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2019届高三英语上学期第三次月考试题(含解析)第I卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Close her eyes to relax for a while.B. Make an appointment at once.C. Get a calendar soon.2. What is Tim doing?A. Locking the door. B. Walking a dog. C. Knocking at the door.3. Whats the mans favorite subject?A. English. B. Math. C. Both English and math.4. What has the woman been doing?A. Doing the garden. B. Working at her office. C. Taking a long shower.5. Where did the woman finally put her desk?A. Behind the door. B. Under the big window.C. Under the little window opposite the door.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6 What does the woman want to do?A. Borrow a map. B. Find the restaurant. C. Visit the campus.7 Why did the woman get lost?A. She went in the wrong direction. B. She didnt have a map.C. She couldnt read road signs.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。8. How did the woman sound on the phone?A. Rude. B. Happy. C. Peaceful.9. What is the woman waiting for?A. Her coffee. B. A call from her friend. C. The result of an interview.10. What will the woman do next?A. Wait patiently. B. Callback. C. Make a decision.听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13三个小题。11. According to the woman, what are summers in Norway like recently?A. Warm. B. Cold. C. Very hot.12. What do most people in Norway do in the summers?A. Stay at home. B. Travel abroad. C. Go to the coast.13. What does the man think of Norway?A. Interesting. B. Surprising. C. Unpleasant.听下面一段对话,回答第14至第17四个小题。14. Where will the woman go next week?A. The Great Britain. B. The United States. C. Australia.15. What does the woman like most about her job?A. Meeting different people.B. Travelling around the world.C. Experiencing the big news event.16. Who can the woman see in Sydney?A. Her sister. B. Her boyfriend. C. Her classmate.17. How does the woman relax?A. Cook for herself. B. Go for a sail. C. Go fishing.听下面一段独白,回答第18至第20三个小题。18. What happened to the speaker?A. She transferred to another city.B. She just found a well-paid job.C. Her hard work paid off.19. What contribution did the speaker make for the pany?A. Increasing the sales. B. Building a branch pany. C. Making new products.20. What do we know about the speaker?A. Her co-workers approve her abilities.B. Her pay rose to $15,000 per year.C. She is in the HR department.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A. B. C. D.四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。University Room RegulationsApproved and Prohibited ItemsThe following items are approved for use in residential (住宿的) rooms: electric blankets, hair dryers, personal puters, radios, televisions and DVD players. Items that are not allowed in student rooms include: candles, ceiling fans, fireworks, waterbeds, sun lamps and wireless routers. Please note that any prohibited items will be taken away by the Office of Residence Life.Access to Residential RoomsStudents are provided with a bination (组合密码) for their room door locks upon check-in. Do not share your room door lock bination with anyone. The Office of Residence Life may change the door lock bination at any time at the expense of the resident if it is found that the student has shared the bination with others. The fee is $ 25 to change a room bination.Cooking PolicyStudents living in buildings that have kitchens are only permitted to cook in the kitchen. Students must clean up after cooking. This is not the responsibility of housekeeping staff. Kitchens that are not kept clean may be closed for use. With the exception of using a small microwave oven to heat food, students are not permitted to cook in their rooms.Pet PolicyNo pets except fish are permitted in student rooms. Students who are found with pets, whether visiting or owned by the student, are subject to an initial fine of $ 100 and a continuing fine of $ 50 a day per pet. Students receive written notice when the fine goes into effect. If, one week from the date of written notice, the pet is not removed, the student is brought to the Student Court.Quiet HoursResidential buildings must maintain an atmosphere that supports the academic mission of the University. Minimum quiet hours in all campus residences are 11:00 pm to 8:00 am Sunday through Thursday. Quiet hours on Friday and Saturday nights are 1:00 am to 8:00 am. Students who violate quiet hours are subject to a fine of $ 25.1. What if a student is found to have told his bination to others?A. The bination should be changed.B. The Office should be charged.C. He should replace the door lock.D. He should check out of the room.2. What do we know about the cooking policy?A. A microwave oven can be used.B. Cooking in student rooms is permitted.C. A housekeeper is to clean up the kitchen.D. Students are to close kitchen doors after cooking.3. When can students enjoy a party in residences?A. 7:00 am, Sunday. B. 7:30 am, Thursday.C. 11:30 pm, Monday. D. 00:30 am, Saturday.【答案】1. A 2. D 3. D【解析】文章大意:本文是一篇应用文大学校内宿舍使用规则。简明扼要地介绍了在国外大学生宿舍里学生应该遵守的一些规章制度。1. A考查细节理解。根据第二部分中的The Office of Residence Life may change the door lock bination at any time at the expense of the resident if it is found that the student has shared the bination with others可知,如果发现学生将组合密码告诉他人,the Office of Residence Life可以随时更改房门锁的组合密码,费用将由学生承担,故选A。2. D考查细节理解。根据第三部分中的With the exception of using a small microwave oven(微波炉) to heat food, students are not permitted to cook in their rooms可知,除了可以使用小的微波炉来加热食物外,不允许学生在房间里做饭,由此可知选D。3. D考查细节理解。根据最后一部分中的Quiet hours on Friday and Saturday nights are 1:00 am to 8:00 am可知,学生应该在周五和周六的凌晨1:00到早上8:00保持安静,由此可知D项正确。【名师点睛】长难句解析1.With the exception of using a small microwave oven (微波炉) to heat food, students are not permitted to cook in their rooms. With the exception of的含义相当于except for,意思是学生可以用微波炉加热食物,但是不能在房间里做饭。2. If, one week from the date of written notice, the pet is not removed, the student is referred to the Student Court.句中If后面的从句是the pet is not removed。BI was about 5 when I first heard the word “Greenland”, and my interest grew from there. Finally, after decades, I decided to go.When I finally arrived, the place, at first glance, was clearly misnamed: The east coast of Greenland was an expanse (宽阔的区域) of ice and snow, with no sign of human habitation.One of my purposes of going to Greenland was to make contact with some native Greenlanders. I didnt know I would achieve this, but success came in an unexpected way.When I arrived at the Illunnguujuk Hostel, where I had reserved a bed, a young couple and their baby were out front, enjoying the sun and unusual warmth. Greenlanders speak their own Inuit language and learn Danish in school, and many also speak English well. The young woman, however, was not one of these. Her English turned out to be anticlimactic.When I identified myself, her eyes widened. Another traveler had arrived earlier and, mistaking him for me, they had given him my bed. There was no more space in the hostel. “But dont worry,” she said, as she threw herself into cleaning a tiny house the family owned. “This is for you,” she said. And as if that werent enough, she invited me to eat supper with her family. That evening I sat down to a dinner of fresh fish with a loving, happy native family.When I first set foot in Greenland I found myself all but shocked by the emptiness, the vastness, and the silence. I had decided that I would probably never return. And then I was taken into this Greenlandic home. I can now say that even cold, empty, and silent scenery is worth visiting, so long as one has a warm and weling place to go to.4. What did the author intend to do in Greenland?A. Get a part-time job.B. Live with a native family.C. Make some native contact.D. Do business with the natives.5. What does the underlined word “anticlimactic” in Paragraph 4 mean?A. Simple. B. Modem.C. Outstanding. D. Disappointing.6. The author lost his bed in the hostel because of .A. the language barrier B. a misunderstandingC. a wrong address D. the high price7. What made the authors visiting Greenland worthwhile?A. Tasting the local food. B. Helping a local family.C. Meeting friendly people. D. Enjoying the great scenery.【答案】4. C 5. D 6. B 7. C【解析】作者去访问Greenland,最初感到空旷、无知和沉默,后来遇到了友好的人,使作者认为Greenland的访问是值得的。4. C细节理解题。根据第三段第一句One of my purposes of going to Greenland was to make contact with some native Greenlanders.可知作者在Greenland打算做一些本地接触。故选C。5. D词义猜测题。根据第四段中Greenlanders speak their own Inuit language and learn Danish in school, and many also speak English well. The young woman, however, was not one of these. Greenlanders说他们自己的Inuit语言,讲自己在学校学到的丹麦语,并且很多人也说英语很好。然而,这位年轻妇女不是这些当中的一个。可知她的英语是令人失望的。However然而,表示转折,在这里起关键作用。故选D。6. B细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一、二句When I identified myself, her eyes widened. Another traveler had arrived earlier and, mistaking him for me, they had given him my bed. There was no more space in the hostel. “可知作者因为误解失去了宾馆的床位。故选B。7. C推理判断题。根据倒数第二段最后一句That evening I sat down to a dinner of fresh fish with a loving, happy native family.和最后一段最后两句And then I was taken into this Greenlandic home. I can now say that even cold, empty, and silent scenery is worth visiting, so long as one has a warm and weling place to go to.可知遇到了友好的人使作者的Greenland访问变得值得。故选C。CGeorge Aldrich, whose official title is chemical specialist, works at NASAs White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico. He uses his nose to protect astronauts from unpleasant or harmful odors (气味). His near four-decade career has involved smelling objects from technical handbooks to astronauts personal things.Its crucial that all items taken aboard the International Space Station (ISS) are odorless. Since astronauts are allowed to bring personal items aboard, all their objects must be smell-checked before leaving Earth. In a video provided by Science Channel, Aldrich relates one specific occasion when an astronaut wanted to build a ship in a bottle in space. Everything in the ship-building process had to be sniffedright down to the glue.Aldrich and his team are responsible for making sure that objects are not only odorless but also harmless to astronauts. When the ISS heats up, a process called off-gassing occurs, which means chemicals flow out from certain substances (物质). Objects that would be safe on Earth could give off unpleasant odors or bee dangerous when exposed to high temperatures in the ISSs unique environment.Of course, humans arent the only testers or the first to be exposed to potentially dangerous objects. Before Aldrich sticks his nose into a substance, it has been examined by machines. Even though machines can detect unsafe substances, puters cannot tell exactly how things smell to humans. While something could be technically fine, it could be smelly to an astronaut.Aldrichs nose is not alone there. He is the head of a hard-sniffing team of smell testers. Together they smell each object and rate it on a scale (等级) of 1 to 4. According to NASA, 1 cannot be detected, and 4 is considered not bearable. After the scientists conclude their tests, the scores are averaged. If an item is rated more than 2.4 on the scale, it fails the test and is not allowed on the flight.8. Which can describe the smell check from Paragraph 2?A. Quite dangerous. B. Extremely strictC. Rather boring. D. Very plex.9. What is a threat to astronauts safety at the ISS?A. Negative emotions. B. Odor-related disease.C. The off-gassing process. D. Changes in temperature.10. What should be done before Aldrich and his team start their work?A. Using machines to test objects.B. Having a meeting to make the scale.C. Using puters to examine their noses.D. Listing potentially dangerous substances.11. What is the text mainly about?A. An unusual smell tester.B. Astronauts life at the ISS.C. Strong odors in a spaceship.D. The smell of personal items.【答案】8. B 9. C 10. A 11. A【解析】本文讲述了一个化学专家George Aldrich在美国宇航局新墨西哥白沙试验工厂工作,由于国际空间站上的所有物品都要求是无气味的,所以他用他的鼻子来保护宇航员免受不良或有害的气味。8. 推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Its crucial that all items taken aboard the International Space Station (ISS) are odorless. all their objects must be smell-checked before leaving Earth”以及第三、四、五段的内容可知,宇航员离开地球前所携带的东西必须经过嗅觉检查,空间站的东西也必须是无味的,而且要经过人和机器的双重检查,所以可推知嗅觉检查是非常严格的。故选B。9. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段“When the ISS heats up, a process called off-gassing occurs, which means chemicals flow out from certain substances (物质). Objects that would be safe on Earth could give off unpleasant odors or bee dangerous when exposed to high temperatures in the ISSs unique environment.”可知,当国际空间站温度升高,一种叫排气的过程发生了,化学成分会从某些物质中散发出来,地球上安全的物体在国际空间站独特的高温环境下会发出难闻的气味或变得危险,这些对宇航员是一种威胁。故选C。10. 细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Of course, humans arent the only testers or the first to be exposed to potentially dangerous objects. Before Aldrich sticks his nose into a substance, it has been examined by machines.”可知,人类并不是唯一有可能接触到潜在危险物体的测试者,Aldrich在工作前已经用机器测试了物质。故选A。11. 主旨大意题。通读文章可知,本文讲述了一个化学专家George Aldrich用他的鼻子来保护宇航员免受不良或有害的气味。这是一个非同寻常的气味测试仪。结合选项,故选A。【名师点睛】推理判断题属于主观题,是层次较高的题目。该题要求在理解表面文字的基础上,作出判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含的意思和深层的意思,也就是通过文章中的文字信息,上下逻辑关系及事物的发展变化等已知的信息,推断出作者没有直接表达的态度和观点。例如本篇阅读第一小题,题目问哪个可以描述第2段的气味检查。定位至文章第二段以后,根据“Its crucial that all items taken aboard the International Space Station (ISS) are odorless. Since astronauts are allowed to bring personal items aboard, all their objects must be smell-checked before leaving Earth.”以及以及第三、四、五段的内容可知,宇航员离开地球前所携带的东西必须经过嗅觉检查,必须保证空间站的东西是无味的,而且要经过人和机器的双重检查,虽然文章并没有提到检查到底是怎样的,但从中可推知到这项检查一定很严格。故选B。DAcross Britain, burnt toast will be served to mothers in bed this morning as older sons and daughters rush to deliver their supermarket bunches of flowers. But, according to a new study, we should be placing a higher value on motherhood all year.Mothers have long known that their home workload was just as heavy as paid work. Now, the new study has shown that if they were paid for their parental labours, they would earn as much as $ 172,000 a year.The study looked at the range of jobs mothers do, as well as the hours they are working, to determine the figure. This would make their yearly ine $ 30,000 more than the Prime Minister earns.By analysing the numbers, it found the average mother works 119 hours a week, 40 of which would usually be paid at a standard rate and 79 hours as overtime. After questioning 1,000 mothers with children under 18, it found that, on most days, mums started their routine work at 7am and finished at around 11pm.To calculate just how much mothers would earn from that labour, it suggested some of the roles that mums could take on, including housekeeper, part-time lawyer, personal trainer and entertainer. Being a part-time lawyer, at 48.98 an hour, would prove to be the most profitable of the “mum jobs”, with psychologist (心理学家) a close second.It also asked mothers about the challenges they face, with 80 percent making emotional demand as the hardest thing about motherhood.Over a third of .mums felt they needed more training and around half said they missed going out with friends.The study shows mothers matter all year long and not just on Mothers Day. The emotional, physical and mental energy mothers devote to their, children can be never-ending, but children are also sources of great joy and happiness. Investing (投入) in time for parenting and raising relationships is money well spent.12. How much would a mother earn a year if working as the Prime Minister?A. 30,000. B. 142,000.C. 172,000. D. 202,000.13. The biggest challenge for most mothers is from .A. emotional demand B. low pay for workC. heavy workload D. lack of training14. What is stressed in the last paragraph?A. Mothers importance shows in family all year long.B. The sacrifices mothers make are huge but worthwhile.C. Mothers devotion to children can hardly be calculated.D. Investing time in parenting would bring a financial return.15. What can we conclude from the study?A. Mothers,working hours should be largely reduced.B. Mothers should balance their time for work and rest.C. Mothers labour is of a higher value than it is realised.D. Mothers should be freed from housework for social life.【答案】12. B 13. A 14. B 15. C【解析】试题分析 :母亲是伟大的,人们对母亲的重视不应该只局限于在母亲节这天给母亲买鲜花礼物上。调查表明母亲在日常生活中的付出如果用钱来支付的话她们能挣到多达每年172,000 ,所以人们要尊重母亲,要每天都感恩母亲。12. B细节理解题。根据第二段 the new study has shown that if they were paid for their parental labours, they would earn as much as172,000 a year.和第三段 This would make their yearly ine 30,000 more than the Prime Minister earns.可知总理的工资应该是172,000-30,000=142,000,故答案选B。13. A细节理解题。根据第六段 It also asked mothers about the challenges they face, with 80 percent making emotional(情感的) demand as the hardest thing about motherhood.可知大多数母亲面临的最大挑战是来自情感的需求,故选A。14. B 细节理解题。根据末段The emotional, physical and mental energy mothers devote to their children can be never-ending Investing(投入) in time for parenting and raising relationships is money well spent可知母亲的付出是巨大的,但同时又是值得的,故选B。15. C 推理判断题。根据首段But, according to a new study, we should be placing a higher value on motherhood all year.可知人们应该意识到母亲的重要性,母亲也应该得到更多的关注,故选C。考点:人生百味类阅读第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。One of the two major types of smog - consisting of smoke fog, sulfur dioxide (二氧化硫), sulfuric acid, ash, and soot (煤烟) -is called London smog. Indeed, the word smog is thought to have originated in England in 1905 as a short form of the words “smoke” and “fog.”Probably the worst case of smog in history started in London on Thursday, 4 December, 1952. _16_ A temperature inversion (逆温) placed a blanket of warm air over the cold air. With nightfall, a thick fog and below-freezing temperatures caused the people of London to put coal into their small stoves. Millions of these fires burned throughout the night, pouring sulfur dioxide and smoke into the air. The next day, Friday, the people continued to bum coal when the temperature remained below freezing._17_Saturday was a day of darkness. For twenty miles around London, no light came through the smog. The air was cold and still._18_ On Monday, 8 December, more than one hundred people died of heart attacks while trying desperately to breathe._19_By the time a light wind cleared the air on Tuesday, 9 December, more than 4,000 deaths had been caused by the smog. This is more people than were ever killed in any single hurricane, mine disaster, shipwreck, or airplane crash._20_ Air pollution events may not seem as serious and shocking as other disasters, but they can be just as deadly.A. Where does “smog” e from?B. Soot and ash can be removed in a scientific way.C. And the coal fires continued to bum throughout the weekend.D. A large cold air mass moved into the valley of the Thames River.E. The factories added their smoke and chemical gas to the atmosphere.F. This is more people than were killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.G. The citys hospitals were


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