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RevisionofJuniorEnglish初三英语复习 Pronouns代词 代词的分类人称代词PersonalPronouns物主代词PossessivePronouns反身代词SelfPronouns不定代词IndefinitePronouns指示代词DemonstrativePronouns疑问代词InterrogativePronouns 代词人称代词 物主代词 人称代词PersonalPronouns数单数复数人称一二三一二三主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格meyouhimheritusyourthem 1 人称代词作主语时用主格 作宾语 动词和介词后 时用宾格You sheandIallenjoythemusic Theyalllikehimverymuch Pleasehelpus LucysitsbetweenTomandme WhotaughtyouEnglish Jack smomwithhimgoesshopping Who sknockingatthedoor It sme 2 it表天气 距离 时间 身份不明的人Whatalovelyday isn tit It saboutfiveminutes walkfromhometoschool It s5o clocknow Who sthatbaby ItmustbeTom It sadj for ofsb todosth Find think feel consideritadj Todosth 物主代词PossessivePronouns形容词性名词性mymineyouryourshishisherhersitsitsouroursyouryourstheirtheirs用法口诀 物主代词两类型 形容词性 名词性 形容词性作定语 后面定把名词用 名词性 独立用 主宾表语它都充 3 名词性物主代词在句中可作表 主 宾Whosedictionaryisthis It smine Ourroomisbigandtheirsissmall Youmayusemypen I llusehers 4 a an this that no each any n of 名词性物主代词 表示所属Asisterofhisisanurse Tomisafriendofmine 5 形容词性物主代词 不能单独使用 和名词性物主代词 必须单独使用 的关系 形容词性物主代词 名词 名词性物主代词注意 名词性物主代词在句中所指代的关系是单数还是复数 Thesebooksaren tours Oursarenew ourbooks ours Thisisnotourroom Oursisoverthere ourroom ours 反身代词SelfPronouns单数myselfyourselfhimselfherselfitself复数ourselvesyourselvesthemselves反身代词表自身 句中可作两成分 表示强调同位语 宾语动作回自身 6 反身代词 一般与动作的发出者一致 在句中可以作宾 表 同位语Hethinksmoreofothersthanofhimself Thatpoorboywasmyself Hehimselfwasadoctor Imyselfcanworktheproblemout Thegirlcanlookafterhimself Helpyourselftosomefish Tom Helpyourselvestosoup kids enjoyoneself makeoneselfathome hurtoneselfbyoneself learnsth byoneself teachoneselfsth 1 Mypenisbroken MayIuse A youB yoursC yourselfD your2 Arethese coats No theyaren t arehere A your OursB your WeC you OursD you Our3 Don tlose incomputergames boys A yourselfB yourselvesC himselfD themselves4 Where syourmother Ican tfind anywhere sheB herC heD him5 Mike swordsaredifferentfrom Wereallycan tagreewith A ours himB ours he sC us himD us his Exercises B A B B A 6 Isaw playinginthestreetatthattime A themB theyC theirD theirs7Thepenishers Passitto please A herB sheC hersD herself8 We atthepartylastSunday A enjoyedmyselfB enjoyedourselvesC enjoymyselfD enjoyedthemselves9 LetTonydoitby HeisnolongerakidA himB hisC himselfD he10 Ourroomisbig but isbiggerthan A their ourB their oursC theirs oursD theirs our Exercises A A B C C 11 Only knowit A IandheB heandyouC heandID Iandyou12 Make athome hesaidtohisfriends A yourselfB yourselvesC youD yours13 Couldyouhelp with English A I myB me meC me myD my I14 Wecan tleavemygrandparentsby A theyB themC themselvesD their15 Mary pleaseshow yourpicture A myB mineC ID me Exercises C B C C D 7 指示代词 1 Thisismyshirtandthat syours Theseboxesareheavierthanthoseonthedesk 2 电话用语 Whoisthat ThisisLucyspeaking it one that作代词的区别 it特指上文提到过的事物 同一事物 one泛指上下文提及的同类人 物中的一个 必须C N Ilostmypen soIwillbuyonethisafternoon Hisyoungersisteristallerthantheelderone Ineedtheplasticbags notthepaperones that常用于比较结构中 代替前面提到的不可数名词可数名词单数 复数用those theones Thevaseontheleftismorebeautifulthanthat theoneontheright 1 Ihavemanybooks Youcanpick ifyoulike 2 Thebookismine isveryinteresting 3 TheweatherinBeijingismuchcolderthan inHainan 4 ThecarsmadeinJapanaremoreexpensivethan madeinGerman 1 Look whoiscoming mustbeourEnglishteacher A SheB HeC ItD This2 Ifound noteasytogetonwithhim A thatB itC thisD one3 ThepopulationofChinaismuchlargerthan ofChina A itB thatC oneD this4 Ifound importanttoreadEnglishinthemorning A itB thatC whichD its5 Ihavesomeappleshere Youcanhave A oneB itC thatD those6 treesareplantedlastyear A ThisB ThereC ThoseD That Exercises C B B A A C 几组在用法上容易混淆的不定代词8 some any some 一些 某 肯定句Therearesomeflowersinfrontofthehouse any 一些 任何 多用于疑问句和否定句Doyouhaveanypicture books 注意 some可用于表示请求 征求意见的疑问句中 Wouldyoulikesomemeat MayIasksomequestions CouldIhavesomeapples Willyougivemesomewater Whataboutsomedrinks 9 many much many修饰或指代复数名词 Therearemanyeggsinthebasket Manyofuslikeplayinggames much修饰或指代不可数名词Hedoesn tknowmuchEnglish 注意 toomany toomuch muchtootoomuchrichfood 9 few afew C N little alittle U N Therearefewpeoplelivinghere arethere TomknowsalittleEnglish doesn the There slittlewaterathome Buysome Thereare minutesleft Hurryup Don tworry Ihave moneyhere few和little与quite或only连用时 常加aTherearequiteafewnewbooksinthelibrary 10 every each 1 Every不可单独用 必须 单数名词Every Eachchildlikesplayinggames 2 each作定 主 宾 同位语 可与of连用Eachstudentwasaskedtotryagain Eachofthem thestudentshasaskirt They Thestudentseachhaveaskirt 3 every 3 each 2There retreesoneachsideoftheroads eitherside bothsides 4 everyotherday every2 seconddays 11 eitherbothneither 2anyallnone 3 1 Thetreesareplantedoneitherside bothsidesoftheroad Whichdoyouwant teaorcoffee Neither Iwantsomemilk EitherisOK Idon tminddrinks Both Teaisformymomandcoffeeisformydad Bothofmyparents thecoupleareactors Either neitherofthetwinsisfromChina Allthatglittersisn tgold 2 Noneofthegirlsis arefoolish 12 another 1 another后面可接名词 也可单独使用Idislikethiscoat Canyoushowmeanother one 2 another 3另一个 theother 2另一个 Hehas3sisters OneisinWuhan anotherinBejingandthethirdinShanghai Heheldabookinonehandandanumbrellaintheother 3 another表数量的增加 再 又Ifyouhaveanothertry you llsucceed another 数字 N 数字 more N Wouldyoulikeanothertwocakes 13 otherother前加the any等词theother与another 2 others other N 复数 sometheothers theother N 复数 特定范围 其余全部Afew somekidsareplayingsoccerwhileothers otherkids arewatchingthem Twoof10students theclassarestandingandtheothers theotherstudents aresittingaroundthem theother others theothers theother1 特指两个中的另一个 Hehastwosons Oneisaworker theotherisadoctor 2 修饰名词 特指另一个 另一些 Tomlikesswimming andtheotherboysinhisclasslikeswimming too 14 Some any no thing body one 1 复合不定代词 adj Ihavesomethingimportanttotellyou Isthereanythingelseinthebox 2 复合不定代词作主语 谓语动词为单数 Isanyone everyonehere everyone不可加of everyone可加of 3 noone只能指人 且不跟ofnone人物均可 且可与of Whowonthegame Noone Howmanywonthegame None 15 疑问代词 构成特殊疑问句的代词whowhomwhosewhatwhichWhoareyou Whoisthat Whoisit Whatareyou Who Whom wereyoutalkingwith 相互代词 eachother oneanotherAsgoodfriends weshouldhelpeachother 改错1Don tworry Thereislittletimeleft 2Hisbookisquitedifferentfromme 3Shehastwocats Oneiswhite anotherisblack Don tworry Thereisalittletimeleft Hisbookisquitedifferentfrommine Shehastwocats Oneiswhite theotherisblack 4Ihaveinterestingsomethingtotellyou 5Pleasegivemeit 6Everyofuswantstohavealookatyourphoto Ihavesomethinginterestingtotellyou Pleasegiveittome Eachofuswantstohavealookatyourphoto 7HesitsinfrontofJimandI 8IliketoreceivelettersbutIdonotlikewriteit 9Hedoesn tknowwhatonetobuy HesitsinfrontofJimandme IliketoreceivelettersbutIdonotlikewritethem Hedoesn tknowwhichonetobuy 1Isthisyourfootball boys No itisnot A yoursB ourC mineD ours 2Thebirdbuilds nestinthetree A herB itsC it sD hers 3Themathsproblem iswrong A himselfB heC itselfD herself D B C 4 wanttoseethefilm AEverystudentBEachstudentCAllofstudentsDAllthestudents 5Alotofpeoplehavetried but havesucceeded A thefewB afewC fewD little 6 ofthefourroadswilltakeyoutothehospital A BothB NeitherC AnyD Either D C C 7Ihavefivepencils oneisred isblueand aregreen A another theotherB theother othersC others theothersD another theothers 8Ihavefound ontheInternet A afewinformationsB alittleinformationsC afewinformationD alittleinformation D D 9IhaveChemistryclasses day Monday WednesdayandFriday A eachotherB everyotherC thisandotherD allother 10 isthemanunderthetree Jim sfather A WhenB WhatC WhereD Who B D Exercises 自我检测题 1 Thoughitrainedheavily werestillplayingontheplayground A theyB themC theirD themselves2 Hethought alittledifficulttoworkoutthismathsproblem A thereB itC thisD that3 SorryIhaveforgot telephonenumber A yoursB himC youD his4 isyoursister Sheisanurse A WhatB WhichC HowD Who5 onedoyoulike theblueoneortheredone A WhatB WhichC ThatD This A B D A B 6 Theyalllost inthebeautifulmusic A themB themselvesC theirD theirs7 Listentome Ihave totellyou A anythingnewB somethingnewC newsomethingD nothingnew8 Arethesetwobooksinteresting Yes ofthemareinteresting A bothB allC eitherD neither9 Whichwouldyoulike acupofteaoraglassofmilk thanks IthinkI lljusthaveaglassofwater A NoneB NeitherC BothD Either10Thefilmisn tinteresting peoplelikeit A FewB AlittleC AfewD Little B B A B A 11 Wow Whatanicecomputer Myparentsboughtitformysisterandme It s A oursB hersC mineD theirs12 Theoldwomankeptoneblackdogandtwowhite A oneB onesC thoseD those13 Sheistoobusytohelpusfinishthework Let sdoit A herselfB myselfC ourselvesD itself14 Thestudentswerealltired but ofthemstoppedtohavearest A noneB eachC eitherD neither15 Therearemanytreeson sideofthestreet A eitherB bothC allD every A B C A A


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