特别感兴趣的东西吗?没讲,实际上在他演讲的过程中,我一直在睡觉。adapt to“适应”;attach to“附属于”;refer to“涉及,提到”;appeal to“吸引,引起兴趣”。故选D项。2It _ me greatly that he made no answer when I asked him many times.Ainterrupted BdisturbedCannoyed Dtroubled答案与解析:C句意:使我大为恼火的是我问了他很多遍,他都不理不睬。interrupt“打断”;disturb“打扰”;annoy“使生气”;trouble“麻烦”。故选C项。3Ill have to leave now. Someone is asking for me._. So long!AAll the best BAll in allCAll the better DCongratulations答案与解析:A句意:有人找我。我现在得走了。祝你万事如意。再见!all the best是临别祝愿用语;all in all是归纳总结用语;congratulations是对别人成功的祝贺用语。通过后面的“so long”可知,答案是A项。4Nowadays TV _ other media has attracted the attention of many audiences.Aas well as BexceptCbesides Dnot only答案与解析:A句意:现在,像其他媒体一样,电视也吸引了许多观众的注意力。as well as“不仅而且;和一样”;except“除了以外(不包括)”;besides“除了以外(包括)”;not only“不仅”不独立存在,要与but also连用。故选A项。5Being determined is a kind of quality and thats _ it takes to do anything properly.Ahow BwhichCwhere Dwhat答案与解析:D考查名词性从句。根据句意,what引导表语从句并在从句中作宾语。6As forests are being _, the environment pollution is becoming more and more serious.Acut off Bcut inCcut down Dcut up答案与解析:C句意:随着森林不断遭到砍伐,环境污染变得日益严重。cut off“断绝,中止(供应)”;cut in“插话”;cut down“砍倒”;cut up“砍碎,切碎”。故选C项。7Mike, our team will play against the Rockets this weekend. Im sure we will win._!ACongratulations BCheersCBest wishes DGood luck答案与解析:D句意:Mike,本周末我们队要跟火箭队比赛,我确信我们会赢。祝你们好运!congratulations“(成功后的祝贺)祝贺你们;cheers“(喝酒用语)干杯”;best wishes“(书信或贺卡用语)祝好”;good luck“祝你马到成功,祝你吉星高照”,故选D项。8The place where I live is very _ for shopping as it is only a few minuteswalk from a big supermarket.Acomfortable BsuitableCconvenient Davailable答案与解析:C句意:我住的地方购物很方便,因为它离一家大超市只需步行几分钟。convenient“方便的”。suitable也可接for,但其词义和语境不符。9Like some of my classmates, I cannot live up to my teachers expectations; _ I let them down.Ain other words Bafter allCwhats more Dmore or less答案与解析:A句意:跟一些同学一样,我辜负了老师的期望,换句话说,令他们失望了。in other words“换句话说”,符合句意。after all“毕竟”;whats more“而且;更重要的是”;more or less“或多或少”。10All flights have been _ because of bad weather.Aabolished BcancelledCdismissed Dfired答案与解析:B句意:由于天气恶劣,所有的航班都被取消了。abolish的宾语往往是规章制度或习俗;而cancel的宾语是债务、合同、证书、比赛、旅行、计划或约会等;dismiss和fire的宾语往往是人,dismiss较正式。故选B项。11Over two thirds of the population were believed to have no _ to the health care in the west rural areas in China.Aaid BwayCbelief Daccess答案与解析:Dhave access to sth.意为“自由使用”,为习惯搭配。way是可数名词,前面应用冠词。12The _ of air also explains why the stars dont seem to twinkle in space.Aabsence BabsentCpresent Dpresence答案与解析:A句意:空气稀薄也能解释为什么太空中星星似乎不闪烁。absence“缺乏;缺少;缺席”。13They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce _ effects similar to those caused by laughter.Adifferent BbeneficialCeffective Dharmful答案与解析:Bbeneficial“有益处的”,此处是指让别人笑能够产生有益处的效果。14It is certain that all the terrorists are bound to _ a terrible fate.Ameet with Bdeal withCdo with Dput up with答案与解析:Ameet with除了表示“偶遇,碰到”外,还可以表示“遭到”。句意:恐怖分子注定要遭到可怕的结局。15I know the man who is going to _ an opera tonight.Awrite BcomposeCplay Dconduct答案与解析:D根据语境“此人将指挥歌剧”,可知答案为D项。conduct意为“指挥”。.阅读理解Why wait? Buy now! You are buying 100% BRAND NEW original iPod 2nd Gen headphones. (Comes in original iPod box, great price.) Can be used with any iPod,3.5mm Jack MP3 and MP4 player. Shipping All orders will be shipped within 24 hours after receiving payments. Items will be shipped by International Air Mail from Hong Kong. Items usually take 714 business days to arrive. The actual delivery time depends on your location and post office. Return policy If items do not function upon arrival, the problem must be reported within 7 days and the item must be returned to us within 30 days. Buyers are responsible for returned shipping cost. Contact us We will reply your email within 24 hours. If you contact us but get no response, please check your spam folder (垃圾邮件文件夹). You can contact us at: traderwoods gmail. com. Usages Dont jam them too far inside your ear because that will cause them to pop out when your ear muscles flex,_and that is definitely not how to wear inear headphones. You want them to rest naturally in your ear cavity (洞) and hang like a coat on a hook, slightly free.16. Which of the following descriptions about the advertised iPod headphones is TRUE? A. They may be secondhand headphones. B. They are repackaged to meet customers needs. C. Their price is attractive to buyers. D. They can be used with all MP3 and MP4 players.17. When you order headphones, you are expected to wait at least _ business days before they arrive.A. 2 B7 C. 14 D. 3018. If you want to buy a pair of headphones, you should pay attention to the fact that _. A. you can get them for trial use without making any payment B. your order will be handled instantly upon receipt C. you need to look for email reply in your spam folder D. you need to pay shipping cost if you return them to the seller19. The underlined word “flex” can be replaced by _.A. disappear B. hurt C. interrupt D. move答案与解析:本文是一篇广告,主要介绍了一款iPod耳机以及购买此款耳机的相关注意事项。16C正误判断题。根据文章第一、二两段可排除A、B、D三项,再从great price可知C项正确。17B细节理解题。从Shipping项下的“Items usually take 714 business days to arrive.”可知答案。18D细节判断题。从文章中的“Buyers are responsible for returned shipping cost.”可知答案。19D词义猜测题。根据句意可知耳朵的肌肉抽动时会将耳塞弹出,flex“弯曲,活动”,故D项正确。.七选五No fight can end, and no friendship can move on, until everyone says these little words: Im sorry. Sometimes, though, they can be difficult to say. _20_It is not about winning.Friendships arent like the Super Bowl, and there should never be a winner and a loser. When you start fighting with a friend, it may feel important that you “win” the fight by proving youre right and he is wrong, or by making him be the first to apologize.In reality, youll both lose if you let your fight ruin your friendship, and youll both win if you find a way to heal it._21_You may have heard the expression “His pride stood in the way”. It is usually used to describe a person who is so determined to be “right” that he lets an opportunity for happiness pass him by forever. _22_ Remember: as time goes on, we usually forget who was right and who was wrong in a disagreement, and only remember the sadness of losing a friend.Take the first step.Are you sick of fighting? Do you think this fight is just not important enough to ruin your friendship? _23_ You dont have to take full responsibility for starting the fight, or even say that your feelings were wrong. But you should find something you did or said thats worth apologizing for. Maybe youre sorry that you let the fight go for so long, or that you overreacted to something your friend did. If you say youre sorry, its like an invitation for your friend to do the same. _24_A. Then try to be the first to apologize.B. Stop thinking about your pride.C. Its about taking some responsibility for the argument.D. Dont let this happen to a friendship you care aboutE. Here are some things to keep in mind.F. There are some special cases when you shouldnt be the one to apologize first.G. Once youve both said it, youll both feel a million times better.答案:20.E21.B22.D23.A24.G.短文改错When Jack bowed to someone, he always did it much too quickly. You neednt wait any longer after he finished nod his head. So he was blamed for no manner. But some warmhearted men taught him, “When you bow to somebody next time, you can count January, February, March, until December. Then you could lift your body up. Thus, the ceremony will be very perfect.”The next day, he met his uncle. He did as the men told. The bow was too long that it made his uncle escape away soon with a surprising look. When Jack looked down, he found his uncle gone. So he asked the passer, “In what month did he go away?”答案:When Jack bowed to someone, he always did it much too quickly. You neednt wait any longer after he finished nodnodding his head. So he was blamed for no mannermanners. ButThen some warmhearted men taught him, “When you bow to somebody next time, you can count January, February, March, until December. Then you couldcan lift your body up. Thus, the ceremony will be very perfect.”The next day, he met his uncle. He did as the men toldhim. The bow was tooso long that it made his uncle escape away soon with a surprisingsurprised look. When Jack looked downup, he found his uncle gone. So he asked the passer, “In whatwhich month did he go away?”7

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