2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Lesson 12 Lunch on the Train教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Lesson 12 Lunch on the Train教案 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Lesson 12 Lunch on the Train教案 冀教版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Lesson 12 Lunch on the Train教案 冀教版Lesson 12 Lunch on the TrainTeaching content:1.mastery words: wait, drink, fruit, grape, thirsty, bottle2. a dialogue about having lunch on the train3. What would you like?I would like 4. Plural Forms of NounsTeaching goals: At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:1. Understand the meaning of the text2. Remember the mastery words in this lesson3. find and use the list mastery vocabulary in lesson 16Key points: 1. express your favourite2. Some useful expressions3. Plural Forms of NounsDifficult points: how to express your favouriteHow to express some liquid thingsTeaching aids: word cards of different food, flash cards, audiotape, and slide projectorType: textTeaching procedure1. Warming up1)Greetings in everyday English.2)Duty report (about weather, your classmates, your teacher and so on)3)Mainly revision of last lesson2. New lessonStep1 Lead inDiscuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”Do you like to eat lunch on the train or bus?What do you like to eat when you travel?Let the students learn to express themselves freely.We are going to learn a text today. Lets look at what Li Ming and his friends want to eat on the train?Step2 Listen to the tape with the following questions.What do Danny, Jenny and Li Ming want to eat?What did Wu Li buy on the train?What is a snack?Answer the questions with the students and discuss the whole text to make sure they understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points at the same time. The teacher can use blackboard or the slid projector to help the teaching.Step 3. Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it and pay attention to the pronunciation.Step 4. Have them read the text for a few minutes and then ask them to act out the dialogue in roles.Step 5. Practice: LETS DO ITIn a small group, make a menu for the train. What foods can you buy on the train? How much do they cost? Write the menu on a piece of paper. Practice using the menu with your classmates.Divide the class into pairs. Each pair makes up a dialogue about being thirsty and wanting something to drink. The students can use their flashcards to represent drinks.Step 6 A test词汇1)一杯茶 _ 2) 一杯水_ 3) 一箱子鸡蛋_4) 一瓶汽水_ 5) 五瓶热水 _ 6) 十位女教师_7) 九位男医生_ 8) 三张票 _ 9) 两个儿童 _Step 7 ExerciseIf time permits, do Number 2 in activity book.3. Homework1) understand the meaning of the text of lesson 122) finish the activity book in lesson 123) the next reading

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