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改良学校午餐建议书五年级的孩子吃到难吃的学校午餐时会怎么做? 礼拜五,宝宝回来跟我说,“妈妈,我的proposal(建议书)交上去。这是复印件。” 是给校长,副校长的一封信。我以为是作业。先翻翻有多长。一眼看到最后的五个名字及签名。有一个是她的好朋友,但不同班。 我说,“你们现在的小组作业还有跨班合作的。” 宝说,“不是作业。” 我说,“什么叫不是作业。” 宝有点不耐烦了,“不是作业,就是我跟朋友做的。不是老师布置的。” 我,“你说交了,交给了谁。” 宝,“校长,副校长,我们老师。” 我大吃一惊。“谁起的头?“ 宝说,”我。“ 我,”谁写的?“ 宝,”主要是我,其他人帮忙修改和打字。” 我,“你是怎么样发动另外的4个人的。” 宝,“我就是跟她们说学校午餐这么难吃,又吃不饱,我们要作点什么。然后给她们分派任务。” 我有点佩服了,“她们就这样去做了。” 宝,“没有,比如xxx写一部分的,她没写,我就全写了,yyy本来应该打全文的,也没做。那我说,要把名字放进来,xxx打第一段,yyy打最后一段。她们还拖到最后一刻才做。” 我已经很佩服她了。我五年级的时候在干嘛啊。不说五年级,大学食堂这么难吃。我们有调侃,有抱怨,有愤怒,就是没有去真的做什么。 何况全文写的动之以情,晓之以理,诱之以利。虽然有些地方想法有点幼稚。 译文: 亲爱的鲍校长和段副校长:当你们收到这封信时,我们可能已经不在这所学校读书了,但我们对在此成长和学习了六年的学校的爱,却不会褪色。我们希望为未来的学生有更好的环境做点事情:提议改善学校午餐的质量。从儿童和家长的角度来看,学校午餐可以改进的地方有:食物不健康,份量太少,和午餐价格不合理。首先,有些午餐选择不健康。例如,孩子们目前可以选苹果或者曲奇饼。大多数孩子会选择曲奇饼。这会给在美国正在上升的肥胖率雪上加霜。如何让孩子做健康的选择是我们想要解决的问题,虽然时不时能吃点喜欢吃的也挺好,比如说,间或可以有应节曲奇饼干,酸奶等。日常供应的水果和蔬菜要选新鲜甜美的,使他们比曲奇饼等含糖食物更诱人和更好吃。这样在菜单上变点花样可以让儿童品尝到健康和富有营养的食物,更有助于他们发育和成长。吃适当的和饱肚子的食物有助于他们的学业进步,从而提升我们学校的评级。另外,许多家长因为太多油腻而不让自己的孩子吃学校午餐。如果学校提供的是健康的食品,将会有更多的家长让自己的孩子吃学校午餐,从而提高利润。除了不健康的食物选择,另一导致午餐危机的原因是食物的份量。有时学生午饭后,还是肚子空空,无法专心上课,或认真学习。许多学生要靠这顿午餐撑到6或7点钟。如果他们吃不饱,就可能会向父母抱怨,改为自带午餐。价钱是学校午餐的一个很重要的因素,太贵没人会买,太便宜又不能保证食物质量和新鲜度。重要的是价格适中并有营养。有些家长不让学生吃学校午餐的原因,是要价2.75美元一份,仅有牛奶,一个主菜,两,三个配菜的午餐不够健康。如果更多父母首肯,更多学生会买学校午餐,学校也会赚更多的钱。另一项建议是自种果园。学校也可以在花园里,不种花而改种蔬菜,从而把新鲜的蔬果用于午餐。虽然新鲜的蔬果不如加工食品便宜,而且增加食物量会提高成本,但是改善学校午餐,能让学校成为一个更快乐,更健康的社区。总而言之,我们五位斯特梅尔的学生认为提高学校午餐质量,有助于提高客户的满意度。肥腻,小量,和价格过高的食物,可换成营养,饱肚,和价格合理的午餐。如果这些要求能做到,午餐时间将更令人愉悦。你诚挚的:(为了孩子的缘故,我去掉了名字,只留缩写)d. s, room. 52, (签名)m. h, room. 52,(签名)a. t, room. 52,(签名)s. a, room. 52,(签名)m. h, room 50.(签名)回信请寄52班或我们每人的地址。 妈妈对宝说的是:1. 能够做到不抱怨,提建议,世界上从来不缺乏抱怨指责的人,却少有做实事,寻找解决方法的人.2. 虽然你自己做了大部分工作,但不凸显自己,标榜“xxx领导”,而是没有头衔,大家平等。做到团结同学。3. 可以改进的地方有几点,学校午餐的运作是这样的。 征得宝的同意,附上原文。 june XXdear principal mrs. boyce and vice principal mrs. duarte,when you receive this letter, we may not be attending stocklmeir anymore, but our love for the school that helped us grow and learn for six years hasnt faded. we hope that we can make a difference for the future students by improving the hot lunches. from the childrens and parents point of view some things that would help if they are improved are: unhealthy food choices, small portions, and hot lunch price.first of all, some of the hot lunch choices are unhealthy. for example, the kids have a choice between an apple and cookie. most kids will choose the cookie against the apple. this adds to americas already rising obesity rate. making these types of decisions are what we want to solve, but a little treat once in awhile is good. holiday cookies, yogurt, etc. can be in the menu occasionally. fruits and veggies must be fresh and sweet to make them tempting and better than sugary foods like cookies. putting in a little twist to the menu can help the childrens taste healthy, nourishing foods that help them develop and grow. eating the proper and filling foods is a great help in supporting their academic achievement and help our schools rating. also, many parents dont let their children get hot lunch because it has too much oil and grease in it. with healthier foods, more parents will allow their children to get hot lunch, raising the profit.in addition to bad choices, another problem leading up to this hot lunch crisis is the portion of food each child is given. sometimes the students are left with an empty stomach after lunch and cannot focus on their class work or not put as much effort as they should. many students rely on the lunch to fill them up until 6 or7 pm. if they dont get enough to eat, they might plain to their parent and bring their own meal instead.money is a large factor in school hot lunches. if they are too expensive, then no one will buy them. but if they are too cheap, the foods are not as fresh and are lower quality. it is important that the prices are just right, and they are worth their nutritious value.that is why some parents do not let their students get hot lunch; the foods are not healthy enough for the price of $2.75 for milk, a main course, and two or more side dishes. more students will buy more hot lunches because their parents approve of it and the school will make more money too. another remendation is to grow an orchard for fruits. also, the school can grow veggies in the garden instead of flowers, and put the fresh into the lunches.though fresh produce is not as cheap as processed foods, and adding more food costs more money, improving the hot lunches will make the school a happier, healthier munity. overall, we, five stocklmeir students, think that the hot lunches can be improved to raise customer satisfaction. the fattening, tiny, and overpriced foods,replaced with nutritious, filling, and reasonably priced foods for everyday lunches. if these requests were fulfilled, it would make lunchtime a more joyous placesincerely, (为了孩子的缘故,我去掉了名字,只留缩写) d. s, room. 52, (签名)m. h, room. 52,(签名)a. t, room. 52,(签名)s. a, room. 52,(签名)m. h, room 50.(签名)please leave a return letter for room. 52 orto any of our addresse


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