九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section B考点直击练习 人教新目标版.doc

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九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section B考点直击练习 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section B考点直击练习 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section B考点直击练习 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.Section B1.Can you tell me the_(weigh) of the apple?|镇江中考|Does your aunt only have a piece of bread for supper?Yes. She eats a little_. She looks slimmer than before.A. to save money B. to lose weightC. saving money D. losing weight 2. The boy was sad because he missed scoring a _(射门). My _(目标) is to be a successful writer. 3. David missed scoring thatgoal. He let his _down.A. coach B. exam C. power D. field Her father c_her for the Olympics last year. 4. The boy is learning how to _(踢) a ball.男孩们正在操场上踢球。(翻译句子)_5. 任务艰巨 ,而且时间紧迫。The task is very difficult. _, time presses. |兰州中考|All the workers went home yesterday _Mr. White. Why?Because he was on duty.A. Except B. besides C. except for D. beside6. |镇江中考| After reading the novel Treasure Island, Paul hasmore_ than before because of the main character, brave Jim.A. Humor B. wealth C. luck D. courage 7. |武汉中考|Once the actor Edwards told his fans,“Be yourself and dont let anybody _ you around.”A. pull B. push C. take D. turn 8. |苏州中考|Helen _(点头) with a smile when she met me.他摇摇头,然后离开了。He _ _ _and went away.9. I think your idea is great. I am in _(agree) with what you said.|荆州中考|Does your father a_with you, Jeff?Yes. He thinks to be a volunteer in Childrens Hospital is a good job. |重庆中考| 我认为这个主意不错,但她不同意。I thought it was a good idea, but she didnt _ _ me. |漳州中考| I think collecting stamps is great fun._. We can also learn a lot from it. A. I agree with youB. No, I dont think soC. No, I dont like it 10. The girl studied hard in order not to disappoint her parents. (选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的选项)A. let.down B. take care of C. take over D. get on well with To our _ (disappoint), it rained every day of the trip.I was _ (失望的) by the quality of the wine. 11. |昆明中考| I need a new jacket. This one doesnt_ the cold.A. help out B. take away C. keep out D. give away 12. |上海中考| I wouldnt mind _ a roommate. We can help each other and save money as well. A. having B. to have C. have D. had |绥化中考| What do you usually do in the morning?I often practice _English.A. speak B. to speak C. speakingShe moved here ten years ago and now she is used _here.A. to live B. to living C. for live D. for living 13. |凉山中考|My parents expected me to be the best. I dont want to let them down. (选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的选项)A. make.happy B. make.tiredC. make.excited D. make.disappointed 14. |黔西南中考|He didnt go to school yesterday _he was ill.A. Because B. because of C. if D. so 15. 我建议他不要开除托尼。I advised him not to _ _ Tony. |河南中考| This bus doesnt go to the train station. Im afraid youll have to _ at the library and take the A52.A. take off B. put off C. get off D. turn off|宁波中考|As the road to the airport is under repair, we will have to _early to get there in time.A. turn off B. take off C. put off D. set off 16. 不要对你的小妹妹太苛刻。Dont _ your little sister.17. 父母应该学会如何和他们的孩子交流。Parents should learn how to _ _ their children. 18. | 宜昌中考 | What would you do for your dad on Fathers Day? I prefer to take him for a trip _ buy him gifts.A. in order to B. no more than C. rather than D. according to |乌鲁木齐中考|有相当数量的大学生宁可待在大城市里,也不去西 部工作。 Quite a large number of college students prefer to stay in big cities_ _ go to work in the western part of China. 19. |上海中考|I was surprised to see my sisters photograph on a magazine cover. (改为同义句)_my _, I saw my sisters photograph on a magazine cover._everyones surprise, the plan succeeded.A. With B. In C. To D. By当我走进房间时,所有人都吃惊地看着我。When I walked into the room, all the people looked at me _ _. 20.即使明天下雨,我们也不会改变计划。_ _ _ _ tomorrow, we wont change our plan.尽管在这个聚会上我谁也不认识,我玩得也很高兴。_ _ _ _ _anybody at the party, I had agood time. 21. My brother was reading a book _I came in.A. as B. since C. because D. though 22. |永州中考|Listen! I hear someone _ in the classroom.A. sing B. singing C. to sing |齐齐哈尔中考| The boy is often heard _in the music room. He sings very well.A. practice singing B. to practice singing C. practiced singingI saw them _ football when I walked past the playground.A. to play B. were playing C. played D. playing 23. |兰州中考|不论发生任何事,我都不会改变心意。_happens, I wont change my mind.Whatever you do, I wont be angry with you. (改为同义句)_ _ _you do, I wont be angry with you. 24. I feel lucky_(be) your tour guide.|贺州中考|I am interested _ sports. I often play soccer and I am _a soccer team.A. in; in B. in; on C. at; in D. at; on 单元专题聚焦. 单项选择1.|重庆中考|He lost his key. It made him in the cold to wait for his wifes returnA. to stayB. stayed C. stays D. stay2.|内江中考|The students in this school are made school uniforms on Monday. A. to wearB. wearing C. wearD. worn 3.|福州中考| We all like Miss Wang. I agree with you. She always makes her English classes .A. interested B. interest C. interesting4.|梅州中考|In the old days, they in the factory from morning to evening.A. were made to workB. asked to workC. made to work D. were asked for work5.|咸宁中考|Do you have any difficulty in English?Yes, but I try to make myself . A. to speak; understoodB. speaking; understandC. to speak; to understandD. speaking; understood. 根据汉语意思完成句子1. 大多数流行歌手把音乐当作他们的职业。Most pop singers their career. 2. 他让我们在某一固定时间上床睡觉。He made to bed at a certain time. 3. 应该让孩子们理解节约用水的重要性。Children should be the importance of saving water. 4. 互联网使我们的生活变得容易和方便。The Internet our life and .5. 悲伤的电影使我想哭。Sad movies .详解详析Section B考点直击单词精讲1weightB,解析)由“她看起来比以前更苗条了”可知“她吃一点儿是为了减肥”。lose weight意为“减肥”,用动词不定式表示目的。故选B。 2goalgoal/aim 3A,解析)考查名词辨析。句意:戴维没有射进那个球,他让他的教练失望了。coach意为“教练”,符合题意。coached4kickThe boys are kicking a ball on the playground.5BesidesA,解析)except意为“除了之外”,表示一种排除关系,except后所接内容不包括在内;besides意为“除了之外还”,表示一种累加关系,besides后所接内容包括在内;except for意为“除了之外”,说明整体情况后,对细节加以纠正,且前后事物是不同种类的;beside意为“在旁边”。句意:“昨天除了怀特先生外所有的工人都回家了。为什么?”“因为他在值班。”由句意可知选A。6D7B,解析)考查动词辨析。pull意为“拉”;push意为“推”;take意为“带走”;turn意为“转身;旋转”。push around为固定搭配,意为“任意摆布”。句意:曾经演员Edwards告诉他的粉丝“做你自己,不要让任何人任意摆布你。”故选B。8noddedshook his head 9agreementagreeagree withA,解析)本题考查交际用语。结合答语中的“我们还可以从中学到很多东西”可知,说话人同意对方的观点。故选A。10A,解析)letdown意为“使失望”;take care of意为“照顾”;take over意为“取代”;get on well with意为“与和睦相处”。结合本题题意可知“那个女孩学习努力,为的是不让她的父母失望”。故选A。disappointmentdisappointed短语赏析11C,解析)本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:我需要一件新夹克,这件夹克不能抵挡严寒。help out意为“帮助克服困难”;take away意为“带走”;keep out意为“挡在外面”;give away意为“捐赠”。根据句意可知选C。12A,解析)mind doing sth.意为“介意做某事”,为固定用法。故选A。C,解析)practice doing sth.意为“练习做某事”,为固定用法。故选C。B,解析)be used to doing sth.意为“习惯于做某事”,为固定用法。故选B。13D14A,解析)考查连词的用法。句意:他昨天没有去上学,因为他生病了。“he was ill”是句子,所以用because引导原因状语从句。故选A。15kick off C,解析)本题考查“动词off”结构短语。take off意为“(飞机等)起飞;脱掉”;put off意为“推迟”;get off意为“下车”;turn off意为“关掉”。结合本题中的“这辆公共汽车不去火车站”可推断,“恐怕你不得不在图书馆下车乘坐A52”。故get off符合题意。D,解析)考查动词短语辨析。turn off意为“关掉”;take off意为“(飞机等)起飞;脱掉”;put off意为“推迟”;set off意为“出发”。结合本题题意可知,因为去机场的路正在修,所以我们将不得不早点“出发”才能及时到达那里。故选D。16be hard on/be strict with 17communicate with 18C,解析)本题考查固定搭配。答语句意为“我更愿意带他去旅行,而不是给他买礼物”。prefer to do A rather than do B为固定用法,意为“宁愿做A,也不愿做B”。故选C。rather than 19To; surpriseCin surprise句型解读20Even if it rainsEven though I didnt know21.A22BB,解析)动词hear在主动语态中后面接不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,而变成被动语态后,to必须加上。故选B。D23WhateverNo matter what24to beB,解析)考查介词的用法。be interested in意为“对感兴趣”;表示“在队”用介词on。故选B。单元专题聚焦巧品语法. 1.D,解析)考查非谓语动词的用法。make sb. do sth.意为“使某人做某事”,为固定用法。故选D。 2A3C,解析)句意:“我们都喜欢王老师。”“我同意你的意见。她总是使她的英语课有趣。”此处是“make宾语宾语补足语”结构,应用形容词作宾语补足语。interested意为“感兴趣的”,常修饰人,而interesting意为“有趣的”,常修饰物。故选C。4A5D,解析)have difficulty (in) doing sth.是固定搭配,意为“做某事有困难”,故第一空要用speaking,先排除A、C项;表示“使自己被别人理解”要用make oneself understood,故第二空要用过去分词understood。 故选D。. 1.make music2us go3made to understand4makes; easy; convenient5make me want to cry


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