懂你英语L Unit 3.doc

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L5 Unit 3-1 Listening Sam alone has been working at the Ace Express for the past 6 years. Ace is shipping company based in Hong Kong. It ships the dangerous chemical to all parts of the world. Last year, Sam was promoted to Vice president. Along with the promotion, he was given a beautiful office. He was also given a 20% raise in salary. Sam is well-respected within the company and he likes the co-workers. However, he wants to take on a new challenge and is looking for a change. If he stays at Ace, he doesnt see any change of another promotion. He is also beginning to worry about the companys future. He thinks that there is high probability that the company will be acquired. If that happens, he may lose his job. Last month, he started looking for a new job. According to his research, about 40% of job were found through acquaintances. So the first thing he did was to contact his closest friends. He let them know that he was looking for something new. Many of his friend acquaintances in a shipping businesses, many of other are in other industries. He also checked out several companies on the internet and updated his resume. This morning, Sam got a message from a company based in Japan. Its a medical supply company that wants to expand its business to China. They have a small office in Hong Kong and will be conducting interview next week. Sam is interested in learning more about the company, so he replied to their message and set up an interview. Even if it doesnt work out, it would be a learning experience for him. In planning for the interview, Sam has made some notes about what to do at an interview. First, he needs to be well-prepared. He needs to know as much as we can about the company, including its history. He also needs to know how to present himself, including his appearance and body language. It has been years since his was last interviewed, so he needs to prepare to answer some questions about himself. For example, he needs to be able to explain whats on his resume, including his strength and skills. In any interview situation, its important to look right and behave appropriately. He doesnt want to give a bad first impression. For example, he should be careful not to talk too much. That means he should stay focus and keeps his comment short. Throughout the interview, he should observe the facial expression and make eye contact. Its going to be important to listen carefully to what they say and keep things as relaxed as possible. He needs to remind himself that he is also interviewing them. He may find that their company isnt right for him. Therefore, he should be ready to ask them questions, especially about their expectations. In an interview like this, both sides have the same concern. They dont want to make the wrong choice. Even if they want to hire him, the job may not be what he is looking for. L5 Unit 3-1 vocabularyRelaxed, to be calm and at peace, not anxious or tense. She was trying to relax but then she got a call from her boss. He hasnt relaxed for a long time so he was exhausted and difficult to be around. Arrogant, to have exaggerated the sense of ones importance or abilities, the opposite of modest. I wasnt impressed by her arrogant attitude. Sometime the rich and powerful can be very arrogant and greedy. Prejudiced, to have negative feeling towards something without good reason or experience. She has a prejudice against people who come from the countryside. As a company, we dont allow prejudice of any kind, including race or religion differences. Neutral, to be without prejudice and not take sides. We expect the judge of the trial to be neutral, and allow both sides to represent their evidence to the jury. The refugees in a match need to be neutral, so that the game is fair. Proper or appropriate, the way we are supposed to be. That kind of language isnt appropriate in the situation because it doesnt show respect. When he came to the interview, he was dress properly, so he made a bad impression. Acquaintance, somebody know or met before. Im contacting several of my acquaintances, to see if they know any of the job opportunities. I dont know him well, but he is acquaintance of mine for a long time ago. Appearance, how something looks, what something looks like. He could improve his appearance by buying some new clothes. He doesnt care about his appearance, so he doesnt make a good impression. Consequence, an outcome or results. Many forms of lives will become extinct as a consequence of global warming. One consequence of his drinking has been the poor quality of his work. Factor, something that affects or influences the end results. One factor that he needs be considered is his arrogant personality. Her health is one factor we cant afford to ignore. Exception, to be unique or treated differently. Everyone has to be in the office before 9 oclock, with the exception of the sales department. Im sorry but I cant make an exception and allow you bring your dog to the office. People are worried because her arrogance is leading her to take many risksThe talks between the 2 countries are being held in a neutral location. If she doesnt find time to relax, shes going to damage her health. L5 Unit 3-1 dialogueGuess what, Ive got some news. Oh, you mean about Jack? Yes, have you heard?Yes, Elisa messaged me a few minutes ago. Isnt it wonderful? Hes been accepted to Stanford. Really? Thats not what I heard. Oh, what have you heard?I heard he didnt get in. So it was just a rumor. If that is what you heard, it isnt true. He really wanted to get in but from what I heard, hes just on the waiting list. Oh, then there is still a chance that he will get in. I guess so. But even if he gets it, how is he going to pay for it. its very expensive and his family isnt wealthy. Well, he can always get a student loan or maybe hell can get a scholarship. If he gets a loan, it will be for a lot of money. He will be taking on a lot of debt. Still, a degree from Stanford is worth a lot and Ive heard that they had a lot of money for scholarships. I wonder what hell do. If he gets in, I hope he gets a scholarship. What really do if he doesnt get into Stanford. What are his other choices? The only other school Ive heard him mention is Cambridge in England. Oh, well, thats not a choice. What about you? Have you heard about anything?Me, Ill tell you if you promise not to tell anyone, OK?Sure, if its a secret, you can trust me. I have been accepted in MIT on a full scholarship. MIT?! Youre joking, right?No, Im serious. Why havent you told anyone?I dont know. I think I will wait until everyone else has heard from their choices. I really didnt expect I will get in. Yeah, especially with a full scholarship. Some people will be jealous when they hear about it. but we all know that you are smart so are something you should be proud of. Thanks, I really exciting. Im afraid this terrible news may affect influence their decision to support us. L5 Unit 3-2 Listening A flow chart like this one shows how a process begins and ends and the steps in between. The process can be of almost any kind, from manufacturing a tyre to creating an advertisement. Therefore, learning how to describe and explain a process in English is important. Its important for teachers, engineers and people who provide customers support. one process that we are all familiar with is our bodys circulatory system. This system provides oxygenated blood throughout the body and eliminates carbon dioxide which is a waste product. If something goes wrong with this system, we need to repair it quickly, or we die. So its important to understand it and keep it functioning properly. First, the most important requirement for the system to work is a supply of air. Without fresh air with sufficient oxygen, the process wont keep our healthy and alive. So the process begins by breathing in air which happens with long expand and drown in air. Once inside the lungs, oxygen in the air is exchanged for carbon dioxide in the blood. This exchange happens when blood cells release carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen. This blood is now oxygenated blood which means it carries oxygen. To summarize, the process begins by inhaling air and oxygenating the blood. The oxygenated blood in lungs then flow back to the heart. The C O 2 which came from the blood is exhaled and the next circle begins. Oxygenated blood in the lung flow in the heart. The blood which enters in a loop from the heart, carried carbon dioxide. Once the dioxide exchanged for the oxygen, the blood continues through the loop and exist into the heart. The oxygenated blood is then pumped to the rest of the body. As you can see, everything depends on the flow of blood to and from the heart. So how that the heart does this. First, the heart, which is a muscle has 4 chambers. From one chamber, blood is pumped to the lung. This is the blood that carry carbon dioxide. When oxygenated blood from the lungs comes back to the heart, it enters to another chamber. This chamber is called the left Atrium(左心房). From the left Atrium, the oxygenated blood is pumped to another chamber, the left Ventricle(左心室). The left ventricle then pumps the blood into the aorta(主动脉) which is the largest artery in the body. From the aorta, the oxygenated blood passes through a network of smaller arteries throughout the entire body, including the brain. Blood returns to the heart through a system of veins and enters the upper right chamber, the right atrium. Now that we understand a little about the circulatory system, we can add what we need to operate. Of course, it cant operate without energy. This energy is supplied by another system, digestive system, which gets energy from food. And of course, this system need to be supported and controlled. Our skeletal system provide support and our muscular system provide control and movement. Without support and movement, we couldnt get the food for energy. Only plants can do this, because they had a completely different system, which gets energy directly from the sun. To summarize, humans body is like a huge, complex factory. The language we use to describe how it functions, is the same language we use to describe almost any industrial process. The vocabulary is different, but the processes, flows and logically relationships are almost identical. Think of some familiar process in your life for job, and see if you can describe and explain it in English The process begins by inhaling air and oxygenating the blood.L5 Unit 3-2 vocabularyMaintain, to preserve or keep things as they are. Our quality is excellent, so your job is to main our high standards and improve it as you can. This historic build is very old and need to maintain. Disrupt, to cause disordered or confusion. Smartphones have disrupted the way we live our lives. Investors want to invent in company that disrupt the way things were done. Settle, to calm things down or end the conflict disagreement. He is too upset to think clearly, so he needs to settle down. If we dont agree, we have to go to court to settle our differences. Solve, to figure out or find the answer or solution to a problem. The problem is difficult so we need to find a way to solve it. we cant solve that problem without using a computer. Prove, to use an evidence or logic to support an idea. The police had to release him because they couldnt prove that he committed a crime. The best way to prove something can be done is to do it. Exchange, to swap or change one thing for another. When we buy something, we exchange money for the product. In human body, oxygen is exchanged for C O2 in the lungs. Cooperate, to work together or collaborate. Instead of competing with each other, we should cooperate. A good manager can get people cooperate, even if they are on different teams. Capture, to catch or hold something, the opposite of release. The prisoners escaped, but they were captured within a few days. In war, armies try to capture territory and defeat their enemies on the battlefield. To distribute or share, to pass around or give to other unselfishly. One reason that a company is successful is that it has perfect sharing plans. After the earthquake, the army came and distributed the food and water to the survivors. Eliminate, to get rid of or dispose of. Waste products must be eliminated from our bodies, or we will die. Teams were eliminated from the competition when they lost too many games. L5 Unit 3-2 dialogueHow was the job interview?She did well, but she was so unattractive. I dont think we should hire her, certainly not for a sales position. Do you really think so? That seems so unfair. Why should looks have anything to do with it?Its just a basic fact of life. Tall, beautiful people have an advantage. May so, but we dont have to support that way of thinking. Look, we have a business to run. You want me to increase sale, right?Have you ever heard of Jack Ma?Sure, he is the founder of a huge company in China. I believe he is one of the richest people in the world. He is not good looking at not, but look how successful he is. Yes, but he is an exception. He faced all kinds of prejudice, but he overcame it. I really admired him. Perhaps, having to overcome obstacles like that made him stronger. Maybe he wouldnt have been so successful if he were good looking. Have you thought of that? That may have been a factor, sure. But what about advertising? Look at all the money companies pay for models in advertising. You mean the use of beautiful or strange looking people. Exactly, its all around us because it works. People notice it. As far as Im concern, its just a way of fooling people into buying things that they may not need. Its all based on the appearance and I dont like it. I dont disagree with you. But people dont buy something because its good or bad. They buy something because it makes them feel good. Their decisions are based on their emotion not reason. Is that why you buy things?Well, it depends on the product, but, yes, I guess I do. What about you?I try to find out about a product before I buy it. but in some cases, Im no different from other people. Im attracted to advertisements that get my attention. Thats my point. We want our sales people to attract attention and make people feel good. Ok, but Id like our company to do better. Lets be creative and do something better. I hear you but I think youre being nave. If you think that woman was good, then lets give her a chance. Ok, Ill give her a chance. And I respect. But I completely disagree with your decision. I know and I thank you for your honest opinion. The fact that he wasnt good looking might have made him stronger.She thinks his decision to hire the woman isnt realistic and goes against experience.Im attracted to the advertisement that get my attentionL5 Unit 3-3 Listening Living conditions around the world, vary from country to country. other countries have very large economies, but the majority of their citizens are poor. Some countries have smaller economies, but the majority of their citizens are not poor. So the size of a country economy isnt the only factor that determines how wealthy the citizens are. The sides of its population is also an important factor. Another factor how a countrys wealth is distributed between the rich and the poor. Lets look at some examples. This chart shows the world 5 largest economies in 2015. It ranks the countries by the gross domestic product, or GDP. The GDP is one way of measuring the size of an economy. Its the total value of goods and services produced in a country thin a year. As you can see, according to this chart, the US and China had the largest economies. According the chart, India had the third largest economy in the world. Its economy was bigger than Japans. the average living conditions in Japan is much higher than in India. One reason for this is the difference in population. India has a much larger population, so its wealth is distributed among a larger number of people. You can find this information by checking a country per capita. Per capita means per person. If two countries have the same GDP but one country has half the number of people, its GDP per capita is twice large. Another important factor is how the wealth of a country is shared. In some countries, much of the wealth is concentrated in just a few people. For example, in the US, just 5% of the population had more than 70% of the wealth. This shows that many US citizens are not wealthy despite the size of their economy. In fact, the wealth share held by the wealthy of 10% was more than 10 times bigger than the rest of population. As we have seen, much of the wealth of the US is concentrated in just a few people. 10% of its population had an estimate 75% of the wealth in 2015. In this chart, we see some comparison with other countries. In contrast to the US, 10% of the total Japan population has less than half of the total wealth. In china, in 2014, the estimated share of top 10% is 64%, but this number is rising. Russia had the highest concentration of wealth at over 80%. India, which has one of largest economies, has the largest share of the worlds poorest people. Its richest 10% have 370 times the share of wealth than its poorest 10%. A major challenge for a government is to improve the living conditions of its citizens. As we have seen, grow in the economy isnt enough. Population growth and distribution of wealth are also important factors. Improving education and developing job skills can help people move up in an economy. With better education and training, the poor can increase their ability to get better job and rise their income. However, taxes are needed to pay social services, including health and education. Some countries tax the rich at high rate than poor. However, if taxes are too high, it can discourage investment and risk taking. This is because investors wont take risks unless the rewards are high. So as you see, these are complex issues. L5 Unit 3-3 vocabularySilly, foolish or stupid or ridiculous, the opposite of serious. He is being silly, so we should just ignore him. Thats a silly idea so I dont think she means what she says. Amazing, to be incredible, or so good as to be hard to believe, the opposite of ordinary. That companys new products are truly amazing. She gives an amazing performance, especially after all the difficulties she had to overcome. Crucial, to be extreme importance or essential part, the opposite of optional. Its crucial that we get them sign the contract by the end of the week. Getting data is crucial for our success. Impressive, to stand out and be unforgettable in a good way. his representation is so impressive that we decided to hire him right away. They have an impressive website, but the quality of the product is pathetic(无价值的). Realistic, to be possible and attainable. That deadline isnt realistic, so we need to ask for more time. He isnt being realistic when he expects to charge such high prices for his products. Sincere, to be honest or be trustworthy. I think she was being sincere, so I think we can trust her. Sometimes its very difficult to know if someone is being sincere or is just a good liar. Nave, overly simple or lacking experience. He wants to change the world, but he is very nave, so he need someone to help him. I think we can take advantage of him because hes nave and impatient. Brilliant, highly intelligent or exception in brightness, the opposite of doll. There is no doubt that he is a brilliant scientist but he is a very poor manager. Its amazing how such a brilliant man can be


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