2019高考英语一轮基础梳理与练习 Unit 1 A land of diversity(含解析)新人教版选修8.doc

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2019高考英语一轮基础梳理与练习 Unit 1 A land of diversity(含解析)新人教版选修8.doc_第3页
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选修8Unit 1A land of diversity【短文语法填空】We live in a world where snapping (抓拍) photos of your kids and posting them to social media is about as natural to parents as kissing them.But when enjoying _1_ (they) with little ones, sharing pictures at birthday parties, or wearing new _2_ (cloth), parents should keep some moments private.Otherwise, you may put kids into embarrassment, or even _3_ (bad), make them a potential target for child traders._4_, children at certain stages hate their photos to be made public too.Now, parents _5_ post pictures of their children on social media could be accused by their sons or daughters under Frances privacy laws.Mothers and fathers are likely _6_ (face) a year in prison and a fine of 35,000, if they _7_ (find) guilty of posting details of their childrens private lives without their permission.And adults, who accuse that their parents damaged their right to privacy when they _8_ (be) children, could receive a large amount of money from their parents.In February, Eric Delcroix,_9_ expert on Internet law, posted a message on WeChat, reading:“Please stop _10_ (post) pictures of your kids on WeChat.”语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要呼吁父母不要轻易将孩子的照片放到社交媒体上以保护其隐私。1themselvesenjoy oneself为固定搭配,意为“玩得高兴”,故用反身代词themselves。2clothesclothes是名词,意为“衣服”,这里指“穿新衣服”,故用clothes。cloth意为“布料”。3worseeven用来修饰比较级,故用worse,意为“甚至更糟糕的是”。4Besides/Furthermore/Moreover根据对空格前后语境的理解可知,这里并列叙述了将孩子的照片放到社交媒体上的两个缺点,所以这两点之间应用承接副词Besides/Furthermore/Moreover,意为“此外”。注意首字母大写。5who/thatparents后为定语从句,定语从句中缺少主语,且先行词是parents,指人,故用关系代词who/that引导从句。6to facebe likely to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“很可能做某事”,故用to face。7are foundfind与前面的主语they之间是被动关系,且全文时态主要是一般现在时,故用are found。8were根据前面的“And adults, who accuse that their parents damaged their right to privacy .”可知,此处指当他们是孩子的时候,是过去的事情,应用一般过去时。故填were。9anan expert on Internet law为同位语,解释说明了Eric Delcroix。同位语中常用不定冠词,表示 “一”;因为expert的读音是以元音音素开头的,故用an。10postingstop doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“停止做某事”,符合语境。故填posting。(对应学生用书P183)一高考单词识记思考运用1核心词汇elect vt.选择;决定做某事;选举 _election_ n选择;选举_grasp_ vt.& n抓住;掌握;领会_customs_ n海关;关税 _custom_ n风俗_occur_ vi.发生;出现indicate vt.指出;标示;表明;暗示 _indication_ n标示;表明;暗示_hire_ vt.& n租用;雇用_reform_ vt.& vi.改革;革新n.改革;改造;改良means n方法;手段_mean_ vt.意味着 _meaning_ n意义2常考词汇majority n_大多数;大半_minority n_少数_applicant n_申请人_apply vi._申请_application n_申请书;申请_apparent adj._显而易见的;显然的_apparently adv._显然地;显而易见地_conductor n_列车员,指挥_conduct vt._指挥,指导_boom n& vi._(人口、贸易的)繁荣;经济发展_用所给单词的适当形式填空1Just last year,I _was conducting_ (conduct) a workshop when someone knocked at the classroom door.(2017全国卷)2In the north of India,the population _is booming_ (boom) due to high birth rates,but in the south,where most economic development is taking place,birth rate is falling rapidly.(2017江苏卷)3Taylor _will apply_ (application) to college soon.She wants to be a nurse.(2017北京卷)4Jack was working in the lab when the power cut _occurred_ (occur)(2016北京卷)5Frank Hurley,a confident and gifted Australian photographer who knew the Antarctic,_was hired_ (hire) to make the images,most of which have never before been published.(2016全国卷)6When Im writing a textbook,it has bee second nature to check a dozen definitions of a key term,which helps me dig into the core and understand its _meaning_ (mean)(2016江苏卷)7Research findings seem _to indicate_ (indicate) that the creation by a great artist is as permanent an achievement as the discovery by a great scientist.(2015重庆卷)8Besides,I have such a good mand of English that I _am elected_ (elect) as assistant to my English teacher.(2015陕西卷)“抓住”家族grasp 抓住,掌握,领会master 抓住,掌握,领会seize 抓;捉;捕;夺;抢;劫掠;掠夺snatch 抢,抓住;抢去,夺去,攫取(away;off;up;down;from)take hold of 抓住grab 攫取,抓取;抓住;抢夺,霸占capture 捕获,夺得;俘获,掳掠,掠夺“选择”速览choose vt.选择choice n选择select vt.选择;挑选;选拔elect vt.推选;选(举)某人任某职election n选举,选出,当选option n选择,取舍,选择权;可选择的东西pick out 选出vote vt.& vi.选举;投票学会“道歉与原谅”apologise/apologize vi.道歉;谢罪apology n道歉;辩解excuse vt.原谅,宽恕forgive vt.原谅,饶恕,宽恕pardon n原谅,饶恕,宽恕regret n遗憾,抱歉forget it 不要介意never mind 不介意take it easy 放松,不要紧张【完形填空】My fianc(未婚夫)and I decided today was the day to treat ourselves to a nice dinner.It _1_ as“our day”,but little did we know that it would turn into much _2_.I didnt want the whole day to be about wanting to _3_ the office for the uping(即将到来的)_4_ and I didnt want it to be just another romantic night for two,_5_ I decided to do something to make ourselves and others happy.I began in small ways.I _6_ a few more coins into the food vending machines(自动售货机)at work for the staff,so that there would be something for the next _7_ worker.I posted smile signs in the hall which gave _8_ instructions on how to smile as _9_ entered the office,either before their morning cup of coffee or right before a meeting with their boss.I drafted some powerful words of inspiration on colorful strips of paper and decorated my _10_ ,so that any colleague who came by might just_11_ for a moment,read,and _12_ change their feeling.When it came time for our lovely dinner to _13_ that night,I left the server a big _14_ and a wellwishing note for her to have a _15_ day.As my fiance and I were just about to leave our table,the waitress _16_ tears beside us.We asked her to _17_ with us and we just listened.As an emotional mothertobe,I _18_ along with her,too.Our table for two was now for _19_.It was a day that was not _20_ ours,but it was the waitressday,my coworkers day,and now its your day too!1A.startedBadaptedCdisappeared Dfinished2A.later BworseCmore Dearlier3A.apply BleaveCfind Dstay4A.party BpicnicCbanquet Ddinner5A.if BthoughCso Dbecause6A.turned BputCmade Dhid7A.full BsleepyCangry Dhungry8A.few BcleanCclear Dpuzzling9A.employees BmanagersCfriends Dbosses10A.home BofficeCrestaurant Dbedroom11A.stop BrunCeat Dbuy12A.never BhardlyCfrequently Dperhaps13A.change BbeginCarise Dend14A.bill BtipCorder Dmenu15A.wonderful BcarefulCbusy Danxious16A.looked into Bcame intoCmade into Dburst into17A.stand up Bsit downCgo away Dstay up18A.smiled BshoutedCcried Dcheered19A.three BfourCfive Dsix20A.ever BusualCjust Deven【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。作者和她的未婚夫决定一起共进晚餐。在这本该属于他们自己的特殊一天里,作者却选择把关爱和欢乐一同送给同事、餐厅服务员、甚至是未曾谋面的陌生人,让爱和温暖滋润他人。1A考查动词辨析。根据下文的“but little did we know that it would turn into much _”及下文内容可知,这顿晚餐一开始只属于我们。start意为“开始”,符合语境。故选A。2C考查形容词辨析。根据最后一段中的“but it was the waitress day,my coworkers day, and now its your day too”可知,“我们”的这一天最后却变得更有意义,是更多人的一天。more 意为“更多”,符合语境。故选C。3B考查动词辨析。根据语境可知,此处指吃晚饭前先离开办公室。leave意为“离开”,符合语境。故选B。4D考查名词辨析。根据第一段第一句中的“a nice dinner”可知,此处指即将到来的晚餐。故选D。5C考查连词辨析。根据语境可知,此处指作者不想这一天只属于她和未婚夫,她也想给他人带来快乐。本句与上句构成因果关系。故选C。6B考查动词辨析。根据语境及常识可知,硬币应该是放入自动售货机。B项意为“放,安置”,符合语境。故选B。7D考查形容词辨析。根据上文中的“food vending machines(自动售货机)”可知,此处指在自动售货机里放入多一些的硬币,是为了让下一个肚子饿了来买食物的同事有东西吃。hungry意为“饥饿的”,符合语境。故选D。8C考查形容词辨析。根据空格后的“instructions”及上文中的“I posted smile signs in the hall”可知,此处指作者在大厅里贴出清晰易懂的笑脸示范。clear意为“清晰易懂的,明白清楚的”,符合语境。故选C。9A考查名词辨析。根据下文中的“right before a meeting with their boss”可知,此处应指雇员。故选A。10B考查名词辨析。根据空格后的“any colleague who came by”可知,作者装饰的是办公室。故选B。11A考查动词辨析。根据空格后的“for a moment,read”可知,路过的同事们看到激励的话会停下来读一读。故选A。12D考查副词辨析。根据语境可知,作者觉得这些激励的话可能会改变同事们的心情。此处表推测。故选D。13D考查动词辨析。根据下文中的“I left the server.”可推知,此处应表示在晚餐结束要离开的时候。end意为“结束,终止”,符合语境。故选D。14B考查名词辨析。根据语境及常识可知,在离开之前作者给服务员留下了很丰厚的小费。B项意为“小费”,符合语境。故选B。15A考查形容词辨析。根据上文及“a wellwishing note”可知,作者的便条是祝愿服务员有美好的一天。wonderful意为“精彩的,绝妙的”,符合语境。故选A。16D考查动词短语辨析。根据上下文语境可知,服务员看到作者的便条感动得哭了。burst into tears意为“突然哭了”,符合语境。故选D。17B考查动词短语辨析。根据空格后的“with us”可知,作者邀请服务员坐下来,听她倾诉。B项意为“坐下”,符合语境。故选B。18C考查动词辨析。根据上文中的“As an emotional mothertobe”及语境可知,服务员突然哭起来,而作者作为一名感性的孕妇也陪她哭了起来。故选C。19A考查数词辨析。根据上文可知,作者夫妇和服务员一起坐着,因此一共是三个人。故选A。20C考查副词辨析。句意为:这一天已经不仅仅是属于我们的,也是属于服务员的、我的同事的而且现在也是你们的。just意为“仅仅”,符合语境。故选C。二重点短语识记思考运用1动词介词(副词)live _on_ 继续存在;继续生存keep _up_ 坚持;维持;沿袭(风俗、传统等)mark _out_ 用线画出范围;标出界线take _in_ 包括;吸收apply _for_ 申请;请示得到team up _with_ 与合作或一起工作2其他形式_a_ great/good many 许多;很多_by_ means of.用办法;借助_make_ a life 谋生;习惯于新的生活方式、工作等back to _back_ 背靠背用左栏所给短语的适当形式填空1Whom should you contact if you want to _apply for_ the job in Rockville?(2016四川卷)2It is honorable to _make a life_ with your hands while depending on others is a shame.3After seeing _a great many_ homeless people in the streets,I thought I should do something for them.4To _keep up_ good relationships with your teachers and classmates,you should learn to be on good terms with them.5John preferred to go into business alone rather than _marked out_ anyone else.6The police looked into the case carefully and found the thief had entered the house _by means of_ a ladder.“很多”再回顾a lot of;lots of;a number of;a quantity of;quantities of;a good/great many;dozens of;scores of;many a;more than one;the/a majority of“动词out”短语再记bring out 阐释;说明;出版carry out 完成;实施计划e out 出现;传出:表露;达到help out 帮助克服困难give out 用尽;耗尽turn out 证明work out 计算出;拟定出;解决run out 用完set out 启程;出发三佳句选粹在解读中学懂,在仿写中学通背原句学句型练仿写1.However,it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.然而,可能至少在15 000年前美洲土著人就住在加利福尼亚了。it is likely that.“有可能”。对我们学生而言参观长城有可能是一次难忘的经历。_It is likely that_ a visit to the Great Wall for us students is an unforgettable experience.2.That is why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language.那就是今天有超过40%的加利福尼亚人把西班牙语作为第一或第二语言的原因。That is why.“那就是的原因”。他迷恋电脑游戏,那就是他不得不辍学的原因。He is addicted to puter games,and _that is why he has to_ drop out of school.3.It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups,but simply a mixture of many races and cultures.人们认为,要不了多久,多种国籍的混合将会非常之大,以至于不可能存在一种明显的、主要的种族或文化群体,而只是多种族、多文化的混合体。It is believed that.“人们认为/相信”,其构成为:Itbe过去分词that从句。人们认为澳大利亚的历史始于18世纪末期。_It is believed that_ Australian history began at the end of the eighteenth century.【短文改错】The day before Mothers Day,everybody around me was talking about what was most suitable gift they would buy for their mothers. Buying flowers were what most students would do.However,I wanted to do something differently.As then I lived in school and couldnt go back home on Mothers Day,so I decided to call her and sent her my best wishes.I searched the Internet for suggestions,what were very useful,and I read it carefully.When I called my mother,however,I had the feel that someone elses words would have no meaning to her.So I gave in and just told my mother I loved her and thanked her to all she had done for me.【答案】The day before Mothers Day,everybody around me was talking about what was most suitable gift they would buy for their mothers. Buying flowers what most students would do.However,I wanted to do something .As then I lived in school and couldnt go back home on Mothers Day, I decided to call her and her my best wishes.I searched the Internet for suggestions, were very useful,and I read carefully.When I called my mother,however,I had the that someone elses words would have no meaning to her.So I gave and just told my mother I loved her and thanked her all she had done for me.第一处:most前加the。考查冠词。母亲节前一天,我周围的所有人都在谈论什么是他们将为母亲买的最合适的礼物。根据句意可知,此处为形容词的最高级,故在most前加the。第二处:werewas。考查主谓一致。动名词短语Buying flowers作主语时谓语动词需用单数形式,故将were改为was。第三处:differentlydifferent。考查形容词。修饰不定代词something需用形容词。注意:different在此作后置定语。第四处:去掉so。考查连词。as“因为”,引导原因状语从句,故后面的so多余。第五处:sentsend。考查动词。and连接的不是并列的谓语动词,而是不定式,第二个不定式前的to承前省略了。第六处:whatwhich。考查定语从句。先行词为suggestions,非限制性定语从句缺主语,故用关系代词which引导。注意:what不可引导定语从句。第七处:itthem。考查代词。指代前面的suggestions,需用复数代词them。第八处:feelfeeling。考查名词。feel作名词表示“触觉,印象”,而feeling作名词表示“想法,意见,感觉”,显然此处要用feeling。第九处:inup。考查动词短语。give in是“让步,屈服”的意思,与语义不符。give up意为“放弃”,符合语境要求。第十处:tofor。考查介词。此处表示我感谢妈妈为我做过的一切。thank sb.for sth.“为某事感谢某人”为固定用法。


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